


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              McArdle disease and mitochondrial myopathy impair muscle
2                                              McArdle disease is a nonlysosomal glycogenosis that clas
3                                              McArdle rat hepatoma cells (McA-RH7777), which secrete V
4 fied the editing activity from extracts of a McArdle cell line overexpressing His6-hemagglutinin-tagg
5 secretion of apoB-containing lipoproteins by McArdle hepatoma cells may be coordinately linked throug
6 than that in transfected rat hepatoma cells, McArdle 7777.
7 abdomyolysis in myophosphorylase deficiency (McArdle's disease [MD]) may lead patients to shun exerci
8 t patients with myophosphorylase deficiency (McArdle's disease) who cannot metabolize intramuscular g
9                          In the rat hepatoma McArdle cell line, these sites occurred predominantly 5'
10  in a model of VLDL metabolism, rat hepatoma McArdle cells, were either decreased by a mimetic of sup
11                                 Rat hepatoma McArdle RH7777 cells (McA), compared to HepG2 cells, sec
12 pression of ACSL5 (Ad-ACSL5) in rat hepatoma McArdle-RH7777 cells.
13 on (CM)-retinyl esters (RE) by rat hepatoma (McArdle-RH7777) cells stably transfected with a rat CEL
14                              In contrast, in McArdle disease, these metabolites remain unchanged from
15 eam element were not promiscuously edited in McArdle or HepG2 cells.
16 tion, additional studies were carried out in McArdle RH-7777 rat hepatoma cells, in which the second
17 xpressed wild-type (WT) and variant PCSK9 in McArdle-7777 rat hepatoma cells and shown by confocal mi
18                     Our results show that in McArdle rat hepatoma cells, which normally do not expres
19 bit elevated lactate and reduced uridine; in McArdle disease purine nucleotide metabolites, including
20 uoles and stress the importance of including McArdle disease in the differential diagnosis of axial m
21                                   Incubating McArdle rat hepatoma RH7777 cells with 2-monoacylglycero
22 POBEC-1 in both the nucleus and cytoplasm of McArdle cells.
23    This is a highly atypical presentation of McArdle disease with severe paraspinal wasting and weakn
24    Genetic testing verified the suspicion of McArdle disease.
25 ion of apoB100 across the ER, we transfected McArdle RH7777, HepG2, or Chinese hamster ovary cells wi
26 n, as determined by transiently transfecting McArdle-RH7777 cells with constructs of wild-type PEMT o

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