


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              LPA 18:1 significantly regulated 20 GF novel and 27 know
2                                              LPA exposure leads to the loss of N-cadherin concentrati
3                                              LPA induces chemotaxis of remarkable accuracy, and is bo
4                                              LPA is a bioactive phospholipid that regulates diverse b
5                                              LPA is primarily derived from membrane phospholipids and
6                                              LPA is produced extracellularly by autotaxin (ATX), a se
7                                              LPA levels increase in the contused spinal cord parenchy
8                                              LPA signaling induced NFAT1 nuclear translocation, sugge
9                                              LPA signals extracellularly via cognate G protein-couple
10                                              LPA species with longer chain polyunsaturated acyl group
11                                              LPA stimulates pathways regulated by small GTPases throu
12                                              LPA transcriptionally induced HIF-1alpha in colon cancer
13                                              LPA-LPAR signaling has been implicated in development of
14                                              LPA-stimulated Akt/mTOR signaling is critical for LPA-me
15                                              LPAs have a continued role for use in settings where rap
16  the present study, mRNA expression of all 6 LPA receptor genes was detected in murine aortic VSMCs,
17               One SNP in the lipoprotein(a) (LPA) locus (rs10455872) reached genomewide significance
18                   Laser-plasma accelerators (LPAs) are capable of accelerating charged particles to v
19 le in the production of lysophosphatic acid (LPA) species in blood.
20  is the lipid agonist lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) acting through the LPA receptor LPAR1.
21 LPC) to the bioactive lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and choline.
22 s the bioactive lipid lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and is a drug target of considerable interest for n
23 lon, and PKCzeta with lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and their inhibition with bisindolylmaleimide I, as
24 esultant synthesis of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) driving chemotaxis through LPA receptor 2 and actin
25                       Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) functions through activation of LPA receptors (LPAR
26  we determined that a lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) gradient induces a spatiotemporally restricted decr
27                       Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) has been recognized recently as an endothelium-depe
28                       Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) has wide-ranging effects on many different cell typ
29 of the lipid mediator lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) in biological fluids.
30  in the production of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) in blood through hydrolysis of lysophosphatidyl cho
31 ysiological levels of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) in blood.
32 or the lipid mediator lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) in decidualization, acting through its G-protein-co
33 ral administration of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) increased NHE3 activity and fluid absorption in dia
34                       Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a bioactive phospholipid that is present in all
35                       Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a growth factor-like mediator and a ligand for m
36                       Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a major lysophospholipid found systemically, and
37                       Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a natural bioactive lipid that acts through six
38                       Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a pleiotropic lipid molecule with potent effects
39                       Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is an extracellular lipid mediator involved in many
40                       Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is an important bioactive lipid species that is par
41                       Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is an important mediator of pulmonary fibrosis.
42 small bioactive lipid lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) plays critical roles in both normal physiology and
43  by activation of the lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) receptor (LPAR) via SRC-dependent transactivation o
44 ously, we showed that lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) receptor 1 regulates proliferation of intestinal ep
45 adherin downstream of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) receptor 2.
46 t the bioactive lipid lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) regulates hepatocyte glucose production by antagoni
47    The lipid mediator lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) signals via six distinct G protein-coupled receptor
48                       Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) stimulates the formation of stabilized detyrosinate
49 ctivation of YAP upon lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) stimulation and the inhibition of YAP-induced cell
50 tidylcholine (LPC) or lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) to cells restored their oxidant generation.
51                       Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), a growth factor-like phospholipid, regulates numer
52                       Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), a lipid by-product of autotaxin activity, is invol
53 zes the production of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), a pleiotropic growth-factor-like lysophospholipid.
54                       Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), a potent bioactive lipid found in atherosclerotic
55 indings indicate that lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), a potent neuronal activator, and autotaxin (ATX; e
56    Here, we show that lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), a signaling molecule derived from PC, regulated he
57                       Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), an endogenous lipid widely associated with neuropa
58 y signal initiated by lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), an upstream regulator of Yap that can cause fetal
59 T1), autotaxin (ATX), lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), and beta-catenin that contributes to progression o
60 ts enzymatic product, lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), are elevated during HCV infection, and LPA activat
61 a the signaling lipid lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), linking it with GPAM to cell migration.
