


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e evolution of land plants during the middle Paleozoic.
2  diversity gradient was present in the early Paleozoic.
3 n twice as high in the Neogene as in the mid-Paleozoic.
4 l relative-abundance distributions after the Paleozoic.
5 systems throughout the remainder of the Late Paleozoic.
6 errestrial plant and animal evolution in the Paleozoic.
7 <1%) and went up slightly in the mid-to-late Paleozoic.
8 d confirms that Ostracoda were extant in the Paleozoic.
9   Atmospheric O2 levels then rose in the mid Paleozoic (359-252 Ma), and Nrf2 diverged once again at
10 nclude Paleoproterozoic, Neoproterozoic, and Paleozoic age constraints, and should aid in our ability
11 om their closest extant relatives during the Paleozoic, all contemporary species of Trichinella diver
12          The septal sutures of 588 genera of Paleozoic ammonoids showed a 1600 percent increase in me
13 idaroidea, which diverged from a common late Paleozoic ancestor.
14  an equilibrium number of species during the Paleozoic and demonstrate the need to consider both temp
15 ze to their own, was thus far lacking in the Paleozoic and early Mesozoic.
16 rsification of terrestrial ecosystems in the Paleozoic and enhanced rising CO2 concentrations across
17   Empirical estimates of [CO(2)](atm) during Paleozoic and Mesozoic greenhouse climates are based pri
18 inental arcs correspond with prominent early Paleozoic and Mesozoic greenhouse climates, whereas redu
19 tes of the Cryogenian, Late Ordovician, late Paleozoic, and Cenozoic.
20 arbon isotope variations in the Proterozoic, Paleozoic, and Triassic.
21 ications of morphological diversity in early Paleozoic animals, with some workers using apparently ra
22 ment larval surfaces of some of the earliest Paleozoic apatitic-shelled brachiopods and may also be i
23 leontological record of the lower and middle Paleozoic Appalachian foreland basin demonstrates an unp
24 otably by the Ordovician, and not in the mid-Paleozoic as suggested by multiple previous studies.
25 ong Meso-Cenozoic assemblages than among the Paleozoic assemblages that preceded them.
26                   Such hyperoxia of the late Paleozoic atmosphere may have physiologically facilitate
27 fication are related to fluctuations in Late Paleozoic atmospheric oxygen concentration.
28 ecord of predation indicates that attacks on Paleozoic brachiopods were very rare, especially compare
29 ory of sea-level fluctuations for the entire Paleozoic by using stratigraphic sections from pericrato
30                       Here, I derive 24 Late Paleozoic CO(2) estimates from the fossil cuticle record
31 ionary innovations between fungi and plants, Paleozoic coal abundance was likely the result of a uniq
32 opod and vertebrate taxa before a major Late Paleozoic colonization of terrestrial habitats.
33 ogical characters of a global sample of post-Paleozoic crinoid echinoderms shows that this group unde
34 sted strongly with the predominantly sessile Paleozoic crinoid faunas.
35                               Analysis of 11 Paleozoic crinoid Lagerstatten revealed a significant in
36 orders during the adaptive radiation of post-Paleozoic crinoids suggests a general functional importa
37 , and still are, globally widespread in post-Paleozoic crinoids.
38                                     The late Paleozoic deglaciation is the vegetated Earth's only rec
39 ces in the dynamics of Paleozoic versus post-Paleozoic diversification.
40                                          The Paleozoic Dniepr-Donets Basin in Belarus, Ukraine, and R
41 n of the DNG thus predates the burst of post-Paleozoic echinoid morphological diversification that be
42 ds were related to benthic predation by post-Paleozoic echinoids with their stronger and more active
43  levels have been determined for most of the Paleozoic Era (542 to 251 million years ago), but an int
44 arate groups of forms that characterized the Paleozoic Era.
45 ond during the late Neoproterozoic and early Paleozoic eras (0.6-0.45 Gya).
