


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 te may be regulation of phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6).
2 ily of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDE6).
3 r G-protein effector cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE6).
4 on of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6).
5  visual effector enzyme phosphodiesterase-6 (PDE6).
6 s due to defective cGMP phosphodiesterase-6 (PDE6).
7  distinct mechanisms of Pgamma inhibition of PDE6.
8 5 inhibitors to probe the catalytic sites of PDE6.
9  rim marker peripherin-2 and endogenous frog PDE6.
10 ion between the GAF and catalytic domains in PDE6.
11  the cGMP-bound GAF A domain of chicken cone PDE6.
12 own about direct allosteric communication of PDE6.
13 ificity of the interaction between GARP2 and PDE6.
14 ors was determined for purified rod and cone PDE6.
15 evated cGMP levels, but none fully inhibited PDE6.
16 ot require Gtalpha interaction with RGS9 and PDE6.
17 ibitors were equally effective in inhibiting PDE6.
18 ance of the unique heterodimerization of rod PDE6.
19 afil with better selectivity toward PDE1 and PDE6.
20  cGMP to the regulatory GAFa-GAFb domains of PDE6.
21  cones indicating functional substitution of PDE6.
22 tic activity of heterologously expressed rod PDE6.
23 a dynamic equilibrium between transducin and PDE6.
24 binding affinity to levels characteristic of PDE6.
25 presence of the inhibitory Pgamma-subunit of PDE6.
26 that the multimeric rod phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6), a prenylated protein and RCE1 substrate, was unab
27 lation of cGMP binding to the GAF domains of PDE6, a photoexcitable peptide probe corresponding to th
28 to defects in rod-specific phosphodiesterase PDE6, a tetramer consisting of catalytic (PDE6alpha and
29  class-specific differences between PDE5 and PDE6 account for the biochemical and pharmacological dif
30 sphorylation sites can influence the rate of PDE6 activation and deactivation and raise the possibili
31 gly, we hypothesize that the initial step in PDE6 activation involves an interaction of transducin-al
32 ew insights into the molecular mechanisms of PDE6 activation.
33 ing increases in proportion to the extent of PDE6 activation.
34 providing insight into the regulation of the PDE6 activation/deactivation cycle.
35                  Although major steps in the PDE6 activation/deactivation pathway have been identifie
36 causes CSNB through incomplete inhibition of PDE6 activity by Pgamma, which leads to desensitization
37 ic manner, with only one-half of the maximum PDE6 activity efficiently attained during visual excitat
38  TPR domain of AIPL1 also failed to modulate PDE6 activity efficiently.
39 f GARP2 for PDE6 and its ability to regulate PDE6 activity in its dark-adapted state suggest a novel
40 for a nonsense Pde6b(rd1) allele, absence of PDE6 activity is associated with retinal disease similar
41 exhibit a hypomorphic phenotype with partial PDE6 activity that may result in an increased Ca(2+) to
42 Before degeneration, PDE6beta expression and PDE6 activity were reduced.
43 lts show that the PDE6gamma binding sites of PDE6 alpha and beta are accessible to excess (presumably
44 rod PDE6 (alphabeta) and the absence of cone PDE6 (alpha') catalytic subunits.
45 alphabeta), while the catalytic core of cone PDE6 (alpha') is a homodimer.
46 aches, we demonstrated the expression of rod PDE6 (alphabeta) and the absence of cone PDE6 (alpha') c
47  role as a chaperone of phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6), an effector enzyme of the visual transduction cas
48 lacked interaction with the gamma-subunit of PDE6, an effector protein in phototransduction.
49                            Reconstitution of PDE6 and activated G(alphat), on the surface of large un
50                      Progress in research on PDE6 and AIPL1 has been severely hampered by failure to
51 e effectiveness of PDE inhibitors to inhibit PDE6 and disrupt the cGMP signaling pathway during visua
52 wed a high degree of homology with mammalian PDE6 and equally distant relationships with the rod and
53 a-GDP, the PDE6gamma may dissociate from the PDE6 and exchange with a cytoplasmic pool.
