


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              PTU alters ciliary-driven flow and disrupts the normal g
2                                              PTU and PU were found to be competitive inhibitors of AA
3                                              PTU exposure during gastrulation (stage 8-12.5) was iden
4                                              PTU is teratogenic during late blastula, gastrulation, a
5                                              PTU treatment also interfered with the myelination of la
6                                              PTU treatment did not arrest gonadal differentiation.
7                                              PTU-treated animals did not exhibit the extensive develo
8 hyroidism was induced by administering 0.04% PTU in drinking water for 3 months.
9                 The determination of ETU and PTU was performed by high performance liquid chromatogra
10   Quantification limits obtained for ETU and PTU with the HPLC/DAD method were 7 and 16 mug kg(-)(1)
11 termine the teratogenic potential of MMI and PTU using a validated Xenopus tropicalis embryo model.
12                Muscle fibres from normal and PTU-treated rat hearts were reconstituted with two diffe
13  reconstituted muscle fibres from normal and PTU-treated rat hearts.
14 n T (TnT) isoform compositions in the PO and PTU samples were significantly different (P = 0.001), wi
15 e in cTnI phosphorylation between the PO and PTU samples.
16 d in the absence and presence of both PU and PTU.
17 th density and small arterioles in PTU-S and PTU-L (P<0.05 or greater for all of the above comparison
18 nsion in diastole was increased in PTU-S and PTU-L rats, but only PTU-L rats showed a significant inc
19 lic wall thickness were reduced in PTU-S and PTU-L rats.
20 al blood flow were reduced in both PTU-S and PTU-L rats.
21 (V(u)) in trabeculae from both untreated and PTU-treated rats (at maximal Ca(2+) activation), and F-a
22 Pase activity in HMM from both untreated and PTU-treated rats.
23 in t/t(PTU) (18.7+/-2.1 mN x mm(-2)) and +/+(PTU) (21.9+/-4.0 mN x mm(-2)), but maximum oscillatory w
24 ) myocardial blood flow were reduced in both PTU-S and PTU-L rats.
25 hydrotestosterone) was entirely prevented by PTU treatment.
26 with abnormal LR symmetry observed following PTU exposure.
27           Spectral changes were observed for PTU binding to [CoCo(AAP)] and [CoZn(AAP)] but not for [
28                                  Testes from PTU-treated male tadpoles had seminiferous tubules and a
29                   In contrast to the gonads, PTU did block morphological development of the larynx.
30 al importance of the modified base at Pol II PTUs within members of the kinetoplastid family.
31 II polycistronic transcription units (Pol II PTUs) throughout the T. brucei genome.
32 .03 % in PO hearts versus 0.98 +/- 0.01 % in PTU hearts of total TnT.
33 rnal diameter in systole increased by 40% in PTU-S and 86% in PTU-L.
34 systole increased by 40% in PTU-S and 86% in PTU-L.
35 iolar length density and small arterioles in PTU-S and PTU-L (P<0.05 or greater for all of the above
36                        Chamber dilatation in PTU-L rats was due to series sarcomere addition, typical
37 rion performance and found to be impaired in PTU-exposed animals relative to controls.
38 ernal dimension in diastole was increased in PTU-S and PTU-L rats, but only PTU-L rats showed a signi
39  and systolic wall thickness were reduced in PTU-S and PTU-L rats.
40 uggest that the combined action of localized PTU toxicity and altered levels of circulating thyroid h
41                 Embryos were exposed to 1 mM PTU (EC(50)=0.88 mM), 1 mM MMI, or vehicle control (wate
42                                In the mouse, PTU treatment disrupts survival and differentiation of o
43     This article reviews the side effects of PTU and the literature on PTU-induced nephrotoxicity.
44       This study investigated the effects of PTU treatment, T(4) replacement therapy and thyroidectom
45 ity significantly decreased after 1 month of PTU treatment (30%) and remained at control levels with
46 ity significantly decreased after 1 month of PTU treatment (53%) and remained suppressed, despite the
47 nicians should be aware of the propensity of PTU to cause lupus-like syndromes with renal involvement
48 he side effects of PTU and the literature on PTU-induced nephrotoxicity.
49  increased in PTU-S and PTU-L rats, but only PTU-L rats showed a significant increase in myocyte leng
50 thylenethiourea (ETU) and propylenethiourea (PTU) in fruits and vegetables is presented.
51                            Propylthiouracil (PTU) is an anti-thyroid drug that reportedly can impair
52                            Propylthiouracil (PTU) is favored over methimazole (MMI) due to potential
53                            Propylthiouracil (PTU), used to treat Graves' disease, occasionally induce
54 s by treatment with 0.025% propylthiouracil (PTU) for 6 weeks (PTU-S) and 1 year (PTU-L).
