


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rebellar nuclei and vestibular nuclei of the Long-Evans rat.
2 g a rat model of high ethanol consumption in Long Evans rats.
3 covery from chronic monocular deprivation in Long Evans rats.
4  subretinal space (SRS) of Sprague-Dawley or Long Evans rats.
5 l solution was injected into the vitreous of Long-Evans rats.
6 d anxiolytic effects in both male and female Long-Evans rats.
7 ic nucleus of the preoptic area (SDN-POA) in Long-Evans rats.
8 ale (experiment 1) and female (experiment 2) Long-Evans rats.
9 GF was injected into the subretinal space of Long-Evans rats.
10 erior colliculi of postnatal day 2 through 4 Long-Evans rats.
11 ily to gonadectomized, adrenalectomized male Long-Evans rats.
12 the voluntary consumption of ethanol in male Long-Evans rats.
13 al circuits in young, mature adult, and aged Long-Evans rats.
14  attenuating nicotine self-administration in Long-Evans rats.
15 to assess spatial pattern separation in male Long-Evans rats.
16 6-month-old) and aged (24-26-month-old) male Long-Evans rats.
17 f young (6-8 months) and aged (25-28 months) Long-Evans rats.
18  and prefrontal cortex of freely-moving male Long-Evans rats.
19 ed leptin intracerebroventricularly (icv) to Long-Evans rats.
20 instatement of alcohol or cocaine seeking in Long-Evans rats.
21 ntion accuracy compared to heterozygotic and Long-Evans rats.
22 agenase were performed in Sprague-Dawley and Long-Evans rats.
23 toxic insult in adult multiparous and virgin Long-Evans rats.
24 ing the NYU impactor device in female, adult Long-Evans rats.
25 ) at spinal cord segment T10 of adult female Long-Evans rats.
26 imulation were evaluated for female and male Long-Evans rats.
27 stradiol-induced changes in spine density in Long-Evans rats.
28 o female and male, intact and gonadectomized Long-Evans rats.
29 P and recorded HD cells in the ADN of female Long-Evans rats.
30 her reinstatement responses to nicotine than Long-Evans rats.
31 tized albino (Sprague-Dawley) and pigmented (Long Evans) rats.
32                                  Adult, male Long-Evans rats (180-200 g, n = 7-9/group) were subjecte
33                                  Adult, male Long-Evans rats (180-200 g, n=7-9/group) were subjected
34                                  Adult, male Long-Evans rats (180-200 g, n=9-10/group) were subjected
35 ic artery (10 ng min(-1) for 60 min) of male Long-Evans rats (220-250 g, n = 24) induced constriction
36 lowered O2 consumption in all regions of the Long Evans rats (-41%).
37      RGCs were purified from 7- or 8-day-old Long Evans rats and cultured on polylysine/laminin-coate
38 ong-term food intake and body weight of lean Long Evans rats and of fatty Zucker (fa/fa) rats.
39 e was harvested from 4-month-old (400-450 g) Long-Evans rats and grafted heterotopically into the abd
40 ve injury (SNI) model of neuropathic pain in Long-Evans rats and patch-clamp recordings in layer II/I
41 sed into the left cerebral ventricle of male Long-Evans rats and the effect of this s-ODN on subseque
42 om wild type mice, genetically altered mice, Long Evans rats, and cultured differentiated rat pheochr
43 ng ability was quantitated in young and aged Long-Evans rats, and molecular markers were assessed in
44 tive microelectrodes in control and diabetic Long-Evans rats at 4 and 12 weeks after induction of dia
45 ecorded from the anterior dorsal thalamus of Long-Evans rats before and after administration of the s
46                                  Compared to Long-Evans rats, Brattleboro rats exhibit diminished fea
47 nduced robust freezing in Sprague-Dawley and Long-Evans rats but not in Wistar rats.
