


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rgence in new territories (e.g., the Arabian Peninsula).
2 adapted moss commonly found in the Antarctic Peninsula.
3 solated populations in Italy and the Iberian Peninsula.
4  four NS populations from across the Iberian peninsula.
5 erennially cold waters of the west Antarctic Peninsula.
6 oast, with the highest values on the Florida peninsula.
7  Center or hCoV-EMC), emerged in the Arabian Peninsula.
8 explains the observed trend over the Arabian Peninsula.
9 wider geographical region beyond the Arabian peninsula.
10 auna in a submerged cave on Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula.
11 focus, and the third in the southern Arabian Peninsula.
12  livestock throughout Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.
13  the ecology and appearance of the Antarctic Peninsula.
14 terranean waters of the north-western Balkan Peninsula.
15 oncurrently in at least two locations on the peninsula.
16  applied to seven watersheds on the Delmarva Peninsula.
17 ry disease in humans, emerged in the Arabian Peninsula.
18 d, off the northeastern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula.
19 croach farther southward along the Antarctic Peninsula.
20 rently most likely for the Western Antarctic Peninsula.
21 eration of several glaciers on the Antarctic Peninsula.
22  livestock throughout Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.
23 hroughout Africa and portions of the Arabian Peninsula.
24 e eastern and western sides of the Antarctic Peninsula.
25 tive of the climate history of the Antarctic Peninsula.
26 tal environment off Mexico's Baja California peninsula.
27 as, and atmospheric warming on the Antarctic Peninsula.
28 ed across sub-Saharan Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.
29 re disease throughout Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.
30 mainly in sub-Saharan Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.
31 roughout Africa, Madagascar, and the Arabian Peninsula.
32  depths in Marguerite Bay, western Antarctic Peninsula.
33 oughout Africa and more recently the Arabian peninsula.
34 /epidemics throughout Africa and the Arabian peninsula.
35 ic Ocean, and waters offshore the Antarctica Peninsula.
36 hesis of vascular plants along the Antarctic Peninsula.
37 els in sediment communities of the Antarctic Peninsula.
38 termediate to both species found on the Baja peninsula.
39 curring much earlier than on the rest of the peninsula.
40 of the total regional CH4 flux of the Barrow Peninsula.
41 ded throughout the last 100 y in the Iberian Peninsula.
42 of the total regional CH4 flux of the Barrow Peninsula.
43 e in Macedonia and other countries of Balkan peninsula.
44 s repeatedly caused outbreaks in the Arabian Peninsula.
45  disease outbreaks in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.
46  livestock illness in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.
47  Applied Health Research and Care South West Peninsula.
48 n at Palmer station in the Western Antarctic Peninsula.
49  of latitude from Patagonia to the Antarctic Peninsula.
50 their spatial distribution across the Barrow Peninsula.
51 y entered from what would become the Arabian Peninsula.
52 0.39 +/- 0.10 mug m(-3) yr(-1)), the Arabian Peninsula (0.81 +/- 0.21 mug m(-3) yr(-1)), South Asia (
53  hundreds of glaciers draining the Antarctic Peninsula (63 degrees to 70 degrees S) have undergone sy
54  of a 10-km-diameter asteroid on the Yucatan Peninsula 66 million y ago.
55 e M3 haplogroup was confined to the Chukotka peninsula, adjacent to Alaska.
56  specimens archived from participants in the Peninsula AIDS Research Cohort Study (PARC) demonstrated
57 n the muskox population occupying the Seward Peninsula, Alaska during 2002-2012, we formulated the hy
58  Recent findings showed that some of the Kii Peninsula ALS cases had pathogenic C9orf72 repeat expans
59  wild dromedaries from the southeast Arabian Peninsula among the founders of the domestic dromedary g
60 ion of sea ice towards the east coast of the peninsula, amplifying their effects.
61 he virus is endemic in camels in the Arabian Peninsula and Africa and thus poses a consistent threat
62 (-3)) in the Kara Strait, Kara Sea, and Kola Peninsula and an extremely high concentration (1000 ng m
63 t trends in 244 marine glacier fronts on the peninsula and associated islands over the past 61 years.
64 c resolution, in 1140 males from the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands.
