


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              PE + SU produced right ventricular hypokinesis, dilation
2                                              PE + SU rats exhibited sustained pulmonary hypertension
3                                              PE biodegradation is achieved through the combination of
4                                              PE dose-response for splanchnic flow and resistance were
5                                              PE episodes were documented 78 times, involving 50 of 72
6                                              PE is largely utilized in packaging, representing approx
7                                              PE signaling is significantly disrupted in individuals w
8 ty-one persons with NCC who experienced >/=1 PE episode were followed for a median of 10.6 years (ran
9 ) showed significantly altered lysoPC(18:1), PE(18:3/16:0), PC(20:1/18:3), DG(24:1/22:6/0:0), PS(18:2
10  filters were defined as VCFs placed after a PE.
11                               We calculate a PE of 655 kJ/kg CO2, which is lower than that of the bes
12              Conclusion The odds of an acute PE finding in the ED when providers adhered to evidence
13 between the two groups, the odds of an acute PE finding were 51.3% lower when providers overrode aler
14 erts suggested d-dimer testing because acute PE is highly unlikely in these patients if d-dimer level
15 onsecutive patients were evaluated for acute PE.
16  placebo in normotensive patients with acute PE, right ventricular (RV) dysfunction on imaging, and a
17                                     Adjusted PE rates for the PTOS and NTDB showed significant initia
18 A neurons and increased addiction risk after PE.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Prenatal ethanol exposure (PE)
19 e presence of circulating antibodies against PE is positively correlated with the symptoms of antipho
20 emical composition of coarse/ground bran and PE bran differed.
21 can be explained by the fact that coarse and PE bran hold more weakly bound water than ground bran, w
22  mobile water peak was noticed in coarse and PE bran, but not in ground bran.
23                 Acute exposure to fibers and PE beads both showed a dose-dependent effect on survival
24  sequencing (PAS-Seq) of RNA from normal and PE human placentae to interrogate transcriptome-wide gen
25 udy we investigated the uptake of normal and PE STBEVs by primary human coronary artery endothelial c
26 architectonically defined areas, the PEc and PE.
27 ionwide temporal trends in VCF placement and PE occurrence from 2003 to 2015 using available data set
28         Temporal trends in VCF placement and PE rates, filter type (prophylactic or therapeutic), and
29  was found to be 1.5% and 3.1% after F&V and PE consumption, respectively.
30  and the mechanism by which circulating anti-PE antibodies access cellular PE remains unknown.
31 gs provide insight into the etiology of anti-PE autoimmunity and, because endosomes are of central im
32 with anti-PE autoimmunity, and purified anti-PE antibodies.
33 gest that the cellular vulnerability to anti-PE antibodies may be mediated by the binding of PE molec
34 ents, plasma samples from patients with anti-PE autoimmunity, and purified anti-PE antibodies.
35 ains an unusual family of abundant antigens (PE/PPEs).
36                                         Area PE received additional inputs from a posterior-dorsal pa
37 ral territories sending projections to areas PE and PEc partially overlapped zones previously shown t
38 interval 92%-100%) for classifying an eye as PE or PPE.
39 ch imaging technique for classifying eyes as PE or PPE, and misinterpretation rates of each imaging m
40                               ATP attenuated PE-mediated vasoconstriction relative to adenosine (ADO)
41 ver, genetic depletion of Beclin1 attenuated PE-mediated/FAK-dependent initiation of myocyte hypertro
42 ubjects showed a reduced correlation between PE and activity within the ventromedial prefrontal corte
43 However, ATP maintained the ability to blunt PE-mediated vasoconstriction (PE-mediated DeltaFVC: KIR
44 enter T follicular helper cells, and blunted PE-specific germinal center B cell responses.
45 vity in visual regions, while stimulus-bound PEs correlated with gamma-band activity in posterior reg
46                       In Trypanosoma brucei, PE synthesis has been shown to occur mainly via the Kenn
47 y for treating behavioral symptoms caused by PE.
48 nalyses have not adjusted for confounding by PE risk factors that are associated with season of conce
49 omparisons between the CA-PF, CAE-PE, and CA-PE groups.
50 xcept for comparisons between the CA-PF, CAE-PE, and CA-PE groups.
