


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              LRR after BCT is driven by tumor biology and disease sta
2                                              LRR occurred in 5% within the target volume, in 2% in th
3                                              LRR-RLK subgroups harbor extremely contrasting rates of
4 he leucine-rich transmembrane receptor DMA-1/LRR-TM expressed on PVD neurons [8, 9].
5 X-7/L1CAM, but not on MNR-1/Menorin or DMA-1/LRR-TM, suggesting that LECT-2 functions as part of the
6 ve of more than 30% of the approximately 223 LRR RLKs in Arabidopsis thaliana.
7                       In 3,088 patients, 335 LRR events had occurred after 10 years of follow-up.
8              Based on the phylogeny of 7,554 LRR-RLK genes from 31 fully sequenced flowering plant ge
9 268 sites) or Thr (229 sites) residues in 68 LRR RLKs.
10 otal of 592 phosphorylation events across 73 LRR RLKs, with 497 sites uniquely assigned to specific S
11 rs, including the CLV1 receptor kinase and a LRR receptor-like protein, CLV2.
12 ding switch domain, NB-ARC, is tethered to a LRR sensor domain.
13 patterns of 30 genes including LEC1-2, AGL9, LRR, PKL and ARF8-1 were validated by qRT-PCR.
14 t contains leucine-rich repeats (LRR) and an LRR cap domain with similarity to Sds22p, a regulator of
15                                   BAK1 is an LRR-RK coreceptor for both FLS2 and EF-Tu receptor.
16                               The NB-ARC and LRR domains dissociate upon effector-dependent activatio
17 rning the interaction between the NB-ARC and LRR in the highly homologous plant immune receptors Gpa2
18 he physical interaction between the ARC2 and LRR.
19 transcription factors, such as MYB, ARF, and LRR.
20  domain closely related to Rpg1r with CC and LRR domains from a more distantly related CC-NB-LRR gene
21  a structure-function analysis of the CC and LRR domains of RPS5 using transient expression assays in
22 nterparalogue exchanges involving the CC and LRR domains were common, consistent with both of these r
23  polymorphic surfaces within both the CC and LRR domains.
24 L2) and an increase in rice F-BOX DOMAIN AND LRR CONTAINING PROTEIN7 transcripts.
25 g of the entire portion of the TIR, NBS, and LRR domains but lacks the C-terminal domain of the full-
26 lf-oligomerization by disrupting the PYD and LRR domains, which are essential in maintaining NLRP1 as
27 line, requiring both caspase recruitment and LRR domains.
28 ers like beads on a string, with the RRM and LRR domains binding RNAs and the NTF2-like and UBA domai
29 on of S-acylation sites within the SNARE and LRR-RLK families.
30 38) were not significantly different between LRR and ORR.
31 eventing interaction with the ligand-binding LRR-RLK FLS2.
32 ) that interacts with several ligand-binding LRR-RLKs to positively regulate their functions.
33  stem-cell-restrictive signal from a CLAVATA LRR receptor, suggesting a new function for Galpha signa
34 ary 1, 1995, to June 30, 2016, that compared LRR with ORR for histologically proven rectal cancer in
35  randomized clinical trials (RCTs) comparing LRR vs ORR.
36 eat proteins were built from self-compatible LRRs that are designed to interact to form highly curved
37 g RPS5 autoactivation; however, the complete LRR domain was required for the recognition of PBS1 clea
38 ntified any plant CCR4 proteins that contain LRR motifs.
39  selection footprints on LSE and single-copy LRR-RLK genes.
40 ats (LRRs) in At-FLS2 with the corresponding LRRs from Sl-FLS2.
41 o the concave surface of the membrane-distal LRR domain, in contrast to the flanking ligand interacti
42                                        Donor LRR cassettes were classifiable into five basic structur
43   Biased and repetitive use of certain donor LRR cassettes was demonstrable in mature VLRCs.
44 ature VLRC genes with the sequences of donor LRR cassettes and verified by analysis of partially asse
45 ts, several defense response genes (encoding LRR-containing, NBARC-containing, pathogenesis-related,
46 g RPP1 homologs and possess greatly expanded LRR domains.
