


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  prostate tumors correlates with loss of the PTEN protein.
2  of transcript and relatively high levels of PTEN protein.
3  caused by the expression of inactive mutant PTEN protein.
4 nt in ATP show an increased level of nuclear PTEN protein.
5                                              PTEN protein analysis, from one deletion-positive and fi
6                        This was confirmed by PTEN protein analysis.
7                                        Using PTEN protein and a 21-amino acid peptide based on the PT
8  the PTEN, which leads to down-regulation of PTEN protein and activation of Akt pathway.
9 ate event, although a dose-dependent loss of PTEN protein and function has been implicated in early s
10 ating agent sodium butyrate (NaBT) increased PTEN protein and mRNA expression and induced c-Jun NH2-t
11 ed AZD6244 treatment-induced upregulation of PTEN protein and mRNA expression.
12 ce of accurately assessing the expression of PTEN protein and not just its mutational status.
13 sely correlated with the endogenous level of PTEN protein and overexpression of PTEN-blocked Akt phos
14 egulation leads to a decreased expression of PTEN protein and stimulation of PI3K as well as phosphor
15  (DSF-Cu) led to the decreased expression of PTEN protein and the activation of AKT in a dose- and ti
16 stal axonal attenuation of miR-19a increased PTEN proteins and inactivated mTOR in the axons, but did
17 ster reduced phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) proteins and elevated phosphorylated mammalian tar
18 nced nuclear-cytoplasmic localization of the Pten protein, and we developed the Pten(m3m4) model to s
19 and tensin homolog deleted in chromosome 10 (PTEN) protein, and PTEN phosphatase activity in cerebell
20 resulted in the transduction of a functional PTEN protein as evidenced by the upregulation of p27 and
21 nificantly blocked zinc-induced reduction of PTEN protein as well as the increase in Akt phosphorylat
22 ria contain rare glands that fail to express PTEN protein because of mutation and/or deletion.
23 nd tissue-specific fashion with the TSC2 and PTEN proteins being coordinately regulated in those tiss
24 dent degradation and diminished abundance of PTEN protein but increased PTEN phosphatase activity.
25 hereas the tumor suppressive activity of the PTEN protein can be altered at multiple levels through a
26                                  Thus, a p73-PTEN protein complex is engaged to induce apoptosis inde
27                                          The PTEN protein consists of an amino-terminal phosphatase d
28  nuclear mislocalization, resulting in rapid PTEN protein degradation, suppression of p53-mediated tr
29 , suggesting that BMP2 stimulation inhibited PTEN protein degradation.
30                 Its action may be related to PTEN protein degradation.
31 TEN in the cell membrane is known to prevent PTEN protein degradation.
32  that F9 vinculin-null (vin(-/-)) cells lack PTEN protein despite normal PTEN mRNA levels.
33 rthermore, we also demonstrate that p73alpha/PTEN proteins directly bind one another.
34  and leukemias, the Jurkat T cell line lacks PTEN protein due to frame-shift mutations in both PTEN a
35 f urothelial carcinoma samples found loss of PTEN protein expression (36.4%, n = 11) and elevation of
36 ly with either decreased or complete loss of PTEN protein expression (P = 0.004).
37 t when fibroblasts are attached to collagen, PTEN protein expression and activity are inhibited due t
38 rmline PTEN promoter mutations have aberrant PTEN protein expression and an increased frequency of br
39                                              PTEN protein expression and BCR surface density may infl
40 e investigated the association between tumor PTEN protein expression and disease-free survival (DFS)
41 elated with PTEN mutation status; decreasing PTEN protein expression correlated with increasing CC sc
42                           Overall, decreased PTEN protein expression correlated with PTEN mutation st
43 esized that phytoestrogen exposure regulates PTEN protein expression in the breast cancer cell line,
44  suggesting that the mechanism for increased PTEN protein expression is dependent upon transcription.
45                                 Quantitative PTEN protein expression was found to be the key determin
46                  Using immunohistochemistry, PTEN protein expression was lost or greatly reduced in 1
47 on between PIK3CA mutations and retention of PTEN protein expression was observed.
48                                        Their PTEN protein expression was restored by transfection wit
49 unexpected mechanism by which PD-1 decreases PTEN protein expression while increasing PTEN activity,
50  of p53 expression resulted in a decrease in PTEN protein expression, suggesting that p53 plays a cri
51  (18 cases), three showed down-regulation of PTEN protein expression.
52 opathological features were analyzed against PTEN protein expression.
53  targeted the 3'-UTR of PTEN mRNA to inhibit PTEN protein expression.
54 plicing as well as inhibition of full length PTEN protein expression.
55 inase-3beta (GSK-3beta) at Ser9, and reduced PTEN protein expression.
56 linical phenotypes and decreased full-length PTEN protein expression.
57 ion of protein translation and a decrease in PTEN protein expression.
58 y number increases of the gene and decreased PTEN protein function occurring through loss or haploins
59                                          The PTEN protein has a single catalytic domain possessing bo
60                                          The PTEN protein has at least two biochemical functions: it
61                                    Recently, PTEN protein has been shown to possess phosphatase activ
62             Despite having reduced levels of PTEN protein, homozygous Pten(FV/FV) embryos have intact
63 elic mutated or PTEN wild-type patients lack PTEN protein, implying that additional PTEN inactivation
64 lted in a significant reduction in levels of PTEN protein in a dose- and time-dependent fashion in a
65 coexist with reduced or absent expression of PTEN protein in a variety of neoplasias.
66  region of PTEN, leading to the reduction of PTEN protein in bAMs.
67 in the correlation between loss of IPO11 and PTEN protein in human lung tumors.