54  Lack of interaction disrupts trafficking of PDE6 and GRK1 to their destination, the photoreceptor ou
55 eracts with the catalytic subunit (alpha) of PDE6 and is needed for the proper assembly of functional
56       The high binding affinity of GARP2 for PDE6 and its ability to regulate PDE6 activity in its da
57 s of PDE inhibitors on purified rod and cone PDE6 and on intact rod outer segments (ROS) were charact
58 f recombinant frog PrBP/delta can solubilize PDE6 and prevent its activation by transducin.
59 sential for the intracellular trafficking of PDE6 and survival of photoreceptor cells.
60 rated that AIPL1 is an obligate chaperone of PDE6 and that it enables low yield functional folding of
61 ons with the catalytic alphabeta-subunits of PDE6 and the alpha-subunit of transducin (alpha(t)).
62 utations in AIPL1 are thought to destabilize PDE6 and thereby cause Leber congenital amaurosis type 4
63 alpha(t)GTPgammaS co-immunoprecipitated with PDE6 and vice versa in a Pgamma-dependent manner.
64  robust decrease in rod phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6) and G-protein receptor kinase-1 (GRK1) levels.
65 nts, but their effects on photoreceptor PDE (PDE6) and photoreceptor cells are poorly understood.
66 y the opposing actions of phosphodiesterase (PDE6) and retinal guanylyl cyclases (GCs), and mutations
67 A map revealed previously unseen features of PDE6, and each domain was readily fit with high resoluti
68                     Transducin activation of PDE6 appears to require interaction with both the C term
69 he idea that multiple structural elements of PDE6 are highly susceptible to misfolding during heterol
70  spontaneously activated and light-activated PDE6 are modulated.
71 hen the regulatory GAF domains of bovine rod PDE6 are occupied by cGMP.
72 e show that the catalytic subunit (alpha) of PDE6 associates with AIPL1 in retinal extracts.
73  the effector enzyme cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE6) at the surface of disk membranes.
74 gy model of the GAF-A domain of chicken cone PDE6 based on the crystal structure of mouse PDE2A GAF-B
75 ide-containing vesicles revealed patterns of PDE6 binding and PDE6-enhanced G(alphat)-GTPgammaS bindi
76 e demonstrated that GARP2 is a high affinity PDE6-binding protein and that PDE6 co-purifies with GARP
77 ndant in retinal cells, selectively released PDE6 (but not GARP2) from rod outer segment membranes, d
78  protein-stimulated activation of endogenous PDE6, but not trypsin-stimulated PDE activity.
79 no acids decreased the Michaelis constant of PDE6 by 2.5-fold.
80 as been hypothesized to reduce activation of PDE6 by transducin, thereby desensitizing the photorespo
81 ivation of the cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase (PDE6) by transducin is the central event of visual signa
82 n (PrBP/delta) indicated the location of the PDE6 C-terminal prenylations.
83          We conclude that either rod or cone PDE6 can effectively couple to the cone phototransductio
84 titutive activation of the phosphodiesterase PDE6 cascade in darkness.
85                     Transducin activation of PDE6 catalysis critically depends on the presence of Ile
86  subunit (Pgamma), known to directly inhibit PDE6 catalysis, was increased approximately 2-fold by li
87                          The activity of rod PDE6 catalytic alpha- and beta-subunits is blocked in th
88 PDEs that form catalytic homodimers, the rod PDE6 catalytic core is a heterodimer composed of alpha a
89                                          Rod PDE6 catalytic core is composed of two distinct subunits
90  identical PDE6alpha' subunits form the cone PDE6 catalytic core.
91  integrative structural determination of the PDE6 catalytic dimer (alphabeta), based primarily on che
92                             In solution, the PDE6 catalytic dimer (Palphabeta) exhibits a more asymme
93 to bind to either the PDE6 holoenzyme or the PDE6 catalytic dimer reconstituted with Pgamma, consiste
94 PDE6 fail to exceed 50% of the value for the PDE6 catalytic dimer.
95 antly alter catalysis of the fully activated PDE6 catalytic dimer.
