


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              LOX activity was decreased in Efemp2-null cells, and col
2                                              LOX concentration- and time-dependent increases in PYR c
3                                              LOX contains a prominent tyrosine in the substrate bindi
4                                              LOX in colorectal cancer synergizes with hypoxia-inducib
5                                              LOX inhibition attenuated hepatic stellate cell activati
6                                              LOX is elevated in the megakaryocytic lineage of mouse m
7                                              LOX of animals, plants, and prokaryotes contain iron as
8                                              LOX overexpression in colorectal cancer cells also induc
9                                              LOX overexpression is associated with poor cancer outcom
10                                              LOX sequencing for clinical TAAD may identify additional
11                                              LOX was identified as a direct target of miR30a that was
12                                              LOX-1 and CD32 were detected in the endothelium of arter
13                                              LOX-1 signaling on DCs licensed the cells to promote B c
14                                              LOX-like 3 (Loxl3) associates with Stat3 in the nucleus
15 oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor-1 (LOX-1) is a pattern-recognition receptor for a variety o
16 ceptor, lectin-like oxidized LDL receptor-1 (LOX-1), and alphabeta amyloid peptide, which together co
17 oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor-1 (LOX-1), one of the scavenger receptors for oxidized low-
18 mmatory potential by inhibiting COX-1 and 12-LOX pathway products synthesis.
19 data suggested that dietary sugar induces 12-LOX signaling to increase risks of breast cancer develop
20  increased expression of 12-lipoxygenase (12-LOX) and its arachidonate metabolite 12-hydroxy-5Z,8Z,10
21 st time that platelet 12(S)-lipoxygenase (12-LOX), a highly expressed oxylipin-producing enzyme in th
22 ne encoding arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase (12-LOX), a member of a nonheme lipoxygenase family of dioxy
23 e previously showed that 12-lipoxygenase (12-LOX), which is required to generate the PMN chemoattract
24 lar interest in platelet-type 12-(S)-LOX (12-LOX) because of its demonstrated role in skin diseases,
25               Pharmacologic inhibition of 12-LOX in human platelets resulted in significant attenuati
26                                  Platelet 12-LOX was shown to be essential for FcgammaRIIa-induced ph
27 man FcgammaRIIa but deficient in platelet 12-LOX, failed to form normal platelet aggregates and exhib
28  catalyzed by the consecutive actions of 12R-LOX and epidermal LOX3.
29                                   Because 13-LOX pathway products comprise compounds involved in inse
30       Here, we show that 13-lipoxygenase (13-LOX) accomplishes a key role in the destruction of chlor
31                                       The 13-LOX enzyme identified here accumulated in the plastid en
32                                           15-LOX-1 down-regulation was associated with IL-6 up-regula
33                                           15-LOX-1 effects on IL-6/STAT3 signaling and CAC tumorigene
34                                           15-LOX-2 contains a long loop, composed of hydrophobic amin
35                        15-Lipoxygenase-1 (15-LOX-1), which is crucial to production of lipid signalin
36  date that small molecules that target 12/15-LOX can prevent progression of beta-cell dysfunction and
37             Consistent with a role for 12/15-LOX in promoting oxidative stress, its chemical inhibiti
38                          Inhibition of 12/15-LOX provides a potential therapeutic approach to prevent
39 port of a selective inhibitor of human 12/15-LOX with demonstrated in vivo activity in proof-of-conce
40  have been shown to selectively target 12/15-LOX with high potency.
41 ed with WT macrophages, monocytes from 12/15-LOX(-/-) mice displayed diminished trafficking, which wa
42 We also observed that macrophages from 12/15-LOX(-/-) mice exhibit diminished migratory response to m
43 igated the role of 12/15-lipoxygenase (12/15-LOX) in TF expression.
