


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              L. pneumophila (lspF) mutants lacking type II protein se
2                                              L. pneumophila adhesion on these biofilm under low flow
3                                              L. pneumophila delivers almost 300 effector proteins int
4                                              L. pneumophila encodes more than 300 putative effectors,
5                                              L. pneumophila GTPase-activating protein LepB inactivate
6                                              L. pneumophila is able to infect alveolar macrophages in
7                                              L. pneumophila is well known as the cause of Legionnaire
8                                              L. pneumophila lacking lppA replicated less efficiently
9                                              L. pneumophila mutant strains lacking EnhC (DeltaenhC) i
10                                              L. pneumophila mutants lacking SidD were defective for R
11                                              L. pneumophila pathogenicity relies on secretion of more
12                                              L. pneumophila possesses three proteins, PlaA, PlaC, and
13                                              L. pneumophila replicates in protozoa and mammalian phag
14                                              L. pneumophila replicates within macrophages by using a
15                                              L. pneumophila serogroup 1 isolates (n = 106) from the s
16                                              L. pneumophila strain JR32 contains two virulence-associ
17                                              L. pneumophila strain Lp02, which is attenuated in the a
18                                              L. pneumophila TLR ligands induced the splicing of mRNA
19                                              L. pneumophila triggers the reduction of several sphingo
20                                              L. pneumophila was able to inhibit both chemical and bac
21                            The 2011 and 2013 L. pneumophila patient isolates were serogroup 1 and clo
22                            WGS data from 229 L. pneumophila ST1 isolates were analyzed, including 99
23 , we report the sequence and analyses of 364 L. pneumophila genomes, including 337 from the five dise
24 er treatment to characterize and eliminate a L. pneumophila population responsible for nosocomial inf
25 t Ab-mediated protection is effective across L. pneumophila serogroups, suggesting that Abs specific
26 ers in bronchoalveolar lavage and lung after L. pneumophila challenge.
27  relevant for Ab-mediated protection against L. pneumophila.
28 ntribute to the host immune response against L. pneumophila during pulmonary infection.
29 ay contribute to the immune response against L. pneumophila.
30 prophylactic potential in restricting airway L. pneumophila replication.
31 y in response to iron limitation that allows L. pneumophila to abandon the host cell when nutrients a
32                                     Although L. pneumophila utilizes host amino acids as the main sou
33                              Inside amoebae, L. pneumophila was detected in 13.9% (6/43) of the isola
34 genetic diversity and clonal expansion among L. pneumophila bacteria.
35 ocated inefficiently into cultured cells, an L. pneumophila DeltalpdA mutant displayed reduced replic
36 n among disinfectant residual, biofilms, and L. pneumophila, which provides guidelines to assess and
37 the Dot/Icm system from both C. burnetii and L. pneumophila.
38  Bordetella pertussis, Escherichia coli, and L. pneumophila.
39 racellular colocalization of B. neotomae and L. pneumophila was required for rescue and that colocali
40 ring the wet season than the dry season, and L. pneumophila was only observed during the wet season.
41 TBK1/IRF3 pathway during M. tuberculosis and L. pneumophila infection of macrophages, whereas L. mono
42 sinfectant to release the biofilm-associated L. pneumophila from these two types of biofilms, the L.
43 his study, the release of biofilm-associated L. pneumophila under simulated drinking water flow conta
44         We determined the connection between L. pneumophila adhesion and subsequent detachment with b
45       Given the intimate interaction between L. pneumophila and the endoplasmic reticulum, we investi
46 model to investigate the interaction between L. pneumophila and the host.
47 hat LtpD is a novel phosphoinositide-binding L. pneumophila effector that has a role in intracellular
48 moebas naturally colonized the six SDSs, but L. pneumophila and M. avium were not detected.
49 al de novo synthesis of these amino acids by L. pneumophila.
50 array was used to identify genes affected by L. pneumophila 6S RNA in stationary phase.
51 ously derived rhizoferrin are assimilated by L. pneumophila in an LbtU- and LbtC-dependent manner.
52 mg/L, 10/11 sites (91%) were contaminated by L. pneumophila serogroups 3 and 10.
53                               Since death by L. pneumophila infection depends on the early anti-micro
54 solized bacteria, and infection of humans by L. pneumophila can result in a severe pneumonia called L
55 -mediated inflammasome activation induced by L. pneumophila.