96 ange was detected upon ligand binding to the PDE6 catalytic dimer.
97 Here, crystal structures of a chimaeric PDE5/PDE6 catalytic domain (PDE5/6cd) complexed with sildenaf
98 s-of-function mutagenesis of a chimeric PDE5/PDE6 catalytic domain and gain-of-function mutagenesis o
99                                          The PDE6 catalytic subunit contains a catalytic domain and r
100   It is not known whether this difference in PDE6 catalytic subunit identity contributes to the funct
101                                     A single PDE6 catalytic subunit transcript was found in the sea l
102 ariations between PDE6 subunits preclude rod PDE6 catalytic subunits from coupling to the cone photot
103 ng implies that the retention of the -AAX in PDE6 catalytic subunits in Rce1(-/-) mice is responsible
104                              The activity of PDE6 catalytic subunits is controlled by the Pgamma-subu
105 d rhodopsin kinase (GRK1) and prenylated rod PDE6 catalytic subunits partially mislocalized in Pde6d(
106                                         When PDE6 catalytic subunits were reconstituted with portions
107 in cGMP metabolism in rods, most notably the PDE6 catalytic subunits, and severely reduced sensitivit
108 e binding is a consequence of prenylation of PDE6 catalytic subunits, whereas soluble PDE6 is purifie
109  affinity and selectivity of dimerization of PDE6 catalytic subunits.
110 aG38D function, its poor ability to activate PDE6 (cGMP phosphodiesterase) and decreased GTPase activ
111  high affinity PDE6-binding protein and that PDE6 co-purifies with GARP2 during several stages of chr
112 ma with Pbeta as compared with Palpha in the PDE6 complex has not been reported.
113                          In intact ROS, high PDE6 concentrations, binding of the gamma-subunit to the
114                                         Holo-PDE6 consists of two similar catalytic subunits (Palphab
115                                              PDE6 contains two regulatory GAF domains, of which one (
116 light produces a Ca(2+)-mediated decrease in PDE6 decay rate, with the novel feature that both sponta
117 Stop), which allows us to temporally correct PDE6-deficiency.
118           Consistent with the selectivity of PDE6 dimerization in vivo, efficient heterodimerization
119 a (PDE6 gamma) inhibitory subunit of the rod PDE6 effector enzyme plays a central role in the turning
120 * and activation of the phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6) effector molecule occurs with less gain.
121 sicles revealed patterns of PDE6 binding and PDE6-enhanced G(alphat)-GTPgammaS binding, consistent wi
122                      Affected retinas lacked PDE6 enzymatic activity.
123 e PDE6B subunit causes a loss of function in PDE6 enzyme and in adult mice homozygous to the mutation
124                                      The rod PDE6 enzyme expressed in cone cells is active and contri
125  cone photoreceptor neurons utilize discrete PDE6 enzymes that are crucial for phototransduction.
126 hibited trypsin-activated lamprey and bovine PDE6 enzymes.
127    Several classes of PDE inhibitors inhibit PDE6 equally as well as the PDE family to which they are
128                             In addition, rod PDE6 expressed in cone cells couples to the light signal
129 re compared with rd1/+ rods based on similar PDE6 expression.
130 rafficking of M-cone opsin and restored cone PDE6 expression.
131  hydrolytic activity of transducin-activated PDE6 fail to exceed 50% of the value for the PDE6 cataly
132 etinal rod and cone cGMP phosphodiesterases (PDE6 family) function as the effector enzyme in the vert
133          Retinal rod cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE6 family) is the effector enzyme in the vertebrate vi
134           To understand the evolution of the PDE6 family, we have examined PDE6 in lamprey, an ancien
135                      The binding affinity of PDE6 for pharmacological inhibitors or for the C-termina
136  targeting of prenylated proteins (including PDE6) from their site of synthesis in the inner segment
137 alyzed the consequences of this mutation for PDE6 function using a Pgamma-sensitive PDE6alpha'/PDE5 c
138 e are caused by a loss in phosphodiesterase (PDE6) function.