48 reperfusion (FCIR) model was induced in male Long-Evans rats by a bilateral occlusion of both common
49    Experimental diabetes was induced in male Long-Evans rats by a single intraperitoneal injection of
50 - 0.9 to 4.5 +/- 0.8 (density units) in male Long-Evans rats by daily giving two intraperiotoneal inj
51  detachments were experimentally produced in Long-Evans rats by injecting modified phosphate-buffered
52       Focal cerebral ischemia was induced in Long-Evans rats by occlusion of the right middle cerebra
53 cal VVRs were induced in anesthetized, male, Long-Evans rats by sinusoidal galvanic vestibular stimul
54 l learning were documented in young and aged Long-Evans rats by using a hippocampal-dependent version
55                               To do so, male Long-Evans rats chronically implanted with tetrodes in t
56                              Male and female Long-Evans rats consumed either water and ground chow, o
57 RF), and neuropeptide Y levels in adult male Long-Evans rats defeated in a resident-intruder social a
58                          Previous studies in Long-Evans rats demonstrated a significant relationship
59 cal age in Sprague Dawley rats compared with Long Evans rats, despite overall similar temporal sequen
60                                           As Long-Evans rats did not show a robust reinstatement resp
61                                           In Long Evans rats during the first postnatal week, GluR2-l
62 gral) neurons of the dorsomedial striatum in Long-Evans rats during discrete periods of training of a
63 acterized model in which outbred, aged, male Long-Evans rats exhibit a spectrum of individual differe
64                                 Accordingly, Long-Evans rats exhibit differences in the expression of
65 f cocaine seeking by L822429, and found that Long-Evans rats exhibit greater sensitivity to NK1R anta
66                                        Adult Long-Evans rats, exposed prenatally to 1 of 4 doses of c
67                                           In Long-Evans rats, focal cerebral ischemia was produced by
68 Y stimulate food intake dose-responsively in Long-Evans rats for at least 4 h after intracerebroventr
69 sing spatial information and memory, in male Long-Evans rats foraging for food under risky situations
70              On alternating days, adult male Long-Evans rats implanted with bilateral cannulas in the
71                   The study was conducted in Long-Evans rats implanted with jugular catheters.
72 demonstrated that optic nerve transection in Long-Evans rats increased superoxide levels in RGCs.
73                              Thirty-two male Long Evans rats learned the rSMT.
74 mponent of marijuana (Cannabis sativa), in a Long-Evans rat model affects reward-related behavior and
75                                        Male, Long-Evans rats (n=72) underwent either sham or OBX surg
76 l (Sprague-Dawley rats [N=16]) or clozapine (Long-Evans rats [N=20]).
77 dult (5 months) and older (10 months) female Long-Evans rats on a win-shift (delay) 12-arm radial maz
78 nfection than females, adult male and female Long Evans rats (Rattus norvegicus) were inoculated with
79                                              Long-Evans rats received 99 electrical stimulations of t
80            Halothane-NO(2)-O(2)-anesthetized Long-Evans rats received a 5-microl intracerebroventricu
81                                         Male Long-Evans rats received an 8-trial training session in
82                                         Male Long-Evans rats received daily intraperitoneal injection
83                                         Male Long-Evans rats received either sham, ipsilaterally, or
84                  Over 24 training days, male Long-Evans rats received ethanol injection (2.5 g/kg) in
85                                         Male Long-Evans rats received four trials per day for 7 days,
86                                         Male Long-Evans rats received ibotenic acid-induced lesions o
87                                         Male Long-Evans rats received intra-BLA microinjections of vi
88                Adult male albino rabbits and Long-Evans rats received iontophoretic injections of bio
89                                        Male, Long-Evans rats received Pavlovian conditioning sessions
90                                      64 Male Long-Evans rats received unilateral cortical contusion a
91                                              Long-Evans rats received unilateral naris closure on pos
92                      Diabetes was induced in Long Evans rats, resulting in a two- to threefold increa
93 iments were performed using needle-punctured Long Evans rat retinas.
94           We also compared the mycobiomes of Long-Evans rats separated from their mothers (hypersensi
95                         Specifically, virgin Long-Evans rats showing vaginal estrus were handled brie
96 have been the focus of experimental study in Long-Evans rats, since they engender divergent changes i
97 ed astrocytes in the MePD of male and female Long Evans rats that were gonadectomized as adults and t
98                                In adult male Long-Evans rats that had undergone maternal separation,
99 e immunoreactivity in brain slices from male Long-Evans rats that received a 2-h exposure of 0, 20, 4
100 drenal transplants were evaluated in 14 male Long-Evans rats that received intraspinal injections of
101 xamined in the hippocampus of young and aged Long-Evans rats that were behaviorally characterized for
102 experiments in brain slice preparations from Long-Evans rats to investigate the ability of O-LM cells
103 task involving a gustometer, we trained male Long-Evans rats to report the degree to which a test sti
104                              We trained male Long-Evans rats to self-administer alcohol (12% w/v) for
105 -old (n = 13) and 24-month-old (n = 27) male Long-Evans rats trained in the water maze on a standard
106  DS regulates ethanol self-administration in Long-Evans rats trained to self-administer a 10% ethanol
107 M/T cells and presumed granule cells in male Long-Evans rats under urethane anesthesia while testing
108 n postnatal days (PND) 3-15, male and female Long-Evans rats underwent 3 h daily MS.