62 t the bioactive lipid lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), prevalent in the EOC microenvironment, functions t
63 al sensitivity toward lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), which failed to repel PRG-2-deficient thalamocorti
64 edge is epitomized by lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), which functions through interactions with at least
65  p27(KIP1) to enhance lysophosphatidic acid (LPA)-induced ovarian cancer cell migration.
66 hosphatidylcholine to lysophosphatidic acid (LPA).
67 ression was driven by lysophosphatidic acid (LPA).
68 id signaling molecule lysophosphatidic acid (LPA).
69 nse to treatment with lysophosphatidic acid (LPA).
70 es the lipid mediator lysophosphatidic acid (LPA).
71 tor agonists, notably lysophosphatidic acid (LPA; acting through the LPA1 receptor) and endothelin.
72  well as some of the lysophosphatidic acids (LPA) in the small intestine were also increased in respo
73 oline (LPC 18:1) and lysophosphatidic acids (LPAs) in the intestine and plasma.
74 a (INV), lepidic-predominant adenocarcinoma (LPA), and adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS)/minimally invasiv
75                  INF2 localized to MTs after LPA treatment in an mDia1-dependent manner, suggesting t
76 ned myosin light chain phosphorylation after LPA stimulation.
77  formation of leukocyte-platelet aggregates (LPA) that facilitated leukocyte infiltration to the affe
78 ion and upregulation of LIPH, an alternative LPA-producing enzyme, suggesting that this gene could fu
79                     Recent data implicate an LPA genetic variant (rs10455872), associated with Lp(a)
80 , further suggesting that CD97 influences an LPA-associated mechanism of progression.
81 A-induced FAK activation, indicating that an LPA-Cyr61-FAK axis leads to SMC migration.
82                 The latent profile analysis (LPA), with data of seven in vitro methods and one assay
83                                TNF-alpha and LPA also led to sustained p42/44 MAPK phosphorylation an
84 l proresolving network centered on ANXA1 and LPA generation and identify previously unappreciated det
85 viously described associations with APOE and LPA.
86 mice demonstrated enhanced, constitutive and LPA-stimulated ERK activation.
87 rs identify associations at HLA-DQA/DRB1 and LPA and find that genetic variants that increase educati
88 associated with longevity (HLA-DQA1/DRB1 and LPA).
89  We show that VEGF-A, histamine, IGFBP3, and LPA trigger unequal endothelial responses when acting fr
90 LPA), are elevated during HCV infection, and LPA activates immunocytes, but whether this contributes
91 bstrate-product relationship between LPC and LPA in pulmonary fibrosis.
92 elated with IL-6, sCD14, sCD163, Mac2BP, and LPA levels in HCV-infected participants and with Mac2BP
93 ated increase in HETEs, HODEs, AA, PGD2, and LPA.
94 was dependent on autocrine ATX secretion and LPA signaling.
95 taneously harbouring TUDCA in the tunnel and LPA in the pocket, together with kinetic analysis, revea
96 tudies have established that Erk antagonizes LPA-mediated regression, we considered whether Erk was a
97 Here, we engineer the Light Plate Apparatus (LPA), a device that can deliver two independent 310 to 1
98 nce GmbH, Nehren, Germany) line probe assay (LPA) encountered during a feasibility and validation stu
99 ted performance data from line probe assays (LPAs), nucleic acid tests used for the rapid diagnosis o
100 a confirms that our lead compound attenuates LPA mediated signaling in cells and reduces LPA synthesi
101 itive inhibitors of ATX, thereby attenuating LPA receptor activation.
102                                          ATX-LPA receptor signaling is essential for normal developme
103                                          ATX-LPA signalling is involved in multiple biological and pa
104      The autotaxin-lysophophatidic acid (ATX-LPA) signaling pathway is implicated in a variety of hum
105 Thus, together, our data suggest that an ATX-LPA-HDAC1/2 axis regulates OLG differentiation specifica
106        This unexpected interplay between ATX-LPA signalling and select steroids, notably natural bile
107 s revealed that the regulatory effect of ATX-LPA signaling was mediated by PI3K/Akt-Smad pathway.
