


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nd for the oligodendrocyte fate acquisition (Olig2).
2 ker NeuN, as well as, oligodendrocyte marker olig2.
3 molecular interactions between CDK2/CDK4 and Olig2.
4 basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor, Olig2.
5 ed by altering a single transcription factor Olig2.
6 ogenitors: Ascl1 (Mash1), Ngn2 (Neurog2) and Olig2.
7 l" features in glioblastoma upon ablation of Olig2.
8  markers of this lineage like PDGFRalpha and Olig2.
9 omeodomain protein Dbx1 and the bHLH protein Olig2.
10 antagonized in oligodendrocyte precursors by Olig2.
11 ells in pMN express the transcription factor Olig2.
12 bservations on the bHLH transcription factor Olig2.
13 n neural tube patterning: Nkx2.2, Nkx6.1 and Olig2.
14 ctions by functional analysis of the bHLH TF OLIG2.
15  intranuclear compartmentalization of murine Olig2.
16  of the oligodendroglial lineage determinant Olig2.
17 l activity marker (c-fos), early OPC (Olig1, Olig2.
18 nducible form of Cre under the regulation of Olig2, a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor hig
19 90% of embryonic and adult NG2 cells express Olig2, a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor req
20  partially co-localizing at binding sites of OLIG2, a key activator of motor neuron differentiation.
21                                       In the Olig2-ablated cortex and spinal cord, the formation of a
22                                           In Olig2-ablated cortices, myelination is arrested at the p
23 d oligodendrocytes migrate dorsally into the Olig2-ablated territory but cannot fully compensate for
24 ell-type-specific mutagenesis indicates that Olig2 ablation in GFAP+ astrocytes and their precursors
25                        In addition, cortical Olig2 ablation results in a decrease in proliferation of
26                    Functionally, deletion of Olig2 alone results in a preferential reduction of PCs i
27 is and operating in genetic interaction with Olig2, an essential transcriptional regulator in oligode
28  wild-type subventricular zone cells, Mash1, Olig2 and Dlx2 loci have high levels of histone 3 trimet
29                         Like DISC1 and NRG1, OLIG2 and ERBB4 are promising candidate susceptibility g
30 d ventrally located progenitors that express Olig2 and Gsx1, respectively.
31 nce of cross-repressive interactions between Olig2 and Irx3 transcription factors.
32 r of cross-repressive transcription factors, Olig2 and Irx3.
33                     Overexpression of Ascl1, Olig2 and Nkx2-2 alone stimulated the specification of O
34 nduction and maintenance of co-expression of Olig2 and Nkx2-2 in OLPs, and thyroid hormone-responsive
35  further showed that Ascl1 collaborates with Olig2 and Nkx2-2 in promoting differentiation of OLPs in
36 vidence that the transcription factors Pax6, Olig2 and Nkx2.2 (Nkx2-2), which define the positional i
37 r another 10 d, these progenitors convert to OLIG2 and NKX2.2-expressing pre-OPCs.
38 by repressing SHH-dependent co-expression of OLIG2 and NKX2.2.
39 first study reporting an association between OLIG2 and OCD, specifically when TD comorbidity is absen
40          In the cerebellum, deletion of both Olig2 and Olig1 results in impaired genesis of Purkinje
41            It was hypothesized a priori that OLIG2 and OLIG1 were associated with OCD regardless of t
42 from PCPs to PIPs is negatively regulated by Olig2 and positively by Gsx1, and contributes to underst
43 ural tube specification genes such as Olig1, Olig2 and Prdm12 are excluded dorsally.
44 rget of oligodendrogenesis-promoting factors Olig2 and Smarca4/Brg1 and is required for proper onset
45 oligodendrocytes, increased transcription of Olig2 and Sox10 genes, augmented myelination, and restor
46 types of OCD have distinct associations with OLIG2 and the functionally related OLIG1 gene.
