


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              NOD HSCs were held in their niche by excess expression o
2                                              NOD mice receiving transient BAFF blockade were characte
3                                              NOD mice transgenically expressing Ig molecules recogniz
4                                              NOD mice treated with AZD1480 were protected from autoim
5                                              NOD mice, a model strain for human type 1 diabetes, expr
6                                              NOD scid gamma-(NSG) mice were inoculated with subcutane
7                                              NOD treatment significantly reduced neointima formation
8                                              NOD-Idd22 mice exhibit almost complete protection from s
9                                              NOD-like receptors (NLRs) are central components of the
10                                              NOD-Scid-IL2Rgamma null mice were transplanted with huma
11                                              NOD.Cg-Prkdc(scid)Il2rg(tm1Wjl)/SzJ (NSG) mice were give
12  and female SjS-susceptible (SjS(s)) C57BL/6.NOD-Aec1Aec2 mice.
13 by genetically ablating Il-17 in the C57BL/6.NOD-Aec1Aec2, spontaneous SjS murine model.
14 SF, interleukin-3, and stem cell factor in a NOD/SCID-IL2Rgamma(null) background (NSGS mice), we demo
15                           Using ICG-001 in a NOD/SCID/IL2Rgamma(-/-) mouse model of engrafted human c
16 tute the radiation-depleted bone marrow of a NOD/SCID/IL2rg(-/-) (NSG) mouse on which a patient's tum
17  method of intrahepatic injection into adult NOD.Cg-Prkdc(scid)Il2rg(tm1Wjl)/SzJ mice liver of both a
18 lyze the therapeutic effects of sGARP, adult NOD/Scidgammac(-/-) (NSG) mice received peripheral blood
19              As these data suggest that also NOD might be cleared fast, further pharmacokinetic evalu
20  mice lacking IgM antibodies (Rag 2(-/-) and NOD-scid-gamma [NSG]).
21  linked genetic variants between the B10 and NOD genome are required for the diabetes protection conf
22 1 IFN and express higher levels of CD40, and NOD monocyte DCs make more TNF.
23 uggest that modulation of the expression and NOD activity of Cygb represents a strategy for the treat
24  to type 1 diabetes development in human and NOD mouse studies.
25 s from SHP-1-deficient (Shp-1(-/-)) mice and NOD.NOR-Idd13.Prkdc(scid) (NS-Idd13) mice, as well as hu
26 d proliferated to the same extent in NOD and NOD-Idd22 mice, yet the accumulation of pathogenic CTLs
27 osolic pattern recognition receptors such as NOD-like receptors, NLRP3 inflammasomes.
28 sly develops pathogenic TSHR autoantibodies, NOD.H2(h4) mice with the human (h) TSHR (hTSHR) A-subuni
29 commenced in already insulin autoantibody(+) NOD mice, continuous BAFFR-Fc treatment alone or in comb
30 cantly increased the survival of PEL bearing NOD-SCID mice in an orthotopic xenograft model as compar
31                                      We bred NOD mice hemizygous at both TCRalpha and beta (TCRalpha(
32 roducts in the cytosol of mammalian cells by NOD-like receptors leads to the activation of caspase-1
33 sensed and restricted in vivo, especially by NOD-like receptor (NLR) inflammasomes, is largely unknow
34 aved caspase-3) was significantly reduced by NOD.
35 ins of plants (R-proteins) and the so-called NOD-like receptors of animals (NLRs) share a domain arch
36 diabetogenic virus, Coxsackievirus B3 (CB3), NOD.Ncf1(m1J) mice remained resistant to virus-induced a
37 etion (CD11cCreXDTA.B6 and CD11cCreRosa26DTA.NOD mice) that DCs play a crucial role in regulating Val
38         Thus, we generated and characterized NOD mice transgenically expressing an Ig molecule repres
39                                        CNR13/NOD is localized to the membrane and is enriched in divi
40                               In conclusion, NOD DCs display altered innate responses characterized b
41                                 In contrast, NOD.Tnfrsf9(-/-) CD4 T cells highly promoted T1D develop
42                          In response to CpG, NOD mice produce more type 1 IFN and express higher leve
43 out clinical toxicity, whereas AhR-deficient NOD mice were not protected.
