


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              NELF and DSIF act together to inhibit transcription elon
2                                              NELF and DSIF collaborate to inhibit elongation by RNA p
3                                              NELF antisense experiments indicate that a reduction in
4                                              NELF causes Pol II to pause in the promoter-proximal reg
5                                              NELF colocalizes with RNAP II, and its level increases f
6                                              NELF depletion also delayed the dissociation of HSF from
7                                              NELF interacts with Pcf11, a transcription termination f
8                                              NELF is expressed in PNS and CNS tissues during embryoni
9                                              NELF-associated pausing of Pol II might be an obligatory
10                                              NELF-B is a BRCA1-interacting protein and subunit (with
11                                              NELF-B is predicted to form a HEAT repeat fold, also bin
12                                              NELF-mediated stalling of RNAPII also attenuates transcr
13  addition, we identify NCoR1-GPS2-HDAC3 as a NELF-interacting corepressor complex that is associated
14 bition of transcription, we did not detect a NELF-RNA contact when the nascent transcript was between
15                                We identify a NELF core subcomplex formed by conserved regions in subu
16    Using a new competition assay, NELF-A and NELF-B are each shown to act independently as competitiv
17  of GR-regulated transactivation, NELF-A and NELF-B, relative to other factors in the overall gene in
18 equired for full activity of both NELF-A and NELF-B.
19  by conserved regions in subunits NELF-A and NELF-C, and resolve its crystal structure.
20 d throughout their lengths, while NELF-A and NELF-E contain nonconserved regions inserted between con
21 mediated phosphorylation of Spt5, NELF-A and NELF-E results in the dissociation of NELF from Pol II,
22 1, whereas SEC recruits P-TEFb to NELF-A and NELF-E via Paf1c and Med26, respectively.
23       The amino acid sequences of NELF-B and NELF-D are highly conserved throughout their lengths, wh
24 s extensive colocalization of the NELF-B and NELF-D subunits at hundreds of interbands.
25  of mutagenized libraries of GFP-binding and NELF-E-binding aptamers to their respective targets and
26 ELF, reverse the negative effect of DSIF and NELF and simultaneously facilitate the action of TFIIF.
27 gation, including components of the DSIF and NELF complexes.
28 ough a capping-independent block of DSIF and NELF loading.
29     However, the mechanism by which DSIF and NELF participate in setting up the paused Pol II remains
30               Our results show that DSIF and NELF require a nascent transcript longer than 18 nt to s
31 EFb reverses the negative effect of DSIF and NELF through a mechanism dependent on its kinase activit
32                            Although DSIF and NELF were both required for inhibition of transcription,
33                  The association of DSIF and NELF with initiated RNA Polymerase II (Pol II) is the ge
34 at TFIIF functionally competes with DSIF and NELF, and this competition is dependent on the relative
35 g the elongation complex containing DSIF and NELF, reverse the negative effect of DSIF and NELF and s
36 mbryos containing reduced levels of DSIF and NELF.
37 l link between PARP-1, ADP-ribosylation, and NELF.
38 ay induced by negative factors Spt5/Spt4 and NELF, which is overcome by the positive factor P-TEFb (C
39 complex, along with pausing factors SPT5 and NELF-A, at the intragenic CTCF-cohesin binding sites.
40 p distinct from those controlled by Spt5 and NELF.
41 d that IFN-induced recruitment of P-TEFb and NELF/DSIF was under the control of BRD4.
42  on the relative concentrations of TFIIF and NELF.
43  single-stranded nucleic acids in vitro, and NELF-C associates with RNA in vivo.
44                        COBRA1 (also known as NELF-B) is a BRCA1-binding protein that regulates RNA po
45 ive transcription elongation factors such as NELF, DSIF, and factor 2.
46               Using a new competition assay, NELF-A and NELF-B are each shown to act independently as
47 al for antiviral immunity in insects because NELF and P-TEFb are required to restrict viral replicati
48 4) show that upon activation, eRNAs can bind NELF and are necessary for its transient removal from pr
49 pposite face of the NELF-AC subcomplex binds NELF-B.
50 d that is required for full activity of both NELF-A and NELF-B.
51 s raises the possibility that RNA binding by NELF is not necessary in promoter-proximal pausing.
52  KSHV OriLytL-K7 lytic genes is inhibited by NELF during latency, but can also be promptly reactivate
53 results reveal an earlier stage, mediated by NELF, when repression occurs at the HIV LTR.