139  of the high specificity for cGMP binding to PDE6 GAF-A.
140 ha' chimeras by Pgamma supported the role of PDE6 GAFa but not GAFb domains in the interaction with P
141 Furthermore, our analysis indicated that the PDE6 GAFa domains contain major structural determinants
142              Several studies have shown that PDE6 gamma can be phosphorylated at two threonines, T22
143 ents suggest that the polycationic domain of PDE6 gamma containing these two phosphorylation sites ca
144 that phosphorylation or dephosphorylation of PDE6 gamma could modify the time course of transduction,
145 hydrolysis of the second messenger cGMP, and PDE6 gamma in association with RGS9-1 and the other GAP
146 isual transduction cascade, since binding of PDE6 gamma to the transducin alpha subunit (T alpha) ini
147               The phosphodiesterase 6 gamma (PDE6 gamma) inhibitory subunit of the rod PDE6 effector
148 C-B inhibition by the cone- and rod-specific PDE6 gamma-subunits (Pgamma) were comparable.
149 ntly inhibited by the cone- and rod-specific PDE6 gamma-subunits.
150 ts point to a high degree of conservation of PDE6 genes during the vertebrate evolution.
151 ession of the cGMP phosphodiesterase type 6 (PDE6) genes, we have characterized the promoter of the h
152 compound with high specificity for PDE5 over PDE6, had a similar action.
153  understanding the structure and function of PDE6 has been hindered by lack of an expression system o
154   The key dimerization selectivity module of PDE6 has been localized to a small segment within the GA
155 catalytic cGMP binding to the GAF domains of PDE6 has been localized to amino acids 27-30 of Pgamma.
156 esults demonstrate that both subunits of the PDE6 heterodimer are able to bind ligands to the enzyme
157 he alpha- and beta-subunits of the activated PDE6 heterodimer.
158           The functional significance of rod PDE6 heterodimerization and conserved differences betwee
159 edge about the molecular organization of the PDE6 holoenzyme (alphabetagammagamma).
160 e cGMP-dependent regulation mechanism of the PDE6 holoenzyme and its inhibition through Pgamma bindin
161 activity of the nonactivated, membrane-bound PDE6 holoenzyme at concentrations equivalent to its endo
162                    Here, we characterize the PDE6 holoenzyme by integrative structural determination
163 [(3)H]vardenafil fails to bind to either the PDE6 holoenzyme or the PDE6 catalytic dimer reconstitute
164           Binding of activated transducin to PDE6 holoenzyme resulted in a concentration-dependent in
165  the cGMP binding properties of chicken cone PDE6 holoenzyme were very similar to those of the bacter
166                      PrBP/delta bound to the PDE6 holoenzyme with high affinity (K(D) = 6.2 nm) and i
167 transducin activation of membrane-associated PDE6 holoenzyme, [(3)H]vardenafil binding increases in p
168 ilable on the properties of the chicken cone PDE6 holoenzyme, we also characterized the native PDEs o
169 binds cGMP and regulates the activity of the PDE6 holoenzyme.
170  in quantitatively separating GARP2 from the PDE6 holoenzyme.
171 mmalian rod photoreceptor phosphodiesterase (PDE6) holoenzyme is isolated in both a membrane-associat
172 retinal cyclic GMP (cGMP) phosphodiesterase (PDE6) holoenzyme.
173 re, transducin relieves Pgamma inhibition of PDE6 in a biphasic manner, with only one-half of the max
174 ly hampered by failure to express functional PDE6 in a heterologous expression system.
175                               A structure of PDE6 in complex with prenyl-binding protein (PrBP/delta)
176                        The structure of holo-PDE6 in complex with the ROS-1 antibody Fab fragment was
177 rBP/delta per PDE6) to serve as a subunit of PDE6 in either mammalian or amphibian photoreceptors.