108                             As a result, ATX-LPA has become of significant interest within both the i
109                Our results indicate that ATX-LPA-LPA3 signaling at the embryo-epithelial boundary ind
110                                      The ATX-LPA pathway has been implicated in many pathologic condi
111                                      The ATX-LPA signaling axis arouses a high interest in the drug d
112                                      The ATX-LPA signaling pathway is implicated in cell survival, mi
113 established a liver profibrotic role for ATX/LPA, whereas pharmacological ATX inhibition studies sugg
114 noma (HCC) development, thus implicating ATX/LPA in the causative link of cirrhosis and HCC.
115 le, we review current thinking about the ATX/LPA axis in lymphocyte homing, as well as in models of a
116 ear translocation, suggesting that autocrine LPA synthesis promotes NFAT1 transcriptional activation
117                                   Autotaxin, LPA, and sCD14 levels normalized, while sCD163 and Mac2B
118                     A role for the autotaxin/LPA axis has been suggested in many disease areas includ
119    Interestingly, knockdown of Cyr61 blocked LPA-induced FAK activation, indicating that an LPA-Cyr61
120                                         Both LPA assays performed well in specimens from HIV-infected
121 vo Cyr61 in the extracellular matrix bridges LPA and integrin pathways, which in turn, activate FAK,
122  regulating cell migration, was activated by LPA at a late time frame coinciding with Cyr61 accumulat
123 educed acute stimulation of NHE3 activity by LPA/LPA5R stimulation; and 3) reduced acute inhibition o
124 interaction of mDia1 and INF2 was induced by LPA and dependent on IQGAP1.
125 icellular protein Cyr61 is highly induced by LPA.
126 bility of a tripartite complex stimulated by LPA.
127                                   The di-C18 LPAs share the ability of burying their lipid chains in
128 e demonstrate for the first time that di-C18 LPAs trigger pro-inflammatory responses through Toll-lik
129 a secretory lysophospholipase that catalyzes LPA production, inhibited hematopoietic differentiation
130 f regulated interactions between circulating LPA, ATX, and platelets remain undefined in cancer.
131 ated lipoprotein(a) levels and corresponding LPA risk genotypes (rs10455872, rs3798220, kringle IV ty
132 treme lipoprotein(a) levels or corresponding LPA KIV-2/rs10455872 risk genotypes substantially improv
133 his study, we identify the G-protein-coupled LPA receptor 2 (LPAR2) as a signal transducer specifical
134 GTPases through binding to G-protein-coupled LPA receptors (LPARs).
135 CD97 depletion reduced RHO-GTP and decreased LPA-stimulated invasion but not EGF-stimulated invasion,
136 pectrometry was used to assay time-dependent LPA species production by GFs.
137 lockade and siRNA inhibition both diminished LPA-induced SMC migration, indicating a novel regulatory
138 sasii, half of which were detected by Direct LPA.
139 e MTBDRplus (MTBDR-Plus) and GenoType Direct LPA (Direct LPA) was compared to a gold standard of one
140 (MTBDR-Plus) and GenoType Direct LPA (Direct LPA) was compared to a gold standard of one mycobacteria
141  tuberculosis identification with the Direct LPA and 44.1% sensitivity with MTBDR-Plus.
142                                   The Direct LPA had a sensitivity of 88.4% and a specificity of 94.6
143 ent had 1 sputum specimen tested with Direct LPA, MTBDR-Plus LPA, smear microscopy, MGIT, biochemical
144                     Cells rapidly break down LPA present at substantial levels in culture medium and
145 tration in plasma 0.95, 0.81-1.11 and either LPA SNP 1.10, 0.92-1.31) or cardiovascular mortality (0.
146 ial infarction per 1-SD difference in either LPA KIV2 repeats or lipoprotein(a) concentration.
147 95% CI 1.14-1.83) and the presence of either LPA SNP (1.88, 1.40-2.53).
148  (PLPP1) had a 2-fold increase in endogenous LPA levels, reduced PEPCK levels during fasting, and dec
149 ther the tumour growing to break down enough LPA to form a gradient.
150 atment of primary hepatocytes with exogenous LPA blunted glucagon-induced PEPCK expression and glucos
151 ancer cell motility, generates extracellular LPA from the precursor lysophosphatidylcholine.
152 e involved in the synthesis of extracellular LPA.
