


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 coronin support intracellular replication of M. marinum.
2 d the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster with M. marinum.
3 o infection of J774 macrophage-like cells by M. marinum.
4      Cultures of a biopsy of the lesion grew M. marinum.
5 s identified immediately upstream of katG in M. marinum.
6 hat are important for bacterial virulence of M. marinum.
7 logical medium, correlates with virulence in M. marinum.
8 ant colony-forming units in aged cultures of M. marinum.
9 g units from frogs chronically infected with M. marinum.
10 loma where they are productively infected by M. marinum.
11  virulence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and M. marinum.
12 or the virulence of both M. tuberculosis and M. marinum.
13 s that oxyR is not critical for virulence in M. marinum.
14 xclusively at the actin-polymerizing pole of M. marinum.
15  54.46 degrees C (53.69 to 55.23 degrees C); M. marinum, 58.91 degrees C (58.28 to 59.55 degrees C);
16  forty-two slowly growing NTM, including 7/7 M. marinum, 7/7 M. kansasii, and 7/11 of other less comm
17 teracting protein, and Cdc42 does not affect M. marinum actin tail formation, excluding the participa
18 ate-binding basic motif in N-WASP eliminates M. marinum actin tail formation.
19                                              M. marinum AhpC levels detected by immunoblotting, were
20                          In the environment, M. marinum also interacts with amoebae, which may serve
21 o bind to the oxyR-ahpC promoter region from M. marinum and additional mycobacterial species.
22   A recent publication in PNAS reported that M. marinum and M. bovis bacillus Calmette-Guerin produce
23 y of mariner-based transposon mutagenesis of M. marinum and that M. marinum can be used to study the
24           Interestingly, mel(2) is unique to M. marinum and the M. tuberculosis complex and not prese
25           The largest regulon is observed in M. marinum and the smallest in M. abscessus.
26 ycobacterial models, including M. bovis BCG, M. marinum, and M. smegmatis have significantly contribu
27 trate that the levels of ESX-1 substrates in M. marinum are fine-tuned by negative feedback control,
28 n ESX-5a deletion mutant in the model system M. marinum background was deficient in the secretion of
29                                Intracellular M. marinum blocked vacuolar acidification and failed to
30 genetic loci required for ESX-1 secretion in M. marinum but also provide an explanation for the obser
31 o these genes in M. bovis, M. bovis BCG, and M. marinum but not in several other Mycobacterium specie
32 role in the virulence of M. tuberculosis and M. marinum, but the precise molecular and cellular mecha
33 hether LOS composition affects the uptake of M. marinum by professional phagocytes.
34 lar level, M. ulcerans is distinguished from M. marinum by the presence of a virulence plasmid which
35 ransposon mutagenesis of M. marinum and that M. marinum can be used to study the function of M. tuber
36                     These findings show that M. marinum can escape into the cytoplasm of infected mac
37                                              M. marinum causes a chronic granulomatous, nonlethal dis
38                                              M. marinum causes systemic disease in fish but produces
39 beled substrates indicated that M. bovis and M. marinum cell extracts contain PLC and PLD activities,
40 oscope, we found that the majority of viable M. marinum cells were in nonacidic vacuoles that did not
41     This method has enabled us to isolate 12 M. marinum clones that contain promoter constructs diffe
42 agents against 60 recent clinical strains of M. marinum collected from 10 geographic sites within the
43      However, we were also able to show that M. marinum contains an even larger set of host-specific
44                                   Therefore, M. marinum contains different sets of virulence factors
45 arinum by heterologous complementation of an M. marinum cosmid library in the nonchromogen Mycobacter
46         We confirm the previous finding that M. marinum DeltaRD1 mutants are attenuated in adult zebr
47                            Here we show that M. marinum DeltasecA2 was attenuated for virulence in bo
48                                              M. marinum DeltasecA2 was more sensitive to SDS and had
49                      Inactivation of oxyR in M. marinum did not affect either virulence in a fish inf
50 e, we describe a laboratory animal model for M. marinum disease in the leopard frog (Rana pipiens), a
51 phage infection, we conducted a screen of an M. marinum DNA library that provides 2.6-fold coverage o
52                               Interestingly, M. marinum enters fish monocytes at a 40- to 60-fold-hig
53 nclude that ESX-1 plays an essential role in M. marinum escape from the MCV.
