


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              M. ulcerans causes Buruli ulcer, a severe human skin les
2                                              M. ulcerans produces the polyketide-derived macrolide my
3                                              M. ulcerans was s.c. inoculated in three consanguine mou
4 rocess and did not confer protection against M. ulcerans.
5 ze the relationship between M. liflandii and M. ulcerans, strains were analyzed for the presence of t
6 se soils were Mycobacterium tuberculosis and M. ulcerans, M. tuberculosis (macrolide-lincosamide-stre
7                     The relationship between M. ulcerans, mycolactone, and Ae. aegypti further sugges
8 rtance of innate immune responses to control M. ulcerans infection.
9 culture-positive samples were able to detect M. ulcerans DNA in all 21 culture-confirmed patients.
10  We evaluated the IS2404-based PCR to detect M. ulcerans DNA in tissue specimens from 143 BUD patient
11 stological diagnosis, a positive culture for M. ulcerans, or a smear positive for acid-fast bacilli (
12 ective, simple, cheap and safe treatment for M. ulcerans disease.
13 terized a macrolide toxin, mycolactone, from M. ulcerans.
14                     One member of the genus, M. ulcerans, causes a necrotizing skin disease called Bu
15                                     However, M. ulcerans infections are not limited to skin, and oste
16  Our data suggest that additional factors in M. ulcerans may be involved in Buruli ulcer pathogenesis
17                      At the molecular level, M. ulcerans is distinguished from M. marinum by the pres
18         For 70 clinically diagnosed cases of M. ulcerans disease, the modified PCR was 98% sensitive
19  and histopathology in making a diagnosis of M. ulcerans disease in a field setting.
20 he difficulties associated with diagnosis of M. ulcerans osteomyelitis, with one-fourth of patients h
21                        This in vivo model of M. ulcerans infection now paves the way for new avenues
22 tter understanding of the pathophysiology of M. ulcerans infection, and the development of new therap
23 bstacle to understand the pathophysiology of M. ulcerans infection.
24  interval, 68 to 82%) showed the presence of M. ulcerans DNA by PCR.
25 nce of a toxin in the culture supernatant of M. ulcerans which causes a cytopathic effect on the mous
26  lipid toxin from the culture supernatant of M. ulcerans which is capable of causing the cytopathic e
27 ure of mycolactone F is identical to that of M. ulcerans mycolactones, but a unique side chain struct
28 s, but the specific route of transmission of M. ulcerans to humans remains unclear.
29 ost detailed field data in space and time on M. ulcerans and Buruli ulcer available today, we assess
30 ycolactone congeners from the human pathogen M. ulcerans, the frog pathogen Mycobacterium liflandii,
31 tients with polymerase chain reaction-proved M. ulcerans infections.
32 is on cultured cells but is less potent than M. ulcerans mycolactones.
33        Together, these data demonstrate that M. ulcerans infection causes systemic perturbations in t
34                                          The M. ulcerans genome strain has a deletion in RD1 and lack
35                                          The M. ulcerans toxin does not cause cell death but instead
36                               In contrast to M. ulcerans and conventional M. marinum, mycolactone F-p
37 cobacterium liflandii, is closely related to M. ulcerans and Mycobacterium marinum, and as further ev
38 e as all other mouse strains with respect to M. ulcerans infection, presented a spontaneous healing a
39 ts suggest that the human immune response to M. ulcerans is similar to that seen with some other myco
40  molecule appears so far to be restricted to M. ulcerans.
41 cterial species isolated from areas in which M. ulcerans infection is endemic.
42                               Infection with M. ulcerans results in persistent severe necrosis withou
43 d radiological features in all patients with M. ulcerans infections with bone involvement, identified

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