


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              LT-beta and BLC/CXCL13 were found to be independent vari
2                                              LT-beta protein was detected on a subset of mantle zone
3                                              LT-beta(-/-) and LT-alpha(-/-) NALTs had fewer cells tha
4                                              LT-beta(-/-) HEVs expressed only abluminal PNAd and no H
5                                              LT-beta-/- mice were susceptible to EAE, though less tha
6 either the LT beta R-Ig-encoding adenovirus (LT beta R-Ig Adv; 13.1 +/- 10.9%; n = 10; p = 0.0004) or
7  human IgG1 was used to develop mAbs against LT beta R.
8 mbinant LT beta R was shown to bind LT alpha LT beta heteromeric complexes.
9 brane-bound and soluble LT beta and LT alpha LT beta oligomers.
10 F-R55 and mAbs specific for murine LT alpha, LT beta, and LT beta R to characterize the appearance of
11 s, and expression of lymphotoxin (LT)-alpha, LT-beta, and lymphoid chemokines (CCL21, CCL19, CXCL13).
12 hown to express TNF, lymphotoxin (LT)-alpha, LT-beta, Fas ligand (L), CD27L, CD30L, OX40L, 4-1BBL, an
13 nflammatory factors (IL-15, IL-12, LT-alpha, LT-beta, TNF-alpha, RANTES) which is coincident with the
14 and cervical lymph nodes, suggesting that an LT beta-independent pathway exists for the generation of
15                                Therefore, an LT beta-independent pathway exists for the development o
16                      The murine LT alpha and LT beta (mLT alpha and mLT beta) proteins have never bee
17 iochemical properties of murine LT alpha and LT beta are essentially unknown.
18  of LT exists as a heteromer of LT alpha and LT beta subunits and this complex specifically binds the
19  mice simultaneously expressing LT alpha and LT beta under rat insulin promoter II (RIP) control were
20 s specific for murine LT alpha, LT beta, and LT beta R to characterize the appearance of surface LT a
21 rance of surface LT alpha beta complexes and LT beta R on several common murine cell lines.
22 ILF formation requires lymphotoxin (LT)- and LT beta receptor-dependent events.
23     However unlike PP formation, the LT- and LT beta receptor-dependent events required for ILF forma
24                  LT alpha-deficient mice and LT beta R-Fc transgenic mice were profoundly susceptible
25 LT) is a heteromeric complex of LT-alpha and LT-beta chains that binds to the LT-beta receptor (LT-be
26    The cDNAs for woodchuck TNF, LT-alpha and LT-beta code for proteins of 233, 205 and 310 amino acid
27  RNA splicing patterns for TNF, LT-alpha and LT-beta genes are identical among woodchucks, humans and
28 mice can differ: the human TNF, LT-alpha and LT-beta genes encode polypeptides of 233, 205 and 244 am
29 ctively, whereas the mouse TNF, LT-alpha and LT-beta genes encode polypeptides of 235, 202 and 306 am
30 e cDNA and gene clones for TNF, LT-alpha and LT-beta.
31 wer cytokine levels in the LT-alpha(-/-) and LT-beta(-/-) NALTs, and undetectable vaginal IgA.
32 ependent on lymphotoxin alpha (LT-alpha) and LT-beta signaling components.
33  NF-kappaB, SP-1 and STAT binding sites, and LT-beta has Egr-1/SP-1, Ets and NF-kappaB binding sites.
34  LT beta R also bound anti-LT alpha and anti-LT beta mAbs in a FACS analysis.
35                                         Anti-LT-beta-R mAbs were also identified that inhibited ligan
36 compromised mice, and treatment with an anti-LT-beta-R antibody combined with human IFN-gamma arreste
37  When immobilized on a plastic surface, anti-LT-beta-R monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) induced the death
38 lso includes TNF-alpha and lymphotoxin-beta (LT beta).
39 ond related protein called lymphotoxin-beta (LT beta).
