


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  (pol beta), gamma (pol gamma), and epsilon (pol epsilon).
2  higher than that of a strain with wild-type Pol epsilon.
3 ion by proofreading-proficient pol delta and pol epsilon.
4  3' exonuclease of pol delta but not that of pol epsilon.
5 s homologous to the two smallest subunits of Pol epsilon.
6 of the DNA synthesis domain in the CMG-bound Pol epsilon.
7 esis by two major polymerases, pol delta and pol epsilon.
8 polymerases (pol): pol alpha, pol delta, and pol epsilon.
9 DNA pol epsilon and to full-length human DNA pol epsilon.
10 plays a critical role in the function of DNA pol epsilon.
11 ract with both p261 and p59 subunits of HeLa pol epsilon.
12 essential function of the C-terminal half of pol epsilon.
13 may be important for the normal functions of pol epsilon.
14 as pcna-90 was defective in replication with Pol epsilon.
15 tion by proofreading-proficient Pol delta or Pol epsilon.
16  a functional complex between CMG and native Pol epsilon.
17 pass, with a pattern most similar to that of Pol epsilon.
18 ly stimulate the activities of Pol alpha and Pol epsilon.
19 nd is significantly more accurate than yeast Pol epsilon.
20 nt the first report on the fidelity of human Pol epsilon.
21 it DNA polymerases: Pol alpha, Pol delta and Pol epsilon.
22 s 26% identity and 44% homology to the yeast pol epsilon 80-kDa subunit, DPB2.
23                                  Neither was Pol epsilon able to extend a D-loop in reconstitution ex
24 ilon on the lagging strand, and CMG protects Pol epsilon against RFC inhibition on the leading strand
25 the reconstitution of the human four-subunit Pol epsilon and characterization of its catalytic proper
26                       Direct binding between Pol epsilon and CMG provides an explanation for specific
27                   These findings distinguish Pol epsilon and delta functions in vivo and reveal tissu
28 -, and mismatch repair-mutant mice show that Pol epsilon and delta proofreading act in parallel pathw
29                      Here we show that mouse Pol epsilon and delta proofreading suppress discrete mut
30 is hypothesized from these observations that pol epsilon and PCNA have separate but associated functi
31                                   Therefore, Pol epsilon and Pol alpha/delta seem to pursue their fun
32 eoprotein complexes, whereas in late S phase Pol epsilon and Pol alpha/delta were largely associated
33 ing strand templates are primarily copied by Pol epsilon and Pol delta, respectively.
34 primarily replicated by two DNA polymerases, Pol epsilon and Pol delta, that function on the leading
35 es using Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pol delta, Pol epsilon and Pol eta and a series of matched and mism
36 ereby Cdc45-Mcm2-7-GINS (CMG) helicase binds Pol epsilon and tethers it to the leading strand, and PC
37  we explored the genetic interaction between Pol epsilon and the main elements of the DNA damage resp
38 cations of antimutator amino-acid changes in Pol epsilon and their effects on mutation spectra sugges
39 mologous regions of both mouse and human DNA pol epsilon and to full-length human DNA pol epsilon.
40 catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase epsilon (pol epsilon) and that this enzyme is also required for D
41 , including alleles of pol alpha, pol delta, pol epsilon, and PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antige
42 ollapsed forks maintain MCM complex but lose Pol epsilon, and that Pol epsilon reloading requires ATM
43 erating cell nuclear antigen, Pol-delta, and Pol-epsilon, and it contributes to the phosphorylation o
44 ve DNA polymerases Pol alpha, Pol delta, and Pol epsilon; and canonical maturation of Okazaki fragmen
45 was examined by indirect immunofluorescence, pol epsilon appeared in discrete nuclear foci that coloc
46 ity for frameshift errors observed for human Pol epsilon are distinct from the errors made by human P
47                                Pol delta and pol epsilon are essential, but their roles in replicatio
48 SL/MYPS/N motif in region II in Pol delta or Pol epsilon are inviable.
49 ions in DNA polymerase catalytic residues of pol epsilon are lethal.
50 re N-terminal DNA polymerase domain of yeast pol epsilon are viable.
51 elta (Pol delta) and DNA polymerase epsilon (Pol epsilon) are both required for efficient replication
52  antigen (PCNA), and DNA polymerase epsilon (Pol epsilon), are reduced at stalled replication forks.
53 elta, and epsilon (Pol alpha, Pol delta, and Pol epsilon), are responsible for eukaryotic genome dupl
54         A growing body of evidence specifies Pol epsilon as the leading strand DNA polymerase and Pol
55  the proofreading functions of pol delta and pol epsilon, as well as a temperature-sensitive pol epsi
56 ltiple permutations of the reconstituted CMG-Pol epsilon assembly.
