コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 tion complex containing the p50 effector and NRIP1.
2 ent of bone metastasis in breast cancer, and NRIP1 (21q21) encodes an ER cofactor and has a role in t
5 d that treatment with retinoic acid enhanced NRIP1 binding to RARalpha RNA in situ hybridization conf
7 ssor nuclear-receptor-interacting protein 1 (Nrip1; encoded by the gene Nrip1) is essential for ovula
9 RARalpha RNA in situ hybridization confirmed Nrip1 expression in the developing urogenital system of
10 c kidney rudiments, retinoic acid stimulated Nrip1 expression, whereas a pan-RAR antagonist strongly
18 ic alleles that delay sexual maturation; and Nrip1 is involved in regulating sexual maturation and ma
23 o date (microarray, RNA-Seq and PAS-Seq) are NRIP1 (RIP140), a transcriptional co-regulator linked to
27 dentified an N receptor-interacting protein, NRIP1, that directly interacts with both N's TIR domain
29 n of nuclear receptor interacting protein-1 (NRIP1), which influences glucose and lipid metabolism, t
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