


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              LIP Fano factor changes are behaviorally significant: in
2                                              LIP has been associated with the development of inflamma
3                                              LIP neurons have recently been reported to inaccurately
4                                              LIP responses during fixation are thought to represent a
5                                              LIP responses recapitulated MT early weighting and conta
6                                              LIP ultrasound treatment was performed daily with triple
7                                              LIP up-regulated the transcription of CXCR4 through dire
8                                              LIP-expressing C/EBP beta(-/-) MEFs showed enhanced ER s
9                                              LIP-pursuit correlations were spatially specific and wer
10 deficiencies in the 45RAGKO mice that affect LIP.
11 inear bottom-up integrative mechanisms allow LIP neurons to emphasize task-relevant spatial and non-s
12                                     Although LIP inactivation did not impair psychophysical behaviour
13                                Anatomically, LIP consists of a dorsal and ventral subdivision, but th
14 presenting instantaneous motion evidence and LIP reflecting the accumulated evidence.
15              %SAT, circulating hepcidin, and LIP in macrophages correlate with disease severity and %
16 ding three protein isoforms--LAP1, LAP2, and LIP.
17                            In groups LIP and LIP/PROB, the mandibular right first molar of the animal
18 mation is directed to parietal areas MIP and LIP during decision formation.
19 tant deviations from idealizations of MT and LIP and motivate inquiry into sensorimotor computations
20 lyses of the simultaneous activity of MT and LIP during individual decisions.
21 mputations that may intervene between MT and LIP.
22                           In groups PROB and LIP/PROB, the PROB was administered orally by addition t
23 nto four groups: control (C), LIP, PROB, and LIP/PROB.
24 show that salience--measured in saccades and LIP responses--was enhanced by both novelty and positive
25                                         Area LIP neurons that do not fire coherently do not predict R
26 d signals in posterior parietal cortex (area LIP).
27                Neuronal recordings from area LIP revealed two main findings.
28 ed the discharge activity of neurons in area LIP and the parietal reach region (PRR) of the parietal
29                              Neurons in area LIP exhibited firing rate patterns that directly resembl
30 idence that eye-position gain fields in area LIP remain spatially inaccurate for some time after a sa
31 ss-adaptation may occur in a homolog of area LIP.
32 h, we identify a population of parietal area LIP neurons that fire spikes coherently with 15 Hz beta-
33     Although the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) and frontal eye field (FEF) are known to represent
34 sulcus (FST) and lateral intraparietal area (LIP) and the animals correctly located the stimuli in a
35 in fields in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) are unreliable.
36 e neurons in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) exhibit anticipatory remapping: these neurons produ
37              The lateral intraparietal area (LIP) has been implicated as a salience map for control o
38      The macaque lateral intraparietal area (LIP) has been implicated in both processes, but numerous
39 its, the primate lateral intraparietal area (LIP) has been interpreted as a priority map for saccades
40 responses in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) have received extensive study for insight into deci
41  (dlPFC) and the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) in monkeys using a memory saccade task in which a s
42              The lateral intraparietal area (LIP) in the macaque contains a priority-based representa
43 ce in the monkey lateral intraparietal area (LIP) in ways that are independent of expected reward.
44 othesis that the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) integrates disparate task-relevant visual features
45              The lateral intraparietal area (LIP) is essential for this process.
46 t neurons in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) of Macaca mulatta reflect learned associations betw
47 ields (FEFs) and lateral intraparietal area (LIP) of macaques are preferentially activated by saccade
48 ggested that the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) of macaques plays a fundamental role in sensorimoto
49 f neurons in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) of rhesus monkeys performing this task.
50 ivity in macaque lateral intraparietal area (LIP) provides a useful window into this process.
51 , neurons in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) reflect learned associations between visual stimuli
52 f neurons in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) reflected the accumulation of logLR and reached a s
53 , neurons in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) represent the accumulation of evidence bearing on t
54  activity in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) represents the gradual accumulation of evidence tow
55 ecordings in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) reveal that parietal cortex encodes variables relat
56 y earlier in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) than in an anatomically connected lower visual area
57 f neurons in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) to a task-irrelevant distractor are strongly suppre
58 s in the macaque lateral intraparietal area (LIP) using histological, electrophysiological, and neuro
59 neurons from the lateral intraparietal area (LIP), a cortical node in the NHP saccade system.