44                          In immune-deficient NOD/Shi-scid, gammacnull (NSG) mice, administration of C
45 on during T1D pathogenesis, as NOX-deficient NOD mice (NOD.Ncf1(m1J) ) were protected against T1D due
46 4(+) and CD8(+) T cells from c-Rel-deficient NOD mice showed significantly decreased T-cell receptor-
47                 We generated c-Rel-deficient NOD mice to examine the role of c-Rel in the development
48 ated diabetes development in c-Rel-deficient NOD mice.
49             Despite the absence of diabetes, NOD mice treated with anti-CSF-1 receptor starting at 3
50 n be transferred to naive nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice [model of type 1 diabetes (T1D)] by transfer o
51 vage of vehicle (dH2O) in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice induced a social avoidance behavior that was n
52 ells isolated from either nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice or humans with T1D.
53 f a miRNA92a antagomir to nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice with ongoing islet autoimmunity resulted in a
54 or, for 2 weeks to female nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice, beginning at 3 weeks of age, followed by twic
55 Despite widespread use of nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice, NOD with severe combined immunodeficiency (sc
56 complex potently protects nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice, which normally lack this isotype, from sponta
57                     Using nonobese diabetic (NOD)-scid IL2Rgammanull (NSG) mice reconstituted with a
58                 By using non-obese diabetic (NOD) BDC2.5 TCR-transgenic (Tg), and IL-10 and Foxp3 dou
59 es susceptibility in T1D non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice, identifying immune-independent beta cell frag
60 1 diabetes in humans and non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice.
61 L1 in SS pathogenesis in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse model of this disease.
62 al experiments using the non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse model reported mucosal administration of T1D-
63 ised mice [BALB scid and non-obese diabetic (NOD) scid strains] causing lethal infection without prio
64 with T1D and mice of the non-obese diabetic (NOD) strain, we detected alterations in MAIT cells, incl
65 f Langerhans of 3-wk-old non-obese diabetic (NOD), NOD.Rag1(-/-), and B6.g7 mice.
66 and diabetes was reversed in newly diagnosed NOD mice.
67 ication systems are Hmp, an NO. dioxygenase (NOD), and NorV, an NO. reductase (NOR).
68 ty related to both nitric oxide dioxygenase (NOD) and nitrite reductase (NiR) activity.
69 catalytic cycle of nitric oxide dioxygenase (NOD) enzymes, which facilitate a .NO homeostatic process
70 ty of the specific nitric oxide dioxygenase (NOD) that serves as the main in vivo regulator of O2-dep
71 f nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD) 1 and NOD2 by muropeptides triggers a complex trans
72 g nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-, Toll-, and RIG1-like receptor pathways, was assoc
73 d nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptor C4 (NLRC4) were associated with neutr
74   Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptor family, pyrin domain-containing prote
75 e nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptor protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome to rec
76 n nucleotide binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptors (NLRs), retinoic acid-inducible prot
77 cleotide-binding and oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptors NOD1 and NOD2 are cytosolic innate i
78 TLRs, and nucleotide oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptors.
79  nucleotide-binding oligomerization domains (NODs) can also recognize a broader array of danger signa
80                 Because N-octanoyl dopamine (NOD) inhibits vascular inflammation and suppresses T cel
81 ns of potential donors, N-octanoyl dopamine (NOD) treatment might be considered as it does not affect
82                                     Ealpha16/NOD females vertically protected their NOD offspring fro
83 proteomic analyses revealed NOD and Ealpha16/NOD mice to host mild but significant differences in the
84  thymocyte maturation defects, and exogenous NOD ligands can enhance thymocyte maturation in culture.
85 ofluorination of the NOD-derivative [(18)F]F-NOD [(18)F]5 for in vivo assessment of NOD's elimination
86              To test this hypothesis, female NOD mice were administered pioglitazone during the pre-d
87  of a blocking antibody to 6 week-old female NOD/ShiLtJ mice repeatedly during a 9-day period.
