


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              Ostwald ripening allows the synthesis of 1D nanorods of
2                                              Ostwald ripening and intraparticle ripening were stopped
3 n and coalescence of liquid domains, and 2), Ostwald ripening.
4                                A century ago Ostwald described the "Rule of Stages" after deducing th
5 -quality MAPbI3-xBrx thin films following an Ostwald ripening process, which is strongly affected by
6   Our results support a two-step process and Ostwald's rule of stages for the crystallization of hete
7  the liquid phase, the Bergeron process, and Ostwald ripening.
8 e interactions impede complete reduction and Ostwald ripening of nickel species into the less hydroge
9 oil phase at variable proportions (0-60%) as Ostwald ripening inhibitor and viscosity modifier.
10  while those nearby in the matrix coarsen by Ostwald ripening due to the increased atomic mobility.
11 h vapour-liquid-solid mechanism, followed by Ostwald ripening to form the jellyfish-like morphology.
12 ticle formation is predominantly governed by Ostwald ripening processes.
13  to be invariant as the nanodroplets grow by Ostwald ripening and also with substitution of different
14 rature allows for further particle growth by Ostwald ripening.
15 olecularly imprinted silica nanoparticles by Ostwald ripening in the presence of molecular templates
16 mediate reaction conditions, as predicted by Ostwald.
17 cess is multi-step in nature and proceeds by Ostwald's step rule through which coalescence of soluble
18 ain-addition of monomers to stable clusters (Ostwald ripening) in the presence of excess phosphinic o
19                               It contradicts Ostwald's law of stages and other theories of crystalliz
20 ppear to be formed by a diffusion-controlled Ostwald-ripening growth mechanism.
21 2 nanoparticles occurs via both conventional Ostwald ripening and nonclassical crystallization by par
22 rownian coalescence and, to a lesser degree, Ostwald ripening.
23 ve and study NP coarsening and differentiate Ostwald ripening from coalescence processes.
24 d Au(923+/-20) clusters are found to exhibit Ostwald ripening, whereas Au(2057+/-45) ripens through c
25                   In contrast to an expected Ostwald-like ripening of amyloid assemblies, the nucleat
26 e, it can be applied to successfully inhibit Ostwald ripening in a multitude of foam and emulsion app
27 nucleation theory, and empirical rules, like Ostwald's rule, should be modified to account for the ro
28 vations are largely consistent with modified Ostwald ripening processes.
29 mes of the CdSe nanocrystals with negligible Ostwald ripening, while retaining the crystallographic p
30 ng, hydrolysis, or those taking advantage of Ostwald ripening and the Kirkendall effect, are reviewed
31                                  Evidence of Ostwald's ripening was also observed under these experim
32 rmediate state, the first direct evidence of Ostwald's rule of stages at 2D.
33  to equilibrate, in a novel manifestation of Ostwald's rule of stages.
34                   Here we report the role of Ostwald's Rule of Stages in the growth of CdSe quantum d
35  provide evidence supporting the ubiquity of Ostwald's Rule of Stages, describing the hypothesized tr
36 rom the smaller droplets to the larger ones (Ostwald ripening) leads to nanowire diameters that chang
37                                Coarsening or Ostwald ripening occurs in a vast array of two-phase sys
38        The spheres develop via an inside-out Ostwald ripening mechanism.
39                          This MABr-selective Ostwald ripening process improves cell efficiency but al
40     Analysis of the growth curves shows that Ostwald ripening only takes place above 200 degrees C, a
41                                          The Ostwald ripening is not activated by thermal annealing o
42                                          The Ostwald rule of stages describes the conjectured transit
43                                          The Ostwald step rule, based on a thermodynamic view of nucl
44 een NPs and substrate, thus slowing down the Ostwald ripening process during post-oxidative calcinati
45 d size, perhaps due to the inhibition of the Ostwald ripening process.
46                    Direct observation of the Ostwald rule of stages using was performed using solutio
47 he remarkable ability to completely stop the Ostwald ripening commonly associated with nanoemulsions.
48  transformations that is consistent with the Ostwald rule of stages, wherein metastable structures di
49 sm forcing ATPS formation to proceed through Ostwald ripening.
50                       This was attributed to Ostwald ripening in which the small nanoparticles dissol
51             Droplet growth was attributed to Ostwald ripening, i.e., diffusion of lemon oil molecules
52 ased in size after dissolution likely due to Ostwald ripening.
53  that contain multiple crystallites leads to Ostwald ripening and annealing of the ice structures, ac
54 and growth kinetics (including resistance to Ostwald ripening), this procedure allows for in situ gro
55 rease in heat capacity), and is resistant to Ostwald ripening.
56  presumed lipid flip-flop process similar to Ostwald ripening, the smaller domains in one leaflet ero
57 ervation of a crossover from Smoluchowski to Ostwald ripening, under realistic reaction conditions, f
58 he tendency of lead chalcogenide NQDs toward Ostwald ripening at even moderate reaction temperatures.
59 mously emerge from a previously unrecognized Ostwald ripening mechanism and they capture rich informa
60 verting NaYF(4) nanocrystals (NCs) utilizing Ostwald ripening dynamics tunable both in thickness and
61                         This study validates Ostwald's Rule of Stages and provides a phase diagram fo
62 ayer-by-layer growth of a platinum shell via Ostwald ripening during the oxygen annealing treatment.
63 tals through mesoscale transformation, where Ostwald ripening is responsible for the growth of the na
64 cursor to crystallization in accordance with Ostwald's step rule of phases.
65  transformations of ZIFs are consistent with Ostwald's rule of stages and proceed toward thermodynami
66 conclusion is that the changes fit well with Ostwald's Law of Stages with the orthorhombic form alway

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