54 rget genes were, like Hsp70, up-regulated by NELF-depletion, whereas the majority of target genes sho
55  transcriptional activator, HSF, might cause NELF to dissociate from the elongation complex.
56                                     Cohesin, NELF, and Spt5 pausing and elongation factor knockdown e
57  and the negative elongation factor complex (NELF).
58 ymerase II (Pol II) and the pausing complex, NELF and DSIF, are detected near the transcription start
59                                Consequently, NELF knockdown resulted in significant reduction in DNA
60                                   Decreasing NELF also correlated with displacement of a positioned n
61                                   Decreasing NELF expression overcomes RNAP II pausing to enhance HIV
62                                    Depleting NELF increased processive HIV transcription and replicat
63 hromatin immunoprecipitation analyses detect NELF at the promoters of the hsp70 and beta1-tubulin gen
64                                   Drosophila NELF has four subunits similar to subunits of human NELF
65 Here, further characterization of Drosophila NELF is provided.
66     We analyzed the interactions among DSIF, NELF, and a reconstituted Drosophila Pol II elongation c
67                                         DSIF/NELF inhibits early transcript elongation until it is co
68  nascent RNA, TFIIS inhibition may help DSIF/NELF negatively regulate productive transcription.
69                 These two activities of DSIF/NELF appear to be mechanistically distinct.
70 rt a previously undescribed activity of DSIF/NELF, namely inhibition of the transcript cleavage facto
71 mics of interactions between HIV-1 Tat, DSIF/NELF, and the transcription complexes actively engaged i
72            Our results demonstrate that DSIF/NELF associates with RNA pol II complexes during early t
73 FP and negative elongation factor subunit E (NELF-E) proteins with their corresponding canonical and
74                       A common motif in each NELF was identified that is required for full activity o
75                          Knockdown of either NELF or DSIF results in an increase in the levels of uaR
76 egatively regulate transcription elongation, NELF, Spt5, and Pcf11.
77               Stable knockdown of endogenous NELF-B has the opposite effects on an exogenous gene.
78                  Reduction of the endogenous NELF proteins in breast cancer cells using small interfe
79 ecruitment of the negative elongation factor NELF at start sites.
80 th the polymerase negative elongation factor NELF.
81 that includes the negative elongation factor NELF.
82 blation of the primary pause-inducing factor NELF does not increase expression of lineage markers, bu
83 rough knockdown of the pause-inducing factor NELF leads to broadly attenuated immune gene activation.
84 y the complex of negative elongation factor (NELF) and 5,6-dichloro-1-beta-d-ribofuranosylbenzimidazo
85                  Negative elongation factor (NELF) and 5,6-dichloro-1-beta-D-ribofuranosylbenzimidazo
86 IF together with negative elongation factor (NELF) associates with RNA polymerase II during early elo
87 occupancy of the negative elongation factor (NELF) at the p21(CIP1) promoter, although the level of b
88 ed by the host's negative elongation factor (NELF) at the promoter regions of OriLytL-K7 lytic genes
89 t release of the negative elongation factor (NELF) complex and productive elongation.
90  a decoy for the negative elongation factor (NELF) complex upon induction of immediate early genes (I
91 -E) of the human negative elongation factor (NELF) complex, which participates in RNA polymerase II p
92 ed member of the negative elongation factor (NELF) complex.
93 e pause-inducing negative elongation factor (NELF) complex.
94    The principal negative elongation factor (NELF) contains four polypeptides and requires for activi
95 hanisms by which negative elongation factor (NELF) establishes and maintains HIV latency.
96  The role of the negative elongation factor (NELF) in maintaining HIV latency was investigated follow
97                  Negative elongation factor (NELF) induces RNAP II promoter proximal pausing and limi
98 he negative transcription elongation factor (NELF) inhibits basal transcription from the long termina
99        The human negative elongation factor (NELF) is a four-subunit protein complex that inhibits th
100              The Negative Elongation Factor (NELF) is a transcription regulatory complex that induces
101 thway, including negative elongation factor (NELF) that pauses RNA polymerase II (Pol II) and positiv
102 ns, depletion of negative elongation factor (NELF), a key factor in setting up paused Pol II, reduced
103 tes and inhibits negative elongation factor (NELF), a protein complex that regulates promoter-proxima
104 actor (DSIF) and negative elongation factor (NELF), act as negative transcription elongation factors
105 nit of the human negative elongation factor (NELF), directly binds to ERalpha and represses ERalpha-m
106 actors (BRD4 and negative elongation factor (NELF)-E) and to define their sites and mechanisms of act
107 s (DSIF) and the negative elongation factor (NELF).