44                    12/15-Lipoxygenase (12/15-LOX) is induced in beta-cells and macrophages during T1D
45             The enzyme 15-lipoxygenase-2 (15-LOX-2) is highly expressed in large atherosclerotic plaq
46               The influence of activating 15-LOX on the AA metabolite network was then investigated e
47 1 expression in colonic epithelial cells (15-LOX-1-PPAR-delta-Gut mice) suppressed these effects: the
48 TAT3 phosphorylation, whereas concomitant 15-LOX-1 expression in colonic epithelial cells (15-LOX-1-P
49              Novel potent inhibitors of h-15-LOX-1 are required to explore the role of this enzyme fu
50                Human 15-lipoxygenase-1 (h-15-LOX-1) is a mammalian lipoxygenase and plays an importan
51                 A comparison of the human 15-LOX-2 and 5-LOX structures reveals similarities at the a
52 ut mice (P = 0.026), and 2.25 +/- 0.25 in 15-LOX-1-PPAR-delta-Gut mice (P = 0.0006).
53 uggested that activating 15-lipoxygenase (15-LOX) is a promising strategy to intervene the arachidoni
54 activator was found to increase levels of 15-LOX products and reduce production of pro-inflammatory m
55                           Reexpression of 15-LOX-1 in human colon cancer cells suppressed IL-6 mRNA e
56                         Identification of 15-LOX-1 suppression of PPAR-delta to inhibit IL-6/STAT3 si
57 r a previously unknown allosteric site on 15-LOX.
58                 In addition, we show that 15-LOX-2 is distributed at the plasma membrane when the HEK
59 ort that intestinally targeted transgenic 15-LOX-1 expression in mice inhibited azoxymethane- and dex
60  (15(S)-HETE), the major product of human 15-LOXs 1 and 2, induced TF expression and activity in a ti
61 cture-activity relationships (SAR) for h-1-5-LOX-1 inhibition.
62  same 5-LOX mutants ( approximately 60-70% 5-LOX-wt levels) but not of LTA4 hydrolysis products.
63 Manoalide, a PLA2 inhibitor or Zileuton, a 5-LOX inhibitor with VPC reversed the protective effects o
64 esized that propofol would directly affect 5-LOX function.
65 y mutation of F177 and/or Y181 to alanine (5-LOX-F177A, 5-LOX-Y181A, 5-LOX-F177/Y181A) resulted in de
66           Specific inhibitors of COX-2 and 5-LOX decreased formation of HKD2 and HKE2 Platelets did n
67 lowered cPLA2 activity along with COX2 and 5-LOX mRNA levels.
68     A comparison of the human 15-LOX-2 and 5-LOX structures reveals similarities at the active sites,
69  of the test compounds, IC50 for COX-2 and 5-LOX was 1 and 1.5 nM, respectively.
70  as the principal metabolites of COX-2 and 5-LOX, respectively.
71 ion in animal models, and because COX- and 5-LOX-derived eicosanoids are thought to contribute to Abe
72                        For 5-LOX-F177A and 5-LOX-F177/Y181A, formation of 5-LOX products was dramatic
73 riments on fMLP-stimulated neutrophils and 5-LOX-transfected human embryonic kidney cells, propofol a
74  compounds in the active site of COX-2 and 5-LOX.
75 tored LTA4 hydrolysis product formation by 5-LOX-Y181A.
76                Notably, inhibiting the COX/5-LOX pathways in vivo reduced tumor burden in a manner as
77                  5-Lipoxygenase-deficient (5-LOX(-/-)) mice, which display a failure of Lyme arthriti
78 /Y181A) resulted in delayed and diminished 5-LOX membrane association in A23187-stimulated cells.
79 ic acid from the nuclear membrane-embedded 5-LOX-activating protein (FLAP).
80 atory event and require cells that express 5-LOX and COX-2 for their biosynthesis.
81  F177 and/or Y181 to alanine (5-LOX-F177A, 5-LOX-Y181A, 5-LOX-F177/Y181A) resulted in delayed and dim
82 se pockets were functionally important for 5-LOX activity.
83                                        For 5-LOX-F177A and 5-LOX-F177/Y181A, formation of 5-LOX produ
84 synthetic crossover of the 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) pathways.
85 Potential pro-inflammatory 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) inhibition potential (IC50 0.76-0.92mg/mL) of the p
86 nflammatory eicosanoids by 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) on the nuclear envelope.