60  we focus on the lateral intraparietal area (LIP), an area that has been shown to play independent ro
61 eye field (FEF), lateral intraparietal area (LIP), and cuneus support early covert targeting of the c
62 ordings from the lateral intraparietal area (LIP), during a perceptual decision-making task.
63 ral cortex (IT), lateral intraparietal area (LIP), prefrontal cortex (PFC), and frontal eye fields (F
64 e neurons in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP), which has been implicated in the planning and exec
65  activity in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP), which is thought to represent the relative value o
66 ctivation of the lateral intraparietal area (LIP), which plays a role in the selection of eye movemen
67 decisions in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP).
68 entations in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP).
69 y of the primate lateral intraparietal area (LIP).
70 parietal sulcus [lateral intraparietal area (LIP)] specifically biased choices made using eye movemen
71 al cortex [human lateral intraparietal area (LIP)], the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) was specifica
72 the lateral and ventral intraparietal areas (LIP; VIP), the middle temporal area (MT), and the medial
73 city, naive pmel-1 cells were inefficient at LIP in typical lymphopenic hosts.
74                                      Because LIP cells are (1) highly responsive to the presence of a
75 xtrinsic saliency are signaled in FEF before LIP.
76   A significant positive correlation between LIP and CXCR4 expression was observed in stage III and I
77 escribe dynamic temporal hierarchies between LIP and FEF: stimuli carrying the highest intrinsic sali
78                   However, this link between LIP response and decision formation emerged from studies
79   Here, we focus on the relationship between LIP responses and known sensory and motor events in perc
80 dependent innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) block LIP of CD8(+) T cells in neonatal but not adult mice.
81 ne with previous studies, we found that both LIP and PRR encode a reward-based decision variable, the
82 ex (human 7a), which has connections to both LIP and ACC, was activated by surprise and modulated by
83 cluding their variability, were explained by LIP activity in the context of accumulation of logLR to
84 l intestine from reactive changes induced by LIP.
85 e highest intrinsic saliency are signaled by LIP before FEF, whereas stimuli carrying the highest ext
86 domly divided into four groups: control (C), LIP, PROB, and LIP/PROB.
87       In view of the positive effect of CHOP-LIP interaction in mediating their proapoptotic function
88  interplay between physiology and cognition, LIP has served as fertile ground for developing quantita
89 e roles of other parietal areas by comparing LIP and the medial intraparietal area (MIP) during a vis
90         Herein we review factors controlling LIP, including coinhibitory molecules and other attenuat
91 ions are distributed across parietal cortex, LIP and MIP play distinct roles: LIP appears more involv
92 f late expression, and upon differentiation, LIP levels are significantly reduced, allowing LAP-media
93 elds (RFs), dynamics of the high-dimensional LIP network during slowly varying activity lie predomina
94 alized in rostral LIPv rather than in dorsal LIP (LIPd) as previous experiments had suggested.
95 ease-predisposing cofactor is present during LIP.
96                  Overexpression of C/EBPbeta-LIP above levels of CaM also initiates liver proliferati
97                                    C/EBPbeta-LIP also disrupts Rb-E2F1 complexes in C/EBPalpha-S193D
98 ese growth promotion activities of C/EBPbeta-LIP and, therefore, supports liver quiescence.
99            However, high levels of C/EBPbeta-LIP are also observed in non-proliferating livers during
100  for molecular mechanisms by which C/EBPbeta-LIP promotes cell proliferation, we found that C/EBPbeta
101  cell proliferation, we found that C/EBPbeta-LIP releases E2F.Rb-dependent repression of cell cycle g
102 ulin (CaM) inhibits the ability of C/EBPbeta-LIP to promote liver proliferation during APR through di
103 se of a dominant negative isoform, C/EBPbeta-LIP, and subsequent repression of C/EBPalpha, FXR, and T
104  A truncated isoform of C/EBPbeta, C/EBPbeta-LIP, is required for liver proliferation.
105 rotein isoforms C/EBPalpha-p30 and C/EBPbeta-LIP, which is controlled by a single cis-regulatory upst
106 er proliferation via activation of C/EBPbeta-LIP.