88            Pancreatic endothelial cells from NOD-Idd22 animals expressed lower levels of adhesion mol
89 the IFN-alpha/beta receptor because DCs from NOD and B6 mice show similar CpG-induced CD86 levels whe
90 (-/-) (NSIN) mice by knocking out Foxn1 from NOD/SCID/IL2rg(-/-) (NSI) mice using the CRISPR/Cas9 sys
91 nce of lymph node stromal cells (LNSCs) from NOD mice but not from mice lacking the PI epitope.
92   Sixty to seventy percent of IFN-gamma(-/-) NOD.H-2h4 mice given sodium iodide (NaI)-supplemented wa
93 ae and Ruminococcaceae, from vehicle-gavaged NOD donors to microbiota-depleted C57BL/6 recipients was
94                                     However, NOD-Idd22 mice were highly protected against adoptive tr
95 s and miR-375 of human islets in a humanized NOD scid gamma (NSG) mouse model, whose immune reaction
96 ure a P. falciparum infection in a humanized NOD/SCID mouse model system.
97 HLA-DR4+ bone marrow chimeras, and humanized NOD-scid IL-2Rgammanull mice to demonstrate for the firs
98 nted viral rebound in HIV-infected humanized NOD scid IL-2Rgamma(-/-) bone marrow-liver-thymus mice u
99       The T cells persisted in hyperglycemic NOD mice maintained with an insulin pellet despite destr
100                        This study identified NOD as potential treatment modality to attenuate TV.
101 ist A438079 in the CD28(-/-), IFNgamma(-/-), NOD.H-2(h4) mouse model of salivary gland exocrinopathy
102 e diabetic/severe combined immunodeficiency (NOD-SCID) mice resulted in the formation of microvessels
103 e diabetic/severe combined immunodeficiency (NOD/SCID) mice with partially reconstituted immune syste
104                              Immunodeficient NOD.Cg-Prkdc(scid)IL2rg(tm1Wjl)(NSG) mice were reconstit
105 mor burden in BLCL-engrafted immunodeficient NOD-SCID/Il2rg(-/-) mice.
106  cell activation factor into immunodeficient NOD scid gamma (NSG) mice by the use of an adeno-associa
107 ing and transplantation into immunodeficient NOD/SCID/interleukin 2 receptor gamma chain null mice.
108 L/6, BALB/c, or the severely immunodeficient NOD-scid,gammac(null) [NSG]).
109                                           In NOD mice and also likely humans, B lymphocytes play an i
110                                           In NOD mice depleted of islet-resident macrophages starting
111                                           In NOD mice, CD11c(+) cells increase greatly with islet inf
112                                           In NOD mice, dietary intervention with omega-3 PUFAs sharpl
113                                           In NOD mice, the autoimmune process imparted an increased i
114  In this article, we demonstrate that ABD in NOD.c3c4 and related NOD ABD strains is caused by a chro
115 lopment is ultimately mediated by T-cells in NOD mice and also likely humans, B-lymphocytes play an a
116 Runx2 knockdown invasive MDA-MB-231 cells in NOD/SCID mice, and compared parental and bone-derived va
117 ance that leads to autoimmune cholangitis in NOD.Abd3 congenic mice.
118                              In contrast, in NOD.ChgA(+/+) mice, a majority of the ChgA-reactive T ce
119 ither promote or suppress T1D development in NOD mice depending on where it is expressed.
120 ficiency did not suppress T1D development in NOD mice expressing the transgenic NY8.3 CD8 TCR.
121 d also strongly inhibited T1D development in NOD mice.
122 The ability of Tr1 cells to cure diabetes in NOD mice required IL-10 signaling, as Tr1 cells could no
123 d with the development of type 1 diabetes in NOD mice) from those selected by a non-autoimmunity-prom
124 on and development of autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice.
125 enotype and delayed the onset of diabetes in NOD mice.
126 ing early-onset autoimmune diabetogenesis in NOD mice.
127 experimental autoimmune thyroiditis (EAT) in NOD mice expressing human DRbeta1-Arg74.