56     However, the infection event mediated by L. pneumophila Cas2 appeared to be distinct from this fu
57 ortant for phagosomal membrane remodeling by L. pneumophila.
58 usly that PlaC is the major GCAT secreted by L. pneumophila and that the zinc metalloproteinase ProA
59 We now report that two molecules secreted by L. pneumophila, homogentisic acid (HGA) and its polymeri
60 ious proteomic analysis revealed that T2S by L. pneumophila 130b mediates the export of >25 proteins,
61              Compared with Escherichia coli, L. pneumophila encodes fewer canonical single-stranded e
62 mbda phage library representing the complete L. pneumophila genome and two-dimensional gel electropho
63 troscopy to directly sort pellets containing L. pneumophila cells, expelled by T. thermophila, and to
64 ned interactions between vacuoles containing L. pneumophila and the host ER.
65 al structure and local hydrodynamics control L. pneumophila adhesion to and detachment from simulated
66 spase-11-dependent pyroptosis by cytoplasmic L. pneumophila-derived LPS required Gbp(chr3) proteins.
67 ng bacterial products into the host cytosol, L. pneumophila also activates cytosolic immunosurveillan
68  to T4SS-sufficient, but not T4SS-deficient, L. pneumophila.
69                          Analysis of defined L. pneumophila knock-out mutants indicated Lsp-dependent
70     PlcA and PlcB are two previously defined L. pneumophila proteins with homology to the phosphatidy
71 fections with the cytosol-invading DeltasdhA L. pneumophila mutant was similarly dependent on Gbp(chr
72 lic sensors called inflammasomes that detect L. pneumophila in vitro and in vivo.
73 y, two primer/probe sets (one able to detect L. pneumophila and the other L. pneumophila Sg1) were de
74 ecognition receptor-deficient mice displayed L. pneumophila infection phenotypes similar to those of
75 maintained the protein level constant during L. pneumophila infection and conveyed caspase-1 activati
76 mmasome components in human monocytes during L. pneumophila infection revealed that the expression of
77  TRIF, and TBK1 in cytokine secretion during L. pneumophila infection of macrophages.
78  host unfolded protein response (UPR) during L. pneumophila infection.
79 xual response to DNA damage may have enabled L. pneumophila to acquire and propagate foreign genes, c
80  translocated effectors has probably enabled L. pneumophila to adapt to the intracellular life within
81 the gene encoding LegC4 resulted in enhanced L. pneumophila in the lungs of infected mice but not wit
82  enhanced the capacity of viable filamentous L. pneumophila to escape phagosomal killing in a length-
83 cance of PlaB-derived lipolytic activity for L. pneumophila intracellular replication.
84 s when molecular diagnostics are applied for L. pneumophila detection.
85 aired translocation of proteins critical for L. pneumophila intracellular growth.
86               Although the natural hosts for L. pneumophila are free-living protozoa that reside in f
87 ion in vitro Moreover, LbtP is important for L. pneumophila growth within macrophages while LbtU is d
88 come the new gold standard typing method for L. pneumophila.
89  moth Galleria mellonella as a new model for L. pneumophila infection.
90 n Rab6A' function and the role of Rab6A' for L. pneumophila growth within host cells has been unclear
91  colony-forming units (CFU) per reaction for L. pneumophila and three CFU per reaction for S. typhimu
92 hils are both an intracellular reservoir for L. pneumophila and a source of proinflammatory cytokines
93 9, was previously identified in a screen for L. pneumophila IDTS that manipulate secretory traffic wh
94           While the endogenous substrate for L. pneumophila LapG is unknown, the enzyme processed the
95 ips was optimized as a prescreening tool for L. pneumophila.
96 ar isotopologue patterns in amino acids from L. pneumophila wild type and the mutants under study ref
97 aptured DsbA2 P198T-substrate complexes from L. pneumophila by mass spectrometry identified periplasm
98 of the immunoglobulin-cleaving protease from L. pneumophila revealed that the protease is conserved a
99 ify the LegC3 secreted effector protein from L. pneumophila as able to inhibit a SNARE- and Rab GTPas
100 ole of another Rab1-interacting protein from L. pneumophila, the effector protein LidA, is poorly und
101 oiled-coiled domain containing proteins from L. pneumophila, LegC7/YlfA and LegC2/YlfB, did not inhib
102 output domain of the LapD-like receptor from L. pneumophila, CdgS9, binds the LapG ortholog involving
103                     The use of 16s rRNA from L. pneumophila allowed for the detection of metabolicall
104 We found that the effector protein SidD from L. pneumophila catalyzed AMP release from Rab1, generati
105  we show that the effector protein VipD from L. pneumophila exhibits phospholipase A1 activity that i
106                                     Further, L. pneumophila DeltaenhC is specifically rescued in Nod1
107  environmental survival and virulence; e.g., L. pneumophila employs T2S for infection of amoebae, gro
108 erved in the same amino acids from LCV-grown L. pneumophila.