57          We also show that the C terminus of Pol epsilon associates with origin DNA at the same time
58 lly lethal with pol2-M644G (encoding altered Pol epsilon base selectivity).
59 bulk of chromosomal DNA in eukaryotic cells, Pol epsilon being the main leading strand and Pol delta
60 -tier ahead of the C-tier places the leading Pol epsilon below CMG and Pol alpha-primase at the top o
61 nts of polymerase binding to CMG demonstrate Pol epsilon binds CMG with a Kd value of 12 nM, but Pol
62 pol alpha and pol delta, respectively), free pol epsilon binds single-stranded but not double-strande
63             Although wild type Pol delta and Pol epsilon both have high base substitution fidelity, P
64             This inhibition was observed for Pol epsilon but not with Pol delta, RB69 gp43 or Pol eta
65 gh as 40 micro M had no inhibitory effect on pol epsilon, but could inhibit pol alpha by 10-20% at 20
66  is supported only by the C-terminal half of pol epsilon, but it is disrupted in mutants affecting th
67 al and phylogenetically conserved subunit of pol epsilon, but not for interaction with DPB3.
68 y on these template-primers, indicating that pol epsilon, but not pol delta, can repair the incorpora
69                                Consistently, Pol epsilon, but not Pol delta, was found in nuclear mat
70               These results demonstrate that Pol epsilon can act in eukaryotic MMR in vitro.
71  limited to pol delta; neither pol alpha nor pol epsilon can traverse template d(CGG)(n) hairpin and
72                           We find that human Pol epsilon carries out DNA synthesis with high fidelity
73 rts a model in which DNA polymerase epsilon (Pol epsilon) carries out the bulk of leading strand DNA
74 ission yeast cells lacking the N terminus of Pol epsilon (cdc20(DeltaN-term)) are hypersensitive to D
75 est that in the absence of the N terminus of Pol epsilon, cells accumulate DNA damage that must be re
76                                          DNA pol epsilon co-immunoprecipitated with MDM2 from transfe
77 on, we reconstituted a stable 15-subunit CMG-Pol epsilon complex and showed that it is a functional p
78 he purification, we were able to resolve the pol epsilon complex and truncated Pol2p (140 kDa), as wa
79  Here, we report reconstitution of the yeast pol epsilon complex, which was expressed and purified fr
80 at Dpb3 associates with other members of the Pol epsilon complex.
81 ficient four-subunit DNA polymerase epsilon (Pol epsilon) complex from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and a
82                                              Pol epsilon contains two flexibly tethered lobes.
83 o repair the incorporated PMEG revealed that pol epsilon could elongate PMEG-terminated primers in bo
84            Incorporation of beta-L-Fd4CTP by pol epsilon could not be detected.
85 replication initiation, cdc20+ (encoding DNA Pol epsilon), cut5+ (homologous to DPB11/TopBP1), sna41+
86 ding yeast, we show that mutator variants of Pol epsilon depend on damage uninducible (Dun)1, an S-ph
87       Here we describe the reconstitution of Pol epsilon-dependent MMR using S. cerevisiae proteins.
88 e structure of the polymerase active site of Pol epsilon differs from those of other B family members
89 s 24 proteins, forming the CMG helicase, the Pol epsilon DNA polymerase, the RFC clamp loader, the PC
90 in fission yeast, and our data indicate that pol epsilon does not have a role as a checkpoint sensor
91 amino-terminal domain of the Dpb2 subunit of Pol epsilon (Dpb2NT) interacts with the Psf1 component o
92 roposed role in chromosomal replication, DNA pol epsilon (encoded by POL2) also functions directly as
93 ), indicating that high levels of unrepaired Pol epsilon errors drive extinction.
94            Also like pol alpha and pol beta, pol epsilon exhibits induced dNTP inhibition in the pres
95                            Early in S phase, pol epsilon foci were adjacent to PCNA foci.
96 PCNA foci that were only present in S phase, pol epsilon foci were present throughout mitosis and the
97            Together, these data suggest that pol epsilon follows an ordered sequential ter-reactant m
98 delity, Pol delta is much less accurate than Pol epsilon for deletions involving repetitive sequences
99 he leading strand and is proposed to recruit Pol epsilon for leading-strand synthesis, but to date a
100                Exo1 substitutes for FEN1 and Pol epsilon for Pol delta with reasonable efficiency.
101  helicase and the leading-strand polymerase, Pol epsilon, form a stable assembly.