128 derived tumors and xenografts established in NOD-SCID or nude mice, low MCPIP1 levels correlated stro
129 ene (MLL)-rearranged ALL were established in NOD.Cg-Prkdc(scid) Il2rg(tm1Wjl)/SzJ (NSG) mice.
130  node and proliferated to the same extent in NOD and NOD-Idd22 mice, yet the accumulation of pathogen
131                                Also found in NOD islets is a minor population of dendritic cells (DCs
132 icate that excessive NKT17 cell frequency in NOD mice correlates with defective Th-POK expression by
133 ation and preserves secretory functioning in NOD/ShiLtJ SS-like mice.
134 cates to high titers in human lung grafts in NOD-SCID/gamma mice, resulting in a robust inflammatory
135 y accelerated insulitis and hyperglycemia in NOD mice along with a substantial reduction in T-regulat
136     Importantly, therapeutic intervention in NOD mice through nutritional supplementation or lentivir
137 ccurring islet-infiltrating B-lymphocytes in NOD mice recognizing the neuronal antigen peripherin.
138 induced transcriptional response is muted in NOD cDCs.
139                     This was not observed in NOD animals with depleted microbiota via oral administra
140 at abnormal lymphocyte responses observed in NOD-dependent inflammatory diseases are not driven solel
141 teraction significantly delayed T1D onset in NOD mice.
142 peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in NOD/SCID mice harboring xenografts of MDA-MB-231, a trip
143 pressed type 1 diabetes (T1D) progression in NOD mice.
144 ed a significant delay in AML progression in NOD/SCID/IL2Rg(null) mice, but the persistence of adopti
145 rwent vigorous intrasplenic proliferation in NOD.IFN-gamma(null) recipients.
146 k of TSSP expression conferred protection in NOD mice but not in C57BL/6 mice.
147 on of activated STAT1 is markedly reduced in NOD CD11c(+) cells, consistent with lower type 1 IFN res
148 s in the islets was significantly reduced in NOD-Idd22 mice, correlating with disease resistance.
149 slet-infiltrating CD8 T cells was reduced in NOD.Tnfrsf9(-/-) mice in part because of their decreased
150                     The impaired response in NOD DCs is likely downstream of the IFN-alpha/beta recep
151  promising approach for diabetes reversal in NOD mice.
152 to impaired proinflammatory TLR signaling in NOD.Ncf1(m1J) macrophages.
153 1 hinders the development and onset of SS in NOD mice, in part by suppressing IFN-gamma production.
154  improves beta cell function and survival in NOD mice by enhancing the unfolded protein response and
155 trating oral insulin does not prevent T1D in NOD mice, possibly due to antigen digestion prior to muc
156 atment duration for the prevention of T1D in NOD mice.
157 mmation accompanies type 1 diabetes (T1D) in NOD mice, affecting organs like thyroid and salivary gla
158 LT3.Fc inhibited progression of human TCL in NOD.Cg-Prkdc Il-2rg/SzJ mice, suggesting its potential i
159 icity assays as well as adoptive transfer in NOD/SCID/IL2Rgamma mice were used to assess for pathogen
160 rden of mutant IDH1 AML cells xenografted in NOD-Scid-IL2rgamma(null)mice and markedly increased over
161 and mutant ER-expressing tumor xenografts in NOD/SCID-gamma mice after oral or subcutaneous administr
162 e of Streptococcus correlated with increased NOD-like receptor signaling.
163 We hypothesized that Gal3 is a key to induce NOD-like receptor family, pyrin domain containing 3 (NLR
164 xogenous superoxide addition to CB3-infected NOD.Ncf1(m1J) bone marrow-derived macrophages rescued th
165 hei-infected mice and P. falciparum-infected NOD-scid IL-2Rgamma(null) mice.
166 topoietic stem cell engrafted virus-infected NOD.Cg-Prkdc(scid) Il2rg(tm1Wjl)/SzJ mice.
167                               Interestingly, NOD Rag1(-/-) mice also display a defect in CpG-induced
168                               Interestingly, NOD/SCID mice, which have a deficiency in T, B, and NK c
169 and a homology-directed repair template into NOD single-cell zygotes to introduce the Ptpn22(R619W) m
170 ivo in the PLNs after adoptive transfer into NOD recipients.