47 ind that the Cys pair N-terminal to the FLS2 LRR is required for normal processing, stability, and fu
48                GmCLV1A and GmNARK encode for LRR receptor kinases, and share 92% of protein sequence.
49 eptors are poorly understood, especially for LRR receptor-like proteins, which lack a signalling doma
50 nse after NC can be used to predict risk for LRR and to optimize the use of adjuvant radiotherapy.
51 cations of RPS5 revealed that the first four LRR repeats are sufficient for inhibiting RPS5 autoactiv
52                                 Freedom from LRR at 5 years ranged from 86% to 97% by clinical stage,
53 trated that S-acylation is required for full LRR-RLK function.
54 uctural changes, including central GPIbalpha LRR-A1 contact, contribute to VWF affinity regulation.
55                    Finally, a soluble Gpr124(LRR-Ig) probe binds to cells expressing Frizzled, Wnt7a
56 her, our results suggest that the identified LRR protein is an AtPNP-A receptor essential for the PNP
57           Our method may be used to identify LRR-type RKs and RLPs required for PAMP perception/respo
58 n overall seroprevalence by region: 26.2% in LRR and 17.1% in URR (p < 0.0001).
59 en 1-9 years old, seroprevalence was 4.4% in LRR and 3.9% in URR.
60 dverse factors, there were no differences in LRR between patients who underwent surgery before and th
61        However, there were no differences in LRR-free survival rates when comparing the presenting cl
62 s LRRs from both the outermost and innermost LRRs of the FLS2 ectodomain.
63 s, as well as peptides derived from internal LRR regions, to determine the LRRs responsible for these
64 is a complex molecular process that involves LRRs from both the outermost and innermost LRRs of the F
65  protein localizes to the cell wall, and its LRR-domain (which likely mediates protein-protein intera
66 lar pattern flagellin peptide 22 through its LRR RLK, FLS2, and co-receptor BAK1.
67 ry leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase (LRR-RLK) BAK1 combines with the LRR-RLKs FLS2 and EFR in
68 he leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase (LRR-RLK) family, is also involved in this pathway.
69  a leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase (LRR-RLK) identified as a virulence target of the begomov
70  of the leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase (LRR-RK) family called FLS2 and EF-Tu receptor, respectiv
71  by the leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase (LRR-RK) HAESA and the peptide hormone IDA.
72   Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases (LRR RLKs) form a large family of plant signaling protein
73 t leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases (LRR RLKs), not GPCRs, provide this discrimination throug
74 d leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases (LRR-RLK) constitute the largest receptor-like kinases fa
75 , leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases (LRR-RLKs) and RLK superfamily members, integral membrane
76 y leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases (LRR-RLKs) are essential for plant growth, development, a
77 d leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases (LRR-RLKs).
78 ing the pathologic outcomes of laparoscopic (LRR) vs open (ORR) rectal resection for rectal cancer.
79 napse development and function, but for many LRR proteins the ligand-receptor interactions are not kn
80           The EMS1 (EXCESS MICROSPOROCYTES1) LRR-RLK and its small protein ligand TPD1 (TAPETUM DETER
81                                       NACHT, LRR and PYD domains-containing protein 7 (NALP7) is one
82 endent of the inflammasome components NACHT, LRR, and PYD domains-containing protein 3, apoptosis-ass
83 main-containing protein 8) and NLRP1 (NACHT, LRR and PYD domain-containing protein 1) from the FIIND
84                         Activation of NACHT, LRR and PYD domains-containing proteins (NALPs) may cont
85                 The Nod-like receptor NACHT, LRR, and PYD domain-containing protein 3 (NLRP3) and Bru
86 by bacteria, which then activates the Nacht, LRR, and PYD domains-containing protein 3 (NALP3) inflam
87 to infection and tissue damage is the NACHT, LRR, and PYD domains-containing protein 3 (NLRP3) inflam
88                                   The NACHT, LRR, and pyrin domain-containing protein 3 (NLRP3) infla
89 honuclear leukocytes (PMNs), and the Nacht-, LRR-, and PYD-domains-containing protein 3 (NLRP3) infla
90 R) and intracellular nucleotide binding (NB)-LRR immune receptors encoded by resistance (R) genes tha
91                               RenSeq is a NB-LRR (nucleotide binding-site leucine-rich repeat) gene-t
92 rms a receptor complex with RPS4, another NB-LRR protein.