109 ial learning was evaluated in young and aged Long-Evans rats using the Morris water maze, and the tot
110  neurons from acute olfactory bulb slices of Long Evans rats, various capabilities of this technique
111          Retinal gene expression in diabetic Long Evans rats was measured by whole genome microarray
112                                         Male Long-Evans rats, weighing 300 to 400 g, fasted overnight
113                                         Male Long Evans rats were assessed for high versus low levels
114                       Fifty-eight adult male Long Evans rats were assigned to either: EC, socially pa
115                                        Adult Long Evans rats were maintained on ethanol-containing or
116                                    Pigmented Long Evans rats were rendered diabetic with streptozotoc
117                                     Pregnant Long-Evans rats were administered either corn oil (contr
118                                         Male Long-Evans rats were administered nicotine bitartrate or
119                      Twenty seven adult male Long-Evans rats were administered one of three treatment
120                                        Male, Long-Evans rats were allowed to drink 15% ethanol (v/v)
121                              Male and female Long-Evans rats were assigned to one of three treatments
122                 In 3 experiments, adult male Long-Evans rats were castrated and treated daily with an
123     In a series of 3 experiments, adult male Long-Evans rats were castrated and treated with 1 of 3 d
124                                   Adult male Long-Evans rats were confined to treatment- or nontreatm
125                                 Thirty-eight Long-Evans rats were divided into five groups: ovariecto
126                                              Long-Evans rats were divided into four treatment groups:
127                                 Brown Norway/Long-Evans rats were divided into three groups with simi
128                                         Male Long-Evans rats were divided into three weight-matched g
129                                     Pregnant Long-Evans rats were dosed perinatally with 0 or 30.6 mg
130                                     Pregnant Long-Evans rats were exposed to filtered air, 0.4 ppm oz
131                                              Long-Evans rats were fed a basal diet or a similar diet
132                                     Pregnant Long-Evans rats were fed ad libitum with a diet containi
133                                Virgin female Long-Evans rats were given one intra-VTA injection of mo
134                                         Male Long-Evans rats were implanted with a microdialysis prob
135                                         Male Long-Evans rats were implanted with intravenous catheter
136                                         Male Long-Evans rats were injected subcutaneously with citalo
137                                              Long-Evans rats were made diabetic with streptozotocin.
138                                     Pregnant Long-Evans rats were maintained on three diets throughou
139 al blood flow in young adult and middle-aged Long-Evans rats were measured.
140 inety-seven high-fat diet-induced obese male Long-Evans rats were monitored for BW loss during exendi
141                                              Long-Evans rats were pretrained on the pasta-matrix retr
142                       In a final experiment, Long-Evans rats were restricted to two 2 h periods of ac
143                 RGCs of postnatal day 4 to 5 Long-Evans rats were retrogradely labeled with the fluor
144                                         Male Long-Evans rats were rewarded with food pellets after th
145             In Experiment 1, ovariectomized, Long-Evans rats were subcutaneously (SC) administered se
146                               Young and aged Long-Evans rats were tested in a Morris water maze task
147                              Thirty-two male Long-Evans rats were tested on either the cued or uncued
148                                         Male Long-Evans rats were trained in an unsignaled contextual
149 ng (3-6 months) and aged (22-26 months) male Long-Evans rats were trained on a discounting task used
150                                              Long-Evans rats were trained to dig in cups that contain
151                                        Male, Long-Evans rats were trained to self-administer either e
152                                              Long-Evans rats were used; modulation of copulatory beha
153  episode of reduced-intensity stimulation in Long-Evans rats, which are relatively resistant to devel
154 l alterations compared with normal wild-type Long-Evans rats, which provide evidence for a CNS functi
155 direction (HD) cells were recorded in female Long-Evans rats while they foraged in an environment sub
156             Diabetes mellitus was induced in Long Evans rats with streptozotocin, and an anti-alpha 4
157                      Diabetes was induced in Long Evans rats with streptozotocin.
158                                   Adult male Long-Evans rats with bilateral stimulating electrodes ac
159    Two experiments were conducted using male Long-Evans rats with chronically implanted electrodes to
160                                         Male Long-Evans rats with chronically-implanted stimulating a
161                                         Male Long-Evans rats with diet-induced obesity received AGB i
162                         VSG was performed on Long-Evans rats with diet-induced obesity.
163                         VSG was performed in Long-Evans rats with diet-induced obesity.
164 ing with automated touchscreen tasks in male Long-Evans rats with selective lesions of medial septal/
165                      Diabetes was induced in Long-Evans rats with streptozotocin, resulting in a two-
166 at basal plasma concentrations for 7 days in Long-Evans rats with uncontrolled diabetes induced by st
167                              Ovariectomized, Long-Evans rats with unilateral implants into the NRM of
168                                         Ovx, Long-Evans rats with unilateral microinjections into the

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