109 e cyclase (CyaA) assay in the surrogate host L. pneumophila.
110                     These studies reveal how L. pneumophila creates a vacuole that supports intracell
111                                     However, L. pneumophila is able to suppress the UPR and block the
112 ient sera for reactivity with the identified L. pneumophila Ags.
113 erestingly, we show that the host identifies L. pneumophila infection as a form of endoplasmic reticu
114  independent methods to identify immunogenic L. pneumophila protein Ags, namely, the screening of a l
115 , loss of both LbtP and LbtU does not impair L. pneumophila growth in the amoebal host Acanthamoeba c
116  Although the ability of IFN-gamma to impede L. pneumophila growth is fully dependent on Stat1, IFN-a
117                                           In L. pneumophila, DsbA2 is maintained as a mixture of disu
118                                           In L. pneumophila, DsbA2 was maintained as a mixture of thi
119  exhibits the most prominent PLA activity in L. pneumophila.
120 approach to interfere with DsbA2 function in L. pneumophila determined that DSB oxidase activity was
121                        Expression of IcaA in L. pneumophila inhibited the caspase-11 activation in ma
122              Related DGRs were identified in L. pneumophila clinical isolates that encode unique targ
123 lly abolishes the synthesis of pyomelanin in L. pneumophila cultures at 10 muM.
124 phtD loci contribute to thymidine salvage in L. pneumophila.
125             These results indicated that, in L. pneumophila, competence may be a response to genotoxi
126 -based typing (SBT) analysis of all incoming L. pneumophila serogroup 1 (Lp1) isolates to identify po
127 ba amino acids into the LCV and further into L. pneumophila where they served as precursors for bacte
128 vo synthesis of amino acids by intravacuolar L. pneumophila contributes to its nutrition.
129          Instead, the absence of LbtP limits L. pneumophila replication and causes bacteria to premat
130 pellets, detection methods for packaged live L. pneumophila forms remaining in water should be cultiv
131       Finally, when cultured in macrophages, L. pneumophila required the phtC-phtD locus to replicate
132 infection with wild-type but not T4SS mutant L. pneumophila Using confocal microscopy, it was determi
133                          A total of 30 novel L. pneumophila B cell Ags were identified, the majority
134 cterial supernatants enhanced the ability of L. pneumophila and other species of Legionella to take u
135 '(Q72L) significantly reduced the ability of L. pneumophila to initiate intracellular replication in
136 enic evolution and nutritional adaptation of L. pneumophila and other intracellular bacteria to life
137        The results of phenotypic analyses of L. pneumophila strains lacking phtC or phtD strongly ind
138  together, genome-wide chromatin analysis of L. pneumophila-infected macrophages demonstrated inducti
139        Here, we show that upon attachment of L. pneumophila to human monocyte-derived macrophages (hM
140        However, after ingesting the cells of L. pneumophila, some protozoa expel them as compressed l
141 tematically comparing pulmonary clearance of L. pneumophila in C57BL/6 MyD88(-/-), TLR2(-/-), TLR3(-/
142  document the occurrence and colonization of L. pneumophila Sg1 in cold water delivered from point of
143 olling adhesion and subsequent detachment of L. pneumophila associated with biofilms remain unclear.
144 e direct, timely, and effective detection of L. pneumophila within man-made water systems.
145 n increased replication and dissemination of L. pneumophila and higher rates of mortality.
146          The exported AnkB F-box effector of L. pneumophila is anchored into the LCV membrane by host
147 in six other Legionella genomes, in entry of L. pneumophila into amoebae and macrophages and in host-
148 viable Legionella, shown with the example of L. pneumophila, ranging in a total concentration between
149 ost cell infection, VipD reduces exposure of L. pneumophila to the endosomal compartment and protects
150 e role of two important virulence factors of L. pneumophila, the potent danger signal flagellin and t
151 ector SdeA is a member of the SidE family of L. pneumophila effector proteins.
