


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              Nernst analyses suggest that the reduction of CODH from
2  membrane potential from becoming the Ca(2+) Nernst potential in <1 ms.
3                         The titrations fit a Nernst equation for a one-electron reaction and were nea
4 formed at maximum current density revealed a Nernst-Monod response with a half saturation potential (
5 nts and electrophoretic mobilities satisfy a Nernst-Einstein relation in which the effective charge o
6  representative two-electron redox system; a Nernst slope of -30.8 mV was obtained.
7 antum) model, mathematically equivalent to a Nernst distribution for one redox energy level, redox si
8 on and withdrawal of NH(4)(+) conformed to a Nernst equation modified to include realistic NH(4)(+) p
9 m) with multiple layers of active cells, and Nernst-Monod behavior support extracellular electron tra
10 es in simulation via solving the Poisson and Nernst-Planck equations, the SCD and therefore the surfa
11  and quantum oscillations in the Seebeck and Nernst effect.
12 ion contains the contribution from anomalous Nernst effect (ANE).
13 microscopy using the time-resolved anomalous Nernst effect (TRANE).
14    The theory of this method is described by Nernst-Planck-Poisson finite element simulations, and bo
15 For ideal gas mixtures we derive the classic Nernst-Planck equation.
16                                    Combining Nernst and spin Seebeck effect in bulk materials would e
17 rcuit potential (OCP) were used to construct Nernst plots to evaluate the applicability of the drople
18                                  The coupled Nernst-Planck equations (multi-ion model, MIM) for the c
19 d by resolving the coupled three-dimensional Nernst-Planck, Poisson, and Navier-Stokes equations.
20 lectrostriction and analyzed using the Drude-Nernst equation.
21 so develop equations for an electrochemical (Nernst) transport mechanism for the promoter, and descri
22                       Thus, the one-electron Nernst behavior can be interpreted as the sum of two sep
23  acetyl-CoA synthesis exhibited one-electron Nernst behavior, and the effects of pH on the observed m
24  to the magnetic field induced Ettingshausen-Nernst effect.
25                    A variable-electric-field Nernst-Planck electrodiffusion model was used, with two
26 ellular GSH, preserved the intracellular GSH Nernst potential, and reduced apoptosis caused by oscill
27 stry on the rhenium compound yields a linear Nernst plot with an n value of 0.99 and E degree' of 0.0
28                                   A modified Nernst-Planck model incorporating ion hydration and elec
29 p is <6.0 and p is >8.5 in a proton-modified Nernst equation.
30 tion of electro-diffusion processes, namely, Nernst-Planck-Poisson (NPP) model to allow the descripti
31 n protein diffusion and kD in the context of Nernst-Planck theory.
32  ions through the gap junction pore based on Nernst-Planck equations for ion concentrations and the P
33                                    A Poisson-Nernst-Planck/density functional theory model of RyR is
34 nted as featureless dielectrics, and Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) electrodiffusion theory in which bot
35 have performed Langevin dynamics and Poisson-Nernst-Planck calculations to simulate detection of prot
36 um approaches (Poisson-Boltzmann and Poisson-Nernst-Planck theory) have been also employed.
37          This claim is buttressed by Poisson-Nernst-Planck calculations that predict a high single-ch
38 simulation of unsteady fully coupled Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) equations.
39 the pore is described by the coupled Poisson-Nernst-Planck and the Stokes equations that are solved s
40 inuum model, composed of the coupled Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations for the ionic mass transport and
41 gy for solving the three-dimensional Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations is used to compute current-volta
42 mics (GCMC/BD) and three-dimensional Poisson-Nernst-Plank (3d-PNP) electrodiffusion algorithms offer
43 ion by utilizing the one-dimensional Poisson-Nernst-Plank model to determine the voltage profile of s
44                   We use an extended Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP2) theory to compute (mean) Coulombic
45         We show that the fluctuating Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) equations for charged multispecies d
46 eory, termed Potential-of-Mean-Force-Poisson-Nernst-Planck theory (PMFPNP), to compute ion currents.
47 The continuum model is a generalized Poisson-Nernst-Planck (GPNP) system where an activity coefficien
48 ty assumptions are applied to obtain Poisson-Nernst-Planck-type equations or a generalized Ohmic law.
49 roach utilizes a modified version of Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) theory, termed Potential-of-Mean-For
50  algorithm is developed to solve the Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) equations for ion transport through
51 were analyzed by an extension of the Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) formulation of electrodiffusion, whi
52 me techniques were used to solve the Poisson-Nernst-Planck equation, and a dual Delaunay-Voronoi mesh
53  in extracellular fluid based on the Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations of electrodiffusion.
54 e-grained models of polymers and the Poisson-Nernst-Planck formalism for ionic current.
