


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              NST patients were more likely to have unrelated donors (
2                                              NST projection targets identified by these two approache
3                                              NSTs are linked to several developmental and immune diso
4 es a novel N-linked glycosylation site ((131)NST(133)).
5 ical stimulation of the LH on 36 DMNV and 14 NST neurons.
6                                   Each of 50 NST cells was classified as S-, N-, H-, or Q-best on the
7 ence suggests that, in patients over age 50, NST with fludarabine and low-dose busulfan leads to an o
8  the firing rates of 107 DMNV neurons and 68 NST neurons.
9                                    Of the 68 NST neurons characterized, 25 neurons were inhibited and
10 endogenously produced TNF(alpha) to activate NST neurons.
11  major sensory input into the NST, activated NST astrocytes, as indicated by increases in astrocytic
12 sensory inputs to NST neurons also activates NST astrocytes.
13                                        After NST, the MARI node was selectively removed using a gamma
14                             Before and after NST, treating surgeons evaluated BCT candidacy by clinic
15 ty-seven (90%) remained BCT candidates after NST, of whom 138 (70%) chose BCT, which was successful i
16 of late enhancement and high ADC ratio after NST are associated with pCR.
17 d to tailor further axillary treatment after NST.
18                                     Although NST activities are widespread, mammalian cells lack a GD
19 itivity demonstrating the role of Y499 as an NST facilitator.
20  Here we present the crystal structure of an NST, the GDP-mannose transporter Vrg4, in both the subst
21 th parents' views of both SBFT (P = .01) and NST (P = .05).
22 S cases compared with non-HIV-related KS and NST.
23 ecimens compared with non-HIV-related KS and NST.
24  an association between CDKN2A mutations and NST (P = 0.52) or UM (P = 0.25).
25                           For both sham- and NST-lesioned rats, the CTA persisted following 3 nonrein
26  exhibit the most differences between ST and NST sites, whereas subjects using ST for <10 years show
27 ween solution containing only AfB1, AfB1 and NSTs and no AfB1.
28  were used to analyze a clade of Arabidopsis NSTs, resulting in the identification and characterizati
29 n this setting it can be difficult to assess NST properties because of the presence of glycosyltransf
30  leptin pre-treatment significantly augments NST neurons' responsiveness to TRH.
31 nce that the increased reliance on BAT-based NST depends on increased autonomic input, as indicated b
32 s demonstrate that both BAT and muscle-based NST are equally recruited during mild and severe cold ad
33                        However, muscle-based NST in mammals remains poorly characterized.
34 genesis in rodents, the role of muscle-based NST is less obvious.
35 ated the importance of skeletal muscle-based NST.
36 185 (46%) who were not BCT candidates before NST, 78 (42%) converted to candidates with NST.
37 ed nineteen (54%) were BCT candidates before NST.
38 a marginally significant association between NST and ARF (P = 0.05).
39 neration of mixed hematopoietic chimerism by NST prior to tumor cell vaccination.
40  immunodeficient hosts could not be cured by NST, DLI, and vaccine administration.
41 characterize substrate-specific transport by NSTs; however, the availability of certain substrates an
42       Data base mining revealed 12 candidate NST genes in the L. major genome, including LPG2 as well
43 l (Ce) subnucleus in the intermediate/caudal NST.
44 as microinjected bilaterally into the caudal NST in adult rats.
45 pamine beta hydroxylase (DbH)] in the caudal NST were lesioned to determine their role in mediating a
46 a-1 agonist, phenylephrine (PHE), to control NST neurones responsible for vago-vagal reflex regulatio
47 n assessed postoperatively using a novel CS, NST-lesioned rats acquired a new CTA, although they were
48                          Telephone-delivered NST consisted of 10 sessions focused on providing a supp
49 ered CBT was superior to telephone-delivered NST in reducing worry, GAD symptoms, and depressive symp
50 includes a phasic response sent to different NST cells than a later tonic response, and only the latt
51 in the medial, ventrolateral and dorsomedial NST.
