


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              MARCKS (myristoylated alanine-rich C-kinase substrate) i
2                                              MARCKS acted upstream of the AKT/mTOR pathway, activatin
3                                              MARCKS associates with membranes via the combined action
4                                              MARCKS expression and signaling in primary MKs is a nove
5                                              MARCKS inhibition by peptide significantly decreased pro
6                                              MARCKS is a protein kinase C (PKC) substrate that binds
7                                              MARCKS is an actin-binding protein that modulates vascul
8                                              MARCKS is known to be phosphorylated by Cdk5 in chick ne
9                                              MARCKS knockdown and H(2)O(2) treatment alter the archit
10                                              MARCKS phosphorylation has been implicated in endocytosi
11                                              MARCKS phosphorylation was inhibited by PKC-delta siRNA,
12                                              MARCKS-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) resp
13                                              MARCKS-ED has the added property of being a lower-molecu
14                                              MARCKS-like protein (MLP), recently discovered as a rege
15 ion of wild-type and PSD-mutated (S159/163A) MARCKS, we showed that elevated phospho-MARCKS promoted
16                    DARPP-32 binds to adducin MARCKS domain and this interaction is modulated by DARPP
17 S or EGFR mutations, and establishes an AKT1-MARCKS-LAMC2 feedback loop in this regulation.
18  subsequent loss of activation of GAP-43 and MARCKS, and the established role of PKCs in spinocerebel
19 oforms of PKC (PKC-betaI and PKC-alpha), and MARCKS-GFP, but only in Ca2+-containing solutions.
20                           TRPC1 channels and MARCKS form signaling complexes with PI(4,5)P2 bound to
21 vel were increased with AKT1 inhibition, and MARCKS or LAMC2 knockdown abrogated migration and invasi
22                We determined that MARCKS and MARCKS-related protein specifically bind to LPS and that
23 ation and an intimate interaction of PSA and MARCKS at the cell surface was seen by confocal microsco
24 re in close contact, suggesting that PSA and MARCKS interact with each other at the plasma membrane f
25                         Insertion of PSA and MARCKS-ED peptide into lipid bilayers from opposite side
26 rons confirm the interaction between PSA and MARCKS.
27 ifferences between properties of the PSD and MARCKS.
28                           Both secretion and MARCKS phosphorylation were significantly enhanced by th
29 d PKC delta and enhanced mucin secretion and MARCKS phosphorylation.
30 nduced phosphorylation of PKC substrates and MARCKS.
31 its PH domain to PIP2, decreases markedly as MARCKS(151-175) sequesters most of the PIP2.
32 influence synaptic vesicle function, such as MARCKS, synapsin, and SNAP-25, were all reduced in synap
33 in segment that is responsible for attaching MARCKS reversibly to the membrane interface.
34  functional role for the interaction between MARCKS and PSA in the developing and adult nervous syste
35 ivated protein kinase, and the actin-binding MARCKS protein--was blocked by preincubation with PEG-ca
36 ly downregulates proplatelet formation; both MARCKS and Arp2 were dephosphorylated in MKs making prop
37 results suggest that phosphorylation of both MARCKS and myosin II lead to disruption of the actin cor
38  BBS-mediated NT secretion was attenuated by MARCKS siRNA.
39 s TLC-mediated activation of PKC followed by MARCKS phosphorylation and consequent detachment of MARC
40 ng properties of Gag, the well-characterized MARCKS peptide, a series of fluorescent electrostatic se
41 tosol upon PMA treatment, further confirming MARCKS activation.
42                                  Conversely, MARCKS silencing had little or no effect on EC migration
43 g pathway molecules (ERK, JNK, CaMKII, CREB, MARCKS, Fyn, tau).