107 hich liver regulates activities of C/EBPbeta-LIP.
108                                    Following LIP, pmel-1 T cells acquired the capacity to control B16
109                   Our petrological model for LIP magmatism argues that initial gas emission was domin
110                A negative-binomial model for LIP spike counts captures these findings quantitatively,
111  represent a novel costimulatory pathway for LIP.
112 -CHOP interaction has a stabilizing role for LIP.
113 which they made saccades toward or away from LIP response fields (RFs).
114                             We recorded from LIP neurons during performance of a task that required m
115               To test this, we recorded from LIP while monkeys performed a motion discrimination task
116 k-relevant visual features by recording from LIP neurons in monkeys trained to identify target stimul
117 ignificantly higher than the ones from group LIP (VH: 672.1 +/- 83.3 microm and 528.0 +/- 51.7 microm
118 L and ABL were significantly higher in group LIP compared with group LIP/PROB (AL: 3.05 +/- 0.57 mm a
119                                     In group LIP/PROB, the mean values of VH and CD of the jejunum we
120 ntly higher in group LIP compared with group LIP/PROB (AL: 3.05 +/- 0.57 mm and 1.78 +/- 0.63 mm, res
121                                    In groups LIP and LIP/PROB, the mandibular right first molar of th
122 d relative to macaque monkeys, so that human LIP paradoxically ends up medial to human VIP.
123                             Both F5 and OT-I LIP responses were most accurately described by a single
124 e recorded single neuron spiking activity in LIP during a well-studied moving-dot direction-discrimin
125                  We propose that activity in LIP represents attentional priority and that the downstr
126                      Test-period activity in LIP showed category encoding and distinguished between m
127               We examined the neural code in LIP at the level of individual spike trains using a stat
128 ally, the target desirability was encoded in LIP at least twice as strongly when choices were made us
129 pected, we found strong category encoding in LIP.
130 relevant spatial and non-spatial features in LIP remain unclear.
131  psychophysical performance, inactivation in LIP had no measurable impact on decision-making performa
132 spatial signals are encoded independently in LIP and underscores the role of parietal cortex in nonsp
133 onger and appeared with a shorter latency in LIP than MIP.
134 dea that value-based decisions take place in LIP neurons.
135 strong evidence for retinotopic remapping in LIP and face-centered remapping in VIP, and weaker evide
136            The polar angle representation in LIP extends from regions near the upper vertical meridia
137 d understanding of neural representations in LIP and a framework for studying the coding of multiplex
138 he flexibility of feature representations in LIP reflect the bottom-up integration of sensory signals
139                  In sum, neural responses in LIP simultaneously carry decision signals and decision-i
140        We examined single-trial responses in LIP using statistical methods for fitting and comparing
141 ink the encoding of saccades and saliency in LIP to modulation of several other sensory-motor behavio
142            Thus, decision-related signals in LIP do not appear to be critical for computing perceptua
143 fluence robustly encoded category signals in LIP.
144   Furthermore, trial-by-trial variability in LIP did not depend on MT activity.
145                    We reversibly inactivated LIP while monkeys performed memory-guided saccades and r
146 cer cells, and this coincided with increased LIP binding on the CXCR4 promoter.
147                                   Individual LIP neurons might encode associations only for specific
148 d that optimal decoding requires integrating LIP spikes over two distinct timescales.
149                                Intracellular LIP indices were significantly elevated in the subsets o
150 ibly inactivating the lateral intraparietal (LIP) and middle temporal (MT) areas of rhesus macaques p
151 ronal activity in the lateral intraparietal (LIP) area and PFC in monkeys performing a visual motion
152 atial encoding in the lateral intraparietal (LIP) area by training monkeys to perform a visual catego
153 eurons in the macaque lateral intraparietal (LIP) area exhibit firing rates that appear to ramp upwar
154 motor regions such as lateral intraparietal (LIP) area in perceptual decision making.
155 across neurons in the lateral intraparietal (LIP) area of the posterior parietal cortex.
