


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              PhDs had the greatest proportion of NIH funding compared
2 ta for 2,453 tenure-track faculty in all 205 PhD-granting computer science departments in the United
3                      Analyzing data from 294 PhD students in the life sciences from 53 US institution
4                                            A PhD in biomedical science and the critical thinking skil
5 31%; P = .03 vs MD only) or both an MD and a PhD (MAP, 34%; P<.001 vs MD only and P = .002 vs PhD onl
6  (MAP, 67%) than applicants with an MD and a PhD (MAP, 43%) and applicants with a PhD only (39%).
7  = .04 vs MD only) or those with an MD and a PhD (MAP, 78%; P<.001 vs MD only and P = .007 vs PhD onl
8 ses, particularly biotechnology companies, a PhD in the life sciences can be very helpful in making t
9 graduated from Oxford in 1971 and then did a PhD with Sydney Brenner at MRC LMB in Cambridge, studyin
10  the University of Connecticut and finally a PhD from the University of Illinois.
11 n how to make a successful transition from a PhD program to a business career.
12  A majority of principal investigators had a PhD omnia solus (57%), and 13% possessed dual PhD/clinic
13 , 4.5% have both an MD and PhD, 13.9% have a PhD, and 4.7% have an academic or professional bachelor'
14 alyses annually (P = .01), director having a PhD vs MD degree (P = .002), director board certificatio
15                                      LH is a PhD clinical training fellow and funded through project
16 molecular biology was unfolding, I pursued a PhD in nutritional biochemistry with Hamilton Eaton at t
17      Capacity development, notably through a PhD programme, has been an underlying feature of all asp
18          I achieved this by working toward a PhD in biochemistry at Johns Hopkins McCollum-Pratt Inst
19 [MAP], 28%) than either investigators with a PhD (MAP, 31%; P = .03 vs MD only) or both an MD and a P
20 tly less likely (MAP, 70%) than those with a PhD (MAP, 73%; P = .04 vs MD only) or those with an MD a
21 D and a PhD (MAP, 43%) and applicants with a PhD only (39%).
22  2009 to $19.8 million in 2014; P = .44) and PhD investigators (from $26.1 million in 2009 to $25.9 m
23 dergraduate, master of science-granting, and PhD-granting institutions.
24                        He received an MD and PhD (in biophysics) from Stanford University School of M
25 s (17.9+/-0.6) and those with both an MD and PhD degree (18.1+/-1.7; P = 0.14).
26 witz by Joseph Mengele, who held both MD and PhD degrees, I offer thoughts on the extraordinary power
27 stigators' major degrees (MD, PhD, or MD and PhD) and their proposed involvement in research of human
28 the highest degree, 4.5% have both an MD and PhD, 13.9% have a PhD, and 4.7% have an academic or prof
29 , including linkages to certificate, MS, and PhD programs.
30 versity of Cincinnati in 1969 and an MSc and PhD in applied mechanics from Stanford University.
31                   Chris obtained his B.S and PhD degrees in biochemistry from the University of Cambr
32                                  MD/PhDs and PhDs had significantly higher numbers of publications an
33                         In addition, SFES at PhD-granting institutions were much more likely to have
34 surveys were sent to faculty and students at PhD training programs, assessing their institution's met
35 d numbers of graduates selecting plant-based PhDs.
36 ly Georgetown University, in Washington, DC (PhD), the latter while employed at a commercial biologic
37         A greater percentage of departmental PhD faculty was associated with increased rates of MD fu
38 sals to reduce the number of students who do PhDs are misguided, writes Eve Marder, because they woul
39 itutional affiliation for Elvira Donnarumma, PhD, "SDN Foundation," has been changed to read, "IRCCS
40 hD omnia solus (57%), and 13% possessed dual PhD/clinical degrees.
41 dentified in this study is likely to enhance PhD training in oncology-related disciplines.
42 aped, one-on-one interviews with an external PhD investigator; and 4) statistical analyses of objecti
43 ding prompts some to advocate training fewer PhDs.