44 s transfected with phosphorylation-deficient MARCKS, TLC failed to increase MARCKS phosphorylation or
45                               We demonstrate MARCKS silencing attenuates VSMC migration and arrests V
46 by Gay et al., suggests that effector domain MARCKS peptides could play a significant role in memory
47     In contrast, the cellular protein domain MARCKS and the PS sensor Evectin2 show preference for di
48 eptide corresponding to its effector domain, MARCKS(151-175), to sequester PIP2 in model membranes co
49 , or a peptide corresponding to this domain, MARCKS(151-175), sequesters several PI(4,5)P2 and that t
50                                   Endogenous MARCKS and green fluorescent protein-tagged wild-type MA
51                      Knockdown of endogenous MARCKS using RNAi reduced spine density and size.
52 SA or PSA-NCAM and intracellularly expressed MARCKS-GFP are in close contact, suggesting that PSA and
53  CHO cells or hippocampal neurons expressing MARCKS as a fusion protein with green fluorescent protei
54 comes more favorable when: 1), Lys-13 and FA-MARCKS(151-175) sequester several PI(4,5)P2; 2), the lin
55 sorbed basic peptides: Lys-7, Lys-13, and FA-MARCKS(151-175), a peptide based on MARCKS(151-175).
56 ed for membrane association is essential for MARCKS function in radial glia.
57 r cells were pharmacologically inhibited for MARCKS activity and subjected to functional bioassays.
58 a and the Rho/ROK pathways are necessary for MARCKS activation.
59 that an atypical isoform was responsible for MARCKS phosphorylation.
60   Our findings establish a distinct role for MARCKS in the regulation of H(2)O(2)-induced permeabilit
61         These results suggest a key role for MARCKS PSD in cancer disease and provide a unique strate
62    These results indicate a crucial role for MARCKS, specifically its phosphorylated form, in potenti
63 ect role of MARCKS in proplatelet formation; MARCKS KO MKs displayed significantly decreased proplate
64 ts from MARCKS and release of PI(4,5)P2 from MARCKS; PI(4,5)P2 subsequently binds to TRPC1 subunits t
65 h causes dissociation of TRPC1 subunits from MARCKS and release of PI(4,5)P2 from MARCKS; PI(4,5)P2 s
66          We further demonstrated that higher MARCKS expression promotes growth and angiogenesis in vi
67 ever, behavioral consequences of hippocampal MARCKS peptide infusions have not been investigated.
68 d Phe residues play an essential role in how MARCKS-ED detects and binds to curved bilayers.
69  substrate and confirm previously identified MARCKS as a a bona fide Cdk5 substrate.
70                          These data identify MARCKS as a pathogenic contributor to IH and indicate th
71                     We aimed to determine if MARCKS PSD activity can serve as a therapeutic target an
72 MARCKS inhibited apoE secretion, implicating MARCKS as a downstream effector of PKC in apoE secretion
73               The critical role of PIP(2) in MARCKS responses was explored by examining the PIP(2)- a
74                       TLC failed to increase MARCKS phosphorylation in HuH-NTCP cells transfected wit
75 ion-deficient MARCKS, TLC failed to increase MARCKS phosphorylation or decrease PM-MRP2.
76                 TLC, but not cAMP, increased MARCKS phosphorylation in HuH-NTCP cells and hepatocytes
77 methacrylate (PMA), which markedly increased MARCKS phosphorylation while significantly inhibiting pr
78                                       Intact MARCKS also does not bind as well to calmodulin as does
79 , yet paradoxically, we now find that intact MARCKS does not bind to actin.
80 e bilayer similar to that of the full-length MARCKS-ED peptide.
81 de comprising the effector domain of MARCKS (MARCKS-ED).
82 induced MRP2 retrieval involves PKC-mediated MARCKS phosphorylation.
83 s were markedly attenuated by siRNA-mediated MARCKS knockdown.
84 horylation of downstream signaling molecules MARCKS and PKCmu.