51 rculating anti-PE antibodies access cellular PE remains unknown.
52 olymers can weld common grades of commercial PE and iPP together, depending on the molecular weights
53                                Consequently, PE represents by itself more than half of all plastic wa
54        Our data indicate that Psd1-dependent PE made at mitochondria and the ER has separable cellula
55 sion partners, and we examined how different PE distributions between the two leaflets of the support
56 tabolization in the presence of polymyxin E (PE) and PB via pH-induced color change.
57                               Pre-eclampsia (PE), which affects approximately 8% of first pregnancies
58 transient development of perilesional edema (PE) around >/=1 calcification (defined as 1 episode) occ
59 ases are associated with perilesional edema (PE), likely due to host inflammation.
60 FVF as a mechanism in the Prevalence Effect (PE) in visual search.
61 ) within distinct brain regions, with effort PEs expressed in dorsomedial prefrontal cortex and rewar
62  (0.867) when classifying findings as either PE positive or PE negative, but no significant differenc
63 thod for the fabrication of paper electrode (PE) using silver nanoparticles capped with octylamine (A
64 sulator, polyethylene (PE), and at electrode/PE interfaces.
65 were suspected of having pulmonary embolism (PE) and who underwent CT pulmonary angiography between J
66                    While pulmonary embolism (PE) causes approximately 100 000-180 000 deaths per year
67 NLP) model in extracting pulmonary embolism (PE) findings from thoracic computed tomography (CT) repo
68                          Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a serious and prevalent cause of vascular disease
69 hrombolytic treatment of pulmonary embolism (PE) is unknown.
70 lter (VCF) placement for pulmonary embolism (PE) prophylaxis in trauma is controversial.
71 y used for prevention of pulmonary embolism (PE).
72 wed by epiblast (EPI) or primitive endoderm (PE) specification within the ICM.
73 e new organism, from the primitive endoderm (PE), which will form the yolk sac, is a crucial developm
74                                    Endosomal PE binding led to functional changes in endothelial cell
75                        The parasitic energy (PE) has been put forward as a holistic parameter that me
76 r volume [FTV], peak percentage enhancement [PE], peak signal enhancement ratio [SER], and washout fr
77 rs in coarse, ground, and pericarp-enriched (PE) wheat bran and refined flour was investigated using
78 e locus driving Flt1 upregulation in both EO-PE and LO-PE.
79 ignatures associated with early-onset PE (EO-PE; symptom onset < 34 weeks) and late-onset PE (LO-PE;
80 e polyadenylation associated with PE, the EO-PE and LO-PE cohorts do exhibit gene expression profiles
81 ardial cells (PECs) from the pro-epicardium (PE) and their subsequent translocation to the heart to f
82 sentation of reinforcement prediction error (PE) (the difference between received and expected reinfo
83 trial-by-trial S-C and S-R prediction error (PE) estimates in model-based behavioral and fMRI analyse
84 l intelligence: the reward prediction error (PE)-the difference between how rewarding an event is, an
85 series of predictions and prediction errors (PEs) were associated with dissociable neural responses:
86 ding of effort and reward prediction errors (PEs) within distinct brain regions, with effort PEs expr
87                 We identified the loci espE, PE-PGRS56, Rv0197, Rv2813-2814c, and Rv2815-2816c as tar
88 egation of three-ring phenylene-ethynylenes (PEs).
89 ial treatment consisted of plasma exchanges (PE), high doses of calcineurin inhibitors, and steroids.
90 as VCFs placed before or without an existing PE, while therapeutic filters were defined as VCFs place
91 oups: (a) people with psychotic experiences (PE; n=20) at increased risk for psychotic disorders; (b)
92 FICANCE STATEMENT Prenatal ethanol exposure (PE) is among many adverse developmental factors known to
93                   Prenatal ethanol exposure (PE) leads to increased addiction risk which could be med
94 dded, or the corresponding phenolic extract (PE).
95  suggest that there is a seasonal driver for PE, with effects that are not modified by parity, latitu
96 pretation rates of each imaging modality for PE and PPE.
97 focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is necessary for PE-stimulated autophagy suppression and subsequent initi
98 curvature of tN-Ras when substituting PC for PE, and when decreasing acyl chain length from 14 to 12
99 e to the endothelial dysfunction typical for PE.
