


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              PcG hyperactivity in B-cell lymphomas is caused by overe
2                                              PcG proteins are organized into multiprotein complexes t
3                                              PcG proteins are present at elevated levels in cancer ce
4                                              PcG proteins regulate expression of homeotic genes and a
5                                              PcG-mediated repression does not play a significant role
6                 Featured prominently are (1) PcG-controlled nonskin lineage genes, whose expression i
7 that transcription factor YY1 functions as a PcG protein.
8 ectively, these findings reveal a role for a PcG complex in promoting mRNA transcription.
9                     Our findings highlight a PcG/MBT collaboration that attains repressive chromatin
10 LT-HSC activity and that UBAP2L is part of a PcG subcomplex comprising BMI1, we propose a model in wh
11 netic silencing and opened new visions about PcG functions in cells.
12                  Knock-down of YY1 abrogated PcG recruitment, which was not compensated by exogenous
13  advancements in targeted strategies against PcG as promising therapeutics for B-cell malignancies.
14 AP-Enhancer of zeste [E(z)], we captured all PcG-repressive complex 1 (PRC1) or PRC2 core components
15 e show that one role of H3K27me3 is to allow PcG complexes anchored at PREs to interact with surround
16 TRs instead possess a functionally analogous PcG protein, EMF1.
17 t genes that are co-regulated by cohesin and PcG proteins.
18 wn leads to PcG protein foci disassembly and PcG protein dispersion.
19 inding of key epigenetic writers/erasers and PcG complexes to restrict tumor development.
20                    Bindings of both HDAC and PcG to Arf are disrupted by inactivation of p53 and can
21 lts indicate that p53 recruits both HDAC and PcG to Arf locus to repress its expression, and this rep
22  show that p53 is required for both HDAC and PcG to repress Arf expression.
23 I-1, suggesting opposing roles for PEITC and PcG proteins in control of tumor progression.
24 ctions; for instance, between repressors and PcG proteins.
25                                     TrxG and PcG complexes play key roles in the epigenetic regulatio
26                    In contrast, the TrxG and PcG proteins Trithorax and Enhancer-of-Zeste, which are
27         Although trxG is known to antagonize PcG, emerging data reveal that trxG can also repress gen
28 w two central regulatory mechanisms, such as PcG and microRNA, assemble to achieve a developmental ou
29 anscription through PREs disrupts associated PcG complexes, contributing to the establishment of the
30 (TET2), additional sex combs like 1 (ASXL1), PcG enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) and DNA methyltra
31 How this modification becomes established at PcG-repressed loci is generally not known, but it has be
32 le in shaping H2AK119 mono-ubiquitylation at PcG targets and underpins an activity-based communicatio
33                                      Because PcG-associated aberrant DNA methylation is a hallmark of
34 estive of functional diversification between PcG proteins.
35 rowth-control genes between Polycomb bodies (PcGs) and interchromatin granules (ICGs) in response to
36  structures characteristic of those bound by PcG complexes, consistent with the possibility that RNA
37 t saturation of the INK4b-ARF-INK4a locus by PcG complexes.
38  ~75% of hypermethylated genes are marked by PcG in the context of bivalent chromatin in both ESCs an
39          Aberrant epigenetic modification by PcG is strongly correlated with the severity and invasiv
40  lysine 118 (H2AK118ub) outside of canonical PcG target regions, dependent on the RING/Sce subunit of
41 that forms of chromatin other than canonical PcG/TrxG transitions take over key roles during neural d
42 ely limited pool of experimentally confirmed PcG target genes.
43 n which at least 2 different BMI1-containing PcG complexes regulate HSC activity, which are distingui
44 targets the NFI-A promoter region containing PcGs binding sites and miR-223 complementary DNA sequenc
45                                 In contrast, PcG members restrain senescence by epigenetically repres
46 esults strongly suggest that Scm coordinates PcG complexes and polymerizes to produce broad domains o
47 n A/C is evolutionarily required for correct PcG protein nuclear compartmentalization.
48 rrent activation and repression of different PcG target genes.