93 ecognition and consequent HR signaling by NB-LRR resistance protein R3a require its relocalization to
94 eath mediated by several coiled-coil (CC)-NB-LRR immune receptors.
95 sponses induced by both TIR-NB-LRR and CC-NB-LRR classes of immune receptors are compromised.
96  domains from a more distantly related CC-NB-LRR gene.
97 disease resistance mediated by several CC-NB-LRR proteins in plants.
98 ance to Potato virus X mediated by the CC-NB-LRR resistance protein Rx1, and resistance to Verticilli
99  SPRYSEC-19 and the LRR domains of the CC-NB-LRR resistance proteins.
100 ucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (CC-NB-LRR) protein.
101 iven a stable increase in family size for NB-LRR genes, it has generated two recombinationally isolat
102                 Little is known about how NB-LRR proteins recognize effectors of filamentous plant pa
103 ation of the switch and sensor domains in NB-LRR proteins.
104 hat these miRNAs have functional roles in NB-LRR regulation.
105 d role for miRNAs and secondary siRNAs in NB-LRR/LRR immune receptor gene regulation and pathogen res
106  the "switch" between active and inactive NB-LRR conformations.
107 on of pathogen effectors by intracellular NB-LRR immune receptors encoded by Resistance (R) genes.
108 ted genes encoding receptor-like kinases, NB-LRR resistance proteins, transcription factors, RNA sile
109 lowing polyploidy in the Glycine lineage, NB-LRR genes have been preferentially lost from one of the
110            Ectopic expression of Medicago NB-LRR-targeting miRNAs in Arabidopsis showed that only a f
111 bean), and there has been partitioning of NB-LRR clades between the two homeologues.
112 ants have evolved a limited repertoire of NB-LRR disease resistance (R) genes to protect themselves a
113 om this work that artificial evolution of NB-LRR disease resistance genes in crops can be enhanced by
114             The unregulated expression of NB-LRR genes can trigger autoimmunity in the absence of pat
115        These data show the versatility of NB-LRR genes to generate resistance to unrelated pathogens
116 counterbalanced by the rapid evolution of NB-LRR proteins, as only a few sequence changes have been s
117  little is known about the flexibility of NB-LRR R genes to switch resistance specificities between p
118                      The wild-type potato NB-LRR protein Rx confers resistance against a single strai
119                    The Arabidopsis RRS1-R NB-LRR protein carries a C-terminal WRKY DNA binding domain
120 rentially recognized by members of the R2 NB-LRR family in Solanum demissum.
121 ts of the Toll and Interleukin-1 receptor-NB-LRR immune receptor N from tobacco that confers resistan
122 r nucleotide-binding-leucine-rich repeat (NB-LRR) architecture in which a nucleotide-binding switch d
123  nucleotide-binding, leucine-rich repeat (NB-LRR) disease resistance genes by small RNAs is particula
124 cleotide-binding and leucine-rich repeat (NB-LRR) domain-containing resistance proteins, which recogn
125  nucleotide-binding, leucine-rich repeat (NB-LRR) immune receptors carry fusions with other protein d
126 t nucleotide binding leucine-rich repeat (NB-LRR) immunoreceptors recognize specific pathogen effecto
127 e nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NB-LRR) protein ZAR1.
128 t nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NB-LRR) proteins confer dominant resistance to diverse path
129 y nucleotide-binding-leucine-rich repeat (NB-LRR) proteins usually results in a programmed cell death
130   Nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NB-LRR, or NLR) receptors mediate pathogen recognition.
131                           We propose that NB-LRR receptor pairs, one member of which carries an addit
132 S. lycopersicum 'Heinz 1706' extended the NB-LRR complement to 394 loci.
133  interacts with both the effector and the NB-LRR immunoreceptor.