46 ttern of diversification matches that of the Paleozoic Evolutionary Fauna; hence, trilobites were act
47  However, fractionation during the early/mid-Paleozoic fails to correlate with shelf area.
48                     In Aetheretmon and other Paleozoic fishes, the vertebrae-bearing tail continues t
49 elationships between the different groups of Paleozoic gnathostomes are still debated, mainly because
50                                    The early Paleozoic greenhouse may have been curbed by the evoluti
51 epresents a morphological 'link' between the Paleozoic griffenflies (Meganisoptera) and the modern ta
52 s of morphological evolution during the post-Paleozoic history of a major invertebrate clade, the Ech
53           Recent studies have suggested that Paleozoic hyperoxia enabled animal gigantism, and the su
54 the climate and carbon cycle during the late Paleozoic ice age and the climatic significance of the f
55                 Widespread gigantism in late Paleozoic insects and other arthropods is also consisten
56              The Carboniferous Period of the Paleozoic is so named for massive, widespread coal depos
57 ed, mainly because of incomplete datasets on Paleozoic jawed vertebrate fossils and ontogeny of some
58 on bears fundamental similarities to that of Paleozoic lobopodians [1, 6, 9, 10].
59 lling frequencies were very low in the early Paleozoic (&lt;<1%) and went up slightly in the mid-to-late
60   Extinction intensities calculated from 505 Paleozoic marine assemblages divided among six environme
61 ing this interval, referred to as the Middle Paleozoic Marine Revolution, the diversity of shell-crus
62   The stages immediately following the three Paleozoic mass extinctions also account for 17% of all o
63                                  Crown-group Paleozoic members of the arachnid order Opiliones are in
64 y rare, especially compared to those on post-Paleozoic mollusks, yet stratigraphically and geographic
65 ysis indicates that selective regimes in the Paleozoic ocean plankton switched rapidly (generally in
66 unas, from shallower water refugia, than the Paleozoic or early Mesozoic origin of these faunas sugge
67 ted to the size of extinction bottlenecks in Paleozoic orders-and ongoing physical environmental chan
68 lly high levels of disparity observed in the Paleozoic origins of major metazoan body plans, or in th
69 ical analyses suggest the presence of a late Paleozoic oxygen pulse beginning in the late Devonian an
70 470 Ma onward, were responsible for this mid-Paleozoic oxygenation event, through greatly increasing
71 ses for two ~4100 Ma detrital zircons from a Paleozoic quartzite at the Longquan area of the Cathaysi
72 ionary pattern seen during the group's early Paleozoic radiation.
73                                        Early Paleozoic radiations established stable ecosystem relati
74                                              Paleozoic ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii), relatives
75                     Our analysis of the post-Paleozoic record of ordinal first appearances indicates
76 lies that, even if clades surviving from the Paleozoic represented ecological incumbents that hindere
77 cal complexity of the sporophyte body in the Paleozoic resulted at least in part from the recruitment
78                   Smaller spinose fossils in Paleozoic rocks have commonly been interpreted as algal
79 wide was promoted by unique aspects of early Paleozoic seawater chemistry that strongly impacted sedi
80 aasporophyll in this important group of Late Paleozoic seed plants.
81 rts, but this effect was limited to the post-Paleozoic, suggesting differences in the dynamics of Pal
82 rm, secular environmental changes during the Paleozoic that provided opportunities for body size incr
83 l for absolute plate motion back to earliest Paleozoic time (540 Ma).
84 malayan rocks may have occurred during early Paleozoic time.
85             A major implication is that many Paleozoic total group lissamphibians (i.e., higher temno
86                                 The rates of Paleozoic true polar wander (<1 degrees /My) are compati
87 y-two eustatic events are documented for the Paleozoic, varying in magnitude from a few tens of meter
88 c, suggesting differences in the dynamics of Paleozoic versus post-Paleozoic diversification.
89                                      For the Paleozoic, we have identified six phases of slow, oscill
90 niquely adapted to this habitat in the Lower Paleozoic, which was widespread in the Late Cambrian ove

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