171  Treg cells were adoptively transferred into NOD SCID gammaC-deficient mice, which were given isotype
172 eplication in human islets transplanted into NOD-scid IL-2Rg(null) mice.
173 1 and NOD2, two members of the intracellular NOD-like receptor family, sense bacterial peptidoglycan-
174 s) were injected into sublethally-irradiated NOD-scid-IL2Rg-/- (NSI) mice.
175 T1D pathogenesis, as NOX-deficient NOD mice (NOD.Ncf1(m1J) ) were protected against T1D due, in part,
176 espread use of nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice, NOD with severe combined immunodeficiency (scid) mutatio
177          The NODcALR-(D8Mit293-D8Mit137)/Mx (NOD-Idd22) recombinant congenic mouse strain was generat
178 em (T3SS) needle complex that induces NLRC4 (NOD-like receptor C4) activation, interleukin-1beta (IL-
179 nt Domain (CARD)), pro-caspase-1, and NLRP3 (NOD-Like Receptor family Pyrin domain containing 3).
180 recent evidence that the NOD2 target, NLRP3 (NOD-like receptor family, pyrin domain containing 3) is
181 s of the large family of intracellular NLRs (NOD-like receptors), which also includes animal immune r
182 erhans of 3-wk-old non-obese diabetic (NOD), NOD.Rag1(-/-), and B6.g7 mice.
183                   As controls, nontransgenic NOD.H2(h4) mice similarly injected with inactive hTSHR A
184                                      A novel NOD congenic mouse expressing aberrant Pkhd1, but lackin
185 mbryonic stem (ES) cells to generate a novel NOD transgenic line with the 77A/G SNP.
186                     Herein we show that NRG (NOD.RagKO.IL2RgammacKO) mice expressing HLA-DR4 molecule
187 t study, we generated a novel strain of nude NOD/SCID/IL2rg(-/-) (NSIN) mice by knocking out Foxn1 fr
188 n is significantly reduced in the absence of NOD proteins, but receptor-interacting protein 2 is not
189 RISPR-Cas9 for direct genetic alternation of NOD mice.
190                                  Analysis of NOD mice that were deficient in MR1, and therefore lacke
191 8)F]F-NOD [(18)F]5 for in vivo assessment of NOD's elimination kinetics by means of PET imaging.
192 n islets grafted under the kidney capsule of NOD-scid IL2Rg(null) mice.
193 pression is reduced in Valpha14iNKT cells of NOD mice.
194 learly support a vasculoprotective effect of NOD by reducing smooth muscle cell proliferation and inf
195 e cells were performed to test the effect of NOD on proliferation (WST-1 assay), cell cycle (flow cyt
196 eproduces the immunopathological features of NOD ABD.
197 e pancreatic lymph nodes (PLN) and islets of NOD mice.
198  metastatic nodule formation in the lungs of NOD/SCID mice.
199  confirmed in the adoptive transfer model of NOD-SCID mice where tolDCs delayed diabetes onset.
200 t were also expanded within the pancreata of NOD mice.
201 ion of CD4(+) T cells residing in the PLN of NOD mice.
202 on in Xrcc4 and Glis3 alters the response of NOD beta cells to unfolded protein stress, enhancing the
203  Although studies have addressed the role of NOD proteins in innate immune responses, little attentio
204                            RNA sequencing of NOD.Abd3 common bile duct early in disease demonstrates
205 x that is highly unfavorable for a subset of NOD mouse CD4 cells, thereby greatly enhancing their res
206                                 Treatment of NOD mice starting at 10 wk of age, when the autoimmune p
207                    In addition, treatment of NOD mice with 2-deoxyglucose resulted in improved beta c
208                We conclude that treatment of NOD mice with an antibody against CSF-1 receptor reduced
209  significantly associated with inhibition of NODs and TLRs, whereas increased abundance of Streptococ
210  T cell homeostasis, are upregulated less on NOD cDCs.
211 tion of human RDEB skin xenografts placed on NOD-scid IL2Rgamma(null) recipients, with reconstruction
212 eptor therapy reverses diabetes in new onset NOD mice.