52 uses gastric stasis by activating downstream NST neurons that, in turn, suppress gastric motility via
53 DLH), while the spontaneous activity of each NST cell was recorded.
54  major ABO incompatibility undergoing either NST (fludarabine/cyclophosphamide conditioning) or myelo
55                          TbNST4 is the first NST shown to transport both pyrimidine and purine nucleo
56                            LPG2 is the first NST to be associated with multiple substrate specificiti
57 on to full donor myeloid chimerism following NST occurred significantly sooner in cases with, compare
58 pheral blood) was markedly delayed following NST versus myeloablative SCT (median, 114 versus 40 days
59 occurred in 4 of 14 (29%) patients following NST, while neither event occurred in 12 patients followi
60 inin levels and resolution of PRCA following NST.
61 y insignificant levels more slowly following NST than myeloablative SCT (median, 83 versus 44 days; P
62  The nonrelapse mortality rate was lower for NST patients (32% versus 50%; P = .01), but the relapse
63  a single polypeptide is solely required for NST activity and is able to mediate the uptake of multip
64                            In addition, four NST neurons were antidromically invaded from the ipsilat
65 cterized the substrate specificities of four NSTs, TbNST1-4, which are expressed in both the insect p
66  recordings of miniature EPSCs (mEPSCs) from NST neurons show that astrocytes control presynaptic vag
67 cells drives the activity of adjacent (e.g., NST) neurons.
68  two genes (LPG5A and LPG5B) encoded UDP-Gal NSTs.
69  administered alone has no effect on gastric-NST or -DMN neuron responsiveness, or on gastric motilit
70 silateral RF using the location of gustatory NST as a point of reference.
71 oss the rostrocaudal extent of the gustatory NST (gNST), especially within its dorsomedial portion (s
72 mmunoreactive (FLI) neurons in the gustatory NST (gNST), particularly in the medial portion (subfield
73 ajority of descending input to the gustatory NST and PBN originates from distinct neuronal population
74 e TH-immunoreactive neurons of the gustatory NST receive direct input from the CT and taste receptors
75 vary with its target neuron in the gustatory NST.
76                                            H-NST proteins are found in large genomic islands in patho
77  at the protein level, the UPEC homologue (H-NST(UPEC)) has only a weak anti-H-NS activity, correlati
78        This correlates with the ability of H-NST(EPEC) to co-purify with H-NS in vitro, and can be ab
79 . coli (UPEC) shows that the EPEC protein (H-NST(EPEC)) has a potent anti-H-NS function at the classi
80  the DNA-binding domain, which we term the H-NST family.
81                   Detailed analysis of the H-NST proteins from enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and ur
82 n contrast, despite being 90% identical to H-NST(EPEC) at the protein level, the UPEC homologue (H-NS
83                             The hierarchical NST-Ni electrode was used to develop a sensitive and sel
84                                          How NSTs recognize and transport activated monosaccharides,
85 produced rapid increases in [Ca(2)(+)](i) in NST astrocytes as well as neurons.
86 llowed us to highlight the role of muscle in NST.
87                                 Mutations in NST genes cause human and cattle diseases and impaired c
88 d dramatic cytosolic calcium oscillations in NST neurones.
89 ds later by an increase in calcium signal in NST neurons.
90  (1) common following major ABO-incompatible NST and (2) associated with prolonged persistence of hos
91 le mitochondrial uncoupling to the increased NST.
92 pplication of 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) inhibits NST neurons and activates dorsal motor nucleus (DMN) neu
93 ar formation (RF), and those interconnecting NST subnuclei.
94 edominantly in V at rostral and intermediate NST levels.
95                  Identification of these key NSTs in Leishmania will facilitate the dissection of gly
96 distribution of GABA and glycine in the lamb NST using immunohistochemistry.
97  processing of taste information by the lamb NST.