152  that members of the SidE effector family of L. pneumophila ubiquitinate multiple Rab small GTPases a
153                             A key feature of L. pneumophila pathogenesis is the rapid influx of neutr
154                                   Fusions of L. pneumophila Icm/Dot-translocated substrates (IDTS) to
155       Phytate reversibly abolished growth of L. pneumophila in broth, and growth inhibition was relie
156 to support efficient intracellular growth of L. pneumophila.
157 monocytes via LILRA2 inhibited the growth of L. pneumophila.
158 two qPCR assays to evaluate the incidence of L. pneumophila Sg1.
159 yses indicate that environmental isolates of L. pneumophila have a potential positive selection for t
160                                 A library of L. pneumophila effectors was screened using an expressio
161               The intracellular lifestyle of L. pneumophila within protozoa is considered to be a fun
162 or of neutrophil recruitment to the lungs of L. pneumophila-infected mice.
163 ectious mature intracellular forms (MIFs) of L. pneumophila are considered as infectious particles mo
164  can be easily adapted for the monitoring of L. pneumophila serogroups in clinical and environmental
165 lla pneumophila or a nonpathogenic mutant of L. pneumophila.
166 Genetic screening using flagellin mutants of L. pneumophila as a surrogate host, reveals a novel C. b
167    Here we show the aroB and aroE mutants of L. pneumophila to be defective in growth in human monocy
168           Here, we used flagellin mutants of L. pneumophila, which bypass the NAIP5/NLRC4-mediated re
169                          The large number of L. pneumophila effectors has been a limiting factor in a
170 th a role in the ecology and pathogenesis of L. pneumophila, HGA and HGA-melanin were effective at re
171 s not been characterized in the pathology of L. pneumophila TNFAIP2 messenger RNA and protein were up
172          Therefore, the shikimate pathway of L. pneumophila is differentially required for optimal gr
173 trol of Rab1 activity in different phases of L. pneumophila infection is thus established.
174 arly half of the taps showed the presence of L. pneumophila Sg1 in one sampling event, and 16% of tap
175               Intracellular proliferation of L. pneumophila in two evolutionarily distant hosts is fa
176 ient to power intracellular proliferation of L. pneumophila.
177       We now report that the Cas2 protein of L. pneumophila has both RNase and DNase activities, with
178 ntly, we determined that the Cas2 protein of L. pneumophila promotes intracellular infection of Acant
179 The bona fide F-box AnkB effector protein of L. pneumophila strain AA100/130b is anchored to the cyto
180 in different ways to the broad host range of L. pneumophila.
181  led to reduced intracellular replication of L. pneumophila Corby in A549 cells.
182 t for efficient intracellular replication of L. pneumophila.
183 s essential for intracellular replication of L. pneumophila.
184 s essential for intracellular replication of L. pneumophila.
185        The higher disinfectant resistance of L. pneumophila released from untreated biofilms was pres
186 e caspase-11 was required for restriction of L. pneumophila infection.
187 s the first step toward reducing the risk of L. pneumophila exposure and subsequent infections.
188          In a next step, clinical samples of L. pneumophila were analyzed using the FO-SPR sensor.
189 is the first example of a genome sequence of L. pneumophila from a serogroup other than serogroup 1.
190  nucleotides mismatches in another strain of L. pneumophila and a different bacterium species, respec
191                           A single strain of L. pneumophila encodes a repertoire of over 300 differen
192               Here, we developed a strain of L. pneumophila producing a fusion protein consisting of
193  its catalytic mutant form, into a strain of L. pneumophila that naturally lacks a CRISPR-Cas locus c
194 pneumophila subsp. pneumophila, 3 strains of L. pneumophila subsp. fraseri or L. pneumophila subsp. p
195 ionella species or subspecies: 15 strains of L. pneumophila subsp. pneumophila, 3 strains of L. pneum
196 Here, we determined the crystal structure of L. pneumophila RidL in complex with the human VPS29-VPS3
197                        Crystal structures of L. pneumophila LapG provide the first atomic models of b
198  or phtD(+) alleles enhanced the survival of L. pneumophila thymidylate synthase (thyA)-deficient str
199 ar infection, and intrapulmonary survival of L. pneumophila, it exhibited antimicrobial activity towa
200 hese data demonstrate that the T2S system of L. pneumophila dampens the cytokine/chemokine output of
201                            DotL, the T4CP of L. pneumophila, contains an ATPase domain and a C-termin
202                      Upon further testing of L. pneumophila culture supernatants, we found that signi
203 genes of E. coli were replaced with those of L. pneumophila, motility was restored and DsbA2 was pres
204   This observation highlights the utility of L. pneumophila as a powerful tool for studying a critica
205                             The virulence of L. pneumophila depends on its Dot/Icm type IV secretion
206  strains of L. pneumophila subsp. fraseri or L. pneumophila subsp. pascullei, 4 strains of "L. donald
207 pGpp and other stress signals to co-ordinate L. pneumophila differentiation.