213                     To better assess optimal NOD concentrations for donor treatment, we report on the
214                      Treatment of C57BL/6 or NOD mice with a monoclonal antibody to the CSF-1 recepto
215 e human population, a potential benefit over NOD mice.
216                               In particular, NOD/SCID/IL2rg(-/-) mice can support the growth of vario
217  c-Rel-competent Treg cells from prediabetic NOD mice reversed the accelerated diabetes development i
218 ntigen IGRP (NRP-V7-reactive) in prediabetic NOD mice and compared them to others that shared their p
219                             When prediabetic NOD mice were treated with 2-deoxyglucose to block aerob
220 tely on inhibition of the IL-1beta-producing NOD-like receptor family pyrin domain containing 3 infla
221                                 Promisingly, NOD mice given transient late disease stage BAFFR-Fc mon
222  subcutaneously in autoimmune diabetes-prone NOD mice, beta-cell-reactive T cells homed to these scaf
223 and this role is disrupted in diabetes-prone NOD mice.
224 autoimmune B6 mice but not in diabetes-prone NOD mice.
225 g oligomerization domain-containing protein (NOD) 2.
226               Furthermore, baicalein reduced NOD-like receptor 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome activation and
227 t lacking the c3 and c4 chromosomal regions (NOD.Abd3), reproduces the immunopathological features of
228 eroxide in the mechanisms tightly regulating NOD-like receptor family, pyrin domain containing 3 acti
229 demonstrate that ABD in NOD.c3c4 and related NOD ABD strains is caused by a chromosome 1 region that
230  type 1 diabetes using a previously reported NOD mouse line expressing an Ealpha transgene and, there
231      Genomic and proteomic analyses revealed NOD and Ealpha16/NOD mice to host mild but significant d
232 ploying cell-sorted skin equivalents in SCID/NOD mice demonstrated enhanced transepidermal water loss
233 studies with BALB/c Rag2(-/-)Il2rg(-/-)Sirpa(NOD)Alb-uPA(tg/tg) mice, stably engrafted with human hep
234 lated NOD.IFN-gamma(null) , but not standard NOD, mice.
235                               In this study, NOD mice deficient for the HR have been generated by mea
236 APCs, is shared between diabetes-susceptible NOD mice and human T1D patients.
237 was identified in crosses of T1D-susceptible NOD mice with the strongly T1D-resistant ALR strain.
238 nt thinking, an early intervention targeting NOD-like receptor family, pyrin domain containing 3 infl
239               We report in this article that NOD.ChgA(-/-) mice do not develop diabetes and show litt
240                                We found that NOD mice had approximately 50% less fat mass and were 2-
241 in vitro, we here tested the hypothesis that NOD treatment ameliorates TV.
242     Surprisingly, the findings indicate that NOD mice lacking the HR (13R(-/-)) display resistance to
243                              We propose that NOD coordinates cell activity in response to intrinsic a
244                  We previously reported that NOD.c3c4 mice develop spontaneous autoimmune biliary dis
245                  In this study, we show that NOD.Tnfrsf9(-/-) CD8 T cells had significantly reduced d
246      Analysis of nod-1 sectors suggests that NOD plays a cell-autonomous function in the leaf.
247                                          The NOD mouse develops T1D spontaneously and serves as an an
248                                          The NOD-like receptor family members and the NALP3 inflammas
249  flow, and local tissue hypoxia activate the NOD-like receptor family pyrin domain containing 3 infla
250 tidylarginine deiminase 4, and activates the NOD-like receptor family, pyrin domain-containing 3 infl
251  absolute number between the C57BL/6 and the NOD mice.
252 ing mutations within 41 genes comprising the NOD signaling pathway in pIBD patients.
253 d variation in 40 of 41 genes comprising the NOD signaling pathway.
254                             For example, the NOD strain carries a high percentage and absolute number
255 betogenic CD4 T cell clones derived from the NOD mouse, we recently identified the beta cell secretor
256 learance during IAV infection.IMPORTANCE The NOD-like receptor family member NLRC5 is known to regula
257 abrogating the sex bias normally seen in the NOD model.