68                                      Loss of PTEN protein in isolated glands was common in the initia
69                         Herein, we show that PTEN protein induces a G1 block when reconstituted in PT
70 tructed different PTEN mutants that targeted PTEN protein into different subcellular compartments.
71                                Thus, loss of PTEN protein is correlated with pathological markers of
72                           We have found that PTEN protein is down-regulated under proteasome dysfunct
73                        Here we show that the PTEN protein is enriched in cell bodies and axon termina
74                           We have found that PTEN protein is overexpressed in laryngeal papillomas wh
75  On the basis of experiments with two mutant PTEN proteins, it is shown that PI(4,5)P2 induces this c
76  transcripts and severely truncated unstable PTEN protein lacking its phosphatase domain.
77  In general, the inverse correlation between PTEN protein level and Akt phosphorylation was found in
78                                          The PTEN protein level in mammary epithelial cells was varia
79 zinc treatment results in a reduction of the PTEN protein level in parallel with increased NEDD4-1 ge
80 1 and PRL2 is negatively correlated with the PTEN protein level in the testis and PRL1(+/-)/PRL2(-/-)
81 PTEN and/or PTENP1 resulted in downregulated PTEN protein levels (Figure 2H), downregulation of both
82 hemia and 30-minute reperfusion (I-15/R-30), PTEN protein levels and activity were decreased, and lev
83 ns in MSI- CRCs lead to loss or reduction of PTEN protein levels and contribute to tumor progression.
84 ction-blocking antibodies reduces endogenous PTEN protein levels and inhibits its accumulation at cel
85  evidence that E-cadherin regulates both the PTEN protein levels and its recruitment to cell-cell jun
86 N-targeting miR-19a and miR-21 modulates the PTEN protein levels and the CS and CSL phenotypes, irres
87                  These studies indicate that PTEN protein levels are dependent on the maintenance of
88 th high levels of pAKT and MKRN1 expression, PTEN protein levels are low and correlate with a low 5-y
89 ata indicate that BMP2 exposure can regulate PTEN protein levels by decreasing PTEN's association wit
90 xonal outgrowth and that local modulation of PTEN protein levels by miR-19a likely contributes to the
91                                  In general, PTEN protein levels correlated with mRNA levels, except
92                                    IP3R3 and PTEN protein levels directly correlate in human prostate
93                  We show that ZEB2 modulates PTEN protein levels in a microRNA-dependent, protein cod
94     We found that exposure to BMP2 increased PTEN protein levels in a time- and dose-dependent manner
95  analogue ATPgammaS, did not reverse nuclear PTEN protein levels in all the cell types tested.
96 N mRNA levels are the primary determinant of PTEN protein levels in BC.
97 to determine whether BMP2 stimulation alters PTEN protein levels in the breast cancer line, MCF-7.
98 to restore both nonsense and missense mutant PTEN protein levels in vitro.
99 sia with and without atypia exhibited higher PTEN protein levels than normal mammary epithelial cells
100      In PHT gastric mucosa 6 h after injury, PTEN protein levels were increased by 2.7-fold; unphosph
101                                              PTEN protein levels were low in SSc fibroblasts and corr
102                                              PTEN protein levels were restored in F9 vin(-/-) cells u
103 essential for DNA damage-induced increase of PTEN protein levels.
104 ion of missense mutations and showed reduced PTEN protein levels.
105  and were inversely correlated with germline PTEN protein levels.
106 cetin or genistein, there was an increase in PTEN protein levels.
107 overexpression in F9 vin(-/-) cells restored PTEN protein levels.
108 th MAGI-2 in F9 vin(-/-) cells also restored PTEN protein levels.
109            Phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN) protein levels are critical for tumor suppression.
110                                     PAX2 and PTEN protein loss occurs independently and accumulates w
111 revealed that Zn2+-induced ubiquitination of PTEN protein may mediate this process.
112                                          The PTEN protein negatively regulates cell migration and cel
113  data suggest that the timing of the loss of PTEN protein plays a critical role in determining the di
114         The remaining C-terminal half of the PTEN protein plays a role in its stability and is mutate
115         The tumor suppressor function of the PTEN protein (PTEN) has been linked to its ability to de
116 ormalities mediated the relationship between PTEN protein reductions and reduced cognitive ability.
117 t evidence that p53 is able to down-regulate PTEN protein stability in stressed cells.
118 s some light on the mechanisms that regulate PTEN protein stability, which is important to fully eluc
119 mino acids play a role in the maintenance of PTEN protein stability.
120  this effect is not mediated through altered PTEN protein stability.
121 s not reduce PTEN message levels but affects PTEN protein stability.
122  activity with siRNA or by expressing active PTEN protein stimulated apoptotic signaling, which reduc
123              To define the minimal region in PTEN protein that is responsible for this anti-oncogenic
124  was transferred into melanoma cells lacking PTEN protein to express the protein at normal physiologi
125 urthermore, we demonstrate that reduction of PTEN protein to heterozygote levels in human MCF7 cells
126 with an E-cadherin blocking antibody reduced PTEN protein to undetectable levels in wild-type F9 cell
127                    F9 vin(-/-) cells express PTEN protein upon transfection with a vinculin fragment
128                              The presence of PTEN protein was determined by immunostaining, and the r
129                                              PTEN protein was examined in skin biopsy samples by immu
130                              The increase in PTEN protein was rapid and was not due to an increase in
131 and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN) protein when compared with CD56(dim) NK cells.
132 t phosphorylation, we examined expression of PTEN protein, which acts as a negative regulator of the
133 , and 60% of these samples had low or absent PTEN protein, which could not be attributed to gene sile
134 ngly, some malignancies exhibit undetectable PTEN protein without mutations or loss of PTEN mRNA.

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