87 e cyclooxygenase (COX) and 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) pathways.
88 step reaction catalyzed by 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) requiring the formation of 5-HPETE [5(S)-hydroperox
89 tenuated the production of 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX)-related arachidonic acid (AA) derivatives in the pe
90  and its subsequent transformation to LTA4 5-LOX is thought to receive arachidonic acid from the nucl
91 two pockets can be used to explore a novel 5-LOX inhibitor in the future.
92 vivo and defined the biosynthetic roles of 5-LOX and COX-2, using inhibitors and incubations with exo
93 s, which reduces Ser271 phosphorylation of 5-LOX and shifts 5-LOX from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.
94  some of them also exhibited inhibition of 5-LOX enzyme.
95 as accompanied by a rapid translocation of 5-LOX from nucleus to cytoplasm in both ECs and VSMCs, pot
96 agenesis was performed for the residues of 5-LOX in the vicinity of propofol, and we evaluated the fu
97 X-F177A and 5-LOX-F177/Y181A, formation of 5-LOX products was dramatically reduced relative to 5-LOX-
98                   The crystal structure of 5-LOX revealed an active site concealed by F177 and Y181 (
99 ve the X-ray crystallographic structure of 5-LOX, and examined the binding site(s) of propofol on 5-L
100 lls, propofol attenuated the production of 5-LOX-related AA derivatives.
101 ts were identified near the active site of 5-LOX.
102 e examined the influence of the FY cork on 5-LOX activity and membrane binding in HEK293 cells in the
103 xamined the binding site(s) of propofol on 5-LOX.
104 uced neuroinflammation via activating PLA2/5-LOX/LTB4 cascade using a partial frontal lobe resection
105 oves outcomes after SBI by activating PLA2/5-LOX/LTB4 cascade.
106 ase A2/5-lipoxygenase/leukotriene-B4 (PLA2/5-LOX/LTB4) axis is an important inflammatory signaling pa
107 4-cis-eicosatetraenoic acid) by these same 5-LOX mutants ( approximately 60-70% 5-LOX-wt levels) but
108 Ser271 phosphorylation of 5-LOX and shifts 5-LOX from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.
109 i-propofol (AziPm), we photolabeled stable 5-LOX protein, which had been used to solve the X-ray crys
110                              Uncapping the 5-LOX active site by mutation of F177 and/or Y181 to alani
111 ducts was dramatically reduced relative to 5-LOX-wild type (wt).
112 enerated 5-H(p)ETE at levels comparable to 5-LOX-wt but reduced LTA4 hydrolysis products.
113 Y181 to alanine (5-LOX-F177A, 5-LOX-Y181A, 5-LOX-F177/Y181A) resulted in delayed and diminished 5-LOX
114                                        Yet 5-LOX-Y181A generated 5-H(p)ETE at levels comparable to 5-
115 phere is similar to iron ligands of coral 8R-LOX and soybean LOX-1 but is not overlapping.
116 escribe the 2.0 A resolution structure of 8R-LOX in complex with arachidonic acid obtained under anae
117 Arg-525 is positioned close to Arg-182 of 8R-LOX, and both residues likely tether the carboxylate gro
118 howed the importance of the cell wall as a 9-LOX-induced defense component and the participation of N
119                          Here, we examined 9-LOX signaling using the mutants lox1lox5, which lacks 9-
120 ng using the mutants lox1lox5, which lacks 9-LOX activity, and noxy2-2, which shows oxylipin insensit
121         Two members of the 9-lipoxygenase (9-LOX) oxylipin pathway, 9-hydroxyoctadecatrienoic acid an
122 ur results indicate a sequential action of 9-LOX and BR signaling in activating cell wall-based defen
123 d pharmacological evidence that a specific 9-LOX metabolite of NAE18:2 [9-hydro(pero)xy linoleoyletha
124   Several lines of evidence indicated that 9-LOX-derived oxylipins induce BR synthesis and signaling
125 These results show interaction between the 9-LOX and BR pathways and help to clarify their role in mo
126                                 In addition, LOX has complex roles in cancer in which the lysyl oxida
127  outcome, irrespective of HIF-1 In addition, LOX was expressed by tumor cells in the bone marrow from
128                                   Additional LOX rare variants that segregated with disease in famili
129                                          All LOX belong to the same gene family, and they are widely
130 LDL induced the expression of TF, PAI-1, and LOX-1 mRNA in vascular cells.
131 e forms of recombinant mouse CD36, SR-A, and LOX-1, indicating CD16 can cross-block MDALDL binding to
132 e to change in expression of CD36, SR-A, and LOX-1.
