


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ealed that MCF-7 cells express high-affinity NPY receptor.
2 s of the Gi-coupled micro opioid, GABA-B and NPY receptors.
3 at [D-Trp32]NPY(1-36) produced activation of NPY receptors.
4 sensitive binding sites, presumably Y2 or Y5 NPY receptors.
5 utamate release by activation of presynaptic NPY receptors.
6  discordance with the abundant expression of NPY receptors, a group of inhibitory Gi protein coupled
7 er, our data suggest that the Y1 and Y2 type NPY receptors act both presynaptically and postsynaptica
8                               Antagonists of NPY receptor activation could therefore have potential f
9  the first time to quantitatively detect the NPY-receptor activation directly without a secondary or
10            Furthermore, we could monitor the NPY-receptor activation in different cell lines that nat
11 y, we could show that the impedimetric based NPY-receptor activation monitoring is not restricted to
12 ther, our novel impedance spectroscopy based NPY-receptor activation monitoring system offers the opp
13                                              NPY receptor agonists dose dependently attenuated the ME
14 trast to other identified ARC cells in which NPY receptor agonists were reported to generate excitato
15 nt for the signal transduction mechanisms of NPY receptors and sigma receptors.
16 the three previously described Y1, Y2 and Y3 NPY receptors and the Y4 pancreatic polypeptide- (PP-) p
17 n different cell lines that natively express NPY-receptors and proof the specificity of the observed
18 ng, immunoreactivity (IR) mapping of NPY and NPY receptors, and electrophysiological recordings from
19 ts with reduced BP, PVN administration of an NPY receptor antagonist increases BP.
20 arlier study showed that the neuropeptide Y (NPY) receptor antagonist PYX-2 blocks the enhancement of
21 ated by intracerebroventricular injection of NPY, receptor antagonist, and receptor agonist.
22 injection of saline (200 nl) or the putative NPY receptor antagonists [D-Trp32]NPY(1-36) (3.3 microgr
23                         In both tumor types, NPY receptor antagonists altered basal growth levels, in
24                                  Conversely, NPY receptor antagonists had the opposite effect.
25 ardiovascular responses to PVN injections of NPY receptor antagonists were again determined.
26 ersal of injury-induced tactile allodynia by NPY receptor antagonists would have significant implicat
27 on by NPY in the IL cortex, although NPY and NPY receptors are abundant in these areas.
28                                              NPY receptors are coupled to cAMP and Ca2+.
29                                              NPY receptors are divided into three subfamilies (Y1, Y2
30 key role in stimulating feeding, thus making NPY receptors attractive appetite suppressant drug targe
31 n (NPY-SAP) bilaterally into the Arc to kill NPY receptor-bearing neurons or via neonatal monosodium
32 neous release of glutamate and activation of NPY receptors, because both the extended response to NPY
33                Endothelium contains not only NPY receptors but also peptide itself, its mRNA, and the
34 of dopamine release by sigma receptors or by NPY receptors, but this population is not identical to t
35 volved in neuronal remodeling and present in NPY receptor containing neurons within the BLA, blocked
36 icroM BIBP3226 demonstrated that the reduced NPY receptor density was due to reductions in Y2 or Y5 r
37 ivation, suggesting that sigma receptors and NPY receptors do not represent a common population in ra
38  that at least two functional populations of NPY receptors exist in the SCN, distinguishable on the b
39     The cloned guinea-pig Y2 neuropeptide Y (NPY) receptors expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)
40 by agonist/antagonist studies in recombinant NPY-receptor expressing cell lines.
41                              Reduced NPY and NPY receptor expression is associated with numerous neur
42 netic elements involved in the regulation of NPY receptor expression, we have cloned and characterize
43 eceptors, and, to date, three members of the NPY receptor family have been cloned.
44 non of relevance in drug research beyond the NPY receptor field.
45 scribe the cloning and expression of a novel NPY receptor from mouse genomic DNA.
46                                              NPY receptors have been broadly subdivided into postsyna
47               Traditionally, neuropeptide Y (NPY) receptors have been divided into Y1 and Y2 subtypes
48  receptor NPFR1, a mammalian neuropeptide Y (NPY) receptor homolog, centrally regulates the response
49 challenge with small molecule antagonists of NPY receptors implicated in mediating the feeding effect
50        The discovery of functionally coupled NPY receptors in the RPE represents the identification o
51 ve changes in the density of neuropeptide Y (NPY) receptors in the obese Zucker rat which has an incr
52 ased system for the activation monitoring of NPY-receptors in living cells.
53 NA clone shows only 30-33% identity to other NPY receptors, including Y1, Y2, and Y4/PP1.
54                                              NPY receptor inhibition promoted DC maturation and the p
55                                          The NPY receptors known as Y receptors are classified into t
56 functional level of NPR-1, a neuropeptide Y (NPY) receptor-like protein, can account for natural vari
57               The anatomical localization of NPY receptors on different cell populations within the B
58 ine, muscarinic, metabotropic glutamate, and NPY receptors on excitatory synapses and GABA(B) and opi
59            Thus, activation of more than one NPY receptor produces synaptic inhibition in the arcuate
60 ceptible to seizures, and agonists of NE and NPY receptors protect against seizures.
61 matic analysis of expression patterns of all NPY receptors (Rs), Y1R, Y2R, Y4R, and Y5R in lingual ep
62                                              NPY receptor stimulation depressed (< 30%) postsynaptic
63            Recently, a cDNA encoding a novel NPY receptor subtype (Y5) was cloned from the rat and hu
64  report the cloning by expression of a novel NPY receptor subtype from a rat hypothalamus cDNA librar
65 e studies complete the mapping of the cloned NPY receptor subtypes in human and mouse and, together w
66  was used to examine for regional changes in NPY receptor subtypes in obese versus lean Zucker rats.
67 d compare the relative distribution of these NPY receptor subtypes within the rat brain.
68 nt biological actions of NPY are assigned to NPY receptor subtypes.
69                    Here, we studied in vitro NPY receptors subtypes involved in migration, proliferat
70  Taken together, these data establish spinal NPY receptor systems as an endogenous braking mechanism
71        Molecular forms of a given subtype of NPY receptor that is selectively activated by NPY (Y1 or
72 creened for binding affinity at two discrete NPY receptor types using human neuroblastoma cell membra
73 ed or completely absent, suggesting that the NPY receptor was activated in the absence of elevated in
74           The tumors varied in expression of NPY receptors, which was linked to differential function
75          Second, nanoinjections of NPY or an NPY receptor Y1 (NPY1R) antagonist into PVN or DMH decre
76                          EGR1 also bound the NPY receptor Y1 gene (Npy1r), which co-occurred with sex
77                             As in the type 1 NPY receptor (Y1 receptor) gene, the 5'-untranslated reg
78 ully blocked by antagonists for any specific NPY receptors (Y1, Y2, or Y5), while proliferation was b
79 s completely prevented by antagonists of the NPY receptors (Y1R+Y2R+Y5R), indicating that it was medi
80 acterized the human gene encoding the type 2 NPY receptor (Y2 receptor, HGMW-approved symbol NPY2R).2
81 ating monocytes expressed high levels of the NPY receptor Y2R.

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