49 anscription through a PRE sequence displaces PcG proteins and provides a universal mechanism for indu
50 tone H3 lysine-4 demethylase form a distinct PcG complex, termed EMF1c, that plays PRC1-like roles an
51                     The essential Drosophila PcG protein, Posterior Sex Combs (PSC), compacts chromat
52 ene, a mammalian homologue of the Drosophila PcG protein SCM, encodes two protein isoforms: SCML2A th
53                               In Drosophila, PcG proteins are bound to DNA fragments called Polycomb
54 lls produced in vitro do not fully eliminate PcG-mediated repression on endocrine-specific genes, pro
55 mutant SAM disrupts clustering of endogenous PcG complexes and chromatin interactions while elevating
56                                 An essential PcG complex, PRC1, compacts chromatin and inhibits chrom
57 nt with the possibility that RNA facilitates PcG recruitment or maintenance at these sites.
58               Linking transcription factors, PcG proteins and paused Pol II states, these data identi
59 sociated proteins copurified with Cbx family PcG proteins from mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells.
60  the cis-regulatory elements is critical for PcG recruitment, while high GC content and high conserva
61 ve biochemical and theoretical framework for PcG and TrxG regulation has the potential to reconcile s
62 ) proteins, and that MIR31HG is required for PcG-mediated repression of the INK4A locus.
63 La cells showed that YAF2 is responsible for PcG recruitment to DNA, which is mediated by YY1 DNA bin
64     These findings identify a novel role for PcG proteins in promoting cancer cell survival via repre
65                              Polycomb group (PcG) and trithorax Group (trxG) proteins maintain the "O
66         The highly-conserved Polycomb group (PcG) and trithorax group (trxG) proteins play major role
67 ncoding RNAs are involved in Polycomb group (PcG) and Trithorax group (TrxG) regulation has been on a
68 We identify silencers of the Polycomb group (PcG) as principal contributors to this mechanism and sho
69 The genomic binding sites of Polycomb group (PcG) complexes have been found to cluster, forming Polyc
70 2, a component of repressive Polycomb Group (PcG) complexes like PRC2, is increased on reactivation o
71                              Polycomb group (PcG) complexes PRC1 and PRC2 are well known for silencin
72                              Polycomb group (PcG) complexes such as PRC1 mediate transcriptional repr
73 in which CpG islands recruit Polycomb group (PcG) complexes; however, which subset of CGIs is selecte
74         Here, we show that a Polycomb group (PcG) component, Enhancer of Zeste [E(z)], a histone tran
75 y the opposing activities of Polycomb group (PcG) factors and trithorax group (trxG) factors.
76  of these domains depends on Polycomb Group (PcG) functions, which include trimethylation of lysine 2
77                          The polycomb group (PcG) genes encode a family of proteins that methylate an
78   Here, we uncover a role of Polycomb Group (PcG) genes in the temporally precise repression of WUS e
79 differentiation genes by the Polycomb group (PcG) machinery is emerging as a key feature of precursor
80 encing through the so-called Polycomb Group (PcG) mechanism.
81                          The Polycomb Group (PcG) of chromatin modifiers regulates pluripotency and d
82  and differentiation are the Polycomb group (PcG) of proteins, organized in the nucleus as microscopi
83 mpanied by repression of the polycomb group (PcG) protein BMI1 and induction of cellular senescence.
84                          The Polycomb group (PcG) protein BMI1 is a key factor in regulating hematopo
85                          The Polycomb group (PcG) protein Bmi1 is an essential epigenetic regulator o
86                          The Polycomb group (PcG) protein BMI1 is essential for the activity of both
87 chanism of repression by the Polycomb group (PcG) protein Enhancer of zeste [E(Z)], which is involved
88  regulators belonging to the Polycomb Group (PcG) protein family.
89 sertion region 1 (Bmi1) is a Polycomb Group (PcG) protein important in gene silencing.
90 ften in association with the polycomb group (PcG) protein Polycomb (Pc), a subunit of polycomb repres
91 onditional knock-out (KO) of Polycomb Group (PcG) protein YY1 results in pro-B cell arrest and reduce