44  In 1963, the Department organized the first PhD Program in Oral Biology in the United States.
45 ght to evaluate statistical requirements for PhD training and to identify opportunities for improving
46 ted me to Duke University Medical School for PhD work under the tutelage of Phil Handler.
47 onal Institutes of Health (NIH) funding from PhD scientists in US departments of surgery.
48 ecame less successful than applications from PhDs or MD/PhDs.
49  None of the other variables studied-gender, PhD degree, specialty, or funding tier-was associated wi
50 nine such methods (SIFT, PolyPhen2, SNPs&GO, PhD-SNP, PANTHER, Mutation Assessor, MutPred, Condel and
51 of age or older, from the United States, had PhD degrees, doing basic as well as clinical research, o
52 pidemiology from Harvard University, and her PhD from the University of Sydney.
53                                   Before his PhD was conferred, he was employed as curator of insects
54                                     However, PhD immunologists are critically needed for future healt
55 ) from 221 programs (73 in psychiatry, 63 in PhD clinical psychology, 21 in PsyD psychology, and 64 i
56 eparate aspiring translational scientists in PhD programs from the world of medicine.
57 ning, limited funding for science is leading PhDs to seek training and careers in areas other than re
58                                         Many PhD programs incorporate boot camps and summer bridge pr
59  scientific machine is churning out too many PhDs and postdocs when there are a limited number of aca
60 ibed of (William) Ian McDonald, BMedSc MBChB PhD FRACP FRCP FRCOpth FMedSci: neurologist, National Ho
61          Reflections from Jim Adelstein, MD, PhD, John McAfee, MD, Henry Wagner, MD, Fred Bonte, MD,
62 ds were compared by investigator degree (MD, PhD, or MD/PhD) and sex.
63  principal investigators' major degrees (MD, PhD, or MD and PhD) and their proposed involvement in re
64                     Martin G. Myers Jr., MD, PhD, received the American Diabetes Association's presti
65                                  Topper, MD, PhD, serves as Managing General Partner at Frazier Healt
66 Following his graduation from the Harvard MD-PhD Program in 1997, Dr. Myers was promoted to instructo
67   These include applying lessons from the MD-PhD training experience to postgraduate training, shorte
68                                           MD/PhD program participants represent only a small proporti
69  of all participants believed dual degree MD/PhD students were superior to PhD students in this regar
70  no significant change in NIH funding for MD/PhD (from $17.6 million in 2009 to $19.8 million in 2014
71 th planned training in internal medicine, MD/PhD graduation was positively associated with planned tr
72 ables associated with lower likelihood of MD/PhD graduation included female sex (OR, 0.68; 95% CI, 0.
73 les associated with greater likelihood of MD/PhD program graduation included planned substantial care
74 ering age, gender, race, specialty, MD or MD/PhD status, age of youngest child, number of children, w
75 pared by investigator degree (MD, PhD, or MD/PhD) and sex.
76 th graduates of other MD degree programs, MD/PhD graduates tend to be less demographically diverse, h
77 teristics and career intentions of recent MD/PhD program and other MD program graduates have not been
78 nited States, no parallel analysis of the MD/PhD program has been performed in Canada.
79 programs and that platform funding of the MD/PhD program is necessary to ensure leadership in transla
80 IHR) announced that their funding for the MD/PhD program would be terminated after the 2015-2016 acad
81 ll 2000-2006 graduates), 1833 (2.3%) were MD/PhD program graduates.
82                                           MD/PhDs and PhDs had significantly higher numbers of public
83                                           MD/PhDs were the most successful applicants.
84                    In contrast to MDs and MD/PhDs, PhDs seem to have similar levels of academic outpu
85 n of NIH funding compared to both MDs and MD/PhDs.
86 g compared with 15.2% of MDs and 33.9% of MD/PhDs (P < 0.001).
87 successful than applications from PhDs or MD/PhDs.
88 s called "superpostdocs," offer newly minted PhDs instant independence and enable them to undertake p
89                                           My PhD research involved tryptophan and niacin metabolism i
90  that time, I was conducting research for my PhD on an obscure group of estrogen derivatives called n
91  the code, which also became the basis of my PhD thesis.
