


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 mmunization against both avian influenza and Newcastle disease.
2 d widely to protect village chickens against Newcastle disease, due to their decreased dependence on
3 tive vaccination against avian influenza and Newcastle disease in chickens and other poultry.
4 olytic NDV variant that is unlikely to cause Newcastle disease in its avian host, representing an ess
5                               An outbreak of Newcastle disease (ND) in poultry was reported in Belize
6                                              Newcastle disease (ND) is a deadly avian disease worldwi
7                                              Newcastle disease (ND) is one of the most important dise
8 rains of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) cause Newcastle disease (ND), a devastating disease of poultry
9 icken infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) and Newcastle disease (ND), two of the most economically imp
10  the response of DCs to virus infection with Newcastle disease virus (NDV) after a 24-hour E2 treatme
11  VLP is composed of the NP and M proteins of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and a chimeric protein con
12       MuRantes mRNA expression is induced by Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and LPS in the RAW 264.7 m
13                   The fusion (F) proteins of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and Nipah virus (NiV) are
14 he level of IFN-beta protein induced by both Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and Sendai virus infection
15             In this study, we have evaluated Newcastle disease virus (NDV) as a vaccine vector for no
16 c and mucosal immune responses by the use of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) as a vaccine vector.
17 linical development of a mesogenic strain of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) as an oncolytic agent for
18                                              Newcastle disease virus (NDV) belongs to serotype 1 of t
19                                              Newcastle disease virus (NDV) can cause severe disease i
20                          Virulent strains of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) cause Newcastle disease (N
21     Virus-like particles (VLPs) built on the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) core proteins, NP and M, a
22 h virus-like particles (VLPs) containing the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) core proteins, NP and M, a
23 several paramyxoviruses.IMPORTANCE Oncolytic Newcastle disease virus (NDV) could establish persistent
24                                              Newcastle disease virus (NDV) edits its P gene by insert
25                                              Newcastle disease virus (NDV) entry into host cells is m
26                                              Newcastle disease virus (NDV) expressing HIV-1 BaL gp160
27 respiratory tract based on recombinant avian Newcastle disease virus (NDV) expressing the hemagglutin
28  such a stimulus, we generated a recombinant Newcastle disease virus (NDV) expressing the MV hemagglu
29 iotin-labeled peptides with sequences of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) F protein heptad repeat 2
30 and 289 in the structure and function of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) F protein was explored by
31  the basis of the coordinates of the related Newcastle disease virus (NDV) F protein, Valine-94, a de
32 ith those of the parainfluenza virus SV5 and Newcastle disease virus (NDV) F proteins, the structures
33  has been demonstrated that the V protein of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) functions as an alpha/beta
34                               The effects of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) fusion (F) glycoprotein cl
35            The sequence and structure of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) fusion (F) protein are con
36                                              Newcastle disease virus (NDV) fusion (F) protein directs
37     It has been shown that the L289A-mutated Newcastle disease virus (NDV) fusion (F) protein gains t
38                         The synthesis of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) fusion (F) protein in a ce
39 equences in the transmembrane (TM) domain of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) fusion (F) protein in the
40    The role of N-linked glycosylation of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) fusion (F) protein in vira
41            To explore the association of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) fusion (F) protein with ch
42                                          The Newcastle disease virus (NDV) fusion protein (F) mediate
43 y viral fusion proteins, the sequence of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) fusion protein has several
44               Naturally occurring strains of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) have shown oncolytic thera
45                                          The Newcastle disease virus (NDV) hemagglutinin-neuraminidas
46 onstrate that the F-interactive sites on the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) hemagglutinin-neuraminidas
47         To explore the relationships between Newcastle disease virus (NDV) HN and F protein interacti
48                                              Newcastle disease virus (NDV) HN and HPIV3 HN respond di
49                      The stalk region of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) HN protein has been implic
50 alysis of the three-dimensional structure of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) HN protein revealed the pr
51 e residues in the functional activity of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) HN protein.