100 nt (N = 10) or failed attempted weaning from PE (N = 3).
101 either the initial treatment or weaning from PE.
102 tipotency, failing to form TE and generating PE on their surface.
103 on, in the case of the glycerophospholipids (PE, PS, and PC), via ester bond cleavage.
104  at age 20 years in 123 participants who had PEs and 124 individuals serving as controls.
105 ups including only patients unlikely to have PE led to similar results.
106 d-dimer testing in patients unlikely to have PE.
107 tter pathophysiological understanding of how PE transitions to CTEPH in human treatments.
108                                     However, PE is generally sequestered inside a normal resting cell
109 substrate competence to generate hydroperoxy-PE.
110          Inadequate reduction of hydroperoxy-PE due to insufficiency or dysfunction of a selenoperoxi
111 aptic plasticity is fundamentally altered in PE animals.
112 nd endoplasmic reticulum stress described in PE, as well as endothelial reprogramming that may underl
113        The NIS showed an initial increase in PE rates followed by a period of stagnation.
114         To identify the pathways involved in PE consumption, we used in the present study a combinati
115                      In contrast, eCB-LTD in PE animals was not rescued by increasing presynaptic act
116                    Interestingly, eCB-LTD in PE animals was rescued by metabotropic glutamate recepto
117 aptic activity, which actually led to LTP in PE animals, whereas LTD was still observed in controls.
118                            Uptake of PCBs in PE after 7, 14, 28, and 56 days under different vibratio
119 ascularization and cellular proliferation in PE that was distinctly absent in the PE + SU group.
120 ease was regulated by tonic eCB signaling in PE animals.
121 tes, suggesting that current goals influence PE and prediction signalling.
122                               Interestingly, PE, but not F&V, significantly decreased the speed and e
123 rhages rival overall harms from intermediate PE.
124 tb1 expression leads to differentiation into PE and a decrease in EPI, as a result of the modulation
125 lcium phosphate (ACP) were incorporated into PE and PEHB at 40% filler level.
126 matic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from sediment into PE.
127                  Strikingly, cells that lack PE methylation accumulate SAM, which leads to hypermethy
128 vage of pro-LC3 and the de-lipidation of LC3-PE from autophagosomes, both executed by the same cystei
129 rfaces (PF) and from enamel carious lesions (PE) and dentin carious lesions (PD) were collected.
130 vert their fate into an alternative lineage (PE towards EPI and vice versa), until peri-implantation
131 synthesis of the copolymer, a cross-linkable PE.
132 ylation associated with PE, the EO-PE and LO-PE cohorts do exhibit gene expression profiles distinct
133 iving Flt1 upregulation in both EO-PE and LO-PE.
134 ptom onset < 34 weeks) and late-onset PE (LO-PE; symptom onset > 34 weeks) cohorts.
135 5% CI: 1.17 to 2.48); nonsignificantly lower PE-related mortality (OR: 0.51; 95% CI: 0.25 to 1.05); a
136 MOF, 1 [Ni-(4PyC)2.DMF], that has the lowest PE for postcombustion CO2 capture reported to date.
137 -directed therapy for submassive and massive PE and gives representative examples that reflect modern
138 tionale for stratification, imaging, massive PE management and outcomes, submassive PE management and
139 ptor antagonist in polystyrene microspheres (PE) + tyrosine kinase inhibitor SU5416 (SU) group.
140                          In adjusted models, PE risk was related to season, with higher risk in sprin
141 antibodies may be mediated by the binding of PE molecules in the membrane of the early endosome.
142 liarizes the reader with these categories of PE.
143 sothermal and nonisothermal decomposition of PE in NOx-doped atmosphere.
144 tion, and thermogravimetric decomposition of PE under controlled atmospheres, with NOx concentration
145        We report the fast bio-degradation of PE by larvae of the wax moth Galleria mellonella, produc
146 l, fail to induce a clear-cut degradation of PE samples, showing that bottlenecks to reach optimal bi
147 btained during the electrical degradation of PE.