92 DFO1 interacts with the rice polycomb group (PcG) proteins (OsMSI1 and OsiEZ1).
93                              Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are best known for their role in maintaini
94                              Polycomb Group (PcG) proteins are crucial for epigenetic inheritance of
95                              Polycomb Group (PcG) proteins are epigenetic repressors essential for co
96                          The Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are epigenetic suppressors of gene express
97                              Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are epigenetic transcriptional factors tha
98                              Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are essential for accurate axial body patt
99                              Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are key chromatin regulators implicated in
100                          The Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are key regulators of development in Droso
101                              Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are required for the epigenetic maintenanc
102                              Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are responsible for maintaining the silenc
103 s key epigenetic regulators, polycomb group (PcG) proteins are responsible for the control of cell pr
104                              Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are transcriptional repressors of genes in
105                              Polycomb Group (PcG) proteins assemble a chromatin state that maintains
106 genes through cobinding with Polycomb group (PcG) proteins at transcriptional start sites, whereas it
107  both tumors overexpress the polycomb group (PcG) proteins BMI-1 and EZH2, which contribute to tumori
108 rectly repress expression of Polycomb group (PcG) proteins CBX7, embryonic ectoderm development (EED)
109 how nuclear organization and Polycomb group (PcG) proteins contribute to epigenetically inheritable p
110                              Polycomb group (PcG) proteins control the epigenetic inheritance of tran
111 ion and segregation, and the Polycomb group (PcG) proteins for their roles in epigenetic gene silenci
112                          The Polycomb Group (PcG) proteins form several complexes with important and
113                              Polycomb group (PcG) proteins function as chromatin-based transcriptiona
114                              Polycomb group (PcG) proteins initiate the formation of repressed chroma
115             For example, the Polycomb Group (PcG) proteins maintain developmental gene silencing usin
116                              Polycomb Group (PcG) proteins maintain transcriptional repression throug
117                              Polycomb Group (PcG) proteins mediate heritable gene silencing by modify
118                          The Polycomb group (PcG) proteins modulate nucleosomes to maintain repressio
119                              Polycomb group (PcG) proteins play an important role in the control of d
120                              Polycomb group (PcG) proteins play important roles in regulating develop
121                          The Polycomb group (PcG) proteins regulate stem cell differentiation via the
122 isions in Drosophila require Polycomb group (PcG) proteins to maintain the silent state and Trithorax
123 e balanced activities of the Polycomb group (PcG) proteins within the PRC1 and PRC2 complexes, and th
124 idence has demonstrated that polycomb group (PcG) proteins, a subset of histone-modifying enzymes kno
125 1HG genomic regions and with Polycomb group (PcG) proteins, and that MIR31HG is required for PcG-medi
126                          The polycomb group (PcG) proteins, Bmi-1 and Ezh2, are important epigenetic
127 nome architecture, including Polycomb group (PcG) proteins, form subnuclear structures.
128 c-induced transformed cells, polycomb group (PcG) proteins, including BMI1 and SUZ12, were activated
129 dy of evidence suggests that Polycomb group (PcG) proteins, key regulators of lineage specific gene e
130 , and bind to the repressive Polycomb group (PcG) proteins, often in the context of bivalent chromati
131 izes epigenetic silencing by Polycomb group (PcG) proteins, stimulates enhancer-dependent transcripti
132  silencing is carried out by Polycomb group (PcG) proteins, which must be correctly recruited only to
133 iched with promoter-proximal Polycomb Group (PcG) proteins, yet lacking the classical H3K27me3 PcG si
134 tone deacetylases (HDAC) and polycomb group (PcG) proteins.
135   Evidence is presented that Polycomb group (PcG) repressors can influence paused Pol II.
136  maintains downregulation of Polycomb Group (PcG) target genes in lhp1 mutants, while it sustains hig
137 uire stable silencing by the polycomb group (PcG) to prevent misexpression during differentiation and
138 rget genes are also bound by Polycomb group (PcG) transcriptional repressor proteins and change durin
139 he first genes composing the Polycomb group (PcG) were identified 50 years ago in Drosophila melanoga
140 leg (Scm) is a member of the Polycomb group (PcG), a set of transcriptional repressors that maintain
141 meotic (Ph), a member of the Polycomb Group (PcG), is a gene silencer critical for proper development
142 sensitive to activity of the Polycomb Group (PcG), suggesting that PcG attenuation upon polarity loss
143                              Polycomb group (PcG)-mediated repression is an evolutionarily conserved
144       We identify removal of Polycomb group (PcG)-mediated repression on stage-specific genes as a ke
145 n trithorax-group (TrxG) and polycomb-group (PcG) chromatin states are vital for the differentiation
146 c of males with mutations in Polycomb-group (PcG) genes.
147                              Polycomb-group (PcG) proteins function to ensure correct deployment of d
148 one deacetylases (HDACs) and Polycomb-group (PcG) proteins.
