


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              LCV forms predominated over the next 4 days, during whic
2                                              LCV RNA2 mutants with nucleotide deletions or replacemen
3                                              LCVs can efficiently immortalize B lymphocytes from the
4 s are consistent with a metabolically active LCV and a structurally resistant SCV.
5 nfected orally with LCV failed to develop an LCV-specific humoral response and viremia was more prono
6 s ancestral viral genes likely present in an LCV progenitor from viral genes acquired later as primat
7 w completed the first genomic sequence of an LCV infecting a New World primate by describing the uniq
8 ole was decorated with the T4SS effector and LCV marker SidC.
9 m viral genes acquired later as primates and LCV coevolved, providing a defining point in the evoluti
10               Silver-stained gels of SCV and LCV lysates separated by two-dimensional (2-D) gel elect
11 GE and silver staining of lysates of SCV and LCV purified by caesium chloride-equilibrium density cen
12     A subset of BILF1 receptors from EBV and LCVs from NHPs (chimpanzee, orangutan, marmoset, and sia
13 Four and 15 upregulated proteins of SCVs and LCVs, respectively, were identified by mass spectrometry
14                               ER- associated LCV formation was unique to CLas, as we could not detect
15  and seroconversion followed by asymptomatic LCV persistence.
16 intravenous inoculation of 10(8) autologous, LCV-immortalized B cells in 4 additional immunosuppresse
17 s macaque lymphocryptoviruses (LCVs) (baboon LCV and rhesus LCV).
18 mplicons packaged in rhesus monkey or baboon LCV envelopes were also consistent with a species-restri
19                        In this study, baboon LCV could not immortalize human peripheral blood B cells
20 uman B cells could be coinfected with baboon LCV, and the simian virus persisted and replicated in hu
21                               In conclusion, LCV infection induces a variety of changes in B cells th
22 tif that enables anchoring to the ER-derived LCV membrane.
23 which is extremely divergent among different LCV was virtually identical between the 208-95 and LCL86
24 repeated i.v. MTX in the setting of low-dose LCV rescue was associated with a higher risk for acute N
25 e that the species restriction for efficient LCV-induced B-cell immortalization occurs beyond virus b
26                              Thus, efficient LCV-induced B-cell immortalization across distant Old Wo
27  issue, we determined whether the endogenous LCVs of baboon (Cercopithecine herpesvirus 12) and rhesu
28                                     Finally, LCV infection also induced expression of LC3-II(+) cytos
29 e determinant of the species restriction for LCV-induced B-cell immortalization maps to the EBNA-3 lo
30                 In addition, specificity for LCV infection and exclusion of potential cross-reactivit
31 e also observed in the same amino acids from LCV-grown L. pneumophila.
32            In contrast, similar regions from LCV RNA2, including those upstream of the YSS, did not.
33 ng SidD were defective for Rab1 removal from LCVs, identifying SidD as the missing link connecting th
34 epB inactivates Rab1 before its removal from LCVs.
35 tologous species, but the ability of a given LCV to immortalize B cells from other Old World primate
36 an primates are closely related to the human LCV, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and share similar genome
37                These biologic differences in LCV infection of New World versus human and Old World pr
38 oximately 29-kDa MOMP is highly expressed in LCV, down-regulated in SCV, and not apparent in SDC.
39 for studying the role of the EBNA-3 genes in LCV pathogenesis.
40 tern blot analysis detected abundant RpoS in LCV but not in SCV.
41 s were greater than twofold more abundant in LCVs than in SCVs, with six proteins greater than twofol
42 r than twofold more abundant in SCVs than in LCVs.
43 Ab NM7.3 reacted with a approximately 32-kDa LCV-upregulated antigen, and MAb NM183 reacted with a ap
44 Ab NM183 reacted with a approximately 45-kDa LCV-specific antigen.
45 lysis, confirming the identity of the 45-kDa LCV-specific antigen.
46 n B cells with simian LCV resulted in latent LCV EBNA-2 gene expression and activation of cell CD23 g
47 mens A and C v B), increased MTX-leucovorin (LCV) ratio (regimens A and C v B), and choice and timing
48 ngth and depth of immune control in limiting LCV-induced lymphoproliferative disease.
49  herpesvirus in the genus Lymphocryptovirus (LCV).