98 puncta were unevenly distributed in the lamb NST.
99 lls were also located in the rostral lateral NST subdivision (RL), a site of trigeminal and sparse ge
100 e widespread, mammalian cells lack a GDP-Man NST, thereby providing an ideal heterologous system for
101 e fibers in sampled subregions of the medial NST and DMV increased approximately 23-fold and 94-fold,
102 c fibers in gastric subregions of the medial NST-DMV.
103 alcium imaging study shows that while medial NST neurons are rarely activated by leptin alone, leptin
104 ed obesity, which suggests that Sln-mediated NST is recruited during metabolic overload.
105 n complex mixture with as high as 1000 ng/ml NSTs.
106 o acids play an important role in modulating NST-mediated functions like swallowing, respiration and
107 egulation by SLN can be the basis for muscle NST.
108  based on radially oriented NiO nanostrands (NSTs) onto 3D porous Ni foam substrate for monitoring, a
109  was developed to classify a nonsubtypeable (NST) strain of N. meningitidis, 7967.
110 so, meningococcal strains of phenotype NG:NT:NST were isolated from cerebrospinal fluid samples from
111  as well as neurons of the solitary nucleus (NST) and dorsal motor nucleus (DMN) of the vagus.
112 ubset of astrocytes in the solitary nucleus (NST) is activated by low glucose.
113 re highly expressed in the solitary nucleus [NST], dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus [DMN] and catech
114 curs within neurons of the solitary nucleus [NST], though this interaction had not been verified.
115 pipettes were used to record the activity of NST neurons extracellularly and to apply the GABA(A) ant
116  is often cited to support administration of NST.
117 e shape-dependent structural architecture of NST-Ni electrode.
118 species frequently used in investigations of NST-mediated behaviors, has not been described.
119                    The radial orientation of NST-Ni electrode onto the interior of the 3D porous subs
120              This leptin-mediated priming of NST neurons was uncoupled by pre-treatment with the phos
121 ion, provide evidence for the recruitment of NST in skeletal muscle.
122 he parasite highlights the essential role of NST(s) in glycosylation of T. brucei.
123 at skeletal muscle becomes the major site of NST when BAT activity is minimized.
124 ther muscle will become an important site of NST when BAT function is conditionally minimized in mice
125          Our immunohistochemical staining of NST cells further verified the presence of the AMPAR sub
126   These studies are relevant to the study of NST structure and function in both protozoan parasites a
127   Neurons had properties similar to those of NST cells in other species, including mean breadth-of-tu
128  lateral RF, subjacent to the rostral tip of NST.
129 omes with respect to BRCA status and type of NST received.
130 hemical evidence for a multimeric complex of NSTs, a finding with important implications to the struc
131  concentration and not with concentration of NSTs and is found to be capable of detecting sub-femtomo
132 vel approach that combines reconstitution of NSTs into liposomes and the subsequent assessment of nuc
133 ications to the structure and specificity of NSTs in both Leishmania and other organisms.
134  life cycle and further our understanding of NSTs generally.
135  appreciated, but the nature of NE action on NST neurones themselves, especially on the alpha-1 recep
136           In vivo microinjection of PHE onto NST neurones caused a significant reduction in gastric t
137 ry scores < 9) than SBFT (37.9%; P = .03) or NST (39.4%; p = .04).
138 ior therapy is more efficacious than SBFT or NST for adolescent MDD in clinical settings, resulting i
139  control of the pattern of radially oriented NSTs onto 3D porous Ni foam substrate.
140  for conducting functional analyses of other NSTs identified in T. brucei.
141 neurons appear to project to targets outside NST, this suggests that most of these cells have local,
142           Toxin-induced loss of DbH-positive NST neurons was positively correlated with loss of CCK-i
143 olling the excitability of both postsynaptic NST neurons and presynaptic vagal afferent terminals.
144 tumors, extramedullary tumors (predominantly NSTs) were present in higher numbers and were associated
145  randomized to receive CBT and 71 to receive NST.