153           Stable electron beams from a first LPA were focused to a twenty-micrometre radius--by a dis
154 human salivary and gingival crevicular fluid LPA species, 18:1, and that they would express transcrip
155 er than the 14.5% (95% CI: 10.3%, 18.7%) for LPA (P = .002).
156 otein(a) concentration, after adjustment for LPA KIV2 repeats and conventional lipids.
157 timulated Akt/mTOR signaling is critical for LPA-mediated macrophage development in mice.
158 lternative enzymatic pathways also exist for LPA production.
159            Our study demonstrates a role for LPA in early forebrain development.
160  These findings identify a critical role for LPA in regulating innate immune system.
161 1 antagonist, confirming an in vivo role for LPA signaling in beta-catenin activation.
162 had a trend toward being lower than that for LPA (P = .051).
163 phosphodiesterase 2), the enzyme which forms LPA, may form a key element of the long-sought pruritoge
164                            SMCs derived from LPA receptor 1 (LPA1) knock-out mice lack the ability of
165 probe morphological changes that result from LPA treatment.
166                                 Furthermore, LPA treatment initiates nuclear translocation of beta-ca
167 el risk locus was identified within the gene LPA (rs12207195; posterior probability 0.925) after rewe
168 low-frequency missense variants in the genes LPA and PCSK9.
169                      Similarly, orally given LPA blocked tumor necrosis factor-mediated intestinal ba
170 ditions relevant to epidermal wound healing, LPA induces SOCE and NFAT activation through Orai1 chann
171 novel role for PLPP1 activity and hepatocyte LPA levels in glucagon sensitivity via a mechanism invol
172                     To better understand how LPA and other lipid analogs might interact and affect th
173                                   In humans, LPA mediates macrophage formation following similar path
174                Taken together, we identified LPA as an important nutrient-derived developmental cue f
175                      These results implicate LPA exerting actions on GFs that are compatible with fun
176                                 Importantly, LPA did not blunt glucagon-stimulated glucose production
177 ured copy numbers of kringle IV-2 (KIV-2) in LPA using qPCR.
178 une function and suggest that alterations in LPA levels likely influence adaptive humoral immunity.
179 I 0.90-0.97; p<0.0001) per 1-SD increment in LPA KIV2 repeats after adjustment for lipoprotein(a) con
180 t, PPARgamma was not found to be involved in LPA-mediated effects.
181            The rs10455872 genetic variant in LPA was genotyped in 14 735 study participants, who simu
182 atocyte ATX expression, leading to increased LPA levels, activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs),
183 ution of LPA in the spinal cord, we injected LPA into the normal spinal cord, revealing that LPA indu
184 dings show how GPAM influences intracellular LPA levels to promote cell migration and tumor growth.
185 radixin accumulation in growth cones and its LPA-dependent phosphorylation depend on its binding to s
186                              Lipopolyamines (LPAs) are cationic lipids; they interact spontaneously w
187  they would express transcript for the major LPA-producing enzyme autotaxin.
188                                   We measure LPA gradients across the margins of melanomas in vivo, c
189                             Mechanistically, LPA antagonized glucagon-mediated inhibition of STAT3, a
190          We hypothesized that Cyr61 mediates LPA-induced cell migration.
191                   Performance of the MTBDRsl LPA might be improved by replacing the gyrA wild-type pr
192 sent, and GFs were found to produce multiple LPA species in a time-dependent manner.
193                            Among the natural LPA analogs, we found that only LPA 18:1, alkylglyceroph
194            The pharmacological activation of LPA receptor subtypes represent a novel strategies for a
195 c acid (LPA) functions through activation of LPA receptors (LPARs).
196 ion of LPC for conversion to LPA; binding of LPA to LPAR1 signals rac activation.
197      Pharmacological and genetic blockage of LPA receptor 1 (LPAR1) or autotoxin (ATX), a secretory l
198      To model this potential contribution of LPA in the spinal cord, we injected LPA into the normal
199 nscriptional regulator in the development of LPA-induced macrophages.
200 view the developmentally related features of LPA signalling.
201    Here, we reveal an unexpected function of LPA that transfigures CD11b(+) murine monocytes into F4/
202 proach to further elucidate the functions of LPA receptors during red blood cell (RBC) differentiatio
203 e likely responsible for local generation of LPA in the injured lung.