65 introductions were observed within the Malay Peninsula and between countries bordered by the Mekong R
66  century transfer of cattle from the Iberian Peninsula and Canary Islands to the Caribbean laid the f
67 the Classic Maya civilization in the Yucatan Peninsula and Central America was a complex process that
68 orneo and Java, as well as between the Malay Peninsula and different Sundaic islands.
69 arts of South America as well as the Iberian Peninsula and Eastern Australia, and over 60% in most of
70 ssima J. Woods is considered, in the Iberian Peninsula and France, a gourmet product.
71 nged latitudinally along the Baja California Peninsula and in California.
72 al to West Africa, and across to the Arabian Peninsula and Indian subcontinent, from source populatio
73 n Bronze Age pottery vessels from the Korean Peninsula and northern Europe.
74 y to the observed warming over the Antarctic Peninsula and Patagonia and to the cooling over eastern
75 curred in the eastern portion of the Arabian Peninsula and reveal substantial subsequent gene flow wi
76 rast between strong warming of the Antarctic Peninsula and slight cooling of the Antarctic continenta
77 Eurasian populations were established on the Peninsula and that contemporary indigenous Arabs are dir
78 ng in the deep Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula and the Alboran Sea.
79  present geochemical data from the Kamchatka peninsula and the Aleutian islands that reaffirms the sl
80 rs from northeastern Africa into the Arabian Peninsula and the Levant and expanding further into Eura
81 t glacial migration waves across the Arabian Peninsula and the Levant region around 106-94, 89-73, 59
82 aled two main clades confined to the Iberian Peninsula and the rest of Europe but showing incongruent
83 ea, a deep ocean basin between the Antarctic peninsula and the tip of South America, showing a high i
84 ribution of the wild ancestor on the Arabian Peninsula and to the brief coexistence of early-domestic
85 trol animals, VM202-treated animals revealed peninsulas and/or islands of viable myocardium in infarc
86  locations (highest in the Arctic and Alaska Peninsula) and among years in tundra swans (Cygnus colum
87  ancestors colonized Africa from the Arabian peninsula) and tested to what extent historical coloniza
88 ure (presently occurring along the Antarctic Peninsula), and may serve as a leading indicator of immi
89 uman and dromedary MERS-CoV from the Arabian peninsula, and genetically diverse dromedary viruses fro
90 ided in or recently travelled to the Arabian peninsula, and is a global concern for public health.
91 ving further south to waters off the Iberian Peninsula, and North Africa.
92 ound across much of the Indian Ocean, Indian Peninsula, and South China Sea.
93 pancies between observations at Tahiti, Huon Peninsula, and Sunda Shelf during Lateglacial time (appr
94 ayment of West Antarctica, and the Antarctic Peninsula are changing quite rapidly as a result of proc
95 , refugia in the Italian, Balkan and Iberian peninsulas are believed to be the main sources of specie
96 estern Mediterranean Sea, south-west Iberian Peninsula) are global PCB "hotspots" for marine mammals.
97 quares, discovered 25 years ago on the Sinai Peninsula, are archaea rather than bacteria.
98        Agriculture first reached the Iberian Peninsula around 5700 BCE.
99 d arcs, continental fragments and the Papuan Peninsula, as well as recolonization of the central orog
100 omes of 104 unrelated natives of the Arabian Peninsula at high coverage, including 56 of indigenous A
101 ographic location in the heart of the Balkan Peninsula at the intersection of Central and Southeaster
102 east Pacific region near the Baja California Peninsula (BCP) (42.7 +/- 7.2 vs. 68.3 +/- 3.4 cm carapa
103 though warming of the northeastern Antarctic Peninsula began around 600 years ago, the high rate of w
104 reas Weitzman procedures prioritized Iberian Peninsula breeds.
105  constituted nearly 20% of isolates from the peninsula but were virtually absent in East Malaysia.