47  basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor Olig2 and up-regulated the p21(WAF1/CIP1) tumor suppress
48 on of the three transcription factors Sox10, Olig2 and Zfp536 was sufficient to reprogram mouse and r
49  a rapidly dividing outer region of SOX2(+), OLIG2(+), and TLX(+) cells surrounding a hypoxic core of
50 ranscription factors (SOX2, OCT4, NANOG, and OLIG2), and FACT occupied the promoters of these genes.
51 lecithin-induced demyelination by increasing Olig2+ and CC1+ cells in response to injury.
52 d growth factor receptor alpha (PDGFRalpha), Olig2+, and P0+ cells following contusion SCI in mice.
53 f free radical injury, an OL-specific marker Olig2, and histologic evaluation of hyaluronan (HA), an
54 inatorial expression and function of Dlx1&2, Olig2, and Mash1 transcription factors in the ventral te
55 DGFralpha) and transcription factors (Olig1, Olig2, and Sox10).
56 sary to induce Nkx2.2, but have no effect on Olig2, and thereby contribute to the establishment of th
57            In addition, increased numbers of Olig2(+)APC(+) oligodendrocytes were detected.
58 es demonstrate that these diverse actions of Olig2 are gated by phosphorylation at two distinct motif
59 scription factors in this network, Olig1 and Olig2, are expressed exclusively by oligodendrocytes aft
60                                   To examine OLIG2 as a candidate gene for OCD susceptibility and to
61      Loss of HMGNs affects the expression of OLIG2 as well as that of OLIG1, two transcription factor
62                             Unphosphorylated Olig2, as seen in mature white matter, is localized main
63 ciated, oligodendrocyte transcription factor OLIG2 at 14-18 weeks gestational age (GA) (period of neu
64 tin organization around Nkx2.2-, Nkx6.1- and Olig2-bound regions, together with co-analysis of engage
65 ite matter, CD82 is coexpressed with CC1 and olig2 but not with NG2 or GFAP.
66 all parenchymal progenitors at P4 are Sox2(+)Olig2(+), but by P8 a Sox2(-) subpopulation emerges, sug
67  Our findings indicate complex regulation of Olig2 by stage- and lineage-specific regulatory elements
68  express the transcription factors Olig1 and Olig2, called pMN progenitors, produce motor neurons and
69   Inhibition of CDK2/CDK4 activity disrupted Olig2-CDK2/CDK4 interactions and attenuated Olig2 protei
70 la melanogaster ventral nerve cord, with the Olig2(+) cells behaving as ganglion mother cells.
71 s hypothesis, we have prospectively isolated Olig2(+) cells from murine embryonic day (E)9.5 and E13.
72 stly expressed in proliferating progenitors, Olig2(+) cells in the cerebellar VZ are in the process o
73 r total NeuN(+) cells in the hippocampus, or olig2(+) cells in the corpus callosum.
74 both the proliferating and overall number of Olig2(+) cells in the injured cortex.
75 ciated and total pools of mRNA isolated from Olig2(+) cells indicated that the in vivo gene expressio
76                                         When olig2(+) cells were tracked during the peak period of mo
77                         This shift occurs in Olig2(+) cells within hours and in multiple genetic back
78 tal number of oligodendrocyte lineage cells (Olig2(+) cells) was increased, suggesting that Cdk5 loss
79 ammation that regulates the proliferation of Olig2(+) cells.
80 P(+) cells, while enhancer 1056 is active in Olig2(+) cells.
81 ating the proliferation of Olig2-expressing (Olig2(+)) cells after brain injury.
82 yte lineage transcription factor 2-positive (OLIG2(+)) cells begin to express the transcription facto
83 g at 3 dpe revealed the presence of Mash1(+) Olig2(-) cells in the migratory route accompanied by ect
84                                              Olig2+ cells were found to be infected, and many of thes
85 ells in constitutive and tamoxifen-inducible Olig2 conditional knockout mice in which Olig2 was delet
86                              Moreover, using Olig2(cre) to conditionally inactivate Gsx2 throughout t
87 79R GOF transgenic mouse in combination with Olig2(cre/+) mice to target embryonic ventral telencepha
88 eleting the gene in neural progenitors using Olig2-Cre and Wnt1-Cre mice, respectively.