204 er, little is known about the involvement of LPA in CNS pathologies.
205 determined for the first time that levels of LPA mRNA were higher in the carriers than non-carriers o
206    Therefore, understanding the mechanism of LPA-induced SMC migration is important.
207 ecent years in deciphering the mechanisms of LPA generation and how it acts on target cells.
208 rally restricted decrease in the mobility of LPA receptor 2 (LPA2) on chemotactic fibroblasts.
209 drives cell dispersal is not the presence of LPA itself, but the self-generated, outward-directed gra
210 et aggregation, leading to the production of LPA.
211                              A wide range of LPA effects have been identified in the CNS, including n
212 1 was able to cause a sustained reduction of LPA levels in plasma in vivo and was shown to be efficac
213 m, with particular focus on the relevance of LPA to both physiological and diseased states.
214                New insights into the role of LPA in regulating immune responses should be forthcoming
215                         However, the role of LPA-LPAR signaling in development of diabetic nephropath
216 rease in lipid composition on the surface of LPA-treated cells.
217 his Review covers a current understanding of LPA signaling in the nervous system, with particular foc
218  and abdominal aorta (AA) segments, 1-oleoyl-LPA and the LPA1-3 agonist VPC31143 induced dose-depende
219  the natural LPA analogs, we found that only LPA 18:1, alkylglycerophosphate 18:1, and cyclic phospha
220     Whether lipoprotein(a) concentrations or LPA genetic variants predict long-term mortality in pati
221        Of these, 9 SNPs were near the PLG or LPA genes on Chr6q26, whereas 2 were on Chr19q13 and 5'
222 isted longer than in the presence of VEGF or LPA alone.
223                               In particular, LPA signalling has been shown to affect fertility and re
224 ound 40 was also able to decrease the plasma LPA levels upon oral administration to rats.
225  specimen tested with Direct LPA, MTBDR-Plus LPA, smear microscopy, MGIT, biochemical identification
226 an that of commercial linear polyacrylamide (LPA)-coated capillaries.
227 ing as a sink, breaking down locally present LPA, and thus forming a gradient that is low in the tumo
228 and multiple tumor types, autotaxin produces LPA from lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) via lysophospholi
229 ned the role of autotaxin (ATX) in pulmonary LPA production during fibrogenesis in a bleomycin mouse
230 and in the lung, without effect on pulmonary LPA or fibrosis.
231  LPA mediated signaling in cells and reduces LPA synthesis in vivo, providing a promising natural pro
232 x deposition in the lung while also reducing LPA 18:2 content in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid.
233 ur findings strengthen the argument for safe LPA-targeted intervention to reduce cardiovascular risk.
234  demonstrates that potentially any saturated LPA currently used or proposed as transfection agent is
235 lary-based active plasma lens--into a second LPA, such that the beams interacted with the wakefield e
236 elucidate variation within LPA, we sequenced LPA and identified two variants most strongly associated
237   However, the energy gain in a single-stage LPA can be limited by laser diffraction, dephasing, elec
238 nce of NHE3 in diabetic diarrhea and suggest LPA administration as a potential therapeutic strategy f
239               Overall, these results support LPA-LPA1 signaling as a novel pathway that contributes t
240 ire identification to therapeutically target LPA production in pulmonary fibrosis.
241                             We conclude that LPA chemotaxis provides a strong drive for melanoma cell
242                 Our results demonstrate that LPA induces loss of junctional beta-catenin, stimulates
243  a previous study, we have demonstrated that LPA activates erythropoiesis by activating the LPA 3 rec
244         We have previously demonstrated that LPA is necessary for successful in vitro osteoclastogene
245                      We also determined that LPA activation of a PKCalpha-mediated signaling pathway
246                                We found that LPA increased expression of PKCalpha and PKCzeta only, w
247                   Our findings indicate that LPA causes vasoconstriction in VSMCs, mediated by LPA1-,
248 disciplines, but emerging data indicate that LPA has an important role to play in immunity.