133 th genetically induced expression of AT1 and LOX-1, whereas little increase was observed in CHO cells
134 o In clinical specimens, we found COL1A1 and LOX to be upregulated in PTC and expressed at highest le
135 y, increased expression levels of COL1A1 and LOX were associated with decreased survival in thyroid c
136 the PKIE measured in macrophages for COX and LOX oxygenation of AA is similar to KIEs determined in p
137 possible implications for the use of COX and LOX pathway inhibitors for lung cancer therapy.
138 of modified lipids (CD36, ScR-A1, CXCL16 and LOX-1), was measured using QRT-PCR and immunoblotting te
139 c acid also attenuated collagen deposits and LOX activity, we concluded that LA itself, independent o
140 increase in the levels of BM collagen IV and LOX, key determinants of capillary BM stiffness.
141 tyric acid immunostaining of the medulla and LOX were compared between the praying mantis and two rel
142 vated protein kinase p38 phosphorylation and LOX-1 translocation to the surface.
143 either anti-CD40.Env gp140/poly-ICLC or anti-LOX-1.Env gp140/poly-ICLC induced balanced antibody and
144                                In turn, both LOX and IL6 were acting in concert to promote RANKL-depe
145 receptor integrin alpha2beta1 is affected by LOX.
146    By interrupting collagen cross-linking by LOX, the BAPN treatment reduced myocardial fibrosis.
147     Little is known about metal selection by LOX and the adjustment of the redox potentials of their
148 uptake of ox-LDL by human endothelial cells, LOX-1 transcription and the activation of ERK1/2 and p38
149 with particular focus on the lobula complex (LOX).
150            Few data are available concerning LOX in ccRCC.
151 for LOX or are located at a highly conserved LOX catalytic domain, which is relatively invariant in t
152 downstream PUFAs, reduced collagen deposits, LOX maturation, and activity with LA, whereas overexpres
153 urthermore, fads2 knockdown by RNAi elevated LOX activity and collagen deposits in fibroblasts with L
154 ime in ccRCC, a detailed study of endogenous LOX and also investigated their transcriptomic profile.
155                     We found that endogenous LOX is overexpressed in ccRCC, is involved in a positive
156  we confirmed that HG significantly enhances LOX-dependent subendothelial matrix stiffness in vitro,
157 D1 as well as extracellular matrix Cu enzyme LOX activity in wound tissues.
158           Direct administration of exogenous LOX was applied in native cartilage and neocartilage gen
159 s the catalytic metal, whereas fungi express LOX with iron or with manganese.
160 ther pathologies, transgenic mice expressing LOX in wild-type megakaryocytes and platelets (Pf4-Lox(t
161                            Water extractable LOX inhibitors acted antagonistically; however, after di
162 red amino acids cause haploinsufficiency for LOX or are located at a highly conserved LOX catalytic d
163 id cancer progression, with implications for LOX targeting as a rational therapeutic strategy in ATC.
164        Mounting evidence suggests a role for LOX-1 in various steps of the atherosclerotic process, f
165 emic delivery of the conditioned medium from LOX-overexpressing colorectal cancer cells promoted tumo
166  human malignant melanoma cells (A375, G361, LOX-IMVI) but not in non-malignant human skin cells (Hs2
167 y and expression of JA-related upstream gene LOX and downstream gene PI II showed the same trend.
