


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              MMEJ activation was dependent on XRCC1 phosphorylation b
2                                              MMEJ does not require S139-phosphorylated histone H2AX (
3                                              MMEJ recombinants showed evidence that Pol delta proofre
4                                              MMEJ repair efficiency increased concomitant with microh
5                                              MMEJ repairs DNA breaks via the use of substantial micro
6                                      Using a MMEJ and HR competition repair substrate, we demonstrate
7 chromosomal gene conversion involving HR and MMEJ at different ends of a duplicated sequence.
8 tem, suggesting a competition between HR and MMEJ for the repair of a DSB.
9 d by C-NHEJ, the relationship between HR and MMEJ is less clear.
10 ed to play a role in both classical NHEJ and MMEJ, but the involvement of the analogous MRE11/RAD50/N
11  profiles into contributions from c-NHEJ and MMEJ.
12  resulted in increased partial resection and MMEJ, thus revealing a functional distinction between th
13 ominant pathway for DSB repair in our assay, MMEJ was significantly enhanced in preirradiated cells,
14 systems and discuss the relationship between MMEJ and 'alternative end joining'.
15 codes the flap endonuclease needed to cleave MMEJ intermediates before DNA synthesis.
16  co-immunoprecipitate complex (IP) displayed MMEJ activity in vitro, which was significantly elevated
17 delta proofreading function is active during MMEJ-mediated DSB repair.
18      53BP1 supports sequence deletion during MMEJ consistent with a putative role in facilitating end
19 ous recombination in S/G2 phase but also for MMEJ in G1.
20 polymerase delta (Pol delta) is critical for MMEJ, independent of microhomology length and base-pairi
21 2 group genes, and Rad27 are dispensable for MMEJ.
22           We propose a mechanistic model for MMEJ and highlight important questions for future resear
23 clease activities of MRE11 were required for MMEJ, as has been observed for homology-directed DSB rep
24                                 Furthermore, MMEJ efficiency was enhanced with an increase in the len
25                                 Furthermore, MMEJ is used to repair DSBs generated at collapsed repli
26                                           In MMEJ, the repair of DNA breaks is mediated by annealing
27 cate a role for the X. laevis MRN complex in MMEJ.
28 ted in MMEJ, cause a synergistic decrease in MMEJ repair.
29  the DNA polymerase previously implicated in MMEJ, cause a synergistic decrease in MMEJ repair.
30  Although the genetic components involved in MMEJ are largely unknown, those in NHEJ and SSA are char
31 operative involvement of both polymerases in MMEJ.
32           Consistent with a specific role in MMEJ we confirm that 53BP1 status does not affect c-NHEJ
33 ur data support the role of Sae2 and Tel1 in MMEJ and genome integrity.
34 omology-mediated non-homologous end joining (MMEJ) can also be used but to a lesser extent compared t
35          Microhomology-mediated end joining (MMEJ) is a major pathway for Ku-independent alternative
36     This microhomology-mediated end joining (MMEJ) is Ku independent, but strongly dependent on Mre11
37          Microhomology-mediated end joining (MMEJ) joins DNA ends via short stretches [5-20 nucleotid
38 , robust microhomology-mediated end joining (MMEJ) was observed with DNA substrates bearing 5-, 8-, 1
39          Microhomology-mediated end joining (MMEJ), an error-prone pathway for DNA double-strand brea
40 pathway, microhomology-mediated end joining (MMEJ), can also be deployed.
41 m, named microhomology-mediated end joining (MMEJ), has received increasing attention.
42 olved in microhomology mediated end joining (MMEJ), one of the characteristics of B-NHEJ.
43 (HR) and microhomology-mediated end joining (MMEJ), while non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) has not b
44 m termed microhomology-mediated end joining (MMEJ).
45 n in the microhomology-mediated end-joining (MMEJ) component, polymerase theta/mutagen-sensitive 308
46 or-prone microhomology-mediated end-joining (MMEJ) pathway.