258           Type 1 diabetes development in the NOD mouse model is widely reported to be dependent on hi
259 d the impact of granzyme A deficiency in the NOD mouse model of autoimmune diabetes.
260 ized pancreas-infiltrating Treg cells in the NOD mouse model of T1D and uncovered a substantial enric
261 apies for reversing new-onset disease in the NOD mouse model of T1D.
262 d activation of insulin-specific CTLs in the NOD mouse model of type 1 diabetes.
263 on induction inhibits T1D development in the NOD mouse model.
264                                       In the NOD mouse, a causative link between increased expression
265 the fast and facile radiofluorination of the NOD-derivative [(18)F]F-NOD [(18)F]5 for in vivo assessm
266                      NLRC4 and NLRP3, of the NOD-like receptor (NLR) family of intracellular proteins
267                               Members of the NOD-like receptor (NLR) family of pathogen recognition r
268                       NLRC5, a member of the NOD-like receptor (NLR) protein family, has recently bee
269  show that NOD1 and NOD2, two members of the NOD-like receptor family of PRRs, are important mediator
270                      NLRP12, a member of the NOD-like receptor family, is expressed in myeloid and bo
271 t transient, increase in the activity of the NOD-like receptor family, pyrin domain containing 3 infl
272                          The key role of the NOD-like receptor family, pyrin domain containing 3 infl
273 nstrate that knock-in transgenic mice on the NOD background can test causative mutations relevant in
274 propose that loss of functional Pkhd1 on the NOD background produces early bile duct abnormalities, i
275                   This model is based on the NOD-scid IL2rg(null)SCF/GM-CSF/IL3 (NSG-SGM3) strain of
276  incorporates a strong immune phenotype: the NOD mouse.
277 to the C57BL/6 genetic background; thus, the NOD genetic background (which promotes autoimmunity) is
278 could also bind via its small subunit to the NOD domain in Apaf-1, resulting in the formation of a he
279 ne orthologous Ptpn22(R619W) mutation to the NOD genome would enhance the spontaneous development of
280                   In this study, we used the NOD mouse model to analyze what regulates NKT17 cell fre
281       We revisited this hypothesis using the NOD murine model of type 1 diabetes.
282 rotein lost the ability to interact with the NOD domain of NLRP3.
283                                     With the NOD mouse model closely mimicking the human disease, our
284 pha16/NOD females vertically protected their NOD offspring from diabetes and insulitis, an effect tha
285       Further, oral administration of AEA to NOD mice provides protection from T1D.
286 n resulted in weaker adherence of T cells to NOD-Idd22 endothelium compared with NOD-derived endothel
287 o follow autoimmune pathogenesis, similar to NOD mice and humans, characterized by hyperglycemia requ
288 entral tolerance to proinsulin in transgenic NOD mice was broken on a granzyme A-deficient background
289 aquaporin 5 expression in anti-PD-L1-treated NOD/ShiLtJ mice.
290 ansferred disease to otherwise unmanipulated NOD.IFN-gamma(null) , but not standard NOD, mice.
291       To investigate this link, we have used NOD embryonic stem (ES) cells to generate a novel NOD tr
292                                        Using NOD congenic mice, we validate that both the MHC and the
293 positive T cells in HIV-infected brain using NOD/SCID/IL-2rcgamma(-/-) mice reconstituted with human
294 ed suppression of insulitis was tested using NOD.Foxp3(DTR) mice, which show extensive islet infiltra
295                                Among various NOD like receptors, NOD2 was significantly upregulated i
296 congenic mouse strain was generated in which NOD mice carry the full Idd22 confidence interval.
297 cells to NOD-Idd22 endothelium compared with NOD-derived endothelium.
298 med a linkage analysis on F2 (B6.Rag1(-/-) x NOD.Rag1(-/-) intercross) mice.
299 ung cancer tumor growth in a mouse xenograft NOD-SCIDgamma model.
300 nic and rapidly transfer diabetes into young NOD recipients.

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