40  tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-beta) and beta (LT-beta) chains anchored to the membrane surface by the
41 eceptor family member, the lymphotoxin-beta (LT-beta) receptor (LT-betaR), also regulates HIV-1 repli
42 hibitor protein of LIGHT and LT alpha beta2 (LT beta R-Ig) and an inhibitor protein of LIGHT (HVEM-Ig
43                       In the intestine, both LT beta R-Ig Adv and HVEM-Ig Adv decreased CD4+ T cells
44                             Cells that bound LT beta R also bound anti-LT alpha and anti-LT beta mAbs
45 he activation of these signaling pathways by LT beta R is not clear.
46  extended to at least 49 days by consecutive LT beta R-Ig treatments, this had little added protectiv
47 nt (LT-alpha-/- mice), or LT-beta-deficient (LT-beta-/- mice), and their wild-type (WT) littermates w
48 oping disease following inoculation than did LT-beta -/- mice.
49 erived LIGHT activates intestinal epithelial LT beta R to disrupt barrier function.
50 ke other members of the TNF receptor family, LT beta R is not expressed by peripheral blood T cells.
51 on through the alternative pathway following LT-beta signaling.
52 stitute LN, suggesting an important role for LT beta in the mechanisms that reconstitute LN in RIPLT.
53  four exons for LT-alpha and three exons for LT-beta.
54     Transplantation of lymphoid tissues from LT-beta -/- mice, which have cervical and mesenteric lym
55 ucks, humans and mice, except that the human LT-beta gene contains four exons.
56 form of LT-beta wherein the normally type II LT-beta membrane protein was changed to a type I secrete
57  of the RIPLT transgene in mice deficient in LT beta did not reconstitute LN, suggesting an important
58 nodes and Peyer's patches, mice deficient in LT beta retain mesenteric lymph nodes and cervical lymph
59 predominant abluminal PNAd pattern of HEV in LT beta-/- MLN and RIPLT alpha pancreatic infiltrates, P
60  we describe the presence of a lymph node in LT beta-deficient mice responsible for draining the geni
61 l epithelial MLC phosphorylation occurred in LT beta R knockout mice.
62 ha-deficient mice, and yet their presence in LT beta-deficient mice and in mice deficient in tumor ne
63 ound more abundantly in LT-alpha -/- than in LT-beta -/- mice may assist in the amplification of scra
64                         The endogenous LIGHT.LT beta R complex was affinity-purified from U937 cells,
65      The presence of cIAP1 and Smac in LIGHT.LT beta R complex revealed a novel mechanism of LIGHT.LT
66  complex revealed a novel mechanism of LIGHT.LT beta R-induced apoptosis.
67                                Cross-linking LT beta R on A375 melanoma cells with these Abs generate
68              Unlike LT alpha-deficient mice, LT beta-deficient mice had cervical and mesenteric lymph
69 ockout mice that LT alpha3 in the absence of LT beta carries out unique biologic activities.
70                      However, the absence of LT beta results in accentuated infiltration of the kidne
71 in consisting of the extracellular domain of LT beta R fused to the Fc region of human IgG1 was used
72 re we have used soluble receptor-Ig forms of LT beta R and TNF-R55 and mAbs specific for murine LT al
73 roblast line in response to cross-linking of LT beta R.
74                           In the majority of LT beta-deficient mice, a lymph node was found near the
75 ocytes, paralleling the reported patterns of LT beta R expression.
76  receptor itself, the signal transduction of LT beta R is mediated by cytoplasmic proteins recruited
77 pression of LT-alpha and a converted form of LT-beta wherein the normally type II LT-beta membrane pr
78 n gives rise to vaginal IgA, immunization of LT-beta(-/-) mice, which retain cervical lymph nodes, mi
79 odels incorporating in situ transcription of LT-beta and BLC/CXCL13 had high negative yet moderate po
80 n, mice deficient in either TNFR1, TNFR2, or LT beta were crossed to RIPLT-transgenic mice.
81 e, LT-alpha-deficient (LT-alpha-/- mice), or LT-beta-deficient (LT-beta-/- mice), and their wild-type
82 imer that includes the transmembrane protein LT beta.