52 tion, mutations in a conserved domain in the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) HN stalk result in a sharp
53 porated into progeny Sendai virions, whereas Newcastle disease virus (NDV) HN was not.
54 e second receptor-binding site identified in Newcastle disease virus (NDV) HN.
55 morbidity-mortality event involving virulent Newcastle disease virus (NDV) in wild double-crested cor
56                                         Upon newcastle disease virus (NDV) infection, bone marrow-der
57                 We show that, in addition to Newcastle disease virus (NDV) infection, vesicular stoma
58  hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) protein of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) is a multifunctional prote
59                                              Newcastle disease virus (NDV) is a negative-sense RNA vi
60                                              Newcastle disease virus (NDV) is a negative-strand RNA v
61  hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) protein of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) is an important determinan
62                                              Newcastle disease virus (NDV) is an oncolytic virus bein
63        The characteristics of three virulent Newcastle disease virus (NDV) isolates from this outbrea
64                However, VLPs composed of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) nucleocapsid and membrane
65                     The disease is caused by Newcastle disease virus (NDV) or avian paramyxovirus typ
66                                            A Newcastle disease virus (NDV) outbreak in chickens was r
67  hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) protein of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) plays a crucial role in th
68                   We generated a recombinant Newcastle disease virus (NDV) possessing a two-segmented
69           In the present study, we generated Newcastle disease virus (NDV) recombinants expressing gl
70           In the present study, we generated Newcastle disease virus (NDV) recombinants, based on the
71 tinin-neuraminidase (HN) cytoplasmic tail in Newcastle disease virus (NDV) replication and pathogenic
72          The promotion of membrane fusion by Newcastle disease virus (NDV) requires an interaction be
73 Ps) released from avian cells expressing the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strain AV proteins NP, M,
74   The complete genome sequence of an African Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strain isolated from a chi
75                                              Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strains are classified as
76 onomic losses, but little is known about the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strains circulating in Afr
77                          Naturally occurring Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strains vary greatly in vi
78                          Naturally occurring Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strains vary greatly in vi
79                        Eight highly virulent Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strains were isolated from
80 ystallographic structure of an HN dimer from Newcastle disease virus (NDV) suggests that a single sit
81              We have generated a recombinant Newcastle disease virus (NDV) that expresses the green f
82                 A complete cDNA clone of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) vaccine strain Hitchner B1
83                                 Thermostable Newcastle disease virus (NDV) vaccines have been used wi
84 he present study, we generated a recombinant Newcastle disease virus (NDV) vectoring the fusion (F) p
85                                              Newcastle disease virus (NDV) was isolated from an outbr
86 the membrane cytoskeleton in the assembly of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) were investigated.
87 ression of the fusion glycoprotein of RSV by Newcastle disease virus (NDV) would stimulate a more rob
88 xpression, replication, and pathogenicity of Newcastle disease virus (NDV), a green fluorescent prote
89                                              Newcastle disease virus (NDV), a member of the family Pa
90  Pteropus vampyrus bat kidney (PVK) cells to Newcastle disease virus (NDV), an avian paramyxovirus kn
91                                 We evaluated Newcastle disease virus (NDV), an avian paramyxovirus th
92          To address this issue, we evaluated Newcastle disease virus (NDV), an avian paramyxovirus th
93                     We previously engineered Newcastle disease virus (NDV), an avian paramyxovirus, a
94                                              Newcastle disease virus (NDV), an avian paramyxovirus, i
95                                              Newcastle disease virus (NDV), an avian paramyxovirus, i
96                                              Newcastle disease virus (NDV), an avian paramyxovirus, i
97                                              Newcastle disease virus (NDV), an avian paramyxovirus, i