89 f the medial ganglionic eminence (MGE) using Olig2-Cre mice causes moderate or severe defects in the
90 ing proteins in oligodendrocytes (OLs) using Olig2-Cre results in mice displaying rapid tremors at po
91 al inactivation of Pten in oligodendrocytes, Olig2-cre, Pten(fl/fl) mice.
92 ngs with a battery of inducible Cre drivers (Olig2-Cre-ER(T2), GFAP-Cre-ER(T2), FoxJ1-Cre-ER(T2) and
93                                              Olig2 deletion causes a tumor phenotypic shift from an o
94                                              Olig2 deletion further sensitizes glioma cells to EGFR i
95  demonstrate that Dlx1&2 negatively regulate Olig2-dependant OPC formation and that Mash1 promotes OP
96 stream of Shh signaling, in which Nkx2.2 and Olig2 direct repression of alternative neural progenitor
97 nd expression profiling analyses reveal that Olig2 directly activates cell-proliferation machinery to
98 reas conditional Hoxa2 overexpression in the Olig2(+) domain inhibited oligodendrogenesis throughout
99 ogenitors transiently express the pMN marker Olig2 during spinal cord development.
100 sing time-lapse microscopy demonstrated that olig2-EGFP(+) OPCs exhibit enhanced cell migration withi
101 lized to neuronal progenitors expressing the olig2:egfp transgene rather than the Muller glia.
102 elopment but not normal pattern formation in Olig2(-/-) embryos.
103                                              OLIG2 (encoding oligodendrocyte lineage transcription fa
104 odevelopmental TFs (POU3F2, SOX2, SALL2, and OLIG2) essential for GBM propagation.
105 ticipates in regulating the proliferation of Olig2-expressing (Olig2(+)) cells after brain injury.
106                     Here we identify mitotic Olig2-expressing cells as tumor-propagating cells in pro
107 cted transgenic reporter lines indicate that Olig2-expressing cells in the astroglial but not the oli
108           The NE cells are then specified to OLIG2-expressing motoneuron progenitors in the presence
109 example, motor neurons are generated from an olig2-expressing population of pMN-like ependymoradial g
110 opment of oligodendrocytes and neurones from olig2-expressing precursor cells.
111 these neuroepithelial cells are specified to OLIG2-expressing progenitors in the presence of retinoic
112 r sequential specification of ventral spinal OLIG2-expressing progenitors, pre-oligodendrocyte precur
113 th different responses were observed with an Olig2-expressing subset relatively more sensitive to tre
114  controls oligodendrocyte-specification gene Olig2 expression and functions as a molecular switch for
115 ficient and necessary for the suppression of Olig2 expression and proper control of MN versus V2 inte
116 stream target of proneural genes, suppresses Olig2 expression and therefore controls ventral spinal c
117 al Mash1 (also known as Ascl1) and gliogenic Olig2 expression are preserved, but Dlx2, a key downstre
118 as well as to the K23 enhancer, which drives Olig2 expression in the pMN domain.
119                           We have found that Olig2 expression is spontaneously downregulated in NG2 c
120 inactivation promotes Erk-dependent, ectopic Olig2 expression specifically in transit-amplifying prog
121 f progenitors, the progressive initiation of olig2 expression, and oligodendrocyte formation.
122 in the so-called pMN domain characterized by Olig2 expression.
123 es oligodendrocyte development by repressing Olig2 expression.
124 stream of Olig2, Sox10 activity can modulate Olig2 expression.
125 rs descended to the pMN domain and initiated olig2 expression.