149                      Polycomb protein group (PcG)-dependent trimethylation on H3K27 (H3K27me3) regula
150 proteins, yet lacking the classical H3K27me3 PcG signature.
151                                          How PcG complexes form repressive chromatin domains remains
152 se findings radically change our view of how PcG repression is targeted and suggest that PRC1 and PRC
153              Recent findings have identified PcG proteins both as targets for modification by the sma
154 ography-tandem mass spectrometry to identify PcG interaction partners, we confirmed the existence of
155 rder structures, thereby leading to impaired PcG protein repressive functions.
156                                 Importantly, PcG-mediated repression may serve as a precursor for the
157 ses detachment from chromatin and defects in PcG protein-mediated higher-order structures, thereby le
158 types susceptible to switches in identity in PcG mutants.
159   However, the role of the Ph SAM polymer in PcG-mediated gene silencing was uncertain.
160 M1BP-regulated genes results in reduction in PcG binding, the release of paused Pol II, increases in
161 auses a concentration-dependent reduction in PcG protein (Bmi-1, Ezh2) expression in SCC-13 skin canc
162 the ncRNAs TUG1 and MALAT1/NEAT2, located in PcGs and ICGs, respectively.
163 nt a model of YAF2-dependent and independent PcG DNA recruitment by YY1.
164 ocus and recruiting, directly or indirectly, PcG that methylates histone H3 Lys-27 at WUS.
165 some-dependent mechanism, thereby inhibiting PcG-dependent pro-survival epigenetic events.
166 eins, and such binding is dependent on a key PcG component SUZ12.
167           Hypothalamic expression of two key PcG genes, Eed and Cbx7, decreased and methylation of th
168 e underlying epigenetic mechanisms that link PcG function with ANRIL, which impose gene silencing to
169 how the developmental program reverses local PcG action to allow expression of terminal differentiati
170 we determined that components of three major PcG protein complexes are present at an engrailed PRE in
171                                  A mammalian PcG protein, enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (Ezh2), trigger
172                               We manipulated PcG clusters by disrupting the polymerization activity o
173  this effector of senescence to the SA-miRNA/PcG self-regulatory loop.
174 y we have analysed the function of the mouse PcG protein polycomblike 2 (Pcl2), one of three homologu
175 tion to transcriptional activity in most non-PcG target genes and intergenic regions and is governed
176 orm of epigenetic memory required for normal PcG chromatin domain function in gene regulation.
177                 We infer that the ability of PcG proteins to compact chromatin in vitro can be predic
178 myogenic program because of an alteration of PcG protein-mediated transcriptional repression.
179 ypothesis that compaction is a key aspect of PcG function.
180 ecular regulatory mechanisms at the basis of PcG-mediated epigenetic silencing and opened new visions
181 e putative human PRE has enriched binding of PcG proteins, and such binding is dependent on a key PcG
182 n by predicting the compacting capability of PcG proteins from species other than Drosophila and mice
183 a on other loci, speaks to the complexity of PcG targeting in mammals.
184 C1)-like 4 (PRC1L4), given the copresence of PcG proteins RING1, RING2, and PCGF6/MBLR.
185 tantially expedite experimental discovery of PcG target genes by providing an effective initial scree
186  and polymerizes to produce broad domains of PcG silencing.
187 ps were frequently located within domains of PcG-repressed chromatin.
188 rvation level are also important features of PcG target genes.
189 e impact of SFN on the level and function of PcG proteins in skin cancer cells has not been assessed.
190 ll-established cancer-associated function of PcG proteins.
191  was also associated with hypomethylation of PcG target genes that are typically hypermethylated in c
192 to facilitate experimental identification of PcG target genes, here we propose a novel computational
193  targets that are regulated independently of PcG.
194  transformation was blocked by inhibition of PcG function.
195                                Interplays of PcG and miRNA deregulations often establish a vicious si
196 f PcG-mediated gene silencing, interplays of PcG with other epigenetic regulators such as miRNAs duri
197 is crucial to understanding the mechanism of PcG recruitment to PREs.