55 ning alpha-MHC isoform and propylthiouracil (PTU)-treated rat hearts containing beta-MHC isoform.
56           We determined if propylthiouracil (PTU)-induced hypothyroidismin hamsters (HH) altered dopa
57 roxine synthesis inhibitor propylthiouracil (PTU).
58  hydralazine, minocycline, propylthiouracil (PTU) and levamisole-adulterated cocaine.
59 inistration of 3 or 10 ppm propylthiouracil (PTU) to pregnant and lactating dams via the drinking wat
60 lerant of CBZ and received propylthiouracil (PTU), with good effect in 3.
61 (ssTnI), were treated with propylthiouracil (PTU) to revert MHC expression from adult (alpha-MHC) to
62 ) sustained treatment with propylthiouracil (PTU).
63 in) and those treated with propylthiouracil (PTU; V3 myosin).
64 lae, and were given 0.02% n-propythiouracil (PTU) in their drinking water for 4 weeks.
65 development of thyroid cancer in Thrb(PV/PV)-PTU and untreated Thrb(PV/PV) mice.
66  reduced by approximately 42% in Thrb(PV/PV)-PTU mice as compared with Thrb(PV/PV) mice.
67 /PV) mice with propylthiouracil (Thrb(PV/PV)-PTU mice) and compared the development of thyroid cancer
68 ridine in thyroid tumor cells of Thrb(PV/PV)-PTU mice, indicative of decreased tumor cell proliferati
69 sing tumor cell proliferation in Thrb(PV/PV)-PTU mice.
70 s in apoptosis of tumor cells in Thrb(PV/PV)-PTU mice.
71 maximum isometric tension was similar in t/t(PTU) (18.7+/-2.1 mN x mm(-2)) and +/+(PTU) (21.9+/-4.0 m
72 efficiency was significantly enhanced in t/t(PTU) (26.1+/-2.6%) compared with +/+(PTU) (17.1+/-1.6%).
73 ations occurred at higher frequencies in t/t(PTU) (7.31+/-1.17 Hz) compared with +/+(PTU) (4.48+/-0.6
74 cous load was significantly lower in the t/t(PTU) compared with +/+(PTU), ie, approximately 40% lower
75 (PTU)) and homozygous-truncated cMyBP-C (t/t(PTU)) mice starting at age approximately 8 weeks and lea
76 ontractile efficiency is enhanced in the t/t(PTU), probably through a reduced loss of mechanical ener
77 sitive to phosphate concentration in the t/t(PTU).
78 e +/+(PTU) and effectively absent in the t/t(PTU).
79 have important implications for women taking PTU during early pregnancy.
80 in other biological systems demonstrate that PTU can significantly alter glutathione S-transferase (G
81 f cardiac heavy meromyosin (HMM) showed that PTU treatment resulted in >40% reduction of ATPase activ
82 onfirmed that cMyBP-C was present in the +/+(PTU) and effectively absent in the t/t(PTU).
83  was resistant to thionamide alone (CBZ then PTU) and responded to adjunctive steroids.
84 -week diet of 0.15% 6-n-propyl-2-thiouracil (PTU) was fed to wild-type (+/+(PTU)) and homozygous-trun
85                         1-Phenyl-2-thiourea (PTU) and urea (PU) were also examined to determine the d
86 hemical compounds (e.g. 1-phenyl-2-thiourea, PTU) or pigmentation mutant strains (e.g. casper mutant)
87 of circulating thyroid hormone contribute to PTU-mediated abnormalities in the olfactory system.
88  are consequent to localized toxicity due to PTU metabolism.
89                                  Exposure to PTU, but not MMI, led to cardiac and gut looping defects
90 2-thiouracil (PTU) was fed to wild-type (+/+(PTU)) and homozygous-truncated cMyBP-C (t/t(PTU)) mice s
91  sequences flanking the polycistronic units (PTUs) in T. cruzi.
92                                       Unlike PTU-treated animals, crystal larvae are able to perform
93 h 0.025% propylthiouracil (PTU) for 6 weeks (PTU-S) and 1 year (PTU-L).
94                        Tadpoles treated with PTU for 50 or 100 days had larynges which structurally r
95                     One month treatment with PTU revealed a significant decrease in expression of GST
96  in t/t(PTU) (26.1+/-2.6%) compared with +/+(PTU) (17.1+/-1.6%).
97  t/t(PTU) (7.31+/-1.17 Hz) compared with +/+(PTU) (4.48+/-0.60 Hz) and was significantly more sensiti
98 ntly lower in the t/t(PTU) compared with +/+(PTU), ie, approximately 40% lower at 1 Hz.
99 uracil (PTU) for 6 weeks (PTU-S) and 1 year (PTU-L).

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