126                                    Wild-type OLIG2 forms stable homodimers, whereas mutant (unphospho
127 spinal cord, or independent requirements for Olig2 function in somatic motor neuron and OPC developme
128 s express the Olig2 transcription factor and Olig2 function is necessary for formation of spinal moto
129 ntrolled mutagenesis revealed that postnatal Olig2 function is required for astrocyte differentiation
130                                              Olig2 function is required for proliferation of neural p
131                  Mouse embryos deficient for Olig2 function lack somatic motor neurons and OPCs, but
132       Thus, spatially restricted ablation of Olig2 function unmasks a contribution of dorsal progenit
133                            In the absence of olig2 function, r5 and r6 precursors remain in the cell
134                                          The OLIG2 gene is also highly expressed in brain regions imp
135 x1 interacts with the regulatory elements of Olig2 gene locus in vivo and it is critical for proper O
136 rectly binds to the proximal promoter of the Olig2 gene locus, as well as to the K23 enhancer, which
137 uggest that Prox1 suppresses the activity of Olig2 gene promoter and K23 enhancer.
138 nterneurons in NPCs via direct repression of Olig2 gene regulatory elements.
139 e upstream molecular mechanisms that control Olig2 gene transcription are not well understood.
140                            We have generated OLIG2-GFP hPSC reporter lines that reliably mark MNs and
141                               Here we use an Olig2-GFP human embryonic stem cell (hESC) reporter to d
142 st that GBM characterized by high-expressing Olig2 GIC may exhibit greater sensitivity to NVP-HSP990
143 ression during the development of pMN cells: Olig2(high) maintains the pMN state, thereby holding cel
144  NVP-HSP990 attenuated cell proliferation in Olig2-high GIC lines.
145              Similarly, increased density of Olig2-immunoreactive cells in PFC WM was significantly a
146 strocyte formation, we conditionally ablated Olig2 in a spatiotemporally controlled manner.
147                    To assess the function of Olig2 in astrocyte formation, we conditionally ablated O
148 at least in part attributable to the loss of Olig2 in developing astrocytes and their precursors.
149 reveal both common and independent roles for olig2 in development of somatic motor neurons and oligod
150                 Despite the critical role of Olig2 in nervous system development and cancer progressi
151 cell proliferation, is directly repressed by OLIG2 in neural progenitors and gliomas.
152               To further examine the role of Olig2 in NG2 cell fate determination, we used genetic fa
153                                  Deletion of Olig2 in NG2 cells in perinatal mice also resulted in as
154                     Constitutive deletion of Olig2 in NG2 cells in the neocortex and corpus callosum
155   Here we demonstrate that the repression of Olig2 in p2 domain is controlled by mir-17-3p microRNA-m
156  basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor Olig2 in the developing dorsal telencephalon.
157                         Although the role of Olig2 in the lineage is well established, the role of Ol
158 this backdrop, the bHLH transcription factor Olig2 in the oligodendrocyte lineage is unorthodox, show
159  or Shh signaling, the initial expression of Olig2 in the pMN domain is completely abolished.
160 generated transgenic mice that overexpressed OLIG2 in the thymus.
161 ons between SCL and the transcription factor Olig2 in the ventral neural tube.
162 s Nkx6-regulated expression of the bHLH gene Olig2 in this domain.
163 Thus, our studies uncover a crucial role for Olig2 in white matter astrocyte development and reveal d
164  of the CNS-restricted transcription factor, OLIG2, in human glioma stem and progenitor cells reminis
165                         We further show that OLIG2 inhibition or over-expression regulates potassium
166                                              Olig2 is a bHLH-class transcription factor in pMN cells,
167 entiation, and that the transcription factor OLIG2 is a central node in the affected pathway.
168                                              Olig2 is a direct target of EZH2, and repression of this
169                          We also showed that Olig2 is a functional marker associated with cell prolif
170                                              Olig2 is a key transcription factor in these networks by
171 show here that the proliferative function of Olig2 is controlled by developmentally regulated phospho
172                      Sustained expression of Olig2 is counterintuitive because all known functions of
173               Thus, our studies suggest that Olig2 is critical for postinjury gliosis.
174                The bHLH transcription factor Olig2 is essential for motoneuron and oligodendrocyte fo
175                                              Olig2 is essential for the selection of motor neuron and
176                                              Olig2 is expressed in an opposite gradient within pTH-C
177            Further analyses demonstrate that Olig2 is expressed in both cerebellar VZ progenitors and
178                The bHLH transcription factor Olig2 is expressed in cycling neural progenitor cells bu
179 r suggest that transcriptional regulation of Olig2 is involved in segregation of pMN neuroblasts.