85                                    Moreover, MARCKS knockdown effectively abrogated N-WASP activation
86 singly, attenuation of MARCKS using the MPS (MARCKS phosphorylation site domain) peptide synergistica
87 ression of phosphorylation-deficient, mutant MARCKS greatly expands growth cone adhesion, and this is
88                Cells expressing this mutated MARCKS-ED SA4 show delayed onset of antigen-stimulated C
89  2.08 x 10(-7)), and rs7765004 at 6q21 (near MARCKS and HDAC2; HR, 1.38; 95% CI, 1.22 to 1.57; P = 7.
90                          Nonphosphorylatable MARCKS caused spine elongation and increased the mobilit
91                  However, myosin II, but not MARCKS, is required for the activity-dependent exocytosi
92 R4 signaling was enhanced by the ablation of MARCKS, which had no effect on stimulation by TLR2, TLR3
93      Here, we demonstrate that activation of MARCKS protein is important for PMA- and bombesin (BBS)-
94 ique strategy for inhibiting the activity of MARCKS PSD as a treatment for lung cancer.
95 o bind to actin and increase the affinity of MARCKS for calmodulin.
96                 Surprisingly, attenuation of MARCKS using the MPS (MARCKS phosphorylation site domain
97           These results show the capacity of MARCKS-ED to regulate granule exocytosis in a PKC-depend
98 oth myristoylation of MARCKS and cleavage of MARCKS by calpain are shown to increase the availability
99 characterized by extensive colocalization of MARCKS and alpha3-integrin, resistance to eicosanoid-tri
100 H and examine the phenotypic consequences of MARCKS silencing by small interfering RNA (siRNA) transf
101     Our data suggest a major contribution of MARCKS to kidney cancer growth and provide an alternativ
102       Immunoblots confirm the degradation of MARCKS and fascin after preconditioning ischemia.
103 phosphorylation and consequent detachment of MARCKS from the membrane.
104  a peptide comprising the effector domain of MARCKS (MARCKS-ED).
105 e notion that PSA and the effector domain of MARCKS interact at and/or within the plane of the membra
106    By contrast, the myristoylation domain of MARCKS needed for membrane association is essential for
107 ng hypothesis is that the effector domain of MARCKS reversibly sequesters a significant fraction of t
108  a peptide comprising the effector domain of MARCKS the EPR spectrum broadens, but the changes in lin
109 S binding site within the effector domain of MARCKS was narrowed down to a heptapeptide that binds to
110 ctions between oppositely charged domains of MARCKS were responsible for long-range interactions with
111 ection technique to determine the effects of MARCKS silencing in human saphenous vein cultured ex viv
112 75) and short (amino acids 159-165) forms of MARCKS peptides could affect memory performance in the 1
113 e-sensing capabilities of seven fragments of MARCKS-ED.
114                However, the functionality of MARCKS and its related phosphorylation in lung cancer ma
115 A-NCAM) with MARCKS and co-immunostaining of MARCKS and PSA at the cell membrane of hippocampal neuro
116 hese cells, and direct peptide inhibition of MARCKS inhibited apoE secretion, implicating MARCKS as a
117 imilarly, small interfering RNA knockdown of MARCKS also increased LPS signaling, whereas overexpress
118                           siRNA knockdown of MARCKS expression in these highly invasive lung cancer c
119    We found that siRNA-mediated knockdown of MARCKS in cultured endothelial cells abrogated directed
120                       Following knockdown of MARCKS in RCC cells, the IC50 of the multikinase inhibit
121                  siRNA-mediated knockdown of MARCKS or Rac1 attenuates receptor-mediated activation o
122 ) was blocked by siRNA-mediated knockdown of MARCKS, as determined using both biochemical assays and
123   This study demonstrated elevated levels of MARCKS and phospho-MARCKS in highly invasive lung cancer
124 le spinning NMR to establish the location of MARCKS-(151-175) in membrane bilayers, which is necessar
125                                      Loss of MARCKS results in ectopic collection of mitotically acti
126 ply that post-translational modifications of MARCKS are necessary and sufficient to regulate actin-bi
127 h this hypothesis, chemical modifications of MARCKS that neutralize negatively charged residues outsi
128            Similarly, both myristoylation of MARCKS and cleavage of MARCKS by calpain are shown to in
129 sed LPS signaling, whereas overexpression of MARCKS inhibited LPS signaling.