83 beta receptor-immunoglobulin fusion protein (LT beta R-Ig) leads to their temporary dedifferentiation
84  express the lymphotoxin (LT)-beta receptor (LT beta R) and that in mice lacking the LT beta R in hem
85 lic domain of the lymphotoxin-beta receptor (LT beta R) and weakly with the p75 nerve growth factor r
86 ma, which induced lymphotoxin beta receptor (LT beta R) expression, was required for these effects, a
87 ing LT alpha beta/lymphotoxin-beta receptor (LT beta R) interaction in vivo by generating mice which
88  (HVEM) and LIGHT/lymphotoxin beta receptor (LT beta R) interactions decreases mortality in MHC class
89                   Lymphotoxin-beta receptor (LT beta R) is a member of tumor necrosis factor receptor
90               The lymphotoxin beta receptor (LT beta R) was originally described as a transcribed seq
91 parate receptor called the LT beta receptor (LT beta R).
92 ecific receptor called the LT beta receptor (LT beta R).
93 lex specifically binds the LT beta receptor (LT beta-R).
94 a chains that binds to the LT-beta receptor (LT-beta-R), a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF)
95                  Subsequently, a recombinant LT beta R was shown to bind LT alpha LT beta heteromeric
96 cells than those of wild-type mice, reduced (LT-beta(-/-)) or absent (LT-alpha(-/-)) lymphoid chemoki
97                                      Soluble LT beta-receptor-Ig (LTbetaRIg) blocks lymphocyte LTalph
98 o by generating mice which express a soluble LT beta R-Fc fusion protein driven by the human cytomega
99 uld be induced by membrane-bound and soluble LT beta and LT alpha LT beta oligomers.
100 functions of the LT and TNF systems, soluble LT beta-R-immunoglobulin (Ig) or TNF-R-Ig fusion protein
101            In this study, we have shown that LT beta R is expressed in a variety of tissues and cell
102  positive predictive values, suggesting that LT-beta and BLC/CXCL13 are necessary but not sufficient.
103 nits and this complex specifically binds the LT beta receptor (LT beta-R).
104 plex binds to a separate receptor called the LT beta receptor (LT beta R).
105  and binds to a specific receptor called the LT beta receptor (LT beta R).
106 ients of B6 CD4+ SpC who received either the LT beta R-Ig-encoding adenovirus (LT beta R-Ig Adv; 13.1
107 specific IgG responses were generated in the LT beta-deficient mice following intravaginal HSV-2 infe
108 tor (LT beta R) and that in mice lacking the LT beta R in hematopoietic cells, spleen, and lymph node
109 ells expressed surface LT ligand but not the LT beta R.
110 roportionately reduced in the absence of the LT beta R.
111                 The sacral lymph node of the LT beta-deficient mice, as well as that of the wild-type
112 f recipients of B6 CD4+ SpC who received the LT beta R-Ig Adv (0.8 +/- 0.8; n = 5; p = 0.0007) or the
113  was cytotoxic in the WEHI 164 assay via the LT beta R.
114                                          The LT-beta molecule was engineered into a secreted form and
115 a biological signaling event mediated by the LT-beta-R opens a window for further studies on its immu
116 e surface by the transmembrane domain of the LT-beta portion.
117 cal role, and furthermore, activation of the LT-beta-R may have an application in tumor therapy.
118 T-alpha and LT-beta chains that binds to the LT-beta receptor (LT-beta-R), a member of the tumor necr
119                    Thus, cosignaling via the LT-beta and TNF-alpha receptors is probably involved in
120 ells, demonstrating direct signaling via the LT-beta-R.
121 signaling events can be communicated via the LT-beta-R.
122 is ability is dependent on signaling through LT-beta receptor (LT-betaR), since blocking ligand-recep
123                                  Exposure to LT beta-R-Ig during gestation disrupted lymph node devel
124 e, LT-alpha -/- mice developed scrapie while LT-beta -/- mice did not.
125 e in a model of lymphoid neogenesis and with LT beta-/- mice.
126                       Their association with LT beta R was further confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation
127                Here, a single treatment with LT beta R-Ig before intraperitoneal scrapie inoculation
128                               Treatment with LT beta R-Ig before oral scrapie inoculation blocked PrP
129 tes/macrophages were surface LT negative yet LT beta R positive.

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