178 ith retina-specific Rce1 knock-out mice, rod PDE6 in Icmt-deficient mice trafficked normally to the p
179 olution of the PDE6 family, we have examined PDE6 in lamprey, an ancient vertebrate group.
180        In contrast to bovine ROS, all of the PDE6 in purified frog ROS is membrane-associated.
181 a transgenic mouse model that expresses cone PDE6 in rods and show that the cone PDE6 isoform is part
182                                    Since rod PDE6 in the Rambusch CSNB is a catalytic heterodimer of
183 able to reverse the transducin activation of PDE6 (in contrast to a previous study) nor did it signif
184 examined the role of cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE6) in this difference by expressing cone PDE6 (PDE6C)
185 prinast (10 microM, an inhibitor of PDE5 and PDE6) induced a slowly developing and sustained depressi
186 ow the determinants and the mechanism of the PDE6 inhibition by Pgamma and suggest the conformational
187 bution of the H-loop-M-loop interface to the PDE6 inhibition by the Pgamma C-terminus.
188 th fewer adverse side effects resulting from PDE6 inhibition.
189 hibitor (K(i) = 0.2 nM), was the most potent PDE6 inhibitor tested (K(i) = 0.7 nM).
190 ost PDE5-selective inhibitors were excellent PDE6 inhibitors.
191                                      How the PDE6 inhibitory gamma-subunit (Pgamma) interacts with th
192                   In contrast, two different PDE6 inhibitory Pgamma subunits, a cone-type Pgamma1 and
193               The retinal phosphodiesterase (PDE6) inhibitory gamma-subunit (PDEgamma) plays a centra
194 ion state, the cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase (PDE6) inhibitory gamma-subunit (PDEgamma) stimulates GTP
195 gion of Pgamma is a primary docking site for PDE6-interacting proteins involved in the activation/ina
196                  The cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE6) involved in visual transduction in photoreceptor c
197                    The catalytic core of rod PDE6 is a unique heterodimer of PDE6A and PDE6B catalyti
198                                          Rod PDE6 is composed of heterodimeric catalytic subunits (al
199 r demonstrate that this rapid degradation of PDE6 is due to the essential role of AIPL1 in the proper
200                                              PDE6 is membrane associated through isoprenyl membrane a
201    We conclude that allosteric regulation of PDE6 is more complex than for PDE5 and is dependent on i
202     A system for efficient expression of rod PDE6 is not available.
203 ly, yet its significance for the function of PDE6 is poorly understood.
204 ibitory gamma-subunit for the active site of PDE6 is proposed to reduce the effectiveness of drugs at
205  of PDE6 catalytic subunits, whereas soluble PDE6 is purified with a 17-kDa prenyl-binding protein (P
206 Interestingly, we also found that functional PDE6 is required for trafficking of M-opsin to cone oute
207              Retinal cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE6) is a key enzyme in vertebrate phototransduction.
208                Rod cGMP phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6) is a key enzyme of the phototransduction cascade,
209                         Phosphodiesterase-6 (PDE6) is a multisubunit enzyme that plays a key role in
210 gulation of photoreceptor phosphodiesterase (PDE6) is controlled by both allosteric mechanisms and ex
211                       Rod phosphodiesterase (PDE6) is the central effector enzyme in vertebrate visua
212             Photoreceptor phosphodiesterase (PDE6) is the central effector enzyme in visual excitatio
213        Photoreceptor cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE6) is the central enzyme in the visual transduction c
214                         Phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6) is the effector enzyme in the phototransduction ca
215        Photoreceptor cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE6) is the effector enzyme in the vertebrate visual tr
216                         Phosphodiesterase-6 (PDE6) is the key effector enzyme of the phototransductio
217                         Phosphodiesterase-6 (PDE6) is the key effector enzyme of the vertebrate photo
218 of rod photoreceptor cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE6) is the presence of inhibitory subunits (Pgamma), w
219     Retinal photoreceptor phosphodiesterase (PDE6) is unique among the phosphodiesterase enzyme famil
220 ransduction cascade, cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE6), is regulated by its gamma-subunit (Pgamma), whose
221 hosphodiesterase of rod photoreceptor cells, PDE6, is the key effector enzyme in phototransduction.