130 r Ca(2+)-PKC and the PIP2-binding peptide of MARCKS modulate the level of free PIP2, which serves as
131 trate, surprisingly, that phosphorylation of MARCKS by PKC is not essential for the role of MARCKS in
132 is suggested PKC-mediated phosphorylation of MARCKS by TLC.
133                           Phosphorylation of MARCKS causes its translocation from the membrane to the
134                   Because phosphorylation of MARCKS modulates its actin crosslinking function, this l
135 duced mucin secretion and phosphorylation of MARCKS, whereas transfection of a wild-type construct in
136  dose- and time-dependent phosphorylation of MARCKS.
137 I3K), and subsequently to phosphorylation of MARCKS.
138 lso substantially reduced in the presence of MARCKS-ED SA4, but store-operated Ca(2+) entry is not in
139 ways, including the sequential regulation of MARCKS activity by Rho/ROK and PKC-delta proteins, in st
140 etion by airway epithelium via regulation of MARCKS phosphorylation.
141  experiments show that the five Phe rings of MARCKS-(151-175) penetrate into the acyl chain region of
142                  We investigated the role of MARCKS (myristoylated, alanine-rich C-kinase substrate)
143 ll imaging approaches to explore the role of MARCKS in endothelial signal transduction pathways activ
144                                  The role of MARCKS in endothelial signaling responses is incompletel
145    Here, we further characterize the role of MARCKS in IH and examine the phenotypic consequences of
146  by C3 toxin, demonstrating that the role of MARCKS in NT secretion was regulated by PKC-delta downst
147 ockout (KO) mice to probe the direct role of MARCKS in proplatelet formation; MARCKS KO MKs displayed
148 RCKS by PKC is not essential for the role of MARCKS in radial glial cell development.
149                       To examine the role of MARCKS in the PKC pathway, we treated MKs with polymetha
150   Because of the unusual primary sequence of MARCKS with an overall isoelectric point of 4.2 yet a ve
151 ments were taken from the central stretch of MARCKS-ED.
152     Genetic and pharmacologic suppression of MARCKS in high-grade RCC cell lines in vitro led to a de
153 ase of E-cadherin expression, suppression of MARCKS phosphorylation and AKT/Slug signalling pathway b
154         The membrane-associated targeting of MARCKS and the resultant polarized distribution of signa
155                             Transcription of MARCKS is increased by stimulation with bacterial LPS.
156 ces the phosphorylation and translocation of MARCKS from the cell membrane to the cytosol.
157 on/metastasis and suggest a potential use of MARCKS-related peptides in the treatment of lung cancer
158        Calmodulin acting at, or upstream of, MARCKS is also required for TRPC1 channel opening throug
159 , and FA-MARCKS(151-175), a peptide based on MARCKS(151-175).
160 ovel pathway that is critically dependent on MARCKS, Rac1, and c-Abl.
161  angiotensin-II PIP(2) regulation depends on MARCKS and H(2)O(2).
162 uct did not affect either mucin secretion or MARCKS phosphorylation.
163                                            p-MARCKS also was enriched in the periphery of the actin c
164 Akt kinase activity, as well as downstream p-MARCKS and ribosomal p-S6.
165 e examined temporal and spatial changes in p-MARCKS localization during maturation of mouse oocytes a
166 ing revealed that the staining patterns of p-MARCKS and the active form of the atypical PKC zeta/lamb
167 KC isoforms did not increase the amount of p-MARCKS suggested that an atypical isoform was responsibl
168                          Like pericentrin, p-MARCKS staining at the MI spindle poles was asymmetric.
169 nking function, this localization suggests p-MARCKS functions as part of the contractile apparatus du
170 however, the spindle poles had symmetrical p-MARCKS staining.