50 BV), the only known human lymphocryptovirus (LCV), displays a remarkable degree of genetic and biolog
51 rved in the rhesus monkey lymphocryptovirus (LCV).
52 infected with EBV-related lymphocryptovirus (LCV) are requisite APCs for MHC-E-restricted autoaggress
53 -Barr virus (EBV)-related lymphocryptovirus (LCV) genus and extended the known host range of LCVs bey
54 -Barr virus (EBV)-related lymphocryptovirus (LCV) naturally infecting common marmosets demonstrated t
55 es from a closely related lymphocryptovirus (LCV) which naturally infects rhesus monkeys.
56 at target the rhesus (rh) lymphocryptovirus (LCV) EBNA-1 to determine if ongoing T cell responses dur
57   We sequenced the rhesus lymphocryptovirus (LCV) genome in order to determine its genetic similarity
58                The rhesus lymphocryptovirus (LCV) is an EBV-related herpesvirus that naturally infect
59 th the EBV-related rhesus lymphocryptovirus (LCV).
60 d herpesvirus in the same lymphocryptovirus (LCV) genera as EBV naturally infects rhesus monkeys and
61 irus which is in the same lymphocryptovirus (LCV) genus as and closely related to Epstein-Barr virus
62 herpesviruses in the same lymphocryptovirus (LCV) genus that naturally infect Old World nonhuman prim
63  and the related herpes lymphocryptoviruses (LCV) infecting baboons and rhesus macaques.
64 lated herpesviruses, or lymphocryptoviruses (LCV), naturally infect humans and nonhuman primates (NHP
65 naturally infected with lymphocryptoviruses (LCV) that are closely related to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV
66                         Lymphocryptoviruses (LCVs) naturally infecting Old World nonhuman primates ar
67 boon and rhesus macaque lymphocryptoviruses (LCVs) (baboon LCV and rhesus LCV).
68  nonhuman primate (NHP) lymphocryptoviruses (LCVs).
69 ins of nonhuman primate lymphocryptoviruses (LCVs), which bear a strong genetic and biological simila
70  immune evasion genes expressed during lytic LCV infection do not prevent L-specific CD8(+) T cell de
71  Like EBNA-3C, both BaLCV and rhesus macaque LCV (RhLCV) 3C proteins bound to J kappa and repressed t
72                           The rhesus macaque LCV (rhLCV) contains a repertoire of genes identical to
73  that (i) both the baboon and rhesus macaque LCVs have a genomic locus that is highly homologous to t
74  effector SdhA, which is crucial to maintain LCV integrity, in the Galleria mellonella infection mode
75                                     Marmoset LCV transcripts encoding putative latent infection nucle
76 against lytic- and latent-infection marmoset LCV antigens in order to perform the first seroepidemiol
77 we found that the seroprevalence of marmoset LCV infection was not as ubiquitous as with EBV or Old W
78  The unusual gene repertoire of the marmoset LCV differentiates ancestral viral genes likely present
79                                 The marmoset LCV genome is also notable for the absence of viral inte
80 striction, we first cloned the rhesus monkey LCV major membrane glycoprotein and discovered that the
81  animals developed an aggressive, monoclonal LCV-positive lymphoma.
82               At 4 h postinoculation, mutant LCVs had a significantly reduced association with Rab1B,
83 quence divergence between human and nonhuman LCV observed to date.
84 pecific EBNA-1 mRNAs are present in nonhuman LCV-infected cells, demonstrating that these Qp homologs
85                  Transcriptome comparison of LCV-infected B cells and CD20(+) spleen cells from rhesu
86 r Old World NHP, suggesting a high degree of LCV adaptation to their natural primate host.
87 ore pronounced, but there was no evidence of LCV-induced lymphoproliferative disease.
88 entally tested in nonhuman primate models of LCV infection.
89 c LCV RNA2 replicons only in the presence of LCV RNA1, but both processes were impaired when the YSS
90 5' and YSS-containing 3' terminal regions of LCV RNA1 supported translation activity.
91 perform the first seroepidemiologic study of LCV infection in New World primates.
92  has important implications for the study of LCV infection in Old World primate models and for human
93                      In addition, the YSS of LCV RNA1 and RNA2 were interchangeable without affecting
94 ) genus and extended the known host range of LCVs beyond humans and Old World nonhuman primates.