98                                              Newcastle disease virus (NDV), an avian paramyxovirus, i
99 the F proteins of SV5 (W3A and WR isolates), Newcastle disease virus (NDV), and human parainfluenza v
100 cular stomatitis virus (VSV), Sindbis virus, Newcastle disease virus (NDV), and Sendai virus (SeV), w
101 of the H5 and H7 hemagglutinin subtypes, and Newcastle disease virus (NDV), are important pathogens i
102                     Paramyxoviruses, such as Newcastle disease virus (NDV), assemble in and bud from
103 es such as avian metapneumovirus (aMPV), and Newcastle disease virus (NDV), human pathogens such as h
104  Here we find that intratumoral therapy with Newcastle disease virus (NDV), in addition to the activa
105 yxovirus 1 (APMV-1) RNA, also referred to as Newcastle disease virus (NDV), in clinical samples from
106                           When infected with Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV), NOD2 expression in DCs wa
107                                          For Newcastle disease virus (NDV), one bifunctional site (si
108  Virulent and moderately virulent strains of Newcastle disease virus (NDV), representing avian paramy
109  DCs showed a reduced type I IFN response to Newcastle disease virus (NDV), Sendai virus (SeV), and S
110          For many paramyxoviruses, including Newcastle disease virus (NDV), syncytium formation requi
111 ns (UTRs) in replication and pathogenesis of Newcastle disease virus (NDV), we generated recombinant
112 is hypothesis, L929 cells were infected with Newcastle disease virus (NDV), which led to the inductio
113                        Cells infected with a Newcastle disease virus (NDV)-expressing VP35 redistribu
114                                              Newcastle disease virus (NDV)-induced membrane fusion re
115                                              Newcastle disease virus (NDV)-induced membrane fusion re
116 e effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on the Newcastle disease virus (NDV)-mediated induction of cyto
117                  In this study, we show that Newcastle disease virus (NDV)-vectored H7 (NDV-H7) and N
118 e of preexisting immunity in humans, such as Newcastle disease virus (NDV).
119 r IRF phosphorylation in cells infected with Newcastle disease virus (NDV).
120 ion with vectored vaccine, using recombinant Newcastle disease virus (rNDV) expressing glycoprotein D
121                                A recombinant Newcastle disease virus (rNDV) expressing simian immunod
122                                  Recombinant Newcastle disease virus (rNDV) stands out as a vaccine v
123 me this obstacle, we generated a recombinant Newcastle disease virus (rNDV)-vectored experimental nor
124         Isolates from the 2002-2003 virulent Newcastle disease virus (v-NDV) outbreak in southern Cal
125                    One year after a virulent Newcastle disease virus (vNDV) outbreak in Pakistan, the
126                                              Newcastle disease virus [NDV (avian paramyxovirus type 1
127  modulate fusion (numbering according to the Newcastle disease virus [NDV] F protein sequence).
128  We found that matrix proteins purified from Newcastle disease virus adsorb on a phospholipid bilayer
129 d RNA viruses that have dsRNA intermediates, Newcastle disease virus and Sendai virus, and a DNA viru
130                                              Newcastle disease virus and vesicular stomatitis virus (
131                      In this study, we found Newcastle disease virus and vesicular stomatitis virus r
132                                              Newcastle disease virus assembles in plasma membrane dom
133               Here, we present a recombinant Newcastle disease virus expressing a North American line
134 ns for the ability to rescue the growth of a Newcastle disease virus expressing green fluorescent pro
135 mutational analysis of the HR1 domain of the Newcastle disease virus fusion protein, focusing on the
136                          This model uses the Newcastle disease virus hemagglutinin-neuraminidase prot
137 on of HN of parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5) and Newcastle disease virus HN abolishes cell-cell fusion, w
138         Here, we report the structure of the Newcastle disease virus HN ectodomain, revealing dimers
139 embrane fusion, we characterized a series of Newcastle disease virus HN proteins whose surface residu
140 ith functionally active "headless" mumps and Newcastle disease virus HN proteins, provide insights in
141                             Mutations of the Newcastle disease virus HN stalk region have been shown
142 e second receptor-binding site identified in Newcastle disease virus HN.
143 ose to the second binding site identified in Newcastle disease virus HN.
144 d receptor binding site of the paramyxovirus Newcastle disease virus in its function and its relation
145 le NF-kappaB activity, both Sendai virus and Newcastle disease virus infection led to robust IFN-beta
146 N expression in response to Sendai virus and Newcastle disease virus infection.
147 ther stimuli, such as lipopolysaccharide and Newcastle disease virus infection.