171                    These results show that p-MARCKS is a novel centrosome component and also defines
172 maturation of mouse oocytes and found that p-MARCKS is a novel centrosome component based its co-loca
173  the association of a 25-amino-acid peptide, MARCKS-ED, to membranes with and without spin labels.
174 ins 13 basic residues and 5 phenylalanines), MARCKS-(151-175), laterally sequester the polyvalent lip
175 trated elevated levels of MARCKS and phospho-MARCKS in highly invasive lung cancer cell lines and lun
176 63A) MARCKS, we showed that elevated phospho-MARCKS promoted cancer growth and erlotinib resistance.
177          We demonstrated that higher phospho-MARCKS levels were correlated with shorter overall survi
178                       Interestingly, phospho-MARCKS acted in parallel with increased phosphatidylinos
179            The clinical relevance of phospho-MARCKS was first confirmed.
180 tasis in vivo, and reduced levels of phospho-MARCKS, phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-triphosphate, and A
181 tionality and molecular mechanism of phospho-MARCKS.
182 ted alanine-rich C kinase substrate (phospho-MARCKS) at the phosphorylation site domain (PSD) is cruc
183 e 3-kinase with MARCKS, but not with phospho-MARCKS.
184 edema, this binding stabilizes the ENaC-PIP2-MARCKS complex, which is necessary for the open probabil
185 We investigated this hypothesized Ca(2+)-PKC-MARCKS-PIP2-PI3K-PIP3 amplification module and tested it
186   These findings 1) show that the Ca(2+)-PKC-MARCKS-PIP2-PI3K-PIP3 system functions as an activation
187 increased cytosolic pMARCKS and decreased PM-MARCKS in HuH-NTCP cells.
188 n endothelial cells, angiotensin-II-promoted MARCKS phosphorylation is abrogated by PEG-catalase, imp
189 ted alanine-rich C-kinase substrate protein (MARCKS), a prominent cellular substrate for PKC, modulat
190 ted proteins we characterized two proteins, :MARCKS (Myristoylated Alanine-Rich protein Kinase C subs
191 Moreover, expression of pseudophosphorylated MARCKS was, by itself, sufficient to induce spine loss a
192 ve hospitalization data suggests SAT1, PTEN, MARCKS and MAP3K3 might be not only state biomarkers but
193 y transfer from Bodipy-TMR-PIP2 to Texas Red MARCKS(151-175) adsorbed to large unilamellar vesicles.
194  published biomarkers for suicidality (SAT1, MARCKS and SKA2).
195 rted by Gay et al. that long, but not short, MARCKS peptides inhibit alpha7 nAChRs.
196                                  The shorter MARCKS peptide did not affect memory performance.
197  readily translated to the clinic to silence MARCKS in vein bypass grafts prior to implantation.
198                                    Silencing MARCKS expression dramatically reduces growth cone sprea
199 in releasing peptide, demonstrated a similar MARCKS phosphorylation as noted with PMA.
200                                   Similarly, MARCKS-ED tagged with monomeric red fluorescent protein
201 1 knockdown blocks angiotensin-II-stimulated MARCKS phosphorylation.
202                       After LPS stimulation, MARCKS moved from the plasma membrane to FYVE-positive e
203 ntified the major protein kinase C substrate MARCKS (myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate) a
204 ted alanine-rich protein kinase C substrate (MARCKS) correlated with modulation of PKC activity in th
205 ted alanine-rich protein kinase C substrate (MARCKS) is a cellular substrate for protein kinase C (PK
206 ted alanine-rich protein kinase C substrate (MARCKS) may function to sequester phosphoinositides with
207 ted alanine-rich protein kinase C substrate (MARCKS) sequesters phosphoinositides at the inner leafle
208 ted alanine-rich protein kinase C substrate (MARCKS), and mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kin
209 istoylated, alanine-rich C-kinase substrate (MARCKS) and fascin.