95 defining point in the evolution of oncogenic LCVs.
96 cription (RT)-PCR assay to detect persistent LCV infection in rhesus monkey peripheral blood lymphocy
97 esponses important for control of persistent LCV infection and the role of the EBNA-1 GAR for immune
98 fractory to bolus intravenous (IV) 5-FU plus LCV.
99 g primarily SCVs to one containing primarily LCVs.
100                                      Primary LCV infection after oral inoculation of 4 immunocompeten
101 LF1 family and into the evolution of primate LCVs may enable validation of EBV BILF1 as a drug target
102 the LMP1 and BHRF1 3'UTRs of several primate LCVs.
103                                   To promote LCV expansion and prevent lysosomal targeting, effector
104 e found that reduced fusion of Rh gL, EBV/Rh-LCV chimeras, and gL point mutants could be restored by
105 were made using rhesus lymphocryptovirus (Rh-LCV) gL (Rh gL), which shares a high sequence homology w
106 e common to the rhesus LCV EBNA-LP, a rhesus LCV EBNA2 homologue was cloned and expressed.
107                                     A rhesus LCV isolate (208-95) was derived from a B-cell lymphoma
108 naturally and experimentally acquired rhesus LCV (rhLCV) infection.
109 ombination between the EBV genome and rhesus LCV DNA was reasonably efficient.
110              The predicted baboon and rhesus LCV EBNA-LP amino acid sequences are 61 and 64% identica
111 tructure and function between EBV and rhesus LCV indicates that rhesus LCV infection of rhesus monkey
112 he relationship between these EBV and rhesus LCV latent infection genes, we asked if the rhesus LCV E
113 ocryptoviruses (LCVs) (baboon LCV and rhesus LCV).
114                                  Both rhesus LCV LMP2A and LMP2B genes were cloned and sequenced.
115  different rhesus LCV types, and both rhesus LCV types were found to be prevalent in the rhesus monke
116  LCL8664 strains, confirming a common rhesus LCV background.
117                  The highly conserved rhesus LCV gene repertoire provides a unique animal model for t
118 defines the presence of two different rhesus LCV types, and both rhesus LCV types were found to be pr
119 V EBNA-LP was able to further enhance rhesus LCV or EBV EBNA2 transactivation 5- to 12-fold.
120 order to define a "gold standard" for rhesus LCV infection, we also cloned the EBV-encoded small RNA
121 ide ELISA and EBER RT-PCR results for rhesus LCV infection.
122 A 1 (EBER1) and EBER2 homologues from rhesus LCV and developed a reverse transcription (RT)-PCR assay
123 d to identify the presence of a lytic rhesus LCV infection in these proliferative, hyperkeratotic, or
124  studied to compare the prevalence of rhesus LCV infection in the two groups.
125  LCV sVCA are a reliable indicator of rhesus LCV infection.
126 ble diagnosis of acute and persistent rhesus LCV infections.
127 homologues from 208-95 and a previous rhesus LCV isolate (LCL8664) were polymorphic on immunoblotting
128 ny confirm the feasibility of raising rhesus LCV-naive animals.
129 een EBV and rhesus LCV indicates that rhesus LCV infection of rhesus monkeys can provide an important
130 sid antigen (sVCA) homologue from the rhesus LCV and developed a peptide enzyme-linked immunosorbent
131                  We now show that the rhesus LCV can infect epithelial cells in immunosuppressed rhes
132 tent infection genes, we asked if the rhesus LCV EBNA-3 locus could be recombined into the EBV genome
133 wever, these studies suggest that the rhesus LCV EBNA-3 locus was not completely interchangeable with
134                                   The rhesus LCV EBNA-3A, -3B, and -3C homologues have 37, 40, and 36
135 anscription factor RBP-Jkappa and the rhesus LCV EBNA-3C encodes a Q/P-rich domain with transcription
136 nserved with the EBV genes, since the rhesus LCV EBNA-3s can interact with the transcription factor R
137                                   The rhesus LCV EBNA-LP was able to further enhance rhesus LCV or EB
138 ivating properties were common to the rhesus LCV EBNA-LP, a rhesus LCV EBNA2 homologue was cloned and
139                                   The rhesus LCV EBNA2 transcriptionally transactivates EBNA2-respons
140                                   The rhesus LCV encodes a repertoire identical to that of EBV, with
141    These studies demonstrate that the rhesus LCV has tropism for epithelial cells, in addition to B c
142                                   The rhesus LCV LMP2B gene is positionally conserved, and the EBNA-2
143                      Evolution of the rhesus LCV LMP2B promoter and transcript despite the dynamic na
144  to determine whether epitopes in the rhesus LCV sVCA are a reliable indicator of rhesus LCV infectio
145                                   The rhesus LCV sVCA peptide ELISA provides a sensitive and reliable
146                  The existence of two rhesus LCV types suggests that the selective pressure for the e
147 g, so the EBNA-2 genes from these two rhesus LCV were cloned, sequenced, and compared.