134  of the P. infestans AVR2 effector by the NB-LRR protein R2 requires the putative phosphatase BSL1.
135                           So although the NB-LRR receptors involved in ETI are well studied, how they
136 fer of the effector binding signal to the NB-LRR regulatory unit (consisting of a central nucleotide
137                         We compared these NB-LRR genes and the corresponding oligonucleotide baits wi
138 ERED ROOT growth response), encodes a TIR-NB-LRR (for Toll-Interleukin1 Receptor-nucleotide binding-L
139 utants, ETI responses induced by both TIR-NB-LRR and CC-NB-LRR classes of immune receptors are compro
140 usly unexplored association between a TIR-NB-LRR protein and PAD4 and identify functions of plant imm
141                  Arabidopsis thaliana TIR-NB-LRR proteins RRS1-R and RPS4 together recognize two bact
142 (208 or 41% of the total) corresponded to NB-LRR genes; some of these small RNAs preferentially accum
143                                       Two NB-LRR protein-coding genes from rice (Oryza sativa), RGA4
144 chromosomes have been established for 704 NB-LRRs and can be accessed through a genome browser that w
145 NAs in Arabidopsis showed that only a few NB-LRRs are capable of phasiRNA production; our data indica
146 M, and increased the number of identified NB-LRRs from 438 to 755.
147 cance of phasiRNA-based regulation of the NB-LRRs.
148                         In tomato, the NBARC-LRR resistance (R) protein Prf acts in concert with the
149 Our survey reveals that 48.5% of the 132 NBS-LRR loci tested contain functional rice blast R genes, w
150                      Here, we survey 332 NBS-LRR genes cloned from five resistant Oryza sativa (rice)
151 and Vat arthropod resistance genes as CC-NBS-LRR (coiled coil-nucleotide binding site-leucine rich re
152 ide-binding site-leucine-rich repeat (CC-NBS-LRR) family and is activated by AvrPphB-mediated cleavag
153 is true for other pathogens, many extant NBS-LRR genes retain functionality.
154 nthamiana, that miR482 targets mRNAs for NBS-LRR disease resistance proteins with coiled-coil domains
155  allows pathogen-inducible expression of NBS-LRR proteins and that it contributes to a novel layer of
156 eotide binding site-leucine rich repeat (NBS-LRR) resistance proteins of plants (R-proteins) and the
157 ding site-leucine rich repeat) subfamily NBS-LRR resistance proteins, as well as several resistance g
158           It remains unclear whether the NBS-LRR architectures were innovations of plants and animals
159 zed the phylogenetic distribution of the NBS-LRR domain architecture, used maximum-likelihood methods
160        It was then incorporated into the NBS-LRR protein to create a main sub-class of RPW8-encoding
161 y RIL 46, a constitutively expressed TIR-NBS-LRR gene was identified as the candidate for nematode re
162                            RCT1 is a TIR-NBS-LRR-type resistance (R) gene in Medicago truncatula that
163 ition through direct binding to a novel, non-LRR interaction domain.
164  In this dimer, the linkers between the NXF1 LRR and NTF2-like domains interact with NXT1, generating
165          The 10-year cumulative incidence of LRR was 12.3% for mastectomy patients (8.9% local; 3.4%
166 llow-up of 49 months, the crude incidence of LRR was 6.5%.
167 adiation therapy decreases the likelihood of LRR after mastectomy.
168                    Independent predictors of LRR in lumpectomy patients were age, clinical nodal stat
169 roups at low, intermediate, and high risk of LRR could be identified.
170 imately required for a full understanding of LRR RLK biology and function, bacterial expression of re
171 mains) family NTPase followed by a series of LRRs, suggesting inheritance from a common ancestor with
172 ilies interact with a single common "orphan" LRR protein.