156 dle temporal (MT) and lateral intraparietal (LIP) areas appear to map onto theoretically defined quan
157 neurons in the monkey lateral intraparietal (LIP) cortical area encode only cue salience, and not act
158                       Lateral intraparietal (LIP) neurons encode a vast array of sensory and cognitiv
159 ccadic eye movements, lateral intraparietal (LIP) neurons representing each saccade fire at a rate pr
160 how that the bZIP protein C/EBP beta isoform LIP is required for nuclear translocation of CHOP during
161 large isoform (LAP-2) and the small isoform (LIP) of C/EBP-beta can exert suppressive function for mi
162  for the topographic organization of macaque LIP that complements the results of previous electrophys
163  higher brain fluorescence intensity and MAN-LIP relatively concentrated in the cerebellum and cerebr
164 onjugated onto the surface of liposomes (MAN-LIP) to enhance the brain delivery.
165 relationship between the distribution of MAN-LIP and glucose transporters (GLUTs) on the cells.
166 e investigated the brain distribution of MAN-LIP based on our previous studies and tried to explore t
167 osis by GLUT1 and GLUT3 was a pathway of MAN-LIP into brain, and the special brain distribution of MA
168 n, and the special brain distribution of MAN-LIP was closely related to the non-homogeneous distribut
169 ted that the transendothelial ability of MAN-LIP was much stronger when crossing LV-GLUT1/bEND.3 cell
170 metry showed that the cellular uptake of MAN-LIP was significantly improved by GLUT1 and GLUT3 overex
171               The mice administered with MAN-LIP had significantly higher brain fluorescence intensit
172                                      In many LIP neurons, there was a significant trial-by-trial corr
173 tal gyrus (SFG), middle frontal gyrus (MFG), LIP, anterior intraparietal sulcus (IPSa)] that may coor
174                                    Moreover, LIP activity is also strongly modulated by the position
175                                    Moreover, LIP ultrasound stimulation significantly improved learni
176 timal decoder for heterogeneous, multiplexed LIP responses that could be implemented in biologically
177                              The conserved N-LIP and haloacid dehalogenase-like domains of Pah1 are r
178 imotor-focused approach offers an account of LIP activity as a multiplexed amalgam of sensory, cognit
179 tional priority by examining the activity of LIP neurons while animals perform a visual foraging task
180                     The beneficial effect of LIP ultrasound may be partly induced by upregulation of
181                     Task-specific effects of LIP inactivation on blood oxygen level-dependent activit
182 f LIP ultrasound, neuroprotective effects of LIP ultrasound were evaluated with behavioral analysis,
183 g Bayesian inference from small ensembles of LIP neurons without the animal making an eye movement.
184 thors failed to replicate basic hallmarks of LIP physiology observed in those subsequent temporal epo
185 al areas (especially the putative homolog of LIP) were more strongly labeled after 6DR injections.
186 ases in distractibility than inactivation of LIP.
187                 This ILC-based inhibition of LIP ensures the generation of a diverse naive T cell poo
188 e processes have enriched interpretations of LIP activity.
189          In contrast with interpretations of LIP as providing an instantaneous code for decision vari
190 egrated with other lines of investigation of LIP function.
191  cue would either shift the initial level of LIP activity before sensory evidence arrived, or it woul
192 rated a clear shift in the activity level of LIP neurons following the arrow cue, which persisted int
193                              The majority of LIP cells with steady-state gain fields reflect the pres
194 ne might expect that roughly even numbers of LIP neurons would prefer each set of associated stimuli.
195 d coordination mechanism, located outside of LIP, that actively delays reaches until shortly after th
196 rection from the responses of populations of LIP neurons.
197 ce were identified within dorsal portions of LIP with peripheral representations in ventral portions.
198 paramagnetic ion, into different portions of LIP, examined the effects of the resulting reversible in
199 ariability can also improve the precision of LIP's priority map.
200 reviously showed that the mean spike rate of LIP neurons is strongly influenced by spatially wide-ran
201 -by-trial correlations of the firing rate of LIP neurons with the speed of "glissades" that occur at
202            We found that the firing rates of LIP neurons did not correlate well with the animals' beh
203 uestion, we compared the neural responses of LIP neurons in two subjects with their saccadic behavior
204      We also recorded from a broad sample of LIP neurons, including ones conventionally excluded in p
205 timulus, manifesting as a change in slope of LIP firing rates.