146  we found that isolates from closely related NSTs were often similar by PFGE profile as well, further
147 main 1 (AD1), the flanking Asn/Ser/Thr-rich (NST) domain and AD2] are transiently translocated into t
148  Together, the data suggest that the rostral NST is essential for responding appropriately to increas
149 connections with the anterior, rostrolateral NST.
150 wing reduced-intensity nonmyeloablative SCT (NST), consecutive series of patients with major ABO inco
151 lly identified, second-order gastric sensory NST neurones.
152 ably, the fact that inactivation of a single NST gene results in measurable defects in surface glycop
153 l nucleus (LPB), nucleus tractus solitarius (NST), frontal cerebral cortex and the parvocellular para
154 n images from the 1.6 m New Solar Telescope (NST) equipped with high order adaptive optics at Big Bea
155 ose transporters in the Arabidopsis thaliana NST family and designated them UDP-XYLOSE TRANSPORTER1 (
156 ecession on ST-site (approximately 20%) than NST-site (approximately 10%; P = 0.0001).
157                         It seems likely that NST neurons are involved in the leptin-mediated increase
158              These observations suggest that NST astrocytes may be active participants in the regulat
159                                          The NST is essential to the maintenance of behavioural and a
160                                          The NST-based transport of UDP-xylose into the Golgi lumen w
161                                          The NST-Ni electrode shows significant glucose sensing perfo
162 enhancement probably eliminating W506 as the NST.
163 umbers of double-labeled neurons in both the NST and RF, suggesting that some medullary gustatory neu
164                   This MAb bound to both the NST strain and the prototype subtype P1.14 strain, S3446
165  The significance of NE projections from the NST to other CNS regions has long been appreciated, but
166 s when taste cell recording changes from the NST to the PBN.
167 port of cholera toxin neural tracer from the NST-DMV in newborn rats confirmed that PVN neurons were
168  with GSP-innervated receptive fields in the NST and PBN.
169 stributions of double-labeled neurons in the NST and RF suggest a role for NO in stimulus-specific gu
170                                Fibers in the NST and RP that possess TRHR1 receptors were phenotypica
171                                Fibers in the NST and the raphe pallidus [RP] and obscurrus [RO] that
172           Many taste-responsive cells in the NST are inhibited by gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).
173 es suggest that noradrenergic neurons in the NST are particularly important to the generation of refl
174 istics, overall survival was improved in the NST group at 1 year (51% versus 39%) and 2 years (39% ve
175 uggest that a subset of taste neurons in the NST is under the influence from the bilateral VPMpc and
176 led us to hypothesize that TNF action in the NST may preferentially affect putative noradrenergic neu
177 The distribution of these amino acids in the NST of the lamb, a species frequently used in investigat
178 entity of these TNF-activated neurons in the NST was approximately 29% tyrosine hydroxylase [TH]-posi
179 other 54% of the cFOS-activated cells in the NST were phenotypically identified to be astrocytes.
180 e terminal fields of all three nerves in the NST were up to 2.7 times greater in alphaENaC knock-out
181 cytes act within a tripartite synapse in the NST, controlling the excitability of both postsynaptic N
182                                       In the NST, double-labeled neurons were most numerous in the ro
183 ng these 165 taste-responsive neurons in the NST, the activity of 39 (23.6%) was suppressed by Met-EN
184      After identifying a taste neuron in the NST, the VPMpc was stimulated bilaterally.
185 lls [as indicated by cFOS production] in the NST.
186 the VPMpc on taste-responsive neurons in the NST.
187 a tympani terminal fibers and boutons in the NST.
188  on the activity of gustatory neurons in the NST.
189                  BICM microinjected into the NST blocked the cortical-induced inhibition but had no e
190  afferents, the major sensory input into the NST, activated NST astrocytes, as indicated by increases
191                     Rats with lesions of the NST also could acquire a conditioned odor aversion, but
192 si) into the taste-responsive regions of the NST and the ipsilateral PBN in six rats.