168                          We show that a high LOX expression in primary tumors from patients with colo
169                                  We identify LOX as a novel regulator of NFATc1-driven osteoclastogen
170 t, c.839G>T (p.Ser280Arg), was identified in LOX, encoding a lysyl oxidase, that segregated with dise
171 DG, and is sustained by further increases in LOX and allene oxide cyclase mRNA and protein levels.
172 s accumulating, there is growing interest in LOX-1 as a potential therapeutic target.
173 ese data suggest that a missense mutation in LOX is associated with aortic disease in humans, likely
174 uencing was used to investigate mutations in LOX in an additional 410 probands from unrelated familie
175 the conclusion that rare genetic variants in LOX predispose to thoracic aortic disease.
176 d beta-aminoproprionitrile (BAPN) to inhibit LOX in tendon-like constructs (prepared from human tenoc
177 presence of cell-surface complexes involving LOX-1 and AT1.
178 using chronic administration of irreversible LOX inhibitor beta-aminopropionitrile (BAPN, or vehicle
179        In contrast to soy and other legumes, LOX from lupin only converted free fatty acids, whereas
180 ne (PYR) cross-links via intermediaries like LOX.
181                                Lipoxygenase (LOX)-catalysed degradation of polyunsaturated fatty acid
182  key SPM biosynthetic enzyme 5-lipoxygenase (LOX) in vascular cells.
183 uding cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenase (LOX) has revealed far lower values.
184 is, NAE18:2 may be oxidized by lipoxygenase (LOX) or hydrolyzed by fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH)
185 ross the cyclooxygenase (COX), lipoxygenase (LOX), and cytochrome P450 (CYP450) pathways.
186 e free radicals and to inhibit lipoxygenase (LOX) activity.
187 chidonic acid, stimulating the lipoxygenase (LOX) and COX pathways also amplified by MYC at the level
188 e of the oxylipin pathway, the lipoxygenase (LOX), leading to a faster accumulation of its product, t
189                               Lipoxygenases (LOX) are non-heme metal enzymes, which oxidize polyunsat
190 pression of genes encoding 13-lipoxygenases (LOXs) and phospholipase A-Igamma3 (At1g51440), a plastid
191                         Human lipoxygenases (LOXs) are a family of iron-containing enzymes which cata
192 ing to the established classification, lupin LOX activity may be assigned to the LOX type-1, which, t
193  the matrix-remodeling enzyme, lysyloxidase (LOX).
194                          Overall, the mantis LOX is more similar to the LOX of the locust than the mo
195 nking was unaffected and the level of mature LOX was maintained to that of wild-type aortas.
196  role for miR30a downregulation in mediating LOX upregulation and thyroid cancer progression, with im
197                                    Moreover, LOX-mediated 5-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids (HETE) and
198                            The nonreversible LOX inhibitor beta-aminopropionitrile (BAPN) was adminis
199                L5-injected wild-type but not LOX-1(-/-) mice showed longer QTc compared to L1-injecte
200    Denudation of endothelium and blockade of LOX-1 but not CD32 prevented CRP-induced elevation of su
201                          The consequences of LOX inhibition in producing lathyrism are well documente
202 vious studies showing that the deficiency of LOX in mice or inhibition of lysyl oxidases in turkeys a
203 imary breast tumours or systemic delivery of LOX leads to osteolytic lesion formation whereas silenci
204 ractions between the intracellular domain of LOX-1 and AT1 that activate AT1.
205                           High expression of LOX in primary breast tumours or systemic delivery of LO
206 view discusses the discovery and genetics of LOX-1; describes existing evidence supporting the role o
207 inally, in vivo subcutaneous implantation of LOX-treated neocartilage in nude mice promoted further m
208 ollectively, the data show the importance of LOX for the mechanical development of early collagenous
209 g of the seeds resulted in a 15% increase of LOX activity.
210 formation whereas silencing or inhibition of LOX activity abrogates tumour-driven osteolytic lesion f
211 ly, silencing or pharmacologic inhibition of LOX activity blocked dissemination of colorectal cancer
212                                Inhibition of LOX-dependent subendothelial matrix stiffening alone sup
213 collagen cross-linking through inhibition of LOX.