206       Here, we examine the specialization of LIP for categorization and the roles of other parietal a
207 odel accounts for the detailed statistics of LIP spike trains and accurately predicts spike trains fr
208                             The structure of LIP population responses is therefore essential for reli
209                 The suppressive surrounds of LIP neurons are spatially tuned and wide ranging.
210 ending, the responses in almost one-third of LIP neurons closely resemble the responses that will eme
211 ng CHOP-deficient cells and transfections of LIP-expressing vectors in C/EBP beta(-/-) mouse embryoni
212                  This has led to the view of LIP-driven autoimmunity as a two hit model; however, not
213                             After 2 weeks of LIP ultrasound, neuroprotective effects of LIP ultrasoun
214         Reexpression of LAP1 but not LAP2 or LIP restores the ability of C/EBPbeta-deficient mammary
215 mentation on ligature-induced periodontitis (LIP) and intestinal morphology in rats.
216 nd temperature Te in a laser-induced plasma (LIP), using a model free of assumptions regarding local
217 ase of the intracellular labile Fe(II) pool (LIP).
218 ometry for quantitation of labile iron pool (LIP) was performed.
219 ecies may constitute the "labile iron pool" (LIP) proposed in cellular Fe trafficking.
220 enhancing lymphopenia-induced proliferation (LIP) in vivo, and that IL-18 synergizes with high-dose I
221 ult mice, lymphopenia-induced proliferation (LIP) leads to T cell activation, memory differentiation,
222           Lymphopenia-induced proliferation (LIP) occurs when resources for T cell survival in a host
223 show that lymphopenia-induced proliferation (LIP) of CD45-sufficient T cells is defective in a host e
224 deling of lymphopenia-induced proliferation (LIP) of two distinct T cell clonotypes.
225 ontaneous lymphopenia-induced proliferation (LIP).
226 y undergo lymphopenia-induced proliferation (LIP, also called homeostatic proliferation) and develop
227 nia with respect to the factors that promote LIP as a tool to predict autoimmune potential and to inf
228 while the liver-enriched inhibitory protein (LIP) isoform negatively regulates late expression.
229 , and the liver-enriched inhibitory protein (LIP) isoform of C/EBPbeta, but not the liver-enriched ac
230 /EBPbeta, liver-enriched inhibitory protein (LIP), as a previously unrecognized transcriptional regul
231 C/EBPbeta isoform, liver inhibitory protein (LIP).
232 426 Ma was part of a large igneous province (LIP) and represents a waning stage in the emplacement of
233 oprotective effects of low-intensity pulsed (LIP) ultrasound on memory impairment and central nervous
234 an intraparietal sulcus (IPS) area, putative LIP, participates in motor decisions.
235                   OT-I T cells undergo rapid LIP accompanied by differentiation that superficially re
236 and both dorsal and ventral sensory regions [LIP, IPSa, ventral IPS, lateral occipital region, and fu
237 of the ACC and two parietal saccade regions, LIP and 7a, by which their involvement in diverse tasks
238 le parietal areas (e.g., the saccade-related LIP's).
239                              Here, we report LIP and FEF neuronal activities recorded while monkeys p
240 tal cortex, LIP and MIP play distinct roles: LIP appears more involved in the categorization process
241                         While [S]-PM and [S]-LIP possessed longer circulation half-lives, the three p
242 ymeric micelles ([S]-PM), and liposomes ([S]-LIP), that are loaded with the HMG-CoA reductase inhibit
243 e by plaque macrophages in comparison to [S]-LIP, while [S]-PM demonstrated the highest uptake by Ly6
244 tates of both Si and C, the example of a SiC LIP is taken to illustrate the consistency and accuracy
245 s demonstrate the low dimensionality of slow LIP local dynamics, and suggest that LIP local networks
246 s suppressed by stimuli outside the RF, slow LIP dynamics markedly deviate from a single dimension.
247  in a TRAF6-dependent manner to induce slow, LIP/homeostatic-like proliferation of naive CD8 T cells
248 ells (Tregs) selectively inhibit spontaneous LIP, which may contribute to their ability to prevent ly
249  cells were unable to rescue the spontaneous LIP in the 45RAGKO mice.