173 h repeat (LRR) domain in FLS2 and many other LRR receptors, and we find that the Cys pair N-terminal
174       Multiple autophosphorylation sites per LRR RLK were the norm, with an average of seven sites pe
175                              BAK1 is a plant LRR-receptor-like kinase (RLK) that interacts with sever
176      Significantly, co-expression of the Prf LRR but not NPrf, with Prf(D1416V), AvrPto/Pto, AvrPtoB/
177                             However, the Prf LRR does not interfere with PCD caused by Rpi-blb1(D475V
178 n plant cells when co-expressed with the Prf LRR domain, likely explaining the cell death suppression
179 on is different from that of Rv1196 protein (LRR motifs 11-15), indicating that the site of interacti
180  extract coverage, representing log R ratio (LRR) of signal intensity, and B allele frequency (BAF).
181 lgorithm, manual inspection of log R ratios (LRR) and qPCR probes.
182       Therefore, LIMYB links immune receptor LRR-RLK activation to global translation suppression as
183 unction, bacterial expression of recombinant LRR RLK cytoplasmic catalytic domains for identification
184 on on predictors of locoregional recurrence (LRR) after neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NC) has resulted in
185 erative CRT reduced locoregional recurrence (LRR) from 34% to 14% (P < .001) and peritoneal carcinoma
186 he 5- and 10-year local-regional recurrence (LRR)-free survival rates were 97% [95% confidence interv
187 s with respect to local-regional recurrence (LRR).
188 T in patients with esophageal cancer reduced LRR and peritoneal carcinomatosis.
189 cipants of all ages from Lower River Region (LRR) (N = 1028) and Upper River Region (URR) (N = 840) u
190 ns containing an N-terminal Leu-rich repeat (LRR) and a C-terminal extensin domain.
191 in of Reck binds to the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) and immunoglobulin (Ig) domains of Gpr124, and weak
192 numbers of cell surface leucine-rich repeat (LRR) and intracellular nucleotide binding (NB)-LRR immun
193 flank the extracellular leucine rich repeat (LRR) domain in FLS2 and many other LRR receptors, and we
194 re, the properties of a leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain protein, designated AdpF, are described.
195 nking substrate-binding leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain when substrate is absent.
196 tide binding (NB) and a leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain.
197 expression of the NLRX1 leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain.
198 amples of proteins with Leucine Rich Repeat (LRR) domains and other solenoids like proteins, we show
199 ECD is divided into two leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domains, each of which is capped by cysteine-rich d
200 Various surfaces of the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) ectodomain superstructure are utilized for interact
201 n type III (FnIII), and leucine-rich repeat (LRR) families, which are known to be important in neuron
202 nucleotide-binding (NB)-leucine-rich repeat (LRR) gene cluster found in soybean (Glycine max) and com
203 ), are constructed from leucine-rich repeat (LRR) modules.
204 CR4s contain N-terminal leucine-rich repeat (LRR) motifs that interact with CAF1s in yeast, fruit fly
205  binding site (NBS) and leucine-rich repeat (LRR) motifs.
206 entification of a novel Leucine-Rich Repeat (LRR) protein that directly interacts with A. thaliana PN
207 nucleotide-binding (NB)-leucine-rich repeat (LRR) protein.
208 RAME gene family encode leucine-rich repeat (LRR) proteins functioning as transcription regulators in
209                         Leucine-rich repeat (LRR) proteins have recently been identified as important
210           Transmembrane leucine-rich repeat (LRR) receptors are commonly used innate immune receptors
211 ception by cell surface leucine-rich repeat (LRR) receptors, including the CLV1 receptor kinase and a
212 We demonstrate that the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) substrate recognition domains of different IpaH enz
213 ceptor lacking a single leucine-rich repeat (LRR) within its N-terminus.
214 omatically diversifying leucine-rich repeat (LRR)-based antigen receptors, termed variable lymphocyte
215 e recently identified a leucine-rich repeat (LRR)-containing membrane protein, LRRC26, as a BK channe
216 sed gene that encodes a leucine-rich repeat (LRR)-containing protein detected at higher levels on the
217 ied LRRC25, a member of leucine-rich repeat (LRR)-containing protein family, as a negative regulator
218  mature HCs express the leucine-rich repeat (LRR)-containing protein netrin-G ligand 2 (NGL-2).