54 oducing pores in MCV membranes, facilitating M. marinum escape from the vacuole and cell-to-cell spre
55 hese results suggest that ESAT-6 secreted by M. marinum ESX-1 could play a direct role in producing p
56         In this study, we have examined nine M. marinum ESX-1 mutants and the wild type by using fluo
57 se on macrophages: macrophages infected with M. marinum-expressing PGL-1 also damage axons.
58 nal similarities between M. tuberculosis and M. marinum genes in this region that we designate extRD1
59 ructed a library of 200-1000 bp fragments of M. marinum genomic DNA inserted upstream of a promoterle
60 ed by other methods, 9 were PCR positive for M. marinum group species, 8 were IHC positive, and 3 wer
61                     We demonstrate here that M. marinum grows within Dictyostelium discoideum cells,
62                                              M. marinum has become an important model system for the
63                          An unusual clade of M. marinum has been reported from fish in the Red and Me
64 vo regulation of M. tuberculosis genes whose M. marinum homologs are induced in chronically infected
65                            Disruption of the M. marinum homologue of Rv3881c, not previously implicat
66 LOS pattern and that the LOS pathway used by M. marinum in macrophages is conserved during infection
67  Solna, Sweden) to susceptibility testing of M. marinum in order to assess the activities of eight an
68 hat ESX-5a is important for the virulence of M. marinum in the zebrafish model.
69 se cells as well as the effects on growth of M. marinum in these cells.
70 ning M. avium, M. fortuitum, M. gordonae, or M. marinum incubated with various concentrations of cipr
71 ty for the large-scale longitudinal study of M. marinum-induced tuberculosis in adult zebrafish where
72                     We provide evidence that M. marinum induces membrane pores approximately 4.5 nm i
73 ed that metabolism is profoundly affected in M. marinum-infected flies.
74  of zebrafish embryos to image the events of M. marinum infection in vivo.
75   We previously developed a zebrafish embryo-M. marinum infection model to study host-pathogen intera
76                                Consequently, M. marinum infection of mammals is restricted largely to
77     We examined organs of frogs with chronic M. marinum infection using transmission electron microsc
78 ag1 mutant zebrafish are hypersusceptible to M. marinum infection, demonstrating that the control of
79 aining protein, IipA, in the pathogenesis of M. marinum infection.
80 ation is systemically reduced as a result of M. marinum infection.
81  the empiric drug selection for contemporary M. marinum infections and also provide evidence that the
82 zebrafish embryo infection model that allows M. marinum infections to be visualized in real-time, com
83 was used to identify cases in an outbreak of M. marinum infections.
84                           We also found that M. marinum inhibits lysosomal fusion in fish monocytes,
85                                              M. marinum initially proliferated inside the phagocytes
86   The co-dependent secretion is required for M. marinum intracellular growth in macrophages, where th
87                                     Virulent M. marinum is able to escape from the Mycobacterium-cont
88  By reconstituting these cells, we find that M. marinum is able to use either WASP or N-WASP to induc
89                                              M. marinum is closely related to M. tuberculosis, which
90                                              M. marinum is closely related to the Mycobacterium tuber
91 In fibroblasts lacking both WASP and N-WASP, M. marinum is incapable of efficient actin polymerizatio
92                      Actin tail formation by M. marinum is markedly reduced in macrophages deficient
93  and cathepsin D comparable to those for the M. marinum isolate.
94 emonstrate the best in vitro potency against M. marinum isolates to be as follows (rank order): trime