208  able to detect L. pneumophila and the other L. pneumophila Sg1) were determined to be highly sensiti
209  spp. densities (likely including pathogenic L. pneumophila) were significantly higher in one type of
210               Only infection with pathogenic L. pneumophila resulted in ubiquitination of positive re
211 f genes characteristic of transmissive-phase L. pneumophila.
212  risks of pathogenic Legionella pneumophila (L. pneumophila), thus raising human health concerns.
213                               The preadhered L. pneumophila on selected rough and smooth biofilms wer
214 iminated culturable Legionella and prevented L. pneumophila from recolonizing biofilms, but M. avium
215 ose that PhtC and PhtD contribute to protect L. pneumophila from dTMP starvation during its intracell
216                     Indeed, lpg0273 protects L. pneumophila from toxic concentrations of nicotinic ac
217 se data suggest that the surfactant provides L. pneumophila with a selective advantage over other leg
218 and infectivity (to amoebae) of the released L. pneumophila were studied.
219 d by 16S rRNA qPCR) surrounding the released L. pneumophila.
220              In particular, when replicative L. pneumophila are treated with 5 mM nicotinic acid, the
221  of mouse caspase-11, cooperated to restrict L. pneumophila infection in human macrophages.
222 ound a superior role of IgG2c in restricting L. pneumophila replication in a prophylactic setting.
223             Here, we show that five secreted L. pneumophila effectors are responsible for the activat
224                                        Since L. pneumophila cells are hardly culturable from these pe
225 enetic element profiles, suggesting a single L. pneumophila population as the source of nosocomial in
226 mimicked thymidine limitation or starvation, L. pneumophila exhibited a marked requirement for PhtC f
227 olving a major nosocomial-associated strain, L. pneumophila sequence type (ST) 1.
228 tion of the ER-derived vacuole that supports L. pneumophila replication.
229 Stat1, IFN-alphabeta unexpectedly suppresses L. pneumophila growth in both Stat1- and Stat2-deficient
230                    Thus, we demonstrate that L. pneumophila is able to inhibit the UPR by multiple me
231  tests with E. coli mutants established that L. pneumophila dsbA1, but not the dsbA2 strain, restored
232  This observation coupled with the fact that L. pneumophila does not encode TonB suggests that LbtU i
233                    Previously, we found that L. pneumophila uses both a ferrisiderophore pathway and
234  lacking phtC or phtD strongly indicate that L. pneumophila requires PhtC and PhtD function under con
235                         Here, we report that L. pneumophila differentiation is also triggered by nico
236                          Here we report that L. pneumophila encodes an effector protein, named SidP,
237                          Here we report that L. pneumophila translocates the effector protein sphingo
238 Furthermore, biochemical studies reveal that L. pneumophila uses two effectors (Lgt1 and Lgt2) to inh
239 ansmission electron microscopy revealed that L. pneumophila resided within insect hemocytes in a vacu
240                                 We show that L. pneumophila periplasmic protein EnhC, which is unique
241                               We showed that L. pneumophila-induced TNFAIP2 expression is dependent o
242 genetic and phenotypic evidence suggest that L. pneumophila lacks a prototypic SOS response and compe
243                     Our studies suggest that L. pneumophila proteins interact with ER tubules at an e
244          Thus, the pulmonary cell types that L. pneumophila infects not only may act as an intracellu
245                                          The L. pneumophila DGR is found within a horizontally acquir
246                                          The L. pneumophila population has evolved to comprise 3 clon
247                                          The L. pneumophila-containing vacuole evades fusion with lys
248 ophila from these two types of biofilms, the L. pneumophila release kinetics values from predisinfect
249 acquisition of foreign DNA has broadened the L. pneumophila host range.
250 entify and characterize sRNAs encoded in the L. pneumophila genome.