92                             Starting with my PhD research, I have had the good fortune to indulge a c
93                  The process of training new PhDs is complex and has significant dropout rates associ
94 nd be able to make a more informed choice of PhD project and supervisor, marks a commitment to improv
95 and is approaching the desirable duration of PhD training.
96       SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: The number of PhD faculty working in US medical school clinical depart
97         Between 1980 and 2013, the number of PhD graduates from URM backgrounds increased by a factor
98 ed with a 2.6-fold increase in the number of PhD graduates from WR groups.
99 study that directly measures the outcomes of PhD students who participate in such programs and compar
100 f an exponential growth in the population of PhD graduates from URM backgrounds, or significant incre
101 itions into assistant professor positions of PhD scientists from underrepresented minority (URM) and
102 ources may be enhanced by the recruitment of PhD faculty.
103  were not statistically higher than those of PhD holders (17.9+/-0.6) and those with both an MD and P
104          Across all academic ranks, 50.2% of PhDs had received NIH funding compared with 15.2% of MDs
105                       The academic impact of PhDs in surgery has not been previously evaluated.
106                            The proportion of PhDs with NIH funding in the top 10 departments did not
107 er, Mutation Assessor, FATHMM, LRT, PANTHER, PhD-SNP, SNAP, SNPs&GO and MutPred), 3 conservation scor
108 diction tools: MAPP, nsSNPAnalyzer, PANTHER, PhD-SNP, PolyPhen-1, PolyPhen-2, SIFT and SNAP.
109 he institutional affiliation for Laura Papa, PhD, "Institute for Endocrinology and Experimental Oncol
110              In contrast to MDs and MD/PhDs, PhDs seem to have similar levels of academic output and
111 es, 40% (42/105) had a doctor of philosophy (PhD) degree in addition to their medical doctor degree.
112 ientific fraud perpetrated by Eric Poehlman, PhD.
113                      Science policy provides PhD-trained scientists with unique and rewarding opportu
114 ggest ways to ease the entrance of qualified PhDs into high school education.
115                                   Recruiting PhD students can be a frustrating process, but Eve Marde
116 e pool of high-quality plant science related PhD applicants in the UK and has had a positive impact o
117                                Might science PhDs play a bigger role in the future of K-12 education,
118 ly be completed within the scope of a single PhD thesis.
119                         Bruce M. Spiegelman, PhD, of Harvard Medical School and the Dana-Farber Cance
120 ct to the AGA Institute, and Michael Stolar, PhD, staff liaison to the FTC.
121 barriers to the process are removed and that PhD-holding respondents and respondents in commercializa
122 e this question by discussing the roles that PhDs can play in high school education and the current a
123                                         This PhD program has produced a large cadre of oral health re
124 dual degree MD/PhD students were superior to PhD students in this regard.
125 how clinical oncology concepts are taught to PhD students or the most effective methods of doing so.
126 the current and rather extensive barriers to PhDs entering the teaching profession and finally sugges
127  via an Edinburgh Clinical Academic Training PhD Fellowship.
128 (MAP, 34%; P<.001 vs MD only and P = .002 vs PhD only).
129 (MAP, 78%; P<.001 vs MD only and P = .007 vs PhD only) to obtain a subsequent R01 grant.
130 ear PhD programmes in neuroscience, in which PhD students will study neuroscience in greater depth an
131 many different career possibilities to which PhD immunologists can make valuable contributions.
132            Among careers for biologists with PhDs, science communication is one of the most diverse a
133  presence of dedicated research faculty with PhDs supports the academic mission of surgery department
134 hment by the Wellcome Trust of two four-year PhD programmes in neuroscience, in which PhD students wi
135  Trust set up two 'American style' four-year PhD programmes in neuroscience, with an initial year of
136 r of broad training followed by a three-year PhD.
137 veloped two low-cost programs--"Present Your PhD Thesis to a 12-Year-Old" and "Shadow a Scientist"--t

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