


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d orbits and sizes between that of Earth and Neptune.
2 er-Earth," whereas the other is more akin to Neptune.
3 representative of the interior of Uranus and Neptune.
4 ocks upstream of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
5 he Sun before being captured in orbit around Neptune.
6  and in GCR measured by Voyager 2, then near Neptune.
7 elt analogous region out beyond the orbit of Neptune.
8 similar in morphology to those of Uranus and Neptune.
9 ting of solid bodies orbiting the Sun beyond Neptune.
10  retrograde orbit at 14 planetary radii from Neptune.
11  of 30 to 50 km, were presumably captured by Neptune.
12 rge number of bodies orbiting the Sun beyond Neptune.
13  CH4, water, and ammonia, such as Uranus and Neptune.
14 s may be important as they are at Uranus and Neptune.
15 at of Earth (with radius R Earth symbol) and Neptune (about 4R Earth symbol) are now known to be comm
16 eptune-sized Kepler-4b is similar to that of Neptune and GJ 436b, even though the irradiation level i
17     MIF was observed for Si isotopes on both Neptune and Neptune plus MC-ICPMS instruments in this st
18 ase in the nebula from which Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and their major moons formed.
19  objects, KBOs) that lie beyond the orbit of Neptune and which are believed to have formed contempora
20 planetary systems (including systems of 'hot Neptunes' and 'super-Earths') whose angular momentum vec
21 ity waves can result in orbital evolution of Neptune as well as changes in the structure of the Kuipe
22    The Kuiper belt extends from the orbit of Neptune at 30 au to an abrupt outer edge about 50 au fro
23 iper belt-the region of space extending from Neptune (at 30 astronomical units) to well over 100 AU a
24          Similar to its family member, EKLF, Neptune can bind CACCC-box and GC-rich DNA elements.
25                                 We show that Neptune cooperates with the hematopoietic transcription
26 f giant planets--Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune--during their formation.
27                                              neptune expression is induced in response to components
28                           Dead leaves of the Neptune grass, Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, in the Me
29                                              Neptune has five narrow ring arcs, spanning about 40 deg
30                   Determining why Uranus and Neptune have different field morphologies is not only cr
31 a vast swarm of small bodies orbiting beyond Neptune, have been a major process affecting this popula
32 re likely captured by a migrating, eccentric Neptune in a dynamically excited planetesimal population
33 f two Sun-like stars by planets smaller than Neptune in the billion-year-old open cluster NGC6811.
34 i-planet systems containing super-Earths and Neptunes in orbits of a few days to a few months.
35                         In the region beyond Neptune, in contrast, no collisionally created families
36 e-temperature brown dwarfs resembles that of Neptune, indicating the presence of zonal temperature an
37 roximately 10(3)-kilometre-sized bodies) and Neptune is a far more likely explanation for Triton's ca
38               These studies demonstrate that Neptune is a positive regulator of primitive erythropoie
39     Similar populations and dynamics at both Neptune Lagrangian regions indicate that the Trojans wer
40  as massive as Jupiter, to intermediate-mass Neptune-like objects with large cores and moderate hydro
41 far too small to deplete the atmosphere of a Neptune-like planet in the lifetime of the parent star,
42 n that hot rocky planets might have begun as Neptune-like, but subsequently lost all of their atmosph
43   Here we report that in the ultraviolet the Neptune-mass exoplanet GJ 436b (also known as Gliese 436
44      We find that the eccentric orbit of the Neptune-mass exoplanet GJ 436b is nearly perpendicular t
45 detailed atmospheric study of the transiting Neptune-mass exoplanet HAT-P-26b.
46 of the Sun) host star, and is one of the few Neptune-mass planets that is amenable to detailed charac
47                    The small eccentricity of Neptune may be a direct consequence of apsidal wave inte
48 e influence of sample introduction system on Neptune MC-ICPMS lead isotopic ratio measurements was te
49 ion of C ((29)Si(+)) and H3 ((30)Si(+)) on a Neptune MC-ICPMS.
50 masses using medium resolution on the Thermo Neptune MC-ICPMS.
51  the hundreds of multi-planet systems of sub-Neptunes, more planet pairs are observed near resonances
52    The field planets are usually the size of Neptune or smaller.
53 observed for Si isotopes on both Neptune and Neptune plus MC-ICPMS instruments in this study.