106 nhabiting the Levant rather than the Arabian Peninsula, but the principal route for the expansion out
107    Unlike participants with ALS from the Kii Peninsula, C9orf72 expansions do not cause ALS-PDC in Ch
108 ic disease endemic in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula caused by the highly infectious Rift Valley fe
109 tarctica, West Antarctica, and the Antarctic Peninsula changed in mass by -142 +/- 49, +14 +/- 43, -6
110                    Randomisation done at the Peninsula Clinical Trials Unit was concealed from invest
111 ent during peak growing season on the Barrow Peninsula, CO2 uptake occurs at -902.3 10(6) gC-CO2 day(
112 netic homogeneity across most of the Arabian Peninsula coastline, with a genetic break towards the so
113 es (OCPs) were measured in Western Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf sediments, porewater, and be
114  continental margin of the western Antarctic Peninsula cooled by 3-4 degrees C over the past 12,000 y
115 pidly warming seas off the western Antarctic Peninsula could now facilitate their return to the conti
116 livestock in sub-Saharan African and Arabian Peninsula countries.
117 s collected at selected areas from Antarctic Peninsula (Deception and Livingstone Islands, Southern S
118 vity near the shelf in the Western Antarctic Peninsula despite a short growing season and cold temper
119 istribution of North African ancestry in the peninsula does not reflect the initial colonization and
120 nated vegetation that inhabited the northern peninsula during the Eocene.
121 ence of early cercopithecines on the Arabian Peninsula during the late Miocene reinforces the probabi
122 ns such as the Sahara desert and the Arabian Peninsula during various 30-year periods, pointing to de
123 eltwater on the hydrography of the Antarctic Peninsula ecosystem has been largely ignored, and the re
124 ry illness with recent travel to the Arabian Peninsula, especially among healthcare workers.
125 de the well-documented refuge in the Iberian Peninsula, evidence for a cryptic refuge in northwest Fr
126                                The Antarctic Peninsula exhibited the strongest warming of any region
127 ld-wide biogeographical regions, the Arabian Peninsula exhibits the highest intra-population variance
128              Here we show that the Antarctic Peninsula experienced an early-Holocene warm period foll
129                                  The Arabian Peninsula experiences severe air pollution, the extent a
130 storic population responses in the Antarctic Peninsula, favoring generalist gentoo penguins as climat
131 steini off Marguerite Bay, western Antarctic Peninsula for environmental or trophic impediments to sh
132  The CCM of diatoms in the Western Antarctic Peninsula functions with a relatively small expenditure
133 al separation of Jeju Island from the Korean peninsula has allowed Jeju black pigs not only to acquir
134 a California indicates that sea level in the peninsula has been rising at a mean rate of 0.70 mm/y (+
135 nued retreat of ice shelves on the Antarctic Peninsula has been widely attributed to recent atmospher
136 pact of climatic change along the Antarctica Peninsula has been widely debated in light of atmospheri
137                                The Antarctic Peninsula has experienced a rapid increase in atmospheri
138 a, of the Larsen ice shelf off the Antarctic Peninsula has led to a refocus toward the implications o
139                   Populations of the Arabian Peninsula have a complex genetic structure that reflects
140 lar, recent climate changes on the Antarctic Peninsula have been dramatic, yet the Holocene climate v
141 nges in penguin populations on the Antarctic Peninsula have been linked to several environmental fact
142 he 1950s, research stations on the Antarctic Peninsula have recorded some of the largest increases in
143 lgae at their southern limits in the Iberian Peninsula have shown shifts in geographical range and a
144 ear-old Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt (Ungava peninsula) have been investigated to track the early ori
145        The retreat and collapse of Antarctic Peninsula ice shelves in tandem with a regional atmosphe
146 ection with the Roman conquest of the Istria peninsula in 178-177 B.C.
147  Larsen A and B ice shelves on the Antarctic Peninsula in 1995 and 2002 confirm the impact of southwa
148 the main rice-growing regions of the Iberian Peninsula in Europe.
149                  The landscape of the Barrow Peninsula in northern Alaska is thought to have formed o
150  from a 35,000-year-old wolf from the Taimyr Peninsula in northern Siberia.
151               Some olives grown in Karaburun peninsula in the west part of Turkey and mostly coming f
152  island of Flores in the east to the Iberian peninsula in the west.
153 irborne observations made over the Malaysian Peninsula in winter.
154 Coast in North America and the Mediterranean peninsulas in Europe during the Pleistocene glaciations;
155 the southeastern most portion of the Arabian Peninsula, in the tri-continental crossroads connecting
156 in small, isolated populations on the Balkan peninsula, initially by pollination experiments and iden
157                                  The Arabian Peninsula is a key region for understanding hominin disp
158 ming over the past 50 years on the Antarctic Peninsula is associated with the collapse of a number of
159 suggesting that the ecology of the Antarctic Peninsula is changing rapidly.