108 es the 4-subunit negative elongation factor (NELF).
109 deletion in the nasal embryonic LHRH factor (NELF) gene in pedigree 1 and an additional heterozygous
110 l factor termed nasal embryonic LHRH factor (NELF) that was discovered in a differential screen of mi
111                          The pausing factors NELF and DSIF are associated with these antisense polyme
112 vity of TTF2, and influenced pausing factors NELF and DSIF, but did not affect the function of TFIIS
113 factors we describe are the pausing factors--NELF (negative elongation factor) and DSIF (DRB sensitiv
114                                    Following NELF-E knockdown or tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alp
115       This work thus uncovers a key role for NELF-mediated pausing in establishing the responsiveness
116 r associates with 39% of the genes that have NELF.
117 discern the functional architecture of human NELF through X-ray crystallography, protein crosslinking
118  obtain a genome-wide understanding of human NELF-mediated transcriptional regulation in vivo, we car
119 s four subunits similar to subunits of human NELF.
120 ion of hsp70 results in a marked decrease in NELF at the hsp70 promoter.
121 nse experiments indicate that a reduction in NELF expression decreases olfactory axon outgrowth and t
122  of negative elongation factors that include NELF and DSIF.
123 mall interfering RNA knockdown of individual NELF subunits.
124                         Indeed, ESCs lacking NELF have dramatically attenuated FGF/ERK activity, rend
125                                         Like NELF-associated genes, most BEAF-associated genes are hi
126                                    Likewise, NELF and DSIF prior to stimulation were hardly detectabl
127 ption initiation and by assisting in loading NELF onto Pol II after initiation.
128 ponents: GR < Cdk9 < BRD4 </= induced gene &lt; NELF-E.
129 rticoid receptor (GR), reporter, TIF2, NCoR, NELF-A, sSMRT, and STAMP) using our recently developed c
130                              In contrast, no NELF or polymerase is detectible near the IP-10 promoter
131 shock induction, DSIF and polymerase but not NELF were strongly recruited to chromosomal puffs harbor
132 wn of the transcription factor SPT5, but not NELF-E, also gives rise to a specific inhibition of HSV-
133              We now report new activities of NELF-B and other NELF complex subunits, which are to att
134 tion for genetic and biochemical analysis of NELF in Drosophila.
135        However, novel actions of BRD4 and of NELF-E in GR-controlled gene induction have been uncover
136             A shRNA-based knockdown assay of NELF revealed that it negatively regulates the passage o
137 est a diverse transcriptional consequence of NELF-mediated RNAPII pausing in the human genome.
138  microarray analysis of S2 cells depleted of NELF and discovered that NELF RNAi affects many rapidly
139                        Instead, depletion of NELF delayed the time taken for these genes to shut off
140                   Consequently, depletion of NELF expression induced transition of stalled RNAPII int
141                            Upon depletion of NELF-A, -C, or -E, the vast majority of NELF-regulated g
142 -A and NELF-E results in the dissociation of NELF from Pol II, thereby transiting transcription from
143  highly activated by the combined effects of NELF-E depletion and activation of initiation by TNF-alp
144                 A positively charged face of NELF-AC is involved in RNA binding, whereas the opposite
145  architecture and three RNA-binding faces of NELF.
146 ne, eiger, displayed all of the hallmarks of NELF-dependent polymerase stalling.
147                           Immunodepletion of NELF also impairs promoter proximal pausing on the hsp70
148                           Immunodepletion of NELF or DSIF from a nuclear extract desensitizes transcr
149 1 in gastric cancer cells was independent of NELF-E.
150 lated with and probably results from loss of NELF association and function.
151 n of NELF-A, -C, or -E, the vast majority of NELF-regulated genes were down-regulated.
152 nism of P-TEFb recruitment and regulation of NELF/DSIF during transcription is not fully understood.
