


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ganizes Na(+)/H(+) exchangers (NHEs) and the PTH receptor.
2 th spontaneous and BMP-induced expression of PTH receptor.
3 r, alphaKlotho, FGFR1, FGFR3, FGFR4, and the PTH receptor.
4 Pth4 can activate cAMP signaling mediated by Pth receptors.
5 mology and selectively activate either CT or PTH receptors.
6 ulates osteoblast function by binding to the PTH receptor 1 (PTHR1) to activate downstream signaling
7 timulated by parathyroid hormone (PTH) via a PTH receptor 1/cyclic AMP (cAMP)/protein kinase A (PKA)/
8  phosphorylation of the parathyroid hormone (PTH) receptor 1 (PTHR1) regulates receptor signaling in
9 t least 6 min in cells that co-expressed the PTH receptor and XLalphas.
10 ive uncoupling of the mutant G alpha(s) from PTH receptors and explain PTH-specific hormone resistanc
11 cific activation of the parathyroid hormone (PTH) receptor attenuates BCR-ABL1 oncogene-induced CML-l
12 eoblasts, and they appear to have functional PTH receptors because they responded to PTH treatment wi
13  mediated through signaling events following PTH receptor binding.
14              The data show that tethered PTH/PTH receptors can autoactivate.
15 wild-type" receptors, activate PTH/CT and CT/PTH receptor chimeras, respectively.
16 athyroid hormone (PTH) and the region of the PTH receptor containing the extracellular loops and tran
17                                       Unlike PTH receptor-deficient mice, however, Gcm2-deficient mic
18 receptor in Sox9-cre cells demonstrated that PTH receptor expression is required for teriparatide-med
19 ation, and this was associated with elevated PTH receptor expression.
20 nal extracellular domain of the human type 1 PTH receptor (hP1Rc-WT) with residues 1-9 of PTH (AVSEIQ
21               The human parathyroid hormone (PTH) receptor (hPTH1R), containing a 9-amino acid sequen
22               The reciprocal mutation in the PTH receptor (I234N) likewise unmasked responsiveness to
23         Selective, inducible deletion of the PTH receptor in Sox9-cre cells demonstrated that PTH rec
24 ey-cell line with stably transfected opossum PTH receptor in which both the 24-hydroxylase mRNA and a
25                           In the adult skin, PTH receptor mRNA was markedly reduced, but again demons
26 receptor to the corresponding residue in the PTH receptor (N192I) resulted in a receptor that binds a
27  that activation of the parathyroid hormone (PTH) receptor on osteoblasts increases stem cell number.
28 e sought to determine the impact of vascular PTH receptor (PTH1R) activity on arteriosclerotic Wnt/be
29 l progenitors, which express a low amount of PTH receptor (PTH1R) and do not respond to PTH stimulati
30 lular calcium homeostasis through the type 1 PTH receptor (PTH1R) expressed in kidney and bone.
31 volved in the activation of Galpha(s) by the PTH receptor (PTH1R) have been determined.
32 rathyroid hormone (PTH) or activation of the PTH receptor (PTH1R) in osteoblastic cells; however, the
33                                          The PTH receptor (PTH1R) is a G protein-coupled receptor tha
34  mice suggests that the parathyroid hormone (PTH) receptor (PTH1R) is the principal GPCR interacting
35 minal extracellular domain (N domain) of the PTH receptor (PTHR).
36                  Thus, resorption induced by PTH receptor signaling in osteocytes is critical for ful
37 uestion using transgenic mice with activated PTH receptor signaling in osteocytes that exhibit increa
38 nd that bone formation induced by osteocytic PTH receptor signaling on the periosteal surface depends
39          Dissecting underlying mechanisms of PTH receptor signaling would allow targeting actions in
40 ole in both binding to and activation of the PTH receptor; specifically, Arg(19)-containing analogues
41 ceptors in the secretin/parathyroid hormone (PTH) receptor subfamily are not understood.
42                                              PTH receptor transcripts were abundantly expressed in th
43 hormone (PTH) with its cognate receptor, the PTH receptor type 1 (PTHR1), have relied heavily on benz

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