214   We describe a pharmacological inhibitor of LOX, CCT365623, which disrupts EGFR cell surface retenti
215 a few potential small molecule inhibitors of LOX-1 and tested their inhibitory potential using differ
216  Additional studies using our mouse model of LOX-associated TAAD have the potential to clarify the me
217 s the first to validate direct regulation of LOX and LOXL2 by the miR-200/ZEB1 axis, defines a novel
218             To gain insight into the role of LOX in thrombosis and platelet function without compound
219 bes existing evidence supporting the role of LOX-1 in atherogenesis and its major complication, myoca
220     As evidence supporting the vital role of LOX-1 in atherogenesis keeps accumulating, there is grow
221          Studies of the genetic structure of LOX-1 have also uncovered various genetic polymorphisms
222 ing body of work supporting the targeting of LOX and calls for greater efforts in developing therapeu
223 rt the concept of pharmacologic targeting of LOX pathway to inhibit liver fibrosis and promote its re
224 se was observed in CHO cells expressing only LOX-1.
225        These vaccines bind to either CD40 or LOX-1, two dendritic cell surface receptors with differe
226 velope protein (Env gp140) to either CD40 or LOX-1, two endocytic receptors on dendritic cells (DCs),
227 n overexpressed, the SRCR repeats from other LOX family members can catalyze protein deacetylation/de
228 bitor of LOXL2 that is highly selective over LOX and other amine oxidases.
229                           L-Lactate oxidase (LOX) belongs to a large family of flavoenzymes that cata
230  hypoxic secretome identified lysyl oxidase (LOX) as significantly associated with bone-tropism and r
231 lular matrix modifying enzyme lysyl oxidase (LOX) correlates with metastatic dissemination to the bon
232 mal transition marker levels, lysyl oxidase (LOX) expression, and metastatic capacity.
233 tylimination as a function of lysyl oxidase (LOX) family members.
234  collagen crosslinking by the lysyl oxidase (LOX) family of enzymes.
235 atic action of members of the lysyl oxidase (LOX) family.
236 ed a missense mutation in the lysyl oxidase (LOX) gene (c.893T > G encoding p.Met298Arg) that cosegre
237 tease expression, and induced lysyl oxidase (LOX) in the aortic wall, improved systemic cytokine prof
238                               Lysyl oxidase (LOX) is a multifunctional protein required for normal co
239                               Lysyl oxidase (LOX) is a secreted copper-dependent amine oxidase whose
240                               Lysyl oxidase (LOX) is overexpressed in various pathologies associated
241                               Lysyl oxidase (LOX) remodels the tumour microenvironment by cross-linki
242 he functional contribution of lysyl oxidase (LOX) to collagen stabilization and hepatic fibrosis prog
243 t HG-induced up-regulation of lysyl oxidase (LOX), a collagen-cross-linking enzyme, in retinal capill
244 , fibulin-4 was shown to bind lysyl oxidase (LOX), an elastin/collagen cross-linking enzyme, in vitro
245 or of collagen homeostasis is lysyl oxidase (LOX), an enzyme responsible for cross-linking collagen f
246 rectly inhibits expression of lysyl oxidase (LOX), leading to decreased invasion.
247 udies examined the effects of lysyl oxidase (LOX), the enzyme responsible for the formation of collag
248 tion increased collagen I and lysyl oxidase (LOX), the enzyme that cross-links soluble collagen resul
249 s of the extracellular enzyme lysyl oxidase (LOX), the level of which is increased in myeloproliferat
250 the secretory enzymes such as lysyl oxidase (LOX), while Atox1 in the nucleus functions as a Cu-depen
251                              Lysyl oxidases (LOXs) are a family of copper-dependent oxido-deaminases
252          In the present study, a photometric LOX assay including adequate sample workup was adapted t
253 e propeptide (LOX-PP) domain of secreted pro-LOX has tumor-suppressor activity, while the active enzy
254 late LOX6 as the only JA precursor-producing LOX in the plant.
255 ancer in which the lysyl oxidase propeptide (LOX-PP) domain of secreted pro-LOX has tumor-suppressor
256                       The scavenger receptor LOX-1 found in endothelial cells binds and internalizes
257 on to the lectin-like oxidized LDL receptor (LOX-1).