148              Four different distributions of PE in the planar bilayer mimicking the plasma membrane w
149 In this study, we investigated the effect of PE on endocannabinoid-mediated long-term depression (eCB
150                             Small effects of PE addition were detected suggesting slightly increased
151 oncentration, largely removed all effects of PE, shows that PE did not act as a measurable vector of
152 es the number of EPI cells at the expense of PE.
153 PE), >/=37 weeks, is the most common form of PE and the most difficult to predict.
154 that short-term exposure to various forms of PE, displaying different molecular weight distributions
155                       Thus, common grades of PE and iPP do not adhere or blend, creating challenges f
156 t the performance gains by implementation of PE-UVPD for peptide analysis in an ion trap mass spectro
157             Both moderate and high levels of PE persistently reduced low-frequency stimulation-induce
158 s: the presence, chronicity, and location of PE.
159 phosphatidylcholine (PC), the methylation of PE facilitates the turnover of SAM for the synthesis of
160  more likely to lead to misinterpretation of PE as PPE, which could potentially result in failure to
161 likelihood (30%-70%) of misinterpretation of PE as PPE.
162 etailing trends in VCF use and occurrence of PE over time.
163 ss, optimal treatment for many phenotypes of PE remains uncertain.
164  therapeutic), and established predictors of PE (obesity, pregnancy, cancer, deep vein thrombosis, ma
165 say for selectively monitoring production of PE in reactions using a maltose-binding protein fusion w
166 have limited utility in influencing rates of PE.
167 ted day of the year of conception on risk of PE for births from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway
168 C filters versus none in patients at risk of PE.
169 ms have been shown to grow on the surface of PE materials, among which are the species of the Rhodoco
170                     The number and timing of PE episodes in individuals with calcified NCC are variab
171 s of recycled PE reflects different types of PE in the plastic, as measurements of intrinsic viscosit
172 ic midbrain regions expressing both types of PE.
173 ation signatures associated with early-onset PE (EO-PE; symptom onset < 34 weeks) and late-onset PE (
174 PE; symptom onset < 34 weeks) and late-onset PE (LO-PE; symptom onset > 34 weeks) cohorts.
175 h could be fruitfully targeted for optimized PE consumption by R. ruber.
176 lassifying findings as either PE positive or PE negative, but no significant difference in sensitivit
177 rrectly classifying pediatric eyes as PPE or PE is FA.
178  strategy, termed precursor ejection UVPD or PE-UVPD, allows the ion trap to be filled with more ions
179                                    All other PE distributions decreased fusion efficiency, altered po
180 r classifying pediatric eyes as papilledema (PE) or pseudopapilledema (PPE).
181 hese microorganisms to use, at least partly, PE as a potent carbon source.
182                                           PC/PE binds between alphaTM2, 4, 6, and 9 and accelerates t
183 tures, the underlying mechanism of PS and PC/PE effects emerges.
184 sms, specific interactions of both PS and PC/PE have been inferred.
185        Main outcomes included subsequent PE, PE-related mortality, all-cause mortality, and subsequen
186 to intra-arterial infusion of phenylephrine (PE; alpha1 -agonist) during ATP or control vasodilatator
187  responsive to treatment with phenylephrine (PE) (10(-5) m) and ACh (10(-5) m).
188  arteriolar constriction with phenylephrine (PE) (10(-5) m) induced a significant increase of N-cadhe
189 lation of cardiomyocytes with phenylephrine (PE), a well known hypertrophic agonist, suppresses autop
190                    Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylserine (PS) are ubiquitously express
191                    Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) is a major phospholipid species with important roles
192                    Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), a cone-shaped phospholipid, is predominantly locate
193 ylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE)) and enhance the signals from the low-abundance CLs
194 nking proteins and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE).
195 1, which generates phosphatidylethanolamine (PE).
196 )C-TrEnDi-modified phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylserine (PS), phosphatidylcholine (PC),
197 dylcholine (PC) or phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), known to stimulate Na,K-ATPase activity.
198 tidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), and cholesterol were created by extrusion.
199 of a phospholipid, phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), is a major consumer of SAM.
200 olism that produce phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) in bacteria, protists, plants, and animals.