160                                The Antarctic Peninsula is considered to be the last region of Antarct
161              The long cooling history of the peninsula is consistent with the extended timescales of
162 g that the population history of the Iberian Peninsula is distinct in character.
163                           The West Antarctic Peninsula is one of the fastest warming regions on Earth
164 by prehistoric people on Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula is one of the oldest examples of metalworking.
165       Recent climate change on the Antarctic Peninsula is well documented [1-5], with warming, alongs
166 h the rest of the populations in the Arabian Peninsula, it is unique in terms of its relative high As
167 al time resolution from the temperate Korean Peninsula (KP) for the last 5500 years in order to compa
168 a standard competitive radioimmunoassay kit (Peninsula Laboratories, Bachem Ltd UK).
169     Summer temperature on the Cape Churchill Peninsula (Manitoba, Canada) has increased rapidly over
170  Ocean temperatures at the western Antarctic Peninsula margin were tied to changes in the position of
171 ilicic acid [Si(OH)4] on the west Antarctica Peninsula margin, a region in which the modern phytoplan
172                  We found that on the Seward Peninsula, mature bull:adult cow ratios declined 4-12%/y
173  a preliminary analysis of benthic Antarctic Peninsula meiofauna using high throughput sequencing whi
174 ls of the anchialine food web in the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico).
175 nalyzed lake-sediment cores from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, to reconstruct the climate history of
176 and aboveground carbon stocks in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico-a region with a long history of habita
177 a complex (PDC) exist in Japanese on the Kii Peninsula of Japan and in the Chamorros of Guam.
178 rred at a high incidence on Guam, in the Kii peninsula of Japan, and in southern West New Guinea more
179 escribed in Guam, Western Papua, and the Kii Peninsula of Japan.
180 alt at cities in the interior of the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala in an area wh
181  and sewage in Merida, a city in the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico.
182  acute-care community hospitals in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, USA.
183    Recent studies have shown that the Nicoya Peninsula of northwestern Costa Rica is moving northwest
184         Annual temperatures on the Antarctic Peninsula, one of the most rapidly warming regions on Ea
185 o species of Cnemidophorus occur on the Baja peninsula, one relatively large (Cnemidophorus tigris) a
186 of families from three tribes of the Arabian Peninsula, Persia, and Oman, with indications of African
187 ex Structure profiles are seen among Arabian Peninsula populations underscoring the high genetic dive
188                       Hares from the Iberian Peninsula provide an appropriate system to study this qu
189                                  The Iberian Peninsula provides a suitable region for examination of
190 ISH) in coastal waters of the west Antarctic Peninsula region during two austral summers and one aust
191 n polar regions, as observed in Antarctica's peninsula region over the second half of the 20th centur
192 ises (SHALDRIL I and II) in the northernmost Peninsula region yield a record that, when combined with
193 prolonged period of warming in the Antarctic Peninsula region, in combination with the long-term thin
194 statistically increasing along the Antarctic Peninsula region, the presence of glacial meltwater is l
195 ankton, and krill samples from the Antarctic Peninsula region, which questions previous claims that t
196 change for West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula remain large.
197                          People of the Qatar peninsula represent a relatively recent founding by a sm
198 uth, becoming distributed among the isolated peninsulas represented by Anatolia, Italy and Iberia.
199                                In an Olympic Peninsula river, Washington state, USA, replicated large
200 ate change, risks will grow in the Antarctic Peninsula, Ross Sea, and East Antarctic coastal regions.
201 owever, two lakes located closer to the Kola Peninsula (Russia) have recorded increasing SBC fluxes f
202 thwest Pacific, and Elovy Island in the Kola Peninsula, Russia, indicate transport times of hours to
203  Ardley Island, home to one of the Antarctic Peninsula's largest breeding populations of gentoo pengu
204               Much of the Southern Antarctic Peninsula satisfies this condition and also possesses a
205 es of PCBs (63-94%) in the Western Antarctic Peninsula sediments were bound to black carbon or recalc
206 e la Boella" site (north-east of the Iberian Peninsula) seem to indicate that an earlier introduction
207 Sustained observations at the West Antarctic Peninsula show that in this region, rapid environmental
208 renowned archaeological caves of the Iberian Peninsula spanning the last million years of human evolu
209 ical Pacific Ocean and the western Antarctic Peninsula strengthened late in the Holocene epoch.