193 puncta found in the caudal two-thirds of the NST in the medial, ventrolateral and dorsomedial NST.
194 hitectonic parcellation (Nissl stain) of the NST into rostral, intermediate, and caudal divisions.
195 e central third of the rostral 1.0 mm of the NST ipsilateral to the stimulated nerve.
196                   Cyclical activation of the NST may function to increase the responsiveness of these
197 urons were inhibited and the majority of the NST neurons were excited by gastrointestinal distention.
198  immunoreactivity in the rostral zone of the NST suggests that GABA, but not glycine, is an important
199 vity in intermediate and caudal zones of the NST suggests that these inhibitory amino acids play an i
200 to the caudal visceral sensory region of the NST, and also by immunocytochemical localization of gluc
201 ls was found in the intermediate zone of the NST, medial to the solitary tract (ST).
202 king advantage of the resolving power of the NST, we measure the cross-sectional widths of flare ribb
203  caudal reaches of the gustatory zone of the NST, where taste neurons receive inputs from the IXth ne
204  increasing oxytocinergic innervation of the NST-DMV.
205 om the visceral and gustatory regions of the NST.
206 puncta were found in the rostral zone of the NST.
207 eceptors within the gustatory portion of the NST; previous studies had shown numerous fiber terminals
208 uclei confined to the caudal division of the NST; they also connect with the area postrema.
209 T-site teeth did not differ from that on the NST-site teeth (P = 0.0875).
210                           In this study, the NST-Ni electrode is fabricated to develop a simple, sele
211 dulation of gustatory processing through the NST.
212 puncta labeling were observed throughout the NST, particularly around the ST in intermediate and caud
213  the CeA is the major source of input to the NST (82.3+/-7.6 cells/section) and the PBN (76.7+/-11.5)
214 tryptophan at position 506 homologous to the NST in other myosins.
215  data suggest that corticofugal input to the NST may differentially inhibit gustatory afferent activi
216 re sources of catecholaminergic input to the NST.
217 ranslocated into the ER lumen, whereupon the NST domain is glycosylated to yield an inactive 120-kDa
218 ar recording of neuronal activity within the NST in response to taste input was combined with local m
219              Small CTb injections within the NST label extensive projections from the rostral divisio
220 itive fibers already were present within the NST-DMV in rats on the day of birth.
221 ergic projection pathways arising within the NST.
222  individual nondirective supportive therapy (NST).
223 or response to neoadjuvant systemic therapy (NST) in patients with breast cancer and to outline a mod
224 ted as a site of nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) besides brown adipose tissue (BAT).
225 higher levels of nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) in brown adipose tissue (BAT) of animals that huddl
226 eletal muscle in nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) is not well understood.
227 h an increase in nonshivering thermogenesis (NST).
228 layer in muscle non-shivering thermogenesis (NST) and can compensate for loss of BAT activity.
229 tant lines affected in the function of these NSTs confirmed their role as UDP-Araf transporters in vi
230 simple, scalable one-pot fabrication of this NST-Ni sensor design enabled control of the pattern of r
231 oxin subunit B (CTb) labeling revealed those NST subnuclei receiving chorda tympani nerve (CT) affere
232 osi sarcoma (KS), and 7 normal skin tissues (NSTs) of Dutch origin were analyzed.
233 eater in ST-site quadrants (36%) compared to NST-site quadrants (18%; P <0.001).
234 determine whether afferent sensory inputs to NST neurons also activates NST astrocytes.
235 subject's unilateral ST keratosis lesion) to NST-site teeth (contralateral corresponding teeth).
236                                     Prior to NST, proven tumor-positive axillary lymph nodes were mar
237  shift from myeloablative transplantation to NST on relapse, transplant complications, and outcome ha
238 rving surgery in patients responding well to NST.