148  both unique SCV/LCV antigens and common SCV/LCV antigens that were often differentially synthesized.
149 ever, respectively, revealed both unique SCV/LCV antigens and common SCV/LCV antigens that were often
150 ient infections of human B cells with simian LCV resulted in latent LCV EBNA-2 gene expression and ac
151 d for human xenotransplantation where simian LCVs may be inadvertently introduced into humans.
152 icant replication were observed for specific LCV RNA2 replicons only in the presence of LCV RNA1, but
153                                We found that LCV from rhesus monkeys did not immortalize human B cell
154  Hominidae and Cercopithecidae, we show that LCV can immortalize B cells from some nonnative species
155 ent metabolic activities, we speculated that LCV and SCV are similar to typical logarithmic- and stat
156                   These results suggest that LCV and SCV are not comparable to logarithmic and statio
157                           We determined that LCVs are composed of both Bvg(+) and Bvg(-) phase bacter
158 ry of the cell, supports the hypothesis that LCVs are metabolically more active than SCVs.
159                                          The LCV phenotype was linked to the presence of a divergent
160 tifs despite poor overall homology among the LCV 3C proteins strongly suggests that the interactions
161 hat T2S promotes the interaction between the LCV and Rab1B via a novel mechanism.
162      The homologue of EBNA-3C encoded by the LCV that infects baboons (BaLCV) was found to be only 35
163 ucturally, the SCV is distinguished from the LCV by its smaller size and condensed chromatin.
164  that the concentration of L-arginine in the LCV is sensed by ArgR to produce an intracellular transc
165 ed the robustness of amino acid usage in the LCV of A. castellannii.
166  uptake of Acanthamoeba amino acids into the LCV and further into L. pneumophila where they served as
167 ector of L. pneumophila is anchored into the LCV membrane by host-mediated farnesylation.
168 e ER retention motif to be anchored into the LCV membrane.
169  the replicative form of the organism is the LCV.
170 C) anchors to the cytoplasmic surface of the LCV and is important for the recruitment of host endopla
171 dation of the biochemical composition of the LCV and the identification of the regulatory signals sen
172 ns that participate in the conversion of the LCV into a replicative organelle.
173 30b is anchored to the cytosolic side of the LCV membrane through host-mediated farnesylation of its
174 r its anchoring to the cytosolic face of the LCV membrane, for its biological function within macroph
175                            Biogenesis of the LCV requires substantial redirection of vesicle traffick
176 te hosts correlate with the evolution of the LCV viral gene repertoire.
177 n ligase that triggers the decoration of the LCV with K(48)-linked polyubiquitinated proteins that ar
178 cellular proliferation and decoration of the LCV with polyubiquitinated proteins.
179 he host membranes, and for decoration of the LCV with polyubiquitinated proteins.
180 sed to modulate the lipid composition of the LCV.
181 polyubiquitinated proteins, assembled on the LCV by AnkB, generates amino acids required for intracel
182                                       On the LCV, AnkB triggers docking of K(48)-linked polyubiquitin
183  an intracellular niche for replication, the LCV helps to prevent the release of bacterial components
184    We found that in the absence of SdhA, the LCV in hemocytes showed signs of instability and leakage
185 secretory transport vesicles surrounding the LCV.
186 he recruitment of ER-derived vesicles to the LCV and that inhibiting Rab1 function abrogates intracel
187 ated on ER-derived vesicles recruited to the LCV and that Sec22b is delivered to the LCV membrane.
188 d recruitment of the host GTPase Rab1 to the LCV by a process requiring the Dot/Icm system.