180 ic eminence of the embryonic forebrain where Olig2 is mostly expressed in proliferating progenitors,
181 o investigate whether enforced expression of OLIG2 is oncogenic, we generated transgenic mice that ov
182 triple serine motif in the amino terminus of Olig2 is phosphorylated in cycling neural progenitors bu
183                               Phosphorylated Olig2 is preferentially localized to a transcriptionally
184  basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor Olig2 is required for oligodendrocyte specification and
185         It was found that over-expression of Olig2 is sufficient to induce Sox10, Nkx2.2 and precocio
186                 During cortical development, Olig2 is transiently expressed in immature developing as
187 t, we demonstrate that after cortical injury Olig2 is upregulated in reactive astrocytes coincident w
188 godendrocyte lineage transcription factor 2 (OLIG2) is an essential regulator in the development of c
189 49 primary tumors from SCL/LMO1, OLIG2/LMO1, OLIG2, LMO1, NUP98/HOXD13, and p27(-/-)/SMAD3(+/-) mice
190 lation is important for the proliferation of OLIG2-LMO1 leukemic cells.
191 owth of leukemic cell lines established from OLIG2/LMO1 transgenic mice was suppressed by a gamma-sec
192 s and 29 of 49 primary tumors from SCL/LMO1, OLIG2/LMO1, OLIG2, LMO1, NUP98/HOXD13, and p27(-/-)/SMAD
193 ted a large BAC clone encompassing the human OLIG2 locus that rescues motor neuron and oligodendrocyt
194 addition of a transgene containing the human OLIG2 locus.
195                 In the phosphorylated state, Olig2 maintains antineural (i.e., promitotic) functions
196                                    Targeting Olig2 may circumvent resistance to EGFR-targeted drugs.
197 neuron progenitors and largely excluded from Olig2+ MN progenitors (pMN).
198 suggest that microRNA-mediated repression of Olig2 mRNA plays a critical role during the patterning o
199  by mir-17-3p microRNA-mediated silencing of Olig2 mRNA.
200 local white matter and preferentially became Olig2+, Myelin Associated Glycoprotein-positive, Myelin
201 tantially from astroglia differentiated from Olig2-negative hESC-derived neural progenitor cells (NPC
202 and a small subset of OPCs arise from common olig2(+) neuroepithelial precursors in rhombomeres r5 an
203 nge of Wnt signaling, which is necessary for olig2(+) neuron development.
204                                 By contrast, olig2(+) neurons did not develop in embryos deficient fo
205 s of the cerebellum to regulate formation of olig2(+) neurons.
206 roduced a two-fold increase in the number of olig2(+) neurons.
207                               In addition to OLIG2(+) NG2(+) I(Na)(+) OPCs and OLIG2(+) NG2(neg) I(Na
208 ddition to OLIG2(+) NG2(+) I(Na)(+) OPCs and OLIG2(+) NG2(neg) I(Na)(neg) OLs, we identified cells wi
209        Our data support a model in which the Olig2/Ngn2 ratio in progenitor cells serves as a gate fo
210 tial activation of the transcription factors OLIG2, NKX2.2 and SOX10 is required for sequential speci
211               We found that cells expressing Olig2, Nkx2.2, and NG2 were enriched among virus-infecte
212 on induced a dorsoventral enlargement of the Olig2/Nkx2.2-expressing oligodendrocyte progenitor domai
213 ction of three transcription factors (SOX10, OLIG2, NKX6.2) in iPSC-derived neural progenitor cells i
214 ral progenitors, Dcx(+) newborn neurons, and Olig2(+) oligodendrocyte populations.
215                                        Total Olig2+ oligodendrocyte lineage cells first decreased bet
216 cl1 and Hes5 (Notch signaling mediators) and Olig2 (oligodendrogenesis mediator).
217  motoneurons and myelinating glia depends on Olig2, one of the five Olig family bHLH transcription fa
218 hite matter tracts in Olig1-null mice lacked Olig2(+) OPCs, and instead proliferating neuronal precur
219 e no alterations in expression of Iba1 or in Olig2 or CNPase.