210 ristoylated alanine-rich C-kinase substrate (MARCKS) and LAMC2 protein level were increased with AKT1
211 ristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) and release phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphat
212 ristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) and these effects were abolished by ketanserin a
213 ristoylated alanine-rich C-kinase substrate (MARCKS) as a key mediator of the H(2)O(2)-induced permea
214 ristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) as novel PSA binding partner.
215 ristoylated alanine-rich C-kinase substrate (MARCKS) bind to phosphatidylserine exposed on activated
216 ristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) binds strongly to membranes containing phosphati
217 ristoylated alanine-rich C-kinase substrate (MARCKS) in this process.
218 ristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) is a membrane-bound F-actin crosslinking protein
219 ristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) is an intrinsically unfolded protein with a cons
220 ristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) is an unfolded protein that contains well charac
221 ristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) may have a role in regulating the level of free
222 ristoylated alanine-rich C-kinase substrate (MARCKS) motif of DGKzeta, we tested whether this modific
223 ristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) peptide comprising the phosphorylation site or e
224 ristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) phosphorylation site domain (PSD) in DGK zeta wa
225 ristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) protein coordinates activation of TRPC1 channels
226 ristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) protein in these cells.
227 ristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) which interacts with PSA within the plane of the
228 ristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS), a key protein kinase C (PKC) substrate, to be u
229 ristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS), a major protein kinase C substrate, binds elect
230 ristoylated Alanine-Rich C Kinase Substrate (MARCKS), a substrate of protein kinase C, is a key regul
231 ristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS), or a peptide corresponding to this domain, MARC
232 ristoylated alanine-rich C-kinase substrate (MARCKS), which was upregulated 3.4- and 5.7-fold in prop
233 istoylated, alanine-rich C-kinase substrate (MARCKS).
234 yristolated alanine-rich C-kinase substrate (MARCKS).
235 ristoylated alanine-rich C-kinase substrate (MARCKS-ED) has been demonstrated to have curvature-sensi
236 ristoylated alanine-rich C-kinase substrate (MARCKS-ED) is a highly basic, unstructured protein segme
237 lose proximity when bound to MARCKS and that MARCKS associates with multiple PI(4,5)P(2) molecules.
238 s necessary for growth cone turning and that MARCKS, while at the membrane, colocalizes with alpha3-i
239                             We conclude that MARCKS is involved in regulating growth cone adhesion as
240 undant evidence supports the conclusion that MARCKS is an important protein in regulating actin dynam
241              These findings demonstrate that MARCKS contributes to the negative regulation of the cel
242                    Our data demonstrate that MARCKS phosphorylation under elevated cell firing is req
243                           We determined that MARCKS and MARCKS-related protein specifically bind to L
244                                 We find that MARCKS-ED dissociation is prevented by mutation of four
245 les from 56 patients with RCC, we found that MARCKS expression and its phosphorylation are increased
246 data are consistent with the hypothesis that MARCKS functions to sequester multiple PI(4,5)P(2) molec
247                         We hypothesized that MARCKS phosphorylation promotes Arp2/3 phosphorylation,
248                              We propose that MARCKS acts as a "molecular switch," binding to and regu
249 ng and hydrodynamic approaches revealed that MARCKS is targeted to plasmalemmal caveolae and undergoe
250               These novel findings show that MARCKS coordinates native TRPC1 channel activation in VS
251                            Here we show that MARCKS is expressed in intact arterial preparations, wit
252      Taken together, these studies show that MARCKS plays a key role in insulin-dependent endothelial
253 g proplatelet formation 84%, suggesting that MARCKS phosphorylation reduces proplatelet formation.