219         We identify the leucine-rich repeat (LRR)-containing protein NGL-2 (Lrrc4) as a key regulator
220 ligand perception, many leucine-rich repeat (LRR)-containing PRRs interact with the LRR-RK BRI1-ASSOC
221 omain, and a C-terminal leucine-rich repeat (LRR).
222 de-binding domain [NBD] leucine-rich repeat [LRR]-containing proteins) exhibit diverse functions in i
223 inding domain [NBD] and leucine-rich repeat [LRR]-containing) protein, NLRX1.
224 nding domain [NBD]- and leucine-rich repeat [LRR]-containing) proteins mediate innate immune sensing
225 terminus that contains leucine-rich repeats (LRR) and an LRR cap domain with similarity to Sds22p, a
226 sed almost entirely by leucine-rich repeats (LRRs) and having an N-terminal region enriched in altern
227 that contains multiple leucine-rich repeats (LRRs) and interacts with integrin-dependent adhesion com
228 oding proteins bearing leucine-rich repeats (LRRs) and nucleotide-binding domains.
229 tein contains multiple leucine-rich repeats (LRRs) and regions with similarities to F-box proteins.
230 mbrane protein with 17 leucine-rich repeats (LRRs) at its C-terminal end and is an essential componen
231 tructures, we designed leucine-rich repeats (LRRs) from the ribonuclease inhibitor (RI) family that a
232 ting subsets of the 28 leucine-rich repeats (LRRs) in At-FLS2 with the corresponding LRRs from Sl-FLS
233 een A1 and the central leucine-rich repeats (LRRs) of GPIbalpha, previously shown to be important at
234 glycan, composed of 12 leucine-rich repeats (LRRs) that modulates the activity of transforming growth
235                     Substitution of the RPS2 LRR domain resulted in the autoactivation of RPS5, indic
236                    We conclude that the RPS5 LRR domain functions to suppress RPS5 activation in the
237 etric platform in which the RNA-binding RRM, LRR and NTF2-like domains are arranged on one face.
238  protein constructed from four domains (RRM, LRR, NTF2-like and UBA domains).
239  protein constructed from four domains (RRM, LRR, NTF2-like and UBA) that have been thought to be joi
240  to SR and spine regulation requires NGL-2's LRR and PDZ-binding domains.
241 lysed the structural organization of SHOC2's LRR motifs, and determined the impact of SHOC2 mislocali
242 re, we identify pangloss2 (PAN2) as a second LRR-RLK promoting SMC polarization.
243 BRYOGENESIS RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE1) and SERK2 LRR-RLKs act redundantly as coregulatory and physical pa
244 often critical for the activation of several LRR RLK family members with proven functional roles in p
245  unique hypervariable loop in the C-terminal LRR capping module.
246 nce genes, and CED4]), and carboxyl-terminal LRR domain have undergone distinct evolutionary paths.
247 R4 can interact with CAF1 via its N-terminal LRR domain.
248 wever, no CCR4 protein containing N-terminal LRR motifs have been found in plants.
249 ion in Lrrc8a that truncates the 15 terminal LRRs of LRRC8A.
250 tion in LRRC8A that truncates the 2 terminal LRRs was reported in a patient with agammaglobulinemia a
251 s through direct association with C-terminal LRRs.
252                                 We show that LRRs 1 to 13 constitute a structurally recognizable doma
253 ion in which jawless vertebrates adopted the LRR scaffold to recognize as broad a spectrum of antigen
254  The N-terminal region of Prf (NPrf) and the LRR domain are required for this autoactive Prf cell dea
255 a physical association of SPRYSEC-19 and the LRR domains of the CC-NB-LRR resistance proteins.
256 tern (PAMP)-triggered immunity (PTI) and the LRR-RLK BRI1 in brassinosteroid (BR)-mediated growth.
257              The conformation assumed by the LRR and NTF2-like domains results in clusters of positiv
258 , ligand specificity was mediated not by the LRR domain, but by an internal region encompassing sever
259 the recognition specificities defined by the LRR domain, either aboveground or belowground.