153 ronal enhancers impairs transient release of NELF from the specific target promoters during transcrip
154                  The amino acid sequences of NELF-B and NELF-D are highly conserved throughout their
155            To determine the full spectrum of NELF target genes in Drosophila, we performed a microarr
156              Surprisingly, only one-third of NELF target genes were, like Hsp70, up-regulated by NELF
157 or mutation of the ADP-ribosylation sites on NELF-E promotes Pol II pausing, providing a clear functi
158                             Depletion of one NELF subunit in salivary glands using RNA interference a
159 ow report new activities of NELF-B and other NELF complex subunits, which are to attenuate glucocorti
160 als that recruitment of COBRA1 and the other NELF subunits to endogenous ERalpha-responsive promoters
161 orchestrates efficient pausing by recruiting NELF to promoters before transcription initiation and by
162 nascent transcript and subsequently recruits NELF.
163     P-TEFb-mediated phosphorylation of Spt5, NELF-A and NELF-E results in the dissociation of NELF fr
164 o binds RNA in vivo, and anchors the subunit NELF-E, which is confirmed to bind RNA in vivo.
165 plex formed by conserved regions in subunits NELF-A and NELF-C, and resolve its crystal structure.
166                                Surprisingly, NELF associates with almost one-half of the most highly
167 e LTR showed that pol II was paused and that NELF depletion released pol II.
168               These results demonstrate that NELF plays a role as a common guidance molecule for olfa
169 omatin immunoprecipitation demonstrated that NELF, a negative transcription elongation factor, was as
170 2 cells depleted of NELF and discovered that NELF RNAi affects many rapidly inducible genes involved
171                             The finding that NELF also associates with the promoter regions of wingle
172             Lastly, our study indicates that NELF regulates alternative transcription initiation of B
173 most highly expressed genes, indicating that NELF is not necessarily a repressor of gene expression.
174                              We propose that NELF and DSIF cause polymerase to pause in the promoter
175                              We propose that NELF-mediated pausing allows Pol II to direct CBP-mediat
176                      ChIP assays reveal that NELF-B diminishes GR recruitment to promoter regions of
177 ray chip [ChIP-chip] analysis) revealed that NELF is concentrated at the 5' ends of 2,111 genes in Dr
178 n vivo protein-DNA cross-linking showed that NELF and DSIF associate with the promoter region before
179    Chromatin immunoprecipitation showed that NELF knockdown led to dissociation of RNAPII from the pr
180 ted the cross-linking result and showed that NELF, DSIF, and RNA polymerase IIa colocalize at the hsp
181                                          The NELF-AC subcomplex binds single-stranded nucleic acids i
182 ase pausing, in contrast to depletion of the NELF (negative elongation factor) pausing complex.
183 ction in a manner that is independent of the NELF complex.
184  found to bind to NELF-E, a component of the NELF complex.
185 nctions with TEAD to regulate binding of the NELF negative elongation factor and block SMAD2,3 induct
186 tic relationship between the presence of the NELF pausing factor and positioning of the +1 nucleosome
187 NA binding, whereas the opposite face of the NELF-AC subcomplex binds NELF-B.
188 osomes shows extensive colocalization of the NELF-B and NELF-D subunits at hundreds of interbands.
189 g small hairpin RNA (shRNA) knockdown of the NELF-E subunit, a condition that induced high levels of
190 ions additively affected the affinity of the NELF-E-binding aptamer, whose interaction depended mainl
191 get gene transcription and interact with the NELF complex.
192                BRD4 is also found to bind to NELF-E, a component of the NELF complex.
193  and Tat-SF1, whereas SEC recruits P-TEFb to NELF-A and NELF-E via Paf1c and Med26, respectively.
194  modulators of GR-regulated transactivation, NELF-A and NELF-B, relative to other factors in the over
195                                Unexpectedly, NELF-E modifies GR induction in a manner that is indepen
196 enes showed decreased expression levels upon NELF RNAi.
197 use is influenced by the timing between when NELF loads onto Pol II and how fast Pol II escapes the p
198                  We propose a model in which NELF recruits Pcf11 and NCoR1-GPS2-HDAC3 to paused RNAP
199 ly conserved throughout their lengths, while NELF-A and NELF-E contain nonconserved regions inserted
200 hat haploinsufficiency of SLBP and/or WHSC2 (NELF-A) contributes to several novel cellular phenotypes
201  determine if paused Pol II colocalized with NELF.
202                   Forty-six of 56 genes with NELF were found to have paused Pol II.
203  BRCA1-interacting protein and subunit (with NELF-A, -C/D, and -E) of the human negative elongation f

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