254                                          The MARCKS peptides antagonize the binding of factor Xa to p
255                                          The MARCKS protein (myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase subs
256                                          The MARCKS-ED peptide abolished PSA-induced enhancement of n
257 ate that highly charged peptides such as the MARCKS-ED penetrate the membrane interface with aromatic
258                                     Both the MARCKS protein and a peptide corresponding to the effect
259          Consistent with pelleting data, the MARCKS peptide showed preference for the Ld domain.
260               In whole blood under flow, the MARCKS peptides colocalize with, and inhibit fibrin cros
261 e off state of the amplification module, the MARCKS peptide sequesters PIP2 and thereby inhibits PI3K
262 lly bind to LPS and that the addition of the MARCKS effector peptide inhibited LPS-induced production
263 y assays, meanwhile, reveal that five of the MARCKS fragments possess the ability to sense membrane c
264                     The deep location of the MARCKS peptide in the polar head group region should enh
265  on state, Ca(2+)-PKC phosphorylation of the MARCKS peptide reverses the PIP2 sequestration, thereby
266         We also found that the effect of the MARCKS(151-175) peptide was dose-dependent, with a robus
267 icate that the phenylalanine residues of the MARCKS-ED are positioned within the membrane hydrocarbon
268                              Research of the MARCKS-ED has further revealed that its Lys and Phe resi
269 ce and may play a role in the ability of the MARCKS-ED to sequester polyphosphoinositides.
270                    Here, the position of the MARCKS-ED was determined when bound to phospholipid bice
271  results suggest that by phosphorylating the MARCKS PSD, PKC alpha attenuates DGK zeta activity.
272 reatment with a 25-mer peptide targeting the MARCKS PSD motif (MPS peptide), we were able to suppress
273                    In vivo, we find that the MARCKS peptides circulate to remote injuries and bind to
274 y, treatment with a peptide identical to the MARCKS N-terminus sequence (the MANS peptide) impaired c
275 inal targeting region have similarity to the MARCKS proteins and were found to control AKAP12 localiz
276 ted and unsaturated acyl chains, whereas the MARCKS peptide and Evectin2 preferentially bound to memb
277 hosphorylated DGK zeta on serines within the MARCKS PSD in vitro and in vivo.
278 t (DGK zeta S/D) in which serines within the MARCKS PSD were altered to aspartates (to mimic phosphor
279 c contributor to IH and indicate therapeutic MARCKS silencing could selectively suppress the "atherog
280                                        Thus, MARCKS is a key factor in the maintenance of dendritic s
281 he N terminus alters how calmodulin binds to MARCKS, implying that, despite its unfolded state, the d
282 -PIP(2) are in close proximity when bound to MARCKS and that MARCKS associates with multiple PI(4,5)P
283  signaling complexes with PI(4,5)P2 bound to MARCKS; in this configuration TRPC1 channels are closed.
284 a that is triggered by H(2)O(2) and leads to MARCKS phosphorylation.
285             Small interfering RNA (siRNA) to MARCKS significantly inhibited, whereas overexpression o
286  the free PSD binds with site specificity to MARCKS, suggesting that long-range intramolecular intera
287 ling pathway but not the expression of total MARCKS.
288  spread, whereas overexpression of wild-type MARCKS inhibits growth cone collapse triggered by PKC ac
289 hibited, whereas overexpression of wild-type MARCKS significantly increased PMA-mediated NT secretion
290 d green fluorescent protein-tagged wild-type MARCKS were translocated from membrane to cytosol upon P
291 ce spectra of spin-labeled PIP2 as unlabeled MARCKS(151-175) adsorbs to vesicles.
292 in large unilamellar vesicles when unlabeled MARCKS(151-175) binds to vesicles.
293 e inner leaflet of the plasma membrane until MARCKS dissociates after phosphorylation by activated PK
294                             Finally, we used MARCKS knockout (KO) mice to probe the direct role of MA
295                   Compound 8 interfered with MARCKS phosphorylation and TPA-induced translocation of
296 nteraction of phosphoinositide 3-kinase with MARCKS, but not with phospho-MARCKS.
297 anging) and reference (constant) memory with MARCKS(151-175) only.
298 eural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) with MARCKS and co-immunostaining of MARCKS and PSA at the ce
299 primary hippocampal neurons transfected with MARCKS.
300 ong-range intramolecular interactions within MARCKS are also possible.
301 sponsible for long-range interactions within MARCKS that sterically influence binding events at the P

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