222 ses cone PDE6 in rods and show that the cone PDE6 isoform is partially responsible for the difference
223  to be regulated by the PDE5 rather than the PDE6 isoform.
224  of cGMP but is not strictly conserved among PDE6 isoforms.
225  immunohistochemistry, and assay for retinal PDE6 levels and enzymatic activity.
226 a robust pharmacokinetic profile without any PDE6 liability.
227 onic region of Pgamma to the GAFa domains of PDE6 may lead to a stabilization of the noncatalytic cGM
228 DE6gamma remains attached to the rest of the PDE6 molecule, but after conversion of Talpha-GTP to Tal
229   Zaprinast was the only drug that inhibited PDE6 more potently than did PDE5.
230 indicating that some basic regulation of the PDE6 multisubunit enzyme was maintained albeit by a unkn
231 gs rod survival caused by elevated cGMP in a PDE6 mutant mouse model.
232    Previous work using viral gene therapy on PDE6-mutant mouse models demonstrated photoreceptors can
233 ated cGMP and Ca2+, which are induced by the Pde6 mutation.
234  the mechanisms of visual diseases linked to PDE6 mutations.
235 ed a cone-dominated mouse model lacking cone PDE6 (Nrl(-/-) cpfl1).
236  linked to the highly reduced levels of cone PDE6 observed in the hAIPL1 transgenic mice.
237  metabolic turnover and phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6) off-target activity limited its advancement.
238  defects in photoreceptor phosphodiesterase (PDE6) or regulation of retinal guanylyl cyclase (retGC).
239 from photoreceptors by the guanylate cyclase/PDE6 pair in phototransduction.
240 one PDE6 (PDE6C) in rd1/rd1 rods lacking rod PDE6 (PDE6AB) using transgenic mice.
241 (PDE6) in this difference by expressing cone PDE6 (PDE6C) in rd1/rd1 rods lacking rod PDE6 (PDE6AB) u
242                        Two histone-activated PDE6 peaks were separated by ion exchange chromatography
243   Identification of the determinants for the PDE6-Pgamma interaction offers insights into the evoluti
244                                              PDE6 (phosphodiesterase-6) is the effector molecule in t
245                         The stoichiometry of PDE6-PrBP/delta binding and the mechanism by which the P
246 delta binding and the mechanism by which the PDE6-PrBP/delta complex assembles have not been fully ch
247 ve developed a rapid purification method for PDE6-PrBP/delta from bovine rod outer segments utilizing
248                                              PDE6 present in the inner segment of Rce1-deficient phot
249 iated with mutations in phosphodiesterase-6 (PDE6) provokes a metabolic aberration in rod cells that
250 ttermates to investigate whether PDE5 and/or PDE6 regulates excitatory synaptic transmission in the h
251         The photoreceptor phosphodiesterase (PDE6) regulates the intracellular levels of the second m
252 een identified, mechanistic understanding of PDE6 regulation is limited by the lack of knowledge abou
253 ion and characterization of the chicken cone PDE6 regulatory GAF-A and GAF-B domains.
254 which AIPL1 and Pgamma are co-expressed with PDE6 represents an effective tool for probing structure-
255 used to quantify [(3)H]vardenafil binding to PDE6 required histone II-AS to stabilize drug binding to
256 t, the half-maximal activation of bovine rod PDE6 required markedly higher concentrations of Galpha(t
257 ) with the corresponding class-specific cone PDE6 residues (P773E, I778V, E780L, F787W, E796V, D803P,
258                              Introduction of PDE6 residues into the background of the PDE5 protein se
259 ting vascular smooth muscle contraction) and PDE6 (responsible for regulating visual transduction in
260 his disease, defects in the alpha-subunit of PDE6 result in a progressive loss of photoreceptors and
261                                  The lamprey PDE6 sequence showed a high degree of homology with mamm
262                                      Because PDE6 shares structural and pharmacological similarities
263       This analysis revealed the key role of PDE6-specific residues within the catalytic domain M-loo
264 raction with HSP90 and modulate the rod cGMP PDE6 stability and activity.