220 s, but the combinatorial action of Ascl1 and Olig2 or Nkx2-2 was required for further promoting their
221 cells remained PDGF receptor alpha positive, olig2(+), or NG2(+) or became CC1(+) nonmyelinating olig
222                                        Thus, Olig2-orchestrated receptor signaling drives mitotic gro
223             Finally, neural progenitors from Olig2 over-expressing transgenic mice exhibit these same
224                  These findings suggest that OLIG2 over-expression inhibits neural progenitor prolife
225       Finally, over-expression of vertebrate Olig2 partially rescues the walking defects of oli-defic
226            We asked how transcription factor OLIG2 participates in this MN-OLP fate switch.
227 nterneuron progenitors are transitioned from Olig2(+) PC progenitors.
228  The marker profile of infected cells, NG2+, olig2+, PDGFR-alpha+, nestin+, GFAP-, and CC1-, indicate
229  cells (hESCs), we generated highly enriched OLIG2(+)/PDGFRalpha(+)/NKX2.2(+)/SOX10(+) human OPCs, wh
230 loid leukemia (AML): NOR1, CDH13, p15, NPM2, OLIG2, PGR, HIN1, and SLC26A4.
231  basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor Olig2, placing them in the oligodendrocyte lineage.
232     The oligodendrocyte transcription factor Olig2 plays a crucial role in the neurogenesis of both s
233  spinal cord, the bHLH transcription factor, Olig2, plays critical roles in pattern formation and the
234 riven lesions are clonal, H3K27me3 depleted, Olig2 positive, highly proliferative, and diffusely spre
235 godendrocyte lineage transcription factor 2 (Olig2)-positive cells that resemble OPCs.
236 te development by promoting specification of olig2-positive cells in the hindbrain and other brain re
237 n of disc1 or nrg1 caused near total loss of olig2-positive cerebellar neurones, but caused no appare
238  normal murine OPCs and highly proliferative Olig2-positive glioma cells identified all the transcrip
239 e various cell types found within the brain, Olig2-positive tumor cells are most similar to OPCs.
240                                              Olig2-positive, polysialylated neural cell adhesion mole
241 o not similarly develop from shared pools of olig2(+) precursors.
242             Previous studies have shown that Olig2 primes pMN cells to become motor neurons by trigge
243 tional insights into the temporal control of Olig2 progenitor cell fate change by the identification
244 tal development also expanded this NG2+Mash1+Olig2+ progenitor population and promoted SVZ-to-lesion
245 ciency of OPC induction is reduced, only few Olig2 progenitors are recruited to generate OPCs, meanwh
246 X6(+)) neural stem cells, which give rise to OLIG2(+) progenitors by day 12.
247                    The observation that most Olig2(+) progenitors do not maintain neurogenic potentia
248 C) reporter to demonstrate that hESC-derived Olig2(+) progenitors generate a subtype of previously un
249 monstrate the importance of postnatal Sox2(+)Olig2(+) progenitors in pontine growth and oligodendroge
250 o known as NG2) Ascl1+ (also known as Mash1) Olig2+ progenitors and functional remyelination were acc
251 dendrogenesis and remyelination by NG2+Mash1+Olig2+ progenitors.
252 x-loop-helix transcription factors Olig1 and Olig2 promote myelination, whereas bone morphogenetic pr
253 Pax6 and Nkx6.1, but not DsRed driven by the olig2 promoter in these cells.
254 y attributed to compensatory upregulation of Olig2 protein expression in the spinal cord after Olig1
255 we perform an independent study to show that Olig2 protein is transiently expressed in the cerebellar
