


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n otherwise identical fibroblasts expressing Nek1.
2 cribed sequences from this region identified Nek1, a NIMA (never in mitosis A)-related kinase as a ca
3 acterized the dynamic protein interactome of NEK1 after DNA damage challenge with cisplatin.
4  identification of heterozygous mutations in NEK1 and DYNC2H1 in an additional family.
5                        Our data suggest that NEK1 and its interaction partners trigger the DNA damage
6  activation relies on the kinase activity of Nek1 and its interaction with ATR-ATRIP.
7 d ubiquitination and that the interaction of Nek1 and TAZ maintain PC2 at the level needed for proper
8 drome Majewski type to identify mutations in NEK1 as an underlying cause of this lethal osteochondrod
9 ated with ALS (MATR3, CHCHD10, TBK1, TUBA4A, NEK1, C21orf2, and CCNF), all of which were identified b
10              These data suggest that TAZ and Nek1 constitute a negative feedback loop linked through
11                                              Nek1 deficiency as well as expression of unphosphorylata
12                                     Finally, Nek1-deficient fibroblasts are much more sensitive to th
13                                              NEK1 encodes a serine/threonine kinase with proposed fun
14           Thus, as an ATR-associated kinase, Nek1, enhances the stability and activity of ATR-ATRIP b
15  activity is increased within 4 minutes, and Nek1 expression is up-regulated shortly thereafter and s
16               Upon DNA damage, cells lacking Nek1 failed to efficiently phosphorylate multiple ATR su
17                     Furthermore, TAZ targets Nek1 for degradation.
18                      Further analysis of the Nek1 gene from both kat/kat and kat(2J)/kat(2J) mutant a
19                                              NEK1 has been linked to several cellular functions, incl
20         Never-in-mitosis A-related kinase 1 (Nek1) has established roles in apoptosis and cell cycle
21 nctions of the NimA-related mammalian kinase Nek1 have not been demonstrated to date.
22  the structure of the kinase domain of human NEK1 in its apo- and ATP-mimetic inhibitor bound forms.
23 s identify a previously unsuspected role for Nek1 in the kidney and open a new avenue for studying cy
24                                              NEK1 is essential for the ionizing radiation DNA damage
25  induced by ionizing radiation (IR) and that Nek1 is important for cells to repair and recover from D
26                            Here we show that Nek1 is involved early in the DNA damage response induce
27        Importantly, even in undamaged cells, Nek1 is required for maintaining the levels of ATRIP, th
28  (never in mitosis A)-related kinase family, Nek1, is critical for initiating the ATR response.
29 mary or transformed cells are exposed to IR, Nek1 kinase activity is increased within 4 minutes, and
30                                      Loss of Nek1 leads to underphosphorylation of TAZ, thereby promo
31 th p.Arg261His (10,589 samples analyzed) and NEK1 LOF variants (3,362 samples analyzed).
32 HR and rescues the HR defect associated with Nek1 loss.
33                   These results suggest that Nek1 may function as a kinase early in the DNA damage re
34 ed community in the Netherlands identified a NEK1 p.Arg261His variant as a candidate risk factor.
35  report that the nimA-related protein kinase Nek1 phosphorylates TAZ at a site essential for the ubiq
36 hus, G2-specific phosphorylation of Rad54 by Nek1 promotes Rad51 chromatin removal during HR in G2 ph
37 e homozygous mutant animals suggest that the NEK1 protein participates in different signaling pathway
38 its kinase activity is highest, a portion of Nek1 redistributes in cells from cytoplasm to discrete n
39                           We show that human Nek1 regulates homologous recombination (HR) by phosphor
40                                  In summary, Nek1 regulates Rad51 removal to orchestrate HR and repli
41                        In total, we observed NEK1 risk variants in nearly 3% of ALS cases.
42 found that absence of functional full-length NEK1 severely reduces cilia number and alters ciliar mor
43                                              NEK1 shows pleiotropic functions and has been found to b
44 y of axonemal microtubules through targeting Nek1, the ciliary kinase, for proteolysis.
45                               The ability of Nek1 to promote ATR activation relies on the kinase acti
46 at inhibiting the set of four kinases AURKB, NEK1, TTK, and WEE1 causes simulated HeLa cells to accum
47 t association between loss-of-function (LOF) NEK1 variants and FALS risk.

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