95 A population of vesicles that contained live M. marinum labeled with the lysosomal glycoprotein LAMP-
96                                              M. marinum lacking the mag24 gene were less virulent, as
97                             We conclude that M. marinum, like M. tuberculosis, can circumvent the hos
98     We too find ESX-1 of M. tuberculosis and M. marinum lyses host cell membranes.
99 d in whole-cell extracts of M. tuberculosis, M. marinum, M. bovis, and M. bovis BCG, but this activit
100                                M. fortuitum, M. marinum, M. scrofulaceum, M. avium, and M. chelonae g
101      These observations demonstrate that the M. marinum mel2 locus plays a role in resistance to ROS
102                             Furthermore, the M. marinum melF mutant displays a defect at late stages
103 logical and infection assays showed that the M. marinum mimG mutant, an Rv3242c orthologue in a patho
104       In order to advance the utility of the M. marinum model, we have developed efficient transposon
105                             We found that an M. marinum mutant with mutation of the first gene in the
106                                              M. marinum mutants in genes homologous to Rv3866-Rv3868
107                                          The M. marinum mutants showed decreased virulence in vivo an
108 s used to identify the loci responsible, and M. marinum mutants were constructed in the genes involve
109                                              M. marinum mutants with mutations in mel(1) and mel(2),
110 is homologues complemented the corresponding M. marinum mutants, emphasizing the functional similarit
111  In contrast to M. ulcerans and conventional M. marinum, mycolactone F-producing mycobacteria are inc
112     We have also determined the structure of M. marinum NAT in complex with CoA, shedding the first l
113 ingly, the principal CoA recognition site in M. marinum NAT is located some 30 A from the site of CoA
114                     Depending on the dose of M. marinum organisms administered, an acute or chronic d
115 ly with doses between 10(2) and 10(9) CFU of M. marinum organisms.
116 identified genes expressed specifically when M. marinum persists within granulomas.
117                         M. tuberculosis (and M. marinum) PGL promotes bacterial spread to growth-perm
118 onocytic cells from fish, a natural host for M. marinum, provide an extremely valuable model for the
119 ted in enhanced intracellular replication of M. marinum relative to the control wild-type strain.
120 dentified 22 gene products from the wildtype M. marinum secretome in a single CZE-tandem mass spectro
121          In this study, we have examined the M. marinum secretomes and identified four proteins speci
122 ish tank water, in which case infection with M. marinum should be considered.
123 kin biopsy can lead to improved diagnosis of M. marinum SSTIs compared to relying solely on mycobacte
124                                           An M. marinum strain bearing a transposon-insertion between
125 port an infection caused by a drug-resistant M. marinum strain in an otherwise healthy patient.
126 hat zebrafish are exquisitely susceptible to M. marinum strain M.
127                 We identified a noncytotoxic M. marinum strain with a transposon insertion in a predi
128 hat the loss of WhiB6 resulted in a virulent M. marinum strain with reduced ESX-1 secretion.
129 utant, an Rv3242c orthologue in a pathogenic M. marinum strain, was strongly attenuated in adult zebr
130       Mutation of two PE-PGRS genes produced M. marinum strains incapable of replication in macrophag
131 ere decreased, and WhiB6 was not detected in M. marinum strains lacking genes encoding ESX-1 componen
132  type and the complemented DeltamimG:Rv3242c M. marinum strains showed prominent pathological feature
133 ampin was only marginally active against the M. marinum strains tested (MIC90, at the National Commit
134        Together, these data demonstrate that M. marinum subversion of host actin polymerization is mo
135 ing that this gene plays additional roles in M. marinum survival in the host.
136                                 In addition, M. marinum survives and replicates in fish monocytes whi
137 model for the three-dimensional structure of M. marinum TesA (TesAmm) and demonstrate that a Ser-to-A
138 ic subset of proteins in M. tuberculosis and M. marinum that are important for bacterial virulence of
139                                              M. marinum that polymerized actin were free in the cytop
140 re results, 11 of 27 (41%) were positive for M. marinum; the remainder showed no growth.
141  and mel(2) are important for the ability of M. marinum to infect host cells.
142 entified two loci that affect the ability of M. marinum to infect macrophages, designated mel(1) and
143 developed an in vitro model for the study of M. marinum virulence mechanisms using the carp monocytic
144                                erp-deficient M. marinum was growth attenuated in cultured macrophage
145 , a novel locus required for ESX-1 export in M. marinum was identified outside the RD1 locus.
146                                              M. marinum was isolated from his bone marrow.
147 vidence for cell-to-cell spread by wild-type M. marinum was obtained by microscopic detection in macr
148                      Intracellular growth of M. marinum was shown to mimic the properties previously
149 erium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae, M. marinum was shown to possess a closely linked and div
150                    Four reference strains of M. marinum were tested on five occasions with eight drug
151                       They also suggest that M. marinum will be useful as a model system for studying
152 may be involved in the early interactions of M. marinum with macrophages.

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