249  into the normal spinal cord, revealing that LPA induces microglia/macrophage activation and demyelin
250                      This study reveals that LPA signaling via LPA receptor type 1 activation causes
251    Using FRET-based biosensors, we show that LPA and endothelin transiently activate Cdc42 through Gi
252                           Our data show that LPA induced temporal and spatial expression of Cyr61, wh
253 a transactivator of HIF-1alpha and show that LPA regulates HIF-1alpha by dynamically modulating its i
254 ry (IL-11) ILs, along with SOCS2, shows that LPA transiently regulates a complex set of GF genes crit
255             Together these data suggest that LPA initiates EMT in ovarian tumors through beta1-integr
256 rein, we demonstrate for the first time that LPA signaling via LPA1 contributes to secondary damage a
257                                          The LPA dramatically reduces the entry barrier to optogeneti
258                                          The LPA locus link with cardiovascular risk exemplifies how
259 A activates erythropoiesis by activating the LPA 3 receptor subtype (LPA3) under erythropoietin (EPO)
260  that this new-found interaction between the LPA/LPA1 and TXA2/TP pathways plays significant roles in
261                                 However, the LPA and LPC species that increase in BAL of bleomycin-in
262 hod (kringle IV type 2 [KIV2] repeats in the LPA gene) and a serum-based electrophoretic assay in pat
263  has suggested that a genetic variant in the LPA region was associated with the presence of aortic va
264 pproximately 5.3 Mb region that included the LPA gene.
265         Similarly, knockout mice lacking the LPA-degrading enzyme phospholipid phosphate phosphatase
266 g transplant model of BOS, antagonism of the LPA receptor (LPA1) or ATX inhibition decreased allograf
267       Knockout of Lpar3 or inhibition of the LPA-producing enzyme autotaxin (ATX) in pregnant mice le
268 sophosphatidic acid (LPA) acting through the LPA receptor LPAR1.
269  alpha6beta1 and alphanubeta3 transduced the LPA-Cyr61 signal toward FAK activation and migration.
270                                   We use the LPA to precisely control gene expression from blue, gree
271                                   Therefore, LPA may potentially modulate/regulate periodontal inflam
272                                        These LPA-influenced processes impact many aspects of organism
273 n length, saturation, and headgroup of these LPA analogs, we established strict requirements for acti
274 atidic acid (LPA) driving chemotaxis through LPA receptor 2 and actin cytoskeletal mobilization.
275 xis themselves, but potentiate chemotaxis to LPA.
276 a new mechanism for platelet contribution to LPA-dependent metastasis of breast cancer cells, and dem
277  through generation of LPC for conversion to LPA; binding of LPA to LPAR1 signals rac activation.
278 on by generation of LPC that is converted to LPA by the lysophospholipase D activity of autotaxin (AT
279 l cell indicating a differential response to LPA treatment with cancer progression.
280 ing and directional migration in response to LPA.
281  directional migration of fibroblasts toward LPA.
282                                          Two LPA stages were coupled over a short distance (as is nee
283 poprotein(a) concentration in plasma and two LPA single-nucleotide polymorphisms ([SNPs] rs10455872 a
284              In total, 28 patients underwent LPA reanastomosis and/or tracheoplasty in our center, an
285 TLR1 and TLR6-driven heterodimerization upon LPA binding underlines the highly collaborative and prom
286 n by mature murine B cells is inhibited upon LPA engagement of the LPA5 (GPR92) receptor via a Galpha
287 e separation conditions were optimized using LPA-co-dihexylacrylamide block copolymers specifically d
288    This study reveals that LPA signaling via LPA receptor type 1 activation causes demyelination and
289                                    In vitro, LPA activated monocytes.
290  restricted ligand specificity compared with LPA G-protein-coupled receptors.
291 ility, which was blocked by cotreatment with LPA, but not LPA1 knockdown cells.
292 gnals from cellular sheddings from MCAs with LPA treatment are consistent with cleavage of proteins o
293 t ATX have been crystallized previously with LPA or small-molecule inhibitors bound.
294  fiber formation, following stimulation with LPA as well as p21-activated kinase (PAK)-mediated lamel
295 multiple types of cancers, and together with LPA generated during platelet activation promotes skelet
296 regates (MCAs) are removed by treatment with LPA.
297 microvilli-like features upon treatment with LPA.
298 cal and chemical responses to treatment with LPA.
299        To further elucidate variation within LPA, we sequenced LPA and identified two variants most s
300 , during in vivo embryogenesis in zebrafish, LPA functioned as a developmental cue for hemangioblast

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