


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              Mendel also identifies the corresponding genes in indivi
2                                              Mendel can be searched through the mirror sites at Corne
3                                              Mendel is one of the few statistical genetics packages t
4                                              Mendel studied discontinuous traits and subsequent Mende
5                                              Mendel, Morgan, Bridges, and their heirs began with phen
6                                              Mendel-ESTS is primarily a database of plant ESTs, which
7                                              Mendel-GPU, our OpenCL software, runs on Linux platforms
8 ng recombination, came about 100 years after Mendel's famous experiments.
9                                     Although Mendel's first law predicts that crosses between XY (or
10  variation and schizophrenia from Darwin and Mendel to the present.
11 nfounding, reflecting their fixed nature and Mendel's first and second laws of inheritance.
12 ffspring with a probability that is given by Mendel's laws.
13 escent with modification-genes vertically by Mendel's laws, language via combinations of vertical, ob
14 omedical research community to 'stop chasing Mendel?'
15 alculate correlation between variants, check Mendel consistency and perform data clustering.
16 pochs and foundational principles of Darwin, Mendel, and the modern synthesis in light of the current
17 ed annotation to plant genes and plant ESTs: Mendel-GFDb is a database of plant protein (gene) famili
18  polymorphism (I/i) first reported by Gregor Mendel in 1866.
19 h) anniversary of the presentation by Gregor Mendel of his studies of plant hybridization to the Brun
20 beneath the impact basins Mare Humboltianum, Mendel-Ryberg, and Schiller-Zucchius, where the latter b
21       The software discussed is available in Mendel 9.0 at the UCLA Human Genetics web site.
22 xplanation of the bias toward expectation in Mendel's data, albeit without experimental support.
23 ein domains; the information being placed in Mendel-ESTS.
24                This information is placed in Mendel-GFDb.
25                               Application of Mendel to eight Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain p
26       Emphasizing the mathematical aspect of Mendel's laws through crossover and recombination will p
27 onsistent with the basic genetic findings of Mendel.
28 y--from the abstract elements of heredity of Mendel and Morgan to the present-day ORFs enumerated in
29                        In addition, parts of Mendel can be downloaded from the CPGN Web site.
30 orward by several milestones: rediscovery of Mendel's laws, determination of DNA as the genetic mater
31 l show that a simple and modern treatment of Mendel's laws using a Markov chain will make this step p
32 gation during female meiosis in violation of Mendel's first law.
33 century, a research agenda that has built on Mendel's experiments and on Darwin's theory of natural s
34 educed intake of a high-fate diet in Osborne-Mendel (OM) and SD rats but not in S5B/Pl rats, whereas
35 he model implemented in the computer package Mendel estimates both recombination and linkage-disequil
36 gorithms implemented in the software package Mendel estimate recombination parameters and calculate t
37  implemented in the genetic software package Mendel.
38 ssion is now implemented in the free program Mendel at http://www.genetics.ucla.edu/software/.
39 de available in the next release the program Mendel at http://www.genetics.ucla.edu/software/.
40                                          The Mendel database contains names for plant-wide families o
41                      Our latest additions to Mendel anticipate and respond to the needs of the geneti
42 e of plant ESTs, which have been compared to Mendel-GFDb, completely sequenced genomes and domain dat
43 the stay-green gene, SGR1 that was mapped to Mendel's I locus responsible for cotyledon color (yellow
44 tions flower and seed colors, orthologous to Mendel's A gene of garden pea, whose loss of function is
45 matrix completion (LRMC) model is similar to Mendel-Impute, our matrix co-clustering factorization (M
46 ce components model for multivariate traits (Mendel: QTL Association).
47  evolution and genetics, showing how, unlike Mendel, Darwin's lack of a model of the mechanism of inh
48              Compared with earlier versions, Mendel is faster and easier to use and has a wider range
49 nity for selfish genetic elements to violate Mendel's law of segregation by increasing the chance of
50 omenon of epigenetic switching that violates Mendel's Law of Segregation, was first discovered in mai
51                   This is a clear case where Mendel's gene is composed of DNA plus the associated epi
52  identifies a single substrate through which Mendel's first and second laws might be violated.
53                                Compared with Mendel-Impute, our low-rank based method achieves simila
54 ption that, if a pedigree is consistent with Mendel's laws of inheritance, then there are no genotypi
55 Mendelian ratios, even though he shared with Mendel a more mathematical and probabilistic outlook tha

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