258 transmembrane oxidized LDL (oxLDL) receptor (LOX-1) resides in proximity to AT1 on cell-surface membr
259   In prostate cancer cell lines, recombinant LOX-PP (rLOX-PP) inhibits the growth of PC3 cells in vit
260  particular interest in platelet-type 12-(S)-LOX (12-LOX) because of its demonstrated role in skin di
261                     In vitro, tumor-secreted LOX supported the attachment and survival of colorectal
262                             Although several LOX crystal structures are available, heretofore the rap
263  to iron ligands of coral 8R-LOX and soybean LOX-1 but is not overlapping.
264 ined, being significantly lower than soybean LOX activity.
265 ication, myocardial ischemia; and summarizes LOX-1 modulation by some naturally occurring compounds a
266 odels of breast cancer metastasis, targeting LOX, or its downstream effects, significantly inhibited
267 opment of early collagenous tissues and that LOX is essential for correct collagen fibril shape forma
268 aken together, our findings demonstrate that LOX enhances platelet activation and thrombosis.
269                           Here, we find that LOX regulates the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR
270 ith its role in other cancers, we found that LOX inhibited cell proliferation, cellular invasion, and
271       In vivo experimental studies show that LOX overexpression in colorectal cancer cells or systemi
272                                 We show that LOX regulates EGFR by suppressing TGFbeta1 signalling th
273                           Thus, we show that LOX regulates EGFR cell surface retention to drive tumou
274         Collectively, our findings show that LOX supports colorectal cancer cell dissemination in the
275 .2 +/- 4.9-fold) (P < 0.05), suggesting that LOX is involved in regulation of collagen synthesis.
276 y the cross-link inhibition, suggesting that LOX regulates fibrillogenesis independently of these mol
277 findings demonstrate for the first time that LOX contributes significantly to collagen stabilization
278                                          The LOX activities of different lupin species and varieties
279                   Unlike in most insects the LOX of the praying mantis consists of five nested neurop
280 f HIF-1alpha transcriptional activity is the LOX gene, which codes for the inactive proenzyme (Pro-Lo
281                            Expression of the LOX and LOXL2 isoforms is directly regulated by miR-200
282 oxy-13R-hydroxy-octadecenoate product of the LOX enzymes, a reaction specificity characteristic of ep
283                            Expression of the LOX variants p.Ser280Arg and p.Ser348Arg resulted in sig
284 lar cells and platelets by activation of the LOX-1 receptor and enhances thrombus formation in vivo.
285 ity against melanoma cells, specifically the LOX IMVI and SK-MEL-28 cell lines.
286 erall, the mantis LOX is more similar to the LOX of the locust than the more closely related cockroac
287 g with AA cyclization and shunting AA to the LOX pathway under physiological conditions.
288 n, lupin LOX activity may be assigned to the LOX type-1, which, to the best of our knowledge, was dem
289  Actually the stimulation began upstream the LOX: free linolenic acid accumulated faster in P. putida
290 deletion of Sirt1 (Sirt1LKO) mice with their LOX littermates (controls).
291           Functionally, LOXL2, as opposed to LOX, is the principal isoform that crosslinks and stabil
292 rface membranes and that binding of oxLDL to LOX-1 can allosterically activate AT1-dependent signalin
293   L5 can modulate cardiac repolarization via LOX-1-mediated alteration sarcolemmal ionic currents.
294 ding pocket (Tyr(215) in Aerococcus viridans LOX) that is partially responsible for securing a flexib
295                 Here we investigated whether LOX/HIF1 endows colorectal cancer cells with full compet
296  they reveal a novel mechanism through which LOX-driven IL6 production by colorectal cancer cells imp
297                                        While LOX-generated collagen cross-linking metabolites have be
298            CRP was coimmunoprecipitated with LOX-1 and CD32 from CRP-treated arterioles.
299                             Individuals with LOX variants had fusiform enlargement of the root and as
300 resentation and greater durability than with LOX-1.IMPORTANCE An effective vaccine to prevent HIV-1 i

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