250 tive consequence of unrestrained spontaneous LIP is constriction of the total T cell repertoire.
251                      During later ER stress, LIP binds CHOP in both cytoplasmic and nuclear compartme
252                          In early ER stress, LIP undergoes proteasomal degradation in the cytoplasmic
253             Conclusion These results suggest LIP ultrasound stimulation protects against brain injury
254 nding into the lateral intraparietal sulcus (LIP) was found.
255 ral recordings shows that, during DMC tasks, LIP and PFC neurons demonstrate mixed, time-varying, and
256 ated with the passage of time, we found that LIP activity decreased at a constant rate between timed
257                                We found that LIP responses reflected a combination of temporally over
258                                We found that LIP showed stronger, more reliable and shorter latency c
259 a critical prediction of the hypothesis that LIP is a source of top-down attentional signals to early
260  It is compatible neither with the idea that LIP neurons represent action value nor with the idea tha
261                  This finding indicates that LIP neurons are sensitive to the motivational salience o
262 tion has been interpreted as indicating that LIP neurons encode saccadic value and that they mediate
263 lts from a variety of tasks, we propose that LIP acts as a priority map in which objects are represen
264                                 We show that LIP neurons exhibit integrative representations of both
265   In this issue, Fitzgerald et al. show that LIP neurons in monkeys encode categorically distinct tas
266                           Here, we show that LIP neurons representing a given saccade fire strongly n
267                      These data suggest that LIP activity does not represent value in complex environ
268                  These findings suggest that LIP and dlPFC mediate different aspects of selective att
269                   These results suggest that LIP contributes to saccade planning but not to reach pla
270            Together, these data suggest that LIP does not always favor expansion of self-specific CD8
271                              We suggest that LIP is a component of a salience representation that mod
272 the selection of target-stimuli suggest that LIP is involved in transforming sensory information into
273                  These findings suggest that LIP is strongly involved in visual categorization and ar
274 of slow LIP local dynamics, and suggest that LIP local networks encoding the attentional and movement
275 ct on decision-related encoding suggest that LIP plays a role in detecting target stimuli by comparin
276                           This suggests that LIP activity encodes timed movements in a push-pull mann
277                           This suggests that LIP plays a role in flexibly integrating task-relevant s
278 ed reward leads to lower variability for the LIP representation of both the target and distractor loc
279                              However, if the LIP activity was further normalized, it became highly co
280  hemifield in the ventral subdivision of the LIP (LIPv) in both hemispheres of both monkeys.
281 bryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), we show that the LIP-CHOP interaction has a stabilizing role for LIP.
282                                    Thus, the LIP Fano factor reflects both stimulus and behavioral en
283 ation of endosomes for Fe(II) release to the LIP likely through RapGEF2.
284 aling, with a focus on their contribution to LIP-driven autoimmunity.
285 ed with performance in the dlPFC relative to LIP.
286 conflicting results can be reconciled if two LIP local networks, each underlying an RF location and d
287 owever, most neonatal T cells do not undergo LIP.
288 bles some recent thymic emigrants to undergo LIP and convert into long-lived memory T cells.
289                  At the same time, CHOP uses LIP as a vehicle for nuclear import.
290 -related activity in parietal areas V6, V6A, LIP, and caudal intraparietal area and frontal areas FEF
291                          Rather than viewing LIP-associated autoimmunity as an n-hit model, we sugges
292  found within LIP, referred to as visuotopic LIP.
293 ated activity was attenuated in MIP, whereas LIP neurons were active while monkeys communicated decis
294               To test this, we asked whether LIP neurons encode learned associations between pairs of
295 l cornu ammonis 1 region was alleviated with LIP ultrasound.
296 duces AL and alveolar bone loss in rats with LIP and 2) can protect the small intestine from reactive
297 antly greater in the BCCAO rats treated with LIP ultrasound than in the untreated BCCAO rats (mean, 9
298  accumulation in the BCCAO rats treated with LIP ultrasound was significantly (P < .05) increased by
299 factor (BDNF) in the BCCAO rats treated with LIP ultrasound were significantly higher than those in B
300  polar angle representation was found within LIP, referred to as visuotopic LIP.

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