55 VB simulation data combined with the Poisson-Nernst-Planck theory indicates that the triply protonate
56  a channel is described by a theory (Poisson-Nernst-Planck, PNP) that computes the average electric f
57 rin channels is also estimated using Poisson-Nernst-Planck theory for both the Grotthuss shuttling ex
58 he inward current was close to the predicted Nernst equilibrium potential for Na+.
59 re linar and reversed close to the predicted Nernst potential for K+.
60 ence rises proportionally but not so for RED Nernst potential, which has logarithmic dependence on th
61 -) concentrations together with the relevant Nernst equation resolved the tetrathionate/thiosulfate r
62   Here, we present a study of angle-resolved Nernst effect in bismuth, which maps the angle-resolved
63 pin caloritronics phenomena such as the spin Nernst effect and serves as a reference for theoretical
64 ng currents at membrane potentials above the Nernst equilibrium potential for Cl(-) and thus can be u
65                             In addition, the Nernst signal displays a sign anomaly in the gap-inverte
66 for these responses closely approximated the Nernst equilibrium potential for K(+).
67     Zero-current potentials approximated the Nernst for Cl-, and rectification usually followed that
68 hibit sensitivities to pH changes beyond the Nernst limit.
69   Classically, this process is driven by the Nernst effect in bulk solids, wherein a magnetic field g
70 ty with the voltage output determined by the Nernst equation and proportional to the logarithm of the
71 e Ca2+-dependent current as predicted by the Nernst equation for a K+-selective current.
72 in agreement with the value predicted by the Nernst equation for a potassium conductance; serotonin o
73 ternal Cl- concentration as predicted by the Nernst equation for chloride ions.
74 ding membrane potentials as predicted by the Nernst equation.
75 vity of ion-selective sensors limited by the Nernst equation.
76  with changes in [Cl-]i, as predicted by the Nernst equation.
77  in a greater quantity than predicted by the Nernst equation.
78 rought membrane potentials closer to EK (the Nernst potential for K+ ions), suggesting activation of
79 ansport rates were analyzed by employing the Nernst-Planck equation, modified to account for electric
80 ntly higher sensitivity which can exceed the Nernst limit.
81 ion, one obtains boundary conditions for the Nernst-Planck equation that guarantee that the pore is o
82  flow in a driving temperature gradient (the Nernst effect), in magnetic fields up to 45 tesla.
83 duced as they diffuse down the gradient (the Nernst effect).
84 ppa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)X family, we reveal how the Nernst effect, a sensitive probe of superconducting phas
85                       Formal analysis of the Nernst equation reveals that reduction potential contain
86                                  Fits of the Nernst equation to the corresponding lag-vs-potential pl
87 ectrodes ideally operate on the basis of the Nernst equation, which predicts less than 60- and 30-mV
88                           Application of the Nernst-Einstein equation to these data gives the followi
89 variation of the convective component of the Nernst-Plank equation for flux and, to lesser extent, di
90 ), Ca(2+), Mg(2+), and SO4(2-)) based on the Nernst-Planck equation, and uses it for permeate and ret
91                           In this paper, the Nernst equation is used to simultaneously calculate the
92 e predicted for a fixed probe by solving the Nernst-Planck equation and that the ac response can also
93 ns that cross the channel and by solving the Nernst-Planck equation yield consistent results, indicat
94                             We find that the Nernst signal is anomalously enhanced at temperatures as
95 which equilibrates in cells according to the Nernst equation and provides a numerical, replicable est
96 -500 mV) fit a function corresponding to the Nernst equation with a midpoint potential of -316 mV.
97 tential that varies with pH according to the Nernst equation.
98  (GSSG) and calculated E(h) according to the Nernst equation.
99  channels in activating well negative to the Nernst potential for protons, E(H).
100 us proton channels open only positive to the Nernst potential for protons, E(H).
101 e Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz (GHK) solution to the Nernst-Planck equation for transport across the membrane
102 culated to be -275.4 +/- 0.3 mV by using the Nernst equation and the Keq for the equilibrium of the r
103 nalyzed as a function of potential using the Nernst equation.
104 um CRP speciation and calculations using the Nernst equation.
105 nd GSSG, and the calculation of Eh using the Nernst equation.
106 fusion we encounter a situation in which the Nernst-Planck contribution to diffusion differs by sever
107 ion approach is first developed in which the Nernst-Planck equation is used to characterize axial ion
108  Cys, CySS, GSH, and GSSG were used with the Nernst equation to calculate the redox states.
109 allows DeltaPsi(m) to be calculated with the Nernst equation, but this has proven difficult in practi
110 in whole vacuole recordings shifted with the Nernst potential for Cl-and vanished in glutamate.
111                            Combined with the Nernst-Einstein relation, these diffusion results constr
112  of superconducting fluctuations, the vortex-Nernst effect, we find that a fluctuating regime develop
113            We fabricate a FM alloy with zero Nernst coefficient to mitigate the ANE contamination of

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