251                                       In the L. pneumophila strain 130b, one mechanism used to acquir
252  paralog of LbtU, in iron acquisition in the L. pneumophila strain Philadelphia-1.
253                            Expression of the L. pneumophila DGR resulted in transfer of DNA sequence
254                 However, inactivation of the L. pneumophila released from predisinfected biofilms was
255        Caspase-11 promoted the fusion of the L. pneumophila vacuole with lysosomes by modulating acti
256                           We showed that the L. pneumophila arginine repressor homolog, ArgR, is requ
257     Mapping of these genes revealed that the L. pneumophila chromosome has a modular architecture con
258 gether, our study provides evidence that the L. pneumophila effector GobX exploits two post-translati
259                       Here, we show that the L. pneumophila effector GobX possesses E3 ubiquitin liga
260                        Here we show that the L. pneumophila effector Lpg1137 is a serine protease tha
261                 Here we demonstrate that the L. pneumophila protein SidD preferably deAMPylates Rab1.
262                             We show that the L. pneumophila Rab1-targeting effector DrrA is sufficien
263                            We found that the L. pneumophila strains 130b, Paris, and JR32 caused mort
264                 These data indicate that the L. pneumophila T2S system dampens the signaling of the T
265                     Here, we report that the L. pneumophila virulence factor SidF is a phosphatidylin
266 is suggests a complex mechanism by which the L. pneumophila effector SidJ modulates the function of t
267 de novo assembly allowed comparison with the L. pneumophila Paris reference strain to infer phylogene
268  It remained unclear, however, whether these L. pneumophila proteins exhibit PLC activity.
269 nding interface on Rab5, explaining why this L. pneumophila effector can compete with cellular ligand
270                                        Thus, L. pneumophila can shut down ER-mitochondria communicati
271 htC and PhtD conferred a growth advantage to L. pneumophila thyA(+) strains.
272 large cohort of effectors that contribute to L. pneumophila virulence positively or negatively and ha
273 hat it is a virulence factor contributing to L. pneumophila infection in vivo.
274 ue and that colocalization came at a cost to L. pneumophila fitness.
275                            Human exposure to L. pneumophila Sg1 may occur from aerosolization and sub
276 al initiator of the inflammatory response to L. pneumophila in vivo and point to an important role fo
277  and protein were upregulated in response to L. pneumophila infection of human-BDMs and human alveola
278 tral role in the transcriptional response to L. pneumophila METHODS: We infected human-blood-derived
279 o the production of IL-1alpha in response to L. pneumophila remain poorly defined.
280 phil recruitment to the lungs in response to L. pneumophila.
281  shapes the host transcriptional response to L. pneumophila.
282  ability to direct an innate response toward L. pneumophila.
283 host immunity and reveal a T4SS-translocated L. pneumophila phytase that counteracts intracellular ba
284  an essential carbon source for transmissive L. pneumophila.
285     Interference with AnkB function triggers L. pneumophila to exhibit a starvation response and diff
286 e able to promote Fe(3+) uptake by wild-type L. pneumophila as well as enhance growth of iron-starved
287                                    Wild-type L. pneumophila persisted and replicated within the larva
288        Furthermore, in contrast to wild-type L. pneumophila, a DeltasdhA mutant caused a transient de
289 4SS-translocated effectors and harbor viable L. pneumophila during pulmonary infection of mice.
290 utrophil recruitment in response to virulent L. pneumophila requires the production of IL-1alpha spec
291 IL-1alpha production in response to virulent L. pneumophila.
292  is transmitted by mammalian hosts, whereas, L. pneumophila is found primarily in the environment ass
293 ranes for biogenesis of the vacuole in which L. pneumophila replicates, these studies have revealed t
294  human-blood-derived macrophages (BDMs) with L. pneumophila and used chromatin immunoprecipitation fo
295 ted that a Dot/Icm substrate identified with L. pneumophila was also translocated by C. burnetii in a
296  demonstrated that macrophages infected with L. pneumophila exhibit mitogen-activated protein (MAP) k
297 se 13C-prelabeled amoebae were infected with L. pneumophila wild type or some mutants defective in pu
298                 When mice were infected with L. pneumophila, immunoglobulins were cleaved and recogni
299          Infection of mouse macrophages with L. pneumophila wild type, plaB knock-out mutant, and pla
300 evealed that hospitals have been seeded with L. pneumophila via both local and international spread o

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