201 sis indicated that phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) were the major lipid co
202 3 is conjugated to phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) on the inner and outer membrane of autophagosomes to
203 idylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamines (PE), and phosphatidylinositol (PI), in newly fertilized
204 f polyunsaturated phosphatidylethanolamines (PE) by 15-lipoxygenases (15-LO) that normally use free p
205 phosphatidic acid (PA), phosphoethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylserine (PS), phosphatidylglycerol (PG),
206                             Polyelectrolyte (PE) wrapping of colloidal nanoparticles (NPs) is a stand
207                                Polyethylene (PE) and isotactic polypropylene (iPP) constitute nearly
208                                Polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) represent approximately 92% o
209                                Polyethylene (PE), one of the most prominent synthetic polymers used w
210 roplastic polyester fibers and polyethylene (PE) beads on freshwater zooplankton Ceriodaphnia dubia.
211        Common plastics such as polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), and polyethyl
212 sing recycled plastics such as polyethylene (PE).
213 pical and pervasive insulator, polyethylene (PE), and at electrode/PE interfaces.
214 fore, we studied the effect of polyethylene (PE) microplastic in sediment on PCB uptake by Arenicola
215          Periodic vibration of polyethylene (PE) passive samplers during exposure has been previously
216 nlight and rain degradation of polyethylene (PE) with organic and inorganic pigments.
217 language processing tool identified positive PE diagnoses, with subsegmental and/or indeterminate dia
218 CT pulmonary angiography (number of positive PE diagnoses/total number of CT pulmonary angiographic e
219                                Preeclampsia (PE) is a dangerous and unpredictable pregnancy complicat
220                             In preeclampsia (PE), cytotrophoblast (CTB) invasion of the uterus and sp
221           Maternal symptoms of preeclampsia (PE) are primarily driven by excess anti-angiogenic facto
222  pregnancy associated syndrome preeclampsia (PE), there is increased release of placental syncytiotro
223 wed a reduced correlation between punishment PEs, but not reward PEs, and activity within the left an
224 efficiency of NOx by fragments of pyrolyzing PE.
225  kJ/mol to 268 kJ/mol, for neat and recycled PE, respectively, and the so-called compensation effect
226 observed delay in thermal events of recycled PE reflects different types of PE in the plastic, as mea
227 rinsic viscosity indicate that, the recycled PE comprises longer linear chains.
228 in light through photoisomerization of N-ret-PE (N-retinylidene-phosphatidylethanolamine.
229  in dorsomedial prefrontal cortex and reward PEs in ventral striatum.
230 ation between punishment PEs, but not reward PEs, and activity within the left and right lentiform nu
231                         For the highest-risk PE, presenting as shock or arrest, emergent systemic thr
232 prognosis of patients with intermediate-risk PE and the effect of thrombolytic treatment on the persi
233 unctional limitation after intermediate-risk PE, but CTEPH is infrequent.
234 mbolectomy is reasonable, while for low-risk PE, anticoagulation alone is often chosen.
235 d for VVS compared with control after saline+PE, but enhanced after L-NMMA (P<0.001).
236        Shams received volume-matched saline; PE and SU groups received only microspheres or SU5416, r
237 rfacial compatibilization of phase-separated PE and iPP with tetrablock copolymers enables morphologi
238 ts with liposome bound Atg18 yielded several PE cross-linked peptides.
239 ous pregnancy that was complicated by severe PE (sPE).
240             We studied the effects of severe PE (sPE) on the smooth chorion portion of the fetal memb
241 nosine (ADO) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP) (PE-mediated DeltaFVC: ATP: -16 +/- 2; ADO: -38 +/- 6; SN
242 a toxin B subunit-Alexa 647 and streptavidin-PE/Cy5, to membranes containing different amounts of lig
243 ssive PE management and outcomes, submassive PE management and outcomes, and future directions.
244 d to patients who have massive or submassive PEs.
245 ng IVC filters had lower risk for subsequent PE (OR: 0.50; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.33 to 0.75
246            Main outcomes included subsequent PE, PE-related mortality, all-cause mortality, and subse
247 ters appear to reduce the risk of subsequent PE, increase the risk for DVT, and have no significant e
248                               We synthesized PE/iPP multiblock copolymers using an isoselective alken
249 presented here were conducted with synthetic PE-binding agents, plasma samples from patients with ant
250   Fibers showed greater adverse effects than PE beads.
251     Biodynamic model analysis confirmed that PE ingestion contributed marginally to bioaccumulation.
252                                We found that PE estimates derived from S-C and S-R associations accou
253 ing between 4 and 10 weeks old.We found that PE led to increased amphetamine self-administration.
