


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1            Calcium imaging revealed that all Mauthner cells in desb420 mutants were active during an
2  the main morphological change in Muller and Mauthner cells was an increase in soma size.
3 ntified descending brain neurons (Muller and Mauthner cells) are capable of axonal regeneration.
4 in identifiable, long-lived neurons, such as Mauthner's neuron.
5         Analysis of the relationship between Mauthner axon collaterals and spinal neurons revealed th
6                                         Both Mauthner cell and motor neurons were highly active, each
7 beyond the specific escape network served by Mauthner cells.
8               We show that the large caliber Mauthner axon is the first to be myelinated (shortly bef
9  the presence of supernumerary large caliber Mauthner axons can profoundly affect myelination by sing
10  fiber neurons in fish and amphibians called Mauthner cells.
11   Acoustic stimuli that activate ASR-command Mauthner cells also activate dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN)
12 the axons of interneurons and the descending Mauthner axons.
13 l circuits, we examined the roles of ectopic Mauthner cells (M-cells) in the escape response of larva
14 1 3' segment of 60 nucleotides did not enter Mauthner cell processes to any significant extent.
15 hese data support the hypothesis that excess Mauthner cells are incorporated into the escape-response
16 he left or right by a "race" between 2 giant Mauthner neurons in the fish brainstem.
17 pses between auditory afferents and goldfish Mauthner cells are constructed by apposition of hemichan
18 we analyzed axonal RNA transport in goldfish Mauthner neurons in vivo.
19  "large myelinated club endings" on goldfish Mauthner cells are identifiable "mixed" (electrical and
20 lectrical and chemical) contacts on goldfish Mauthner cells, a model synapse for the study of vertebr
21 d in the distal segments of severed goldfish Mauthner axons (M-axons), which do not degenerate for mo
22 e axo-axonic connection between the goldfish Mauthner axon and identified cranial relay interneurons
23  between auditory afferents and the goldfish Mauthner cell is mediated by coexisting gap junctions an
24 rical and chemical) synapses on the goldfish Mauthner cell, we show here that gap junction hemichanne
25  chemical) synaptic contacts on the goldfish Mauthner cell.
26 tion of the lateral dendrite of the goldfish Mauthner cells, a pair of large reticulospinal neurons i
27                                The hindbrain Mauthner cell is an essential component of this circuit.
28 ain and hindbrain reticular cells, including Mauthner's neuron; specific cells in the trigeminal (fif
29 r proportion of more costly, shorter-latency Mauthner-active responses to greater perceived threats,
30 r of three hindbrain reticulospinal neurons: Mauthner cells, RoL2 cells, and MiD3cm cells.
31  was targeted to both axons and dendrites of Mauthner neurons.
32 th of the anterior hindbrain, duplication of Mauthner neurons in rhombomere (r) 2 and fate changes of
33 rescence microscopy to observe the growth of Mauthner cell axons and their postsynaptic targets, the
34 ivated form of Notch decreased the number of Mauthner cells in des mutants indicating that des functi
35                                    Somata of Mauthner neurons were microinjected with various RNAs.
36 endrocytes that typically myelinate just one Mauthner axon in wild type can myelinate multiple supern
37                   The activity of the paired Mauthner cells in rhombomere 4 (r4) has been shown to be
38 crease in the number of axon collaterals per Mauthner axon in mutant larvae compared with wild-type l
39 rade spread of signals from the postsynaptic Mauthner cell is dramatically enhanced by depolarization
40 en a zebrafish makes a fast escape response, Mauthner cells directly activate contralateral spinal in
41 ingle action potential in the reticulospinal Mauthner (M) cell, which initiates the escape behavior.
42                           The reticulospinal Mauthner cells (M-cells) of the startle circuit have bee
43 ferentiation of excess rhombomere 4-specific Mauthner neurons.
44 fic nV branchiomotor neurons and r4-specific Mauthner neurons.
45 ion to the much larger caliber supernumerary Mauthner axons.
46 n/notch1a (des) gene result in supernumerary Mauthner cells.