239 ture of AfB1 with other non-specific toxins (NSTs), thus leading to erroneous quantification of AfB1
240 eurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) activated by the intraoral infusion of quinine usin
241 ctions to the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) and dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMV) in adul
242 eurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) and subjacent reticular formation (RF).
243 s to both the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMNV).
244 rojections to the nucleus of solitary tract (NST) and the parabrachial nucleus (PBN) that modulate ta
245 asured in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) in anesthetized B6 and 129 mice to address this con
246 e buds to the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) in the medulla.
247 eurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) not only send axons to the parabrachial nuclei (PbN
248 esions of the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) or ibotenic acid lesions of the pontine parabrachia
249           The nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) processes gustatory and related somatosensory infor
250           The nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) processes substantial visceral afferent input and s
251           The nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) receives descending connections from several forebr
252 esions of the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) that demonstrated flat concentration-response funct
253           The nucleus of the solitary tract (NST), located in the dorsomedial medulla, is the site of
254 n (RC) of the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST), the principal site where geniculate axons synapse,
255 in the caudal nucleus of the solitary tract (NST), with signals subsequently relayed to higher brain
256 ed in several nucleus of the solitary tract (NST)-mediated functions.
257 the hindbrain nucleus of the solitary tract (NST).
258 ortion of the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST).
259 nerves in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST).
260 y zone of the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST).
261 ns in the rat nucleus of the solitary tract (NST).
262 eurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST; principal locus integrating visceral afferent input
263 ts within the nucleus of the solitary tract [NST].
264  Nonmyeloablative stem cell transplantation (NST) is increasingly used in older patients.
265 lative allogeneic stem cell transplantation (NST) protocol that achieves stable mixed bone marrow chi
266 rter (TPT) and nucleotide-sugar transporter (NST) families.
267 members of the nucleotide sugar transporter (NST) family can efficiently transport UDP-Araf in vitro.
268               Nucleotide sugar transporters (NSTs) are an essential component of the glycosylation pa
269               Nucleotide sugar transporters (NSTs) are indispensible for the biosynthesis of glycopro
270 olgi lumen by nucleotide sugar transporters (NSTs).
271 the action of nucleotide sugar transporters (NSTs).
272 of eukaryotic nucleotide-sugar transporters (NSTs).
273 olgi lumen by nucleotide sugar transporters (NSTs).
274 y a family of nucleotide sugar transporters (NSTs).
275 stases after neoadjuvant systemic treatment (NST) in patients with breast cancer.
276 ease in the nucleotide sensitive tryptophan (NST) accompanies nucleotide binding and hydrolysis in se
277 e OSNs (stained for neuron-specific tubulin, NST) increased in number between 1 and 5 d in vitro (DIV
278 ancreatic cancer (PC), neural system tumors (NST), and uveal melanoma (UM).
279 y tumors (P <.001), and nerve sheath tumors (NSTs) (P <.001).
280 es, we defined 38 S. Newport sequence types (NSTs), all of which were novel compared to our previous
281                                   Typically, NSTs are studied in microsomal preparations from wild-ty
282 d invasive breast cancer who were undergoing NST were included (mean age, 54 years; range, 27-84 year
283  152 patients older than 50 years undergoing NST or myeloablative transplantation.
284 and sparse geniculate input, and the ventral NST (V) and medullary reticular formation (RF), a caudal
285  axonal projections from the caudal visceral NST to the hypothalamus and limbic forebrain, discussion
286 ity rate rose from 54% to 68% (275/404) with NST.
287                    Treatment of animals with NST, posttransplantation donor lymphocyte infusions (DLI
288 e NST, 78 (42%) converted to candidates with NST.
289 of MDD at the end of treatment compared with NST (17.1% vs 42.4%; P = .02), and resulted in a higher
290 tivated astrocytes communicate directly with NST neurons by releasing glutamate.
291 ediated by odor cues because other rats with NST lesions also demonstrated normal CTA learning even w

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