189 t farnesylation enzymes are recruited to the LCV in a Dot/Icm-dependent manner and are essential for
190  The AnkB-Paris effector is localized to the LCV membrane most likely through the ER-retention motif.
191 nd its anchoring of an F-box effector to the LCV membrane, and this is essential for biological funct
192  the LCV and that Sec22b is delivered to the LCV membrane.
193                      Rab1 recruitment to the LCV precedes remodeling of this compartment by ER-derive
194  Our data show that Rab1 is recruited to the LCV within minutes of uptake.
195 s as well as polyubiquitin conjugates to the LCV.
196 own for mediating Rab1B association with the LCV, indicating that T2S promotes the interaction betwee
197 t and fusion of ER-derived vesicles with the LCV, resulting in the formation of a specialized organel
198 AMP4-containing vesicles for fusion with the LCV, thus promoting its expansion.
199 he association of translocated LtpD with the LCV.
200 carbon metabolism of the bacteria within the LCV.
201 ricted latency have been conserved among the LCVs.
202 latory elements of Qp are conserved in these LCV genomes and compose promoters that are functionally
203         However, it is unclear whether these LCVs have adopted or maintained the same mechanisms used
204 y prerequisite for morphogenesis from SCV to LCV.
205 sis defined 3 BILF1 clades, corresponding to LCVs of New World monkeys (clade A) or Old World monkeys
206 e degree of genetic and biologic identity to LCVs that infect Old World primates.
207  To document changes in the ratio of SCVs to LCVs in response to environment, a protein specific to S
208 doplasmic reticulum (ER)-derived vesicles to LCVs.
209  (p.i.) and was primarily composed of SCV-to-LCV morphogenesis.
210  selective pressure for the evolution of two LCV types is shared by human and nonhuman primate hosts.
211 orthologues in 12 previously uncharacterized LCVs from nonhuman primates (NHPs) of Old and New World
212                                        Using LCV and B cells from multiple species of Hominidae and C
213 c side of the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) and is essential for intravacuolar proliferation wi
214 and forming a Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) in which the bacteria replicate.
215 d amoeba, the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) membrane is derived from the ER.
216 horing to the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) membrane.
217 resembled the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) observed in macrophages.
218 ates within a Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) of amoebae and macrophages.
219 sicles to the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) requires bacterial proteins that are translocated i
220 oteins to the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) to enable intravacuolar proliferation in macrophage
221 ration of the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) with polyubiquitinated proteins within macrophages
222 mbrane of the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) with that of secretory transport vesicles surroundi
223 umbers in the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV), as evident at 12 h.
224 nsport of the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV), we have identified host proteins that participate
225 s Rab1 to the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV), where it activates Rab1 and then AMPylates it by c
226 he called the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV), which is permissive for intracellular bacterial pr
227 ve niche, the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV).
228 mbrane of the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV).
229 nt termed the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV).
230 ls within the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV).
231 on called the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV).
232 tures into Liberibacter containing vacuoles (LCVs), in which bacterial cells seem to propagate.
233 ting for reactivity with large cell variant (LCV) and small cell variant (SCV) antigens to characteri
234 ore metabolically active large-cell variant (LCV) is sensitive to environmental stresses.
235 l-cell variant (SCV) and large-cell variant (LCV).
236 logic forms, designated large cell variants (LCV) and small cell variants (SCV).
237 pmental cycle variants: large-cell variants (LCV), small-cell variants (SCV), and small dense cells (
238 cell variants (SCV) and large-cell variants (LCV).
239 CVs) are generated from large-cell variants (LCVs) is considered fundamental to the virulence of Coxi
240           We obtained large colony variants (LCVs) from the lungs of mice infected with B. bronchisep
241 ucts are detected with leuco crystal violet (LCV) dye by eye without a need for instrumentation.
242 bipartite genome of Lettuce chlorosis virus (LCV), a member in the genus Crinivirus (family Closterov
243 nii to Legionella pneumophila under in vivo (LCV) conditions.
244   The aim of this study was to determine why LCV infection is important for this pathogenic role of B
245 munosuppressed macaques infected orally with LCV failed to develop an LCV-specific humoral response a
246 s not as ubiquitous as with EBV or Old World LCV.
247                            RBX9 also yielded LCVs when switched from Bvg(-) phase conditions to Bvg(+

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