256  Olig2-CDK2/CDK4 interactions and attenuated Olig2 protein stability.
257            How are the multiple functions of Olig2 regulated?
258                     Our findings identify an Olig2-regulated lineage-restricted pathway critical for
259                    Intriguingly, deletion of Olig2 resulted in tumors that grow, albeit at a decelera
260           In combination with other markers, olig2 reveals a dorsoventral organization of cerebellar
261                         The later, postnatal Olig2(+) RPCs also made terminal divisions, which were b
262                                The embryonic Olig2(+) RPCs underwent terminal divisions, producing sm
263 sphorylation at two distinct motifs and that Olig2's proliferative function acts in opposition to the
264 omodimers, whereas mutant (unphosphorylated) OLIG2(S147A) prefers to form heterodimers with Neurogeni
265 ockdown of four transcription factors (SOX2, OLIG2, SALL2, and POU3F2) that drive the proneural BTIC
266                                              Olig2(+) /Sox-10(+) cells appeared inside the lining of
267  After the latter development, the number of Olig2(+) /Sox-10(+) cells decreased to 0.21 +/- 0.07 (P3
268                                      At P21, Olig2(+) /Sox-10(+) cells inside the CC lining started t
269  we noticed the presence of small numbers of Olig2(+) /Sox-10(+) cells inside the lining of the centr
270                                              Olig2(+) /Sox-10(+) cells usually did not proliferate in
271 indicated that Sox10 functions downstream of Olig2, Sox10 activity can modulate Olig2 expression.
272 ontrol of oligodendrocyte differentiation by Olig2, Sox10 and Nkx2.2 is a dosage-dependent developmen
273  developing mouse spinal cord, expression of Olig2, Sox10 and Nkx2.2 is sequentially up-regulated in
274 he function and hierarchical relationship of Olig2, Sox10 and Nkx2.2 transcription factors in the con
275                    In 11 cases, OPC numbers (Olig2 strong; NogoA negative) were also decreased; in ei
276 godendrocyte lineage transcription factor 2 (Olig2), suggesting that oligodendrocyte differentiation
277 atal pons expressed the transcription factor Olig2, suggesting an oligodendrocyte lineage.
278 pressed the oligodendrocyte precursor marker Olig2, suggesting caution when using DCX as a marker for
279          How are the biological functions of Olig2 suppressed in terminally differentiated oligodendr
280                     Re-expression of MAL and OLIG2 to physiological levels dramatically reduced the g
281 cooperate with the bHLH transcription factor Olig2 to promote precocious and ectopic oligodendrocyte
282                        pMN cells express the Olig2 transcription factor and Olig2 function is necessa
283 in restored the levels of phospho-Smad1/5/8, Olig2 transcription factor, oligodendrocyte maturation,
284  locus in vivo and it is critical for proper Olig2 transcription regulation.
285 g ribosome affinity purification (TRAP) from Olig2-TRAP transgenic mice.
286 ges comprising the radiation response of the Olig2(+) tumor bulk cells, we used translating ribosome
287                 We discovered that Olig1 and Olig2, two genes that are triplicated in Down syndrome a
288 ble Olig2 conditional knockout mice in which Olig2 was deleted specifically in NG2 cells.
289 lls and radial glia expressed Olig1, whereas Olig2 was localized predominantly in mature OLs and a su
290 Serine 147 in the helix-loop-helix domain of OLIG2 was phosphorylated during MN production and dephos
291  proportion of proliferating cells that were Olig2(+) was similar through the first 7 months of life
292  In all lesions (n = 20), the number of OLs (Olig2 weak/NogoA positive) was reduced compared to contr
293  3 single nucleotide polymorphism markers on OLIG2 were associated with the OCD without TD phenotype:
294         Two genes studied in detail, MAL and OLIG2, were silenced during transformation, initially th
295 ulating two Shh-Gli target genes, Nkx2.2 and Olig2, which are initially induced in a common pool of p
296              Here we show that expression of olig2, which encodes a bHLH transcription factor, marks
297 ted promitogenic functions of phosphorylated Olig2, which reflect, at least in part, an oppositional
298 ion of the intrinsic oligodendrogenic factor Olig2 while inducing expression of the interneuron fate
299 tion assays show that phosphorylation brings Olig2 within 30 nm of p53 within the open chromatin comp
300 fects on animal survival, while knockdown of Olig2 within Id1(low) cells has a significant survival b

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