54 e of apsidal wave interaction with the trans-Neptune population of debris called the Kuiper belt.
55 the properties of lower-mass exoplanets (sub-Neptune) remain largely unconstrained because of the cha
56 al magnetic fields of the planets Uranus and Neptune represent important observables for constraining
57 uggest that geophysical models of Uranus and Neptune require reassessment because chemical reactivity
58 et GJ 436b-which has been labelled as a 'hot Neptune'-reveals itself by the dimming of light as it cr
59 5 au and were subsequently pushed outward by Neptune's 1:2 mean motion resonance during its final pha
60 ar, for a belt eroded out to the vicinity of Neptune's 2:1 resonance at about 48 astronomical units,
61 raviolet and GCR are likely to be modulating Neptune's atmosphere in combination.
62  GCR is further supported by the response of Neptune's atmosphere to an intermittent 1.5- to 1.9-year
63                Long-duration observations of Neptune's brightness at two visible wavelengths provide
64          A similar coincident variability in Neptune's brightness suggests nucleation onto GCR ions.
65                A fusion protein comprised of Neptune's DBD and the Drosophila engrailed repressor dom
66 :1 resonance at about 48 astronomical units, Neptune's eccentricity can damp to its current value ove
67 h a perihelion distance of 70 au, far beyond Neptune's gravitational influence.
68               Despite these common features, Neptune's irregular satellite system, hitherto thought t
69 ontrolled by precipitation of electrons from Neptune's magnetosphere as previously proposed, Triton c
70                 The discovery of Uranus' and Neptune's non-dipolar, non-axisymmetric magnetic fields
71 n region of gravitational equilibrium within Neptune's orbit.
72 s) are an ancient reservoir of comets beyond Neptune's orbit.
73                                    Triton is Neptune's principal satellite and is by far the largest
74 same wavelengths in the spectra of Pluto and Neptune's satellite Triton are due to CH4 on their surfa
75  ethylene may be required to explain the hot Neptune's small CH(4)-to-CO ratio, which is at least 10(
76                                              Neptune shapes the dynamics of most Kuiper belt objects,
77 piters (with slightly larger orbits) and hot Neptune-size candidates do exhibit signatures of additio
78                           The density of the Neptune-sized Kepler-4b is similar to that of Neptune an
79 ar absorption in the atmospheres of smaller (Neptune-sized) planets during transits have revealed onl
80 lt is subject to resonant perturbations from Neptune, so that the transport of angular momentum by de
81 cts in the Nephrotic Syndrome Study Network (NEPTUNE), stratified by APOL1 risk genotype.
82 Small planets between the sizes of Earth and Neptune substantially outnumber Jupiter-sized planets.
83 anets intermediate in size between Earth and Neptune ('super-Earths') are among the most common plane
84 oir of icy bodies at and beyond the orbit of Neptune-the Kuiper belt-has opened a new frontier in ast
85 rocky core, befitting the appellation ''mini-Neptunes.'' The gas giant planets occur preferentially a
86 e in two cold reservoirs beyond the orbit of Neptune: the Kuiper Belt (equilibrium temperatures of ap
87 disk of icy bodies that orbit the Sun beyond Neptune; the largest known members are Pluto and its com
88 embers, refs 6, 7), Uranus (six, ref. 8) and Neptune (three, ref. 9).
89 eport the detection of 2008 LC18, which is a Neptune Trojan in the trailing (L5) Lagrangian region of
90         This discovery demonstrates that the Neptune Trojan population occupies a thick disk, which i
91    We estimate that the leading and trailing Neptune Trojan regions have similarly sized populations
92 e report the discovery of a high-inclination Neptune Trojan, 2005 TN(53).
93                                          The Neptune Trojans appear to have a population that is seve
94             Our color measurements show that Neptune Trojans have statistically indistinguishable sli
95 ort the discovery of five irregular moons of Neptune, two with prograde and three with retrograde orb
96 f critical importance for devising models of Neptune, Uranus, and white dwarf stars, as well as of ex
97  atmospheres of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune were modeled as shallow layers of turbulent flui
98 e bodies in the universe, such as Saturn and Neptune, where nonmolecular ice is thought to be the mos
99 ere, we identified a novel Xenopus KLF gene, neptune, which is highly expressed in the ventral blood
100 jects orbiting primarily between Jupiter and Neptune--with an equivalent radius of 124 +/- 9 kilometr

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