47 ld type can myelinate multiple supernumerary Mauthner axons.
48                           The paired teleost Mauthner (M)-cells and their associated network serve as
49   In vivo field effects occur in the teleost Mauthner (M)-cell system, where a combination of structu
50 rded at glycinergic junctions on the teleost Mauthner cell (time to peak approximately 0.3-0.4 ms and
51 amatergic) synaptic terminals on the teleost Mauthner cell known as "Club endings" constitute because
52                       Moreover, we show that Mauthner axons projecting on the same side of the nervou
53                                          The Mauthner (M-) cell of the goldfish, Carassius auratus, t
54                                          The Mauthner cell (M-cell) is a command-like neuron in teleo
55                                          The Mauthner cell of goldfish receives auditory and visual i
56                                          The Mauthner neurons received very rich GFP(+) innervation,
57  synapses between auditory afferents and the Mauthner cell, may ensure efficient communication betwee
58 t this general organization is absent at the Mauthner cell.
59 ates fast startle reactions triggered by the Mauthner cell.
60 etwork for escape behaviors initiated by the Mauthner cell.
61 erially homologous reticulospinal cells (the Mauthner cell, MID2cm, and MID3cm) during behavior.
62 that these neurons may have evolved from the Mauthner cell in the medulla of teleost fish, although N
63 s, enhancing synaptic communication from the Mauthner cells to the auditory afferents where electrica
64 t may have a restricted distribution, in the Mauthner (M) axon was evaluated in isolated M-cell axopl
65 w differential attenuation properties in the Mauthner cell dendrites arising at least partly from dif
66 l components of the mixed EPSP evoked in the Mauthner cell lateral dendrite by a single stimulus to t
67 dial reticular formation (RF), including the Mauthner cell.
68                             Killing just the Mauthner cell affected escapes from tail-directed but no
69 o in the goldfish reticulospinal neuron, the Mauthner cell, can be evoked by afferent tetanization or
70  Upon reaching successive motor neurons, the Mauthner growth cone paused briefly before continuing al
71 f three repeated reticulospinal neurons--the Mauthner cell, MiD2cm, and MiD3cm--is thought to produce
72 ory afferents on the lateral dendrite of the Mauthner (M)-cell triggers an escape response (C-start)
73 roperties and synaptic sound response of the Mauthner cell (M-cell), the decision-making neuron of th
74 m with electrophysiological responses of the Mauthner cell (M-cell), the threshold detector that init
75                        Previous fills of the Mauthner cell had revealed short, knob-like collaterals.
76  contrast, the two segmental homologs of the Mauthner cell, cells MiD2cm and MiD3cm, showed axon coll
77 cialization in neighbouring dendrites of the Mauthner cell, we report cross-modal dendritic interacti
78 by converging on the lateral dendrite of the Mauthner cell, whereas projections from secondary neurom
79 s observed near the lateral dendrites of the Mauthner cell.
80 eurons, which project to the vicinity of the Mauthner cells and their inputs.
81 al that changes in the excitabilities of the Mauthner command neuron for escape and the inhibitory in
82  in addition to the ventral dendrites of the Mauthner neuron and its serial homologs MiD2cm and MiD3c
83                               Studies on the Mauthner cell (M-cell) of goldfish, Carassius auratus, h
84 uditory afferent synapses terminating on the Mauthner cell lateral dendrite.
85 rical and chemical) synaptic contacts on the Mauthner cells, known as Club endings, constitute a valu
86                     For that, we studied the Mauthner cells (M-cells) in the goldfish startle circuit
87 minated in the myelin sheath surrounding the Mauthner axon.
88  by feinting with their body, triggering the Mauthner cell that is furthest from their head milliseco
89 romasts never make physical contact with the Mauthner cell.
90 he mGi may represent a mammalian analogue to Mauthner cells, with a separation of function for neuron
91 s indicate that the homeotically transformed Mauthner cells are fully functional in the escape circui
92 out of primary neurons, including the unique Mauthner cell on each side of the hindbrain, depends on

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