


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                             Next, we examined (99m)Tc-mebrofenin excretion in HsdAMC:TR-A
2                                                             Next, we examined accrual by age, sex, geographic residence,
3                                                             Next, we examined binding between RICK and NOD1 proteins and
4                                                             Next, we examined functional properties of neurons in the lat
5                                                             Next, we examined how hospital risk-standardized readmission
6                                                             Next, we examined how the peripheral somatosensory system is
7                                                             Next, we examined if these antibodies can be used to investig
8                                                             Next, we examined intragenic recombination among the core gen
9                                                             Next, we examined larger-scale organization by parceling the
10                                                             Next, we examined mice on day 35 of life, 28 d after initial
11                                                             Next, we examined Mir122 knockout mice and observed profound,
12                                                             Next, we examined Nox-2 expression and fibrogenesis in syngen
13                                                             Next, we examined proteins from 30S, 50S, and translating rib
14                                                             Next, we examined relations between HMO and maternal anthropo
15                                                             Next, we examined release of ECM-bound TGF-beta by bone resor
16                                                             Next, we examined the chemopreventive efficacy of a new FTI,
17                                                             Next, we examined the contribution of R* and Tr* lifetimes.
18                                                             Next, we examined the distribution of nonsynonymous DEPDC5 va
19                                                             Next, we examined the effect of Cdk5 activity on Src, a known
20                                                             Next, we examined the effect of each of these miRNAs on viral
21                                                             Next, we examined the effect of IGF-I on activation of the ca
22                                                             Next, we examined the effect of IL-28B genotypes on IL-28B, a
23                                                             Next, we examined the effect of the MAP kinase inhibitors on
24                                                             Next, we examined the effects of attention on voxel tuning by
25                                                             Next, we examined the effects of expression of wild-type and
26                                                             Next, we examined the effects of repeated AMPH exposure on pa
27                                                             Next, we examined the functional connectivity of PCC and vACC
28                                                             Next, we examined the hypothesis that the PDZ interacting dom
29                                                             Next, we examined the impact of blood flow on the regulation
30                                                             Next, we examined the impact of sex and reproductive stage on
31                                                             Next, we examined the importance of the LBD and of ligand dis
32                                                             Next, we examined the influence of melatonin on crayfish neur
33                                                             Next, we examined the molecular basis underlying the abrogati
34                                                             Next, we examined the pharmacodynamic effects of afatinib in
35                                                             Next, we examined the phenotype of an induced inactivation in
36                                                             Next, we examined the phenotypes of splenic B cells in mice e
37                                                             Next, we examined the properties of anti-IL-8 autoantibodies
38                                                             Next, we examined the regulation of cut expression.
39                                                             Next, we examined the role of HIF-1alpha regulated microRNAs
40                                                             Next, we examined the role of Polycomb-mediated H3K27 methyla
41                                                             Next, we examined the susceptibility of these cells to influe
42                                                             Next, we examined the temporal dynamics of assembly using a c
43                                                             Next, we examined whether GPR54 signaling is required for pro
44                                                             Next, we examined whether impaired responses of the basilar a
45                                                             Next, we examined whether losartan could improve impaired res
46                                                             Next, we examined whether pretutoring behavioral and brain me
47                                                             Next, we examined whether the effects of estrogen on apoE tra

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