265 entrifuge, we examined allosteric changes in PDE6 structure and protein-protein interactions with its
266 ther, these results rule out PrBP/delta as a PDE6 subunit and implicate PrBP/delta in the transport a
267                                The catalytic PDE6 subunit was present in the photoreceptors of both t
268 ed as a putative rod cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE6) subunit in the retina, where it is relatively abun
269                                   Prenylated PDE6 subunits and G-protein coupled receptor kinase 1 (G
270 arly shows that in the absence of AIPL1, rod PDE6 subunits are rapidly degraded by proteasomes.
271 cial link between AIPL1 and the stability of PDE6 subunits is not known.
272        It is not known if variations between PDE6 subunits preclude rod PDE6 catalytic subunits from
273 r utilizes discrete catalytic and inhibitory PDE6 subunits to fulfill its physiological tasks, i.e. t
274 t the affected retinas also lacked the other PDE6 subunits, suggesting expression of PDE6A is essenti
275 at AIPL1 is not involved in the synthesis of PDE6 subunits.
276 ed for the proper assembly of functional rod PDE6 subunits.
277 he proper assembly of synthesized individual PDE6 subunits.
278 ion in levels of rod cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE6) subunits (alpha, beta, and gamma).
279  Furthermore, assembled phosphodiesterase-6 (PDE6) subunits, rod transducin and G-protein receptor ki
280 ass-specific differences in PDE5 versus cone PDE6 that contribute to the accelerated catalytic effici
281 tify functional differences between PDE5 and PDE6 that will accelerate efforts to develop the next ge
282 we examined the role of distinct isoforms of PDE6, the effector enzyme in phototransduction, in these
283 rminus of Pgamma occludes the active site of PDE6, thereby preventing hydrolysis of cGMP.
284 a regulator of spontaneous activation of rod PDE6, thereby serving to lower rod photoreceptor "dark n
285 cin can stimulate the hydrolytic activity of PDE6 to its maximum extent.
286  involves the binding of isoprenyl groups on PDE6 to the FKBP domain of AIPL1.
287  is responsible for blocking the movement of PDE6 to the outer segment.
288 t amounts of PrBP/delta (<0.1 PrBP/delta per PDE6) to serve as a subunit of PDE6 in either mammalian
289 with its two targets facilitate the alpha(t).PDE6 "transducisome" formation.
290 ents downstream of the Frizzled-2/G alpha t2/PDE6 triad activated in response to Wnt5a, we observed a
291 were eliminated when the beta-subunit of rod PDE6 was removed (Nrl(-/-) cpfl1 rd).
292 tural basis for specific dimerization of rod PDE6, we constructed a series of chimeric proteins betwe
293  of G-protein with Rh* and the activation of PDE6, we investigated the mechanism of the amplification
294 pus laevis is a unique expression system for PDE6 well suited for analysis of the mechanisms of visua
295 e to the accelerated catalytic efficiency of PDE6 were identified but required heterologous expressio
296 in inhibiting other PDE isozymes (PDE1-4 and PDE6) were evaluated.
297 e conformational changes and interactions of PDE6 with known interacting proteins are poorly understo
298         In addition, prolonged incubation of PDE6 with vardenafil or sildenafil (but not 3-isobutyl-1
299 hibitory interaction of phosphodiesterase-6 (PDE6) with its gamma-subunit (Pgamma) is pivotal in vert
300      The interaction of phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6) with its inhibitory Pgamma-subunits (Pgamma) is un

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