254 c studies for impaired eCB-LTD revealed that PE downregulated CB1 receptor function.
255                        Our results show that PE persistently alters eCB signaling and impairs eCB-LTD
256             Previous studies have shown that PE enhances excitatory synaptic strength by facilitating
257 argely removed all effects of PE, shows that PE did not act as a measurable vector of PCBs.
258 amate receptor I activation, suggesting that PE did not impair the synthesis/release of eCBs.
259                                          The PE detection by fluorescence (lambdaex = 403 nm, lambdae
260                                          The PE encapsulation in the liposomes was responsible for ch
261                                          The PE was prepared by direct writing onto the photo paper u
262                                          The PE/AgNPs-OA electrode is found to be economic, facile an
263                                          The PE/AgNPs-OA exhibited a wide linear calibration range fr
264                                          The PE/AgNPs-OA was used as a working electrode in cyclic vo
265 istent with increased striatal dopamine, the PE group exhibited better behavioral learning (ie, faste
266 tion in PE that was distinctly absent in the PE + SU group.
267 (ArF-ArH) interactions cause twisting in the PE backbone, interrupting intramolecular conjugation as
268 tion of specific target genes, including the PE associated gene fms related tyrosine kinase 1 (FLT1).
269 flect the known functional properties of the PE and PEc, with the former containing neurons that are
270 y demonstrating that physical contact of the PE with the myocardium constitutes a third mechanism for
271 d 28-41, in the same order, depending on the PE conversion in the experimental interval of between 5
272  a larger FRN to punishment than reward, the PE group showed similar FRNs to punishment and reward, w
273                  The projection zones to the PE and PEc overlapped extensively, and consisted of mult
274 re plentiful and extremely homologous, these PE/PPEs are very challenging to study, and it is difficu
275 VTA DA neurons, which in turn contributes to PE-induced increase in addiction risk.
276 munized mice with peptide Ag 2W1S coupled to PE in CFA and treated with the selective A2aR agonist CG
277 th no deformities observed after exposure to PE beads.
278  pathway, one of the three routes leading to PE synthesis in eukaryotes, while PS synthesis has not b
279                                    Together, PE leads to impaired eCB-LTD at the excitatory synapses
280 thochromic shift observed upon transitioning PEs from solution to solid.
281  a precipitous decline of VCF use in trauma, PE rates remained unchanged during this period.
282                                     Treating PE requires appropriate risk stratification as a first s
283 nd radiological course of persons undergoing PE episodes.
284 ility to blunt PE-mediated vasoconstriction (PE-mediated DeltaFVC: KIR blockade alone: -6 +/- 5%; com
285 he yolk in addition to the blastodisc, while PE and PI species are mostly absent in the yolk.
286 es upregulated across all transcriptome-wide PE analyses to date (microarray, RNA-Seq and PAS-Seq) ar
287                                         With PE exclusively in the opposite leaflet, resolution of po
288                                         With PE in the leaflet facing the DCVs, overall fusion was mo
289                    Mortality associated with PE hospitalizations is declining, regardless of IVCF use
290  alternative polyadenylation associated with PE, the EO-PE and LO-PE cohorts do exhibit gene expressi
291                  These effects combined with PE-induced anti-Hebbian long-term potentiation reported
292                              FA of eyes with PE showed leakage of the optic nerve, whereas eyes with
293                 Five children (10 eyes) with PE, 11 children (19 eyes) with PPE owing to suspected bu
294                   Normotensive patients with PE but with indicia of right heart dysfunction (by bioma
295         Some intermediate-risk patients with PE may require urgent stabilization, and approximately 1
296 brane becomes ruffled, as was also seen with PE STBEVs.
297 ne of isolated VSMCs, whereas treatment with PE (10(-5) m) or sodium nitroprusside (10(-5) m) induced
298                               Treatment with PE (10(-5) m) or sodium nitroprusside (10(-5) m) induced
299 rdiovascular disease reported for women with PE later in life.
300                                      Without PE methylation, particular sites on histones then become

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