210 ew areas around the Scotia Sea and Antarctic Peninsula suitable for growth of the largest krill (>60
211 data from Seymour Island, near the Antarctic Peninsula, that provides well-constrained evidence for a
212 g recent centuries in the northern Antarctic Peninsula, the most rapidly warming region of the Southe
213 ' as they are now declining in the Antarctic Peninsula, the opposite of their response to post-LGM wa
214 eading of mice first to the southern Arabian Peninsula, thence eastward and northward into south-cent
215 in the seventh century, and from the Iberian Peninsula to America eight centuries later.
216 ing and multi-trophic interactions along the peninsula to be increasingly regulated by glacial discha
217 nt warming extends well beyond the Antarctic Peninsula to cover most of West Antarctica, an area of w
218  the largest archaeogenetic dataset from the Peninsula to date.
219 ential to spread from Africa and the Arabian Peninsula to other regions.
220 ommerce shifted from land transit across the peninsula to sea-borne transit around it.
221 t future nitrogen delivery from the Delmarva Peninsula to the Bay given different scenarios of nitrog
222 climate changes extending from the Antarctic Peninsula to the subtropics-similar to those associated
223  and 6 Korean pigs (which live on the Korean peninsula) to compare and identify putative signatures o
224 cted by ice per year (Hangar Cove, Antarctic Peninsula) to those protected by virtually permanent sea
225 s decreased sharply away from the tip of the peninsula toward its interior.
226 aplogroups H1, H3, V, and U5b1), the Italian Peninsula (U5b3), and the East European Plain (U4 and U5
227             We apply the model to the Lizard Peninsula, United Kingdom, to provide accurate (mean err
228 ed ice shelves on the northeastern Antarctic Peninsula vulnerable to collapse.
229                           The West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) and adjacent Scotia Sea support abundant
230 ntense diatom bloom in the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) and in laboratory cultures of a psychrop
231          Rapid warming in the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) is coincident with increasing gentoo pen
232 limate of the western shelf of the Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) is undergoing a transition from a cold-d
233                 At Ryder Bay, West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) sea ice, oceanography, phytoplankton and
234  8-year time-series in the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) with an approximately weekly sampling fr
235 n export potential at the Western Antarctica Peninsula (WAP), a region which has experienced rapid wa
236 nd an apex predator along the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP).
237 ntinent and warming along the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP).
238 ty, but none explains the observed Antarctic Peninsula warming or the sea-ice redistribution in austr
239 ingshausen-Weddell seas and to the Antarctic Peninsula warming.
240 ia by this time, suggesting that the Arabian Peninsula was a potential filter for cross-continental f
241                             The northernmost Peninsula was overridden by an ice sheet in the early Pl
242                                  The Arabian Peninsula was the initial site of the out-of-Africa migr
243 plicating the Yukon River and smaller Seward Peninsula watersheds as the likely Hg source.
244 t the elevated interior areas of the Yucatan Peninsula were more susceptible to system collapse and l
245 64 rivers that drain 84% of Michigan's Lower Peninsula were sampled under baseflow conditions for Esc
246 the most pronounced along the West Antarctic Peninsula where there has been a rapid warming event dur
247 f this expansion will occur in the Antarctic Peninsula, where a threefold increase in ice-free area c
248  the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and Florida peninsula, where evaporation relative to precipitation i
249 wth frequency of speleothems from the Korean peninsula, which we compare to Southern Hemisphere equiv
250 ancestry are seen in the Italian and Iberian peninsulas, which may indicate different effects of hist
251 years ago, pre-dating sub-fossil evidence of Peninsula-wide occupation by c.
252 w coronavirus emerged in 2012 on the Arabian Peninsula with a clinical syndrome of acute respiratory
253 ing along the southern half of the Kamchatka peninsula with a region of transcurrent motion along the
254 rsity for the butterfly fauna of the Iberian Peninsula with unprecedented resolution (3502 DNA barcod
255 from coastal Alabama to the northern Yucatan Peninsula (YP) during fall migration.
256 talagmite delta(18)O record from the Yucatan Peninsula (YP) that spans the interval between 26.5 and

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