47 otion of microhomology-mediated end-joining (MMEJ), a subtype of alt-NHEJ, in G1-phase.
48 EJ), and microhomology-mediated end-joining (MMEJ).
49 known as microhomology-mediated end-joining (MMEJ).
50 ining or microhomology-mediated end-joining (MMEJ).
51 pendent classical nonhomologous end joining, MMEJ--even with very limited end resection--requires cyc
52 e final sealing of DSBs during mitochondrial MMEJ.
53 tIP, FEN1, MRE11, and PARP1 in mitochondrial MMEJ.
54  indicate that HR factors suppress mutagenic MMEJ following DSB resection.
55 of CtIP in homologous recombination, but not MMEJ, is dependent on the phosphorylation of serine resi
56  allowed measurement of relative activity of MMEJ versus NHEJ.
57 Here, we summarize the genetic attributes of MMEJ from several model systems and discuss the relation
58               We discuss the contribution of MMEJ pathways to genome evolution, subtelomere recombina
59 ggest that radiation-mediated enhancement of MMEJ in cells surviving radiation therapy may contribute
60            Thus, we describe the features of MMEJ in Trypanosoma brucei, which is analogous to micro
61 MRE11, POLQ and PARP, and thus indicative of MMEJ.
62 ere fusions, but the underlying mechanism of MMEJ in mammalian cells is not well understood.
63 ontent all favored repair and the pattern of MMEJ described above was similar at several different lo
64                  Interestingly, promotion of MMEJ by 53BP1 in G1-phase cells is only observed in the
65 e observations highlight the central role of MMEJ in maintenance of mammalian mitochondrial genome in
66 omplementary DNA ends that rely primarily on MMEJ repair.
67                        Sae2 and Tel1 promote MMEJ but inhibit NHEJ, likely by regulating Mre11-depend
68 dividual DSBR survivors exclusively revealed MMEJ-based deletions but no NHEJ.
69 ndent microhomology-mediated end joining (SD-MMEJ), in which de novo synthesis by an accurate non-pro
70 ndent microhomology-mediated end joining (SD-MMEJ), predicts that differences between DNA sequences n
71 es consistent with the predictions of our SD-MMEJ model.
72           Genetic analysis indicates that SD-MMEJ is Ku70, Lig4 and Rad51-independent but impaired in
73      We also obtained evidence for 'trans SD-MMEJ,' involving at least two consecutive rounds of micr
74  deletions were RAD51-independent, one-sided MMEJ was RAD51 dependent.
75 nd annealing; and RAD51 dependent, one-sided MMEJ.
76 ombination (HR), Rad52 and Rad51, suppressed MMEJ in this system, suggesting a competition between HR
77  describe a role for HR genes in suppressing MMEJ in human cells.
78 ition repair substrate, we demonstrated that MMEJ with short end resection is used in mammalian cells
79                            We also find that MMEJ compensates for loss of nonhomologous end joining t
80                                We found that MMEJ requires the nuclease activity of Mre11/Rad50/Xrs2,
81                          We also showed that MMEJ shares the initial end resection step with homologo
82                   These studies suggest that MMEJ not only is a backup repair pathway in mammalian ce
83 gments loss of DNA sequence, suggesting that MMEJ is a highly regulated DSB repair process.
84  rad52Delta yku70Delta strains suggests that MMEJ also contributes to the repair of DSBs induced by i
85                                          The MMEJ also occurs when Rad52 is absent, but the extent of
86 trand breaks, to recapitulate DSB repair via MMEJ or nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ).
87 ingle-stranded DNA after DNA damage, whereas MMEJ remains unaffected.
88                                        While MMEJ is suppressed by C-NHEJ, the relationship between H
89                                        While MMEJ-based deletions were RAD51-independent, one-sided M
90 mbda showed faster kinetics associating with MMEJ substrates following DSB induction than Pol delta.

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