198    Unfortunately, the molecular mechanism of PcG-mediated epigenetic regulation remained elusive, par
199 essive complexes (PRC) nor the mechanisms of PcG and trxG-mediated gene silencing and activation are
200  by overexpression or recurrent mutations of PcG genes and deregulation of microRNAs (miRNAs) or tran
201                              Organization of PcG proteins into small, abundant clusters on chromatin
202         We characterized the organization of PcG target genes in ESCs and neural progenitors using 5C
203  was partially reversed by overexpression of PcG member BMI-1, suggesting opposing roles for PEITC an
204 its own transcription via the recruitment of PcG complexes to the FMR1 locus.
205 DSBs) but evidence for direct recruitment of PcG proteins at specific breaks remains limited.
206 g protein that is involved in recruitment of PcG proteins.
207 d illustrate the diversity and redundancy of PcG protein recruitment mechanisms.
208 udies have been focused on the regulation of PcG activity itself.
209 late transcription through the regulation of PcG protein epigenetic factors.
210 progression associates with reinstatement of PcG-dependent repression.
211 n, reduced Pc activity, and de-repression of PcG targets.
212                        The important role of PcG in mediating repression of the INK4b-ARF-INK4a locus
213 role in transmitting epigenetic silencing of PcG targets by linking PRC1 to formation of a repressive
214 ylation preferentially targets the subset of PcG genes that are developmental regulators, and this ma
215 ssium (Kv) channel genes are also targets of PcG regulation in stem cells.
216 'cellular memory' of active transcription of PcG-regulated genes.
217 w, we summarize our current understanding of PcG-mediated gene silencing, interplays of PcG with othe
218 echanism of regulated protein degradation on PcG homeostasis and epigenetic activity.
219 s-induced death and that survival depends on PcG function.
220 This action facilitates the binding of other PcG proteins to chromatin for purposes of transcriptiona
221                     In Drosophila, Polycomb (PcG) and Trithorax (TrxG) group proteins are assembled o
222 " hypermethylation, recruitment of polycomb (PcG)-RNAi complexes, and miR-223 promoter targeting acti
223 d cancer genes are occupied by the Polycomb (PcG) repressor complex in embryonic stem cells (ESCs).
224  on the balance between repression (Polycomb-PcG) and activation (Trithorax-TrxG) of a developmentall
225 m Drosophila argue that cohesin and the PRC1 PcG complex interact to control transcription of many ac
226              We report two novel prospective PcG-dependent regulatory elements within the human HOXB
227 ndidates that impact polycomb group protein (PcG)-regulated gene expression in vivo A novel lncRNA fr
228                     Polycomb group proteins (PcG) are transcriptional repressors that control cell id
229                     Polycomb group proteins (PcG) function as transcriptional repressors of gene expr
230              The Polycomb group of proteins (PcG) is important for transcriptional repression and sil
231 argeting: The same DNA elements that recruit PcG complexes to a repressed locus also encode transcrip
232                           Agents that reduce PcG protein level are regarded as potentially cancer-pre
233  may suppress cancer progression by reducing PcG protein level via a proteasome-dependent mechanism,
234 parasegment-specific signatures that reflect PcG function, chromatin from single parasegments was iso
235 inding proteins, JARID2 and YY1, to regulate PcG activity at these three elements.
236 iption factors such as c-MYC, which regulate PcG expression.
237 ich drives seed coat development by removing PcG function.
238                The genomic loci of repressed PcG targets formed discrete, small (20-140 Kb) domains o
239 e regulatory elements in removing repressive PcG complexes.
240                                        Since PcG and TrxG are ubiquitous and lack apparent sequence s
241 ats, and transcription factor-binding sites (PcG/MIR/TFBS), was associated with reduced survival (HR,
242                                         Some PcG proteins covalently modify histones, which contribut
243 ion to loss of homeotic gene silencing, some PcG mutants also have small imaginal discs.
244                        In mammalian systems, PcG proteins participate in the control of pluripotency,
245                              By FLAG-tagging PcG proteins and expressing them specifically where engr
246 ferentiation and in disease states, and that PcG expression is regulated by agents that influence cel
247 ome inhibitor-treated cells and confirm that PcG protein levels are regulated by proteasome activity.
248 er spread interest for the contribution that PcG proteins revealed in the pathogenesis and progressio
249  chromatin immunoprecipitation evidence that PcG proteins are bound to the Thor 5' region in vivo.