148 on of interferon beta mRNA 27-fold following Newcastle disease virus infection.
149                 As with any other RNA virus, Newcastle disease virus is expected to evolve naturally;
150 opathological characterization of a virulent Newcastle disease virus isolate (NDV-Peru/08) obtained f
151 ed to mimic sites that are found in virulent Newcastle disease virus isolates and to contain 4 or 5 b
152                                        Eight Newcastle disease virus isolates from Pakistan were sequ
153                                      Fifteen Newcastle disease virus isolates were recovered only fro
154  hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) protein of Newcastle disease virus mediates attachment to sialic ac
155 r ordered assembly and release of infectious Newcastle disease virus particles.
156 or Streptococcus, but not Vibrio cholerae or Newcastle disease virus sialidase.
157       Overexpression of Lgp2 inhibits SV and Newcastle disease virus signaling to IFN-stimulated regu
158 rs by about 2.5-fold, and neuraminidase from Newcastle disease virus typically increased infectivity
159  the growth of a highly IFN-sensitive virus (Newcastle disease virus) in the presence of IFN, suggest
160 aramyxovirus 1 (APMV-1; a group encompassing Newcastle disease virus), which is a highly contagious p
161 ells infected with a heterologous RNA virus (Newcastle disease virus).
162 omography to show that the matrix protein of Newcastle disease virus, a paramyxovirus and relative of
163 mutation is demonstrated in the F protein of Newcastle disease virus, a paramyxovirus of a different
164 nduced by all IL-33-inducing agonists except Newcastle disease virus, a RIG-I agonist that induced ex
165  from non-target viruses such as H6N2, H9N2, Newcastle disease virus, and infectious bronchitis virus
166 efficacy: vaccinia, measles, mumps, viruses, Newcastle disease virus, and reovirus.
167 ense RNA viruses (influenza viruses A and B, Newcastle disease virus, and vesicular stomatitis virus)
168  simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1), Sendai virus, Newcastle disease virus, and vesicular stomatitis virus.
169     PV701, a replication-competent strain of Newcastle disease virus, causes regression of tumor xeno
170  paramyxoviruses measles virus, mumps virus, Newcastle disease virus, human parainfluenza virus 3, an
171 DCs) by negative-strand RNA viruses, such as Newcastle disease virus, leads to the induction of the I
172 ed against CPE resulting from infection with Newcastle disease virus, Sendai virus, canine distemper
173                      We report here that for Newcastle disease virus, the HN receptor avidity is incr
174 y this network, we studied DCs infected with Newcastle disease virus, which is able to stimulate inna
175 in primary human dendritic cells infected by Newcastle disease virus, with copy numbers varying from
176 nd tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) in Newcastle disease virus-infected Irf5(-)(/)(-) mice.
177  not type I interferon gene transcription in Newcastle disease virus-infected peritoneal macrophages.
178              Quantitative RT-PCR analysis on Newcastle disease virus-infected primary DCs from 130 in
179 ing a control or fusion protein derived from Newcastle disease virus.
180 idase (HN) glycoprotein of the paramyxovirus Newcastle disease virus.
181 onse to HSV-1, but not to Sendai virus or to Newcastle disease virus.
182 d to rescue replication of the IFN-sensitive Newcastle disease virus.
183 nts similar to the one for cells infected by Newcastle disease virus.
184                                Low-virulence Newcastle disease viruses (loNDV) are frequently recover
185    Using reverse genetics, three recombinant Newcastle disease viruses (rNDVs) were engineered, each
186  packaging revealed a majority of infectious Newcastle disease viruses contain one functional genome.
187                                              Newcastle disease viruses isolated from Hong Kong live b
188 ession after infection with either Sendai or Newcastle disease viruses or after engagement of the Tol
189  W proteins) were expressed from recombinant Newcastle disease viruses, and the responses of infected
190              Using recombinant influenza and Newcastle disease viruses, with or without the NS1 gene

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