


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              PI 4-kinase and oxysterol-binding protein (OSBP) were in
2                                    KDU731, a PI (4) kinase inhibitor, blocks Cryptosporidium infectio
3 -kinase indicating that Lsb6p functions as a PI 4-kinase in vivo.
4                         OSBP might also be a PI 4-kinase effector in poliovirus infection and could b
5      We aimed to identify and characterize a PI 4-kinase effector in HCV replication.
6   OSBP was recruited to membranous webs in a PI 4-kinase-dependent manner, and both these factors wer
7                                    OSBP is a PI 4-kinase effector in HCV infection, and contributes t
8                        We report here that a PI 4-kinase (PI4K) activity previously reported on synap
9 mes (a PtdIns(4)P-5-kinase in S. pombe and a PI-4-kinase in D. melanogaster) that interfere with cyto
10 ase, and Vps34p and Pik1p, a PI 3-kinase and PI 4-kinase, respectively--showed not only different PIP
11 with antibodies against either proteins, and PI 4-kinase activity was present in anti-NCS-1 immunopre
12                     Lipid phosphorylation by PI 4-kinase is required for recovery from muscarinic mod
13 utant defective in the type III STT4-encoded PI 4-kinase indicating that Lsb6p functions as a PI 4-ki
14  Elevated accumulation of the fourth enzyme, PI 4-kinase, was observed in the fl2 endosperm and soybe
15 ribe a homogeneous and nonisotopic assay for PI 4-kinase activity based on the bioluminescent detecti
16      Our results suggest a critical role for PI 4-kinases and phosphatidylinositol derivatives during
17                Wild-type activity of the fwd PI 4-kinase is required for tyrosine phosphorylation in
18 unoaffinity-purified Arabidopsis protein had PI 4-kinase activity.
19                 However, it is not known how PI 4-kinases and their product, PI(4)P, facilitate host
20 % identical and 68% similar to rat and human PI 4-kinases and contained the telltale lipid kinase uni
21 ast, the recent cloning of the first type II PI 4-kinase enzyme defined a novel enzyme family.
22 e the existence of multiple forms of type II PI 4-kinase in mammalian cells and suggest that their fu
23 PIK93 that selectively inhibits the type III PI 4-kinase beta enzyme, and small interfering RNA-media
24 n inhibitor of both PI 3-kinase and type III PI 4-kinase, blocked CaR-stimulated accumulation of [(3)
25 ly membrane-associated WT-sensitive type III PI 4-kinases were isolated from bovine adrenal cortex as
26 cloning of these novel WT-sensitive type III PI 4-kinases will allow detailed analysis of their signa
27 on, whereas co-transfection with an inactive PI 4-kinase mutant prevented the NCS-1-induced inhibitio
28   Expression of both enzyme yields increased PI 4-kinase activity that is associated with the microso
29 A-mediated down-regulation of the individual PI 4-kinase enzymes, revealed that PI 4-kinase beta has
30 sed on the findings that CaR and the 110-kDa PI 4-kinase beta can be co-immunoprecipitated with antib
31 to those of a recently described rat 230-kDa PI 4-kinase.
32 ry similar to the membrane-associated 55-kDa PI 4-kinase previously purified from S. cerevisiae.
33 CS-1 effector phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (PI 4-kinase) inhibited insulin-stimulated GLUT4 transloc
34 n to encode a phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (PI 4-kinase), a member of a family of proteins that perf
35 idence that a phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (PI 4-kinase), STT4, is a target of wortmannin in yeast.
36              Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinases (PI 4-kinases) catalyze the conversion of phosphatidylino
37 ide to determine which of the four mammalian PI 4-kinases are involved in this process.
38                     The four known mammalian PI 4-kinases, PI4KA, PI4KB, PI4K2A, and PI4K2B have role
39                                Two mammalian PI 4-kinases have been cloned, a 230-kDa enzyme (alpha-f
40 tous growth, despite uniform plasma membrane PI-4-kinase distribution.
41 te 5 kinase, are phenocopied by knockdown of PI 4 kinase, and are associated with normal endoplasmic
42                   Accordingly, inhibition of PI 4-kinase III beta either by wortmannin or PIK93 inhib
43 (3)H]PIP formation, reflecting inhibition of PI 4-kinase.
44 lacking the LSB6 gene had a reduced level of PI 4-kinase activity.
45 ution in COS-7 cells during manipulations of PI 4-kinase (PI4K) activities.
46 the LSB6 gene directed the overexpression of PI 4-kinase activity in cell extracts of wild-type cells
47 her to the type II or the type III family of PI 4-kinases.
48  assay with known nonselective inhibitors of PI 4-kinases and show that it performs similar to radiom
49 tial cDNAs of the >7-kilobase transcripts of PI 4-kinases from carrot (DcPI4Kalpha) and Arabidopsis (
50 itated with antibodies against either CaR or PI 4-kinase.
51 of PIP(2) synthesis by phosphatidylinositol (PI) 4-kinase.
52 ber of a novel type II phosphatidylinositol (PI) 4-kinase family.
53 und that CaR regulates phosphatidylinositol (PI) 4-kinase, the first step in inositol lipid biosynthe
54 tmannin (WT)-sensitive phosphatidylinositol (PI) 4-kinase(s).
55                        Phosphatidylinositol (PI) 4-kinases catalyze the synthesis of PI 4-phosphate,
56 f large molecular mass phosphatidylinositol (PI) 4-kinases.
57 C virus (HCV), require phosphatidylinositol (PI) 4-kinases for their replication.
58 sphate suggesting that phosphatidylinositol (PI) 4-kinases are involved in the regulation of CERT-med
59 n the expression of a protein that possessed PI 4-kinase activity.
60               In this study, the recombinant PI 4-kinase PH domain was explored for its ability to bi
61 tance, but overexpression of PIK1, a related PI 4-kinase, does not.
62 in replication of other viruses that require PI 4-kinases.
63  yielded a 110-kDa protein with WT-sensitive PI 4-kinase activity.
64 er, our data demonstrate that CaR stimulates PI 4-kinase, the first step in inositol lipid biosynthes
65                  These data demonstrate that PI 4-kinase functions to negatively regulate GLUT4 trans
66 ndividual PI 4-kinase enzymes, revealed that PI 4-kinase beta has a dominant role in ceramide transpo
67 ation and function of Stt4/PI4KIIIalpha, the PI 4-kinase responsible for this PI4P pool.
68 relates with PKC activation and requires the PI 4-kinase Stt4p.
69                                In vitro, the PI 4-kinase activity of STT4, but not of PIK1, was poten
70                                          The PI-4 kinase in co-immunoprecipitates with anti-CaR antib
71                                   Therefore, PI 4-kinase beta is a key enzyme in the control of sping
72 inositol lipid synthesis was attributable to PI 4-kinase and not PI 3-kinase because CaR did not acti
73                   Similar measurements using PI 4-kinase showed a weak dependence on vesicle size.
74                                However, when PI 4-kinase IIIbeta, diacylglycerol kinase, Rho, or Rho-
75                   Here, we investigate which PI 4-kinase isoform underlies this signal, whether stimu
76                          CaR associates with PI 4-kinase based on the findings that CaR and the 110-k
77                      One-step treatment with PI 4-kinase IIIbeta (PI4Kbeta) yielded PI 4-phosphate (P

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