250      Here we describe our novel finding that PcG-dependent repression of the Kv1.5 channel gene KCNA5
251               The prevalent model holds that PcG proteins bind PREs only in cells where the target ge
252              Our data question the idea that PcG protein recruitment provides a link between DSB repa
253                            We also show that PcG acts downstream of AG and probably in parallel with
254                      These results show that PcG binding per se does not determine the transcriptiona
255                     Recent studies show that PcG proteins are expressed in epidermis, that their leve
256 per-resolution microscopy, here we show that PcG proteins are organized into hundreds of nanoscale pr
257 contributors to this mechanism and show that PcG proteins repress Kiss1, a puberty-activating gene.
258              These results thus suggest that PcG proteins can directly modulate cell growth in Drosop
259 of the Polycomb Group (PcG), suggesting that PcG attenuation upon polarity loss potentiates select ta
260  forced expression of Bmi-1, suggesting that PcG proteins, consistent with a prosurvival action, may
261                                          The PcG protein Enhancer of Zeste Homolog 2 (EZH2) works as
262                                          The PcG proteins recognize target genomic loci through cis D
263 ly lower than in native tissues, and (2) the PcG-regulated Ink4a/Inkb/Arf locus.
264            We tested these two models at the PcG target gene engrailed.
265 essential, nonredundant role in clearing the PcG complex and H3K27me3 from the CpG island.
266 cription through a PRE fails to dislodge the PcG proteins, nor does it remove repressive histone mark
267 of AEBP2 may have opposite functions for the PcG target genes, and may play significant roles in cell
268 est findings regarding the properties of the PcG and COMPASS families and the insight they provide in
269 omb-repressive complex 1 (PRC1) class of the PcG are conserved from flies to humans and inhibit trans
270 e integuments, leading to the removal of the PcG block on seed coat development.
271 n HOX clusters can recruit components of the PcG complexes and confer repression, similar to what has
272 focus on the multiple modes of action of the PcG complexes and describe their biological roles.
273 wever, little is known about the role of the PcG machinery in regulating the transition from juvenile
274 ect of HDACi, and restores expression of the PcG protein BMI1.
275 vity of the sterile alpha motif (SAM) of the PcG protein Polyhomeotic (Ph) or by increasing Ph levels
276 a pattern virtually identical to that of the PcG protein, Psc.
277 hylation module," comprises a portion of the PcG target genes that are down-regulated in cancer.
278 ch, namely the biochemical properties of the PcG/TrxG system and the application of theoretical mathe
279                  These regions recruited the PcG proteins BMI1 and SUZ12 to a reporter construct in m
280  distribution of expression suggest that the PcG proteins have a central role in maintaining the bala
281 REs via GTGT motifs and colocalizes with the PcG proteins Pleiohomeotic (Pho) and Polyhomeotic (Ph) a
282        Remarkably, both the integrity of the PcGs-RNAi complex and DNA sequences matching the seed re
283    This is achieved by the activity of three PcG repressive complex 2s (PRC2s) and the participation
284                                        Thus, PcG targeting elements overlap with enhancers.
285 s reveals that lamin A/C knock-down leads to PcG protein foci disassembly and PcG protein dispersion.
286  a molecular network from DNA recognition to PcG recruitment, highlighting the essential role of Ster
287 trast, the bulk of H2AK118ub is unrelated to PcG repression.
288 enic flies, implying that not only the trans PcG proteins but also certain features of the cis PREs a
289  and a subordinate role in establishing TrxG/PcG chromatin structure at sites unique to differentiate
290           However, the mechanisms underlying PcG recruitment in mammals remain unclear since few regu
291 conferred repression that was dependent upon PcG expression.
292                     We also examined whether PcG proteins are bound to an engrailed PRE in cells wher
293 osome compaction is a key mechanism by which PcG proteins maintain gene silencing during mouse develo
294 ly used to inhibit growth of tumors in which PcG protein BMI1 is overexpressed or the PRC1 activity i
295 CNA5 promoter is marked in cancer cells with PcG-dependent chromatin repressive modifications that in
296 ce floral organ identity by cooperating with PcG proteins to regulate the H3K27me3-mediated epigeneti
297 s gene expression, acting cooperatively with PcG.
298 increasing cohesin stability interferes with PcG silencing at genes that are co-regulated by cohesin
299 ansformations similar to those observed with PcG loss-of-function mutations.
300 amino-acid YY1 REPO domain necessary for YY1 PcG function, and used this mutant (YY1DeltaREPO), to tr

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