260                        The mechanism for the LRR-induced degradation of Prf(D1416V) is unknown but ma
261 hat exchanging the recognition moiety in the LRR is sufficient to convert extreme virus resistance in
262 on in the ARC2 and N-terminal repeats of the LRR domain coordinate the activation state of the protei
263 d basic patches in the N-terminal end of the LRR domain were demonstrated to be required for the phys
264 in the predicted solvent-exposed face of the LRR domain, although several also were detected within t
265  determined by the C-terminal portion of the LRR domain.
266 ally specified by a C-terminal region of the LRR domain.
267 how the ARC2, NB, and N-terminal half of the LRR form a clamp, which regulates the dissociation and r
268      Because intron 4 lies downstream of the LRR-encoding exons and contains an in-frame stop codon,
269            We showed that S-acylation of the LRR-RLK FLS2 is required for a full response to elicitat
270 the plant brassinosteroid (BR) receptor, the LRR-RK BRI1.
271 le X-ray scattering data, indicated that the LRR domain has a defined spatial relationship to the Mex
272  autoactivation of RPS5, indicating that the LRR domain must coevolve with the NBS domain.
273          Further study demonstrated that the LRR domain of LRRC25 interacted with the Rel Homology do
274                   Huett et al. show that the LRR- and RING-domain-containing E3 ubiquitin ligase LRSA
275 rabidopsis AtPNP-A binds specifically to the LRR protein, termed AtPNP-R1, and the active region of A
276  by a short-circuiting mechanism wherein the LRR domain selectively blocks productive aminolysis, but
277 mains, and their proximity-together with the LRR domain-to the kinase domain suggest an intramolecula
278 tic fusion of the CC-NB-ARC of Gpa2 with the LRR of Rx1 (Gpa2CN/Rx1L) results in autoactivity, but lo
279 peat (LRR)-containing PRRs interact with the LRR-RK BRI1-ASSOCIATED KINASE 1 (BAK1).
280 like kinase (LRR-RLK) BAK1 combines with the LRR-RLKs FLS2 and EFR in pathogen-associated molecular p
281  from internal LRR regions, to determine the LRRs responsible for these decorin functions.
282 In addition, we discovered importance of the LRRs 19 to 24 for the responsiveness to C-terminally mod
283                            We found that the LRRs 7 to 10 of Sl-FLS2 determine the high affinity of S
284 ctural studies of VLRs have shown that these LRR-based receptors bind antigens though their concave s
285 n phenotype, but exchange of the first three LRRs of Gpa2 by the corresponding region of Rx1 was suff
286 iversified their recognition spectra through LRR expansion and sequence variation, allowing them to d
287 m better stratifies patients with respect to LRR after neoadjuvant chemotherapy than presenting clini
288            The primary end point was time to LRR as first event.
289 a RNAi screen, they identify a transmembrane LRR protein-Lapsyn-that plays a critical role in this pr
290 ability and folding cooperativity in RI-type LRR proteins.
291 tions of Prf or to binding of the unattached LRR to other host proteins that are needed for Prf stabi
292 interactors and a previously uncharacterized LRR-RLP that we termed RECEPTOR-LIKE PROTEIN REQUIRED FO
293 d in 179 (13.2%) of 1354 patients undergoing LRR and 104 (10.4%) of 998 patients undergoing ORR (RR,
294 nd in 135 (7.9%) of 1697 patients undergoing LRR and 79 (6.1%) of 1292 patients undergoing ORR (RR, 1
295  significantly higher in patients undergoing LRR compared with ORR.
296 ecular bait to identify a previously unknown LRR-RLP required for the recognition of the csp22 peptid
297 ngle strain of potato virus X (PVX), whereas LRR mutants protect against both a second PVX strain and
298 gery type were independently associated with LRR, with increased risk among patients with CPS+EG scor
299  close/positive margins were associated with LRR.
300 s performed to evaluate for association with LRR.
301 omain of Rv1168c specifically interacts with LRR motifs 15-20 of TLR2, and this site of interaction i

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