102  the 5' end of the blocking primer inhibited Pol epsilon from synthesizing DNA up to the fork junctio
103 in contrast to both pol alpha and pol delta, pol epsilon functions more efficiently as gap size decre
104  prevalence of suppressors extragenic to the Pol epsilon gene suggests that factors in addition to pr
105  conditions used, we noted that depletion of Pol epsilon had a more pronounced inhibitory effect on c
106                                         HeLa pol epsilon has been isolated by immunoaffinity purifica
107                                              Pol epsilon has been shown to play essential roles in ch
108                                Whereas yeast Pol epsilon has been well characterized, human Pol epsil
109                                              Pol epsilon has greater contact with the nascent single-
110 to date a direct interaction between CMG and Pol epsilon has not been demonstrated.
111 synthesize DNA with high fidelity, but M644F Pol epsilon has reduced fidelity resulting from strongly
112 idence suggests that DNA polymerase epsilon (Pol epsilon) has a noncatalytic essential role during th
113                      DNA polymerase epsilon (pol epsilon) has been implicated in DNA replication, DNA
114 man DNA polymerases (Pol beta, Pol delta and Pol epsilon) have been proposed to play a role in this p
115                       However, the wild-type Pol epsilon holoenzyme efficiently displaced one nucleot
116                                        Human Pol epsilon holoenzyme is a monomeric complex containing
117 ma stimulates the polymerase activity of the Pol epsilon holoenzyme significantly.
118     The mutations affect the assembly of the pol epsilon holoenzyme.
119                     Saccharomyces cerevisiae pol epsilon, however, consists of four subunits: a 256-k
120 cterization of the second largest subunit of Pol epsilon in fission yeast, called Dpb2.
121 ation is consistent with a specific role for pol epsilon in gap-filling in vivo.
122 en combined with recent evidence implicating Pol epsilon in leading strand replication, these data su
123 er, our results demonstrate that the role of Pol epsilon in replicative stress sensing is conserved i
124 also provide evidence for the direct role of Pol epsilon in replicative stress sensing.
125 itutions generated by proofreading-deficient Pol epsilon in vitro and substitutions occurring in vivo
126 freading by 3' --> 5' exonuclease-proficient Pol epsilon, indicating that ribonucleotide incorporatio
127                    We show here that the DNA pol epsilon-interacting domain of MDM2 is located betwee
128 e active site location occupied by Met644 in Pol epsilon is a key determinant of replication fidelity
129    These biochemical properties suggest that Pol epsilon is a likely source of ribonucleotides in hum
130                                       Hence, Pol epsilon is active with CMG on the leading strand, bu
131                                        Human Pol epsilon is also efficient at extending from primers
132 levels of dNTPs in vivo, and the activity of Pol epsilon is compromised more than lagging-strand poly
133    Interestingly, error specificity of M644F Pol epsilon is distinct from that of L868M/F Pol alpha o
134 placement synthesis by exonuclease-deficient Pol epsilon is distributive.
135                                         That Pol epsilon is essential for progression through S phase
136 ear antigen indicates that the reconstituted pol epsilon is functionally identical to native pol epsi
137    On its own, the Pol2 catalytic subunit of Pol epsilon is inefficient in CMG-dependent replication,
138 icating that ribonucleotide incorporation by Pol epsilon is likely a significant event in human cells
139 e observation that the essential function of Pol epsilon is not dependent on its DNA synthesis activi
140 ith other replicative DNA polymerases, human Pol epsilon is particularly accurate when copying homonu
141   We hypothesize that the C-terminal half of Pol epsilon is required for assembly of the replicative
142 f the vertebrate replisome that includes DNA Pol epsilon is retained on DNA.
143 bstitution fidelity of exonuclease-deficient Pol epsilon is severalfold lower than that of proofreadi
144  many DNA transactions in vivo We found that Pol epsilon is unable to carry out extended strand displ
145                     Our results suggest that Pol epsilon is unable to extend the invading strand in D
146                      DNA polymerase epsilon (Pol epsilon) is a multi-subunit enzyme required for the
147                      DNA polymerase epsilon (pol epsilon) is a multiple subunit complex consisting of
148                      DNA polymerase epsilon (Pol epsilon) is a replicative DNA polymerase with an ass
149                      DNA polymerase epsilon (Pol epsilon) is believed to play an essential catalytic
150 catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase epsilon (Pol epsilon) is encoded by cdc20(+) and is essential for
151 haromyces cerevisiae DNA polymerase epsilon (pol epsilon) is essential for chromosomal replication.
152  but addition of the Dpb2 protein subunit of Pol epsilon, known to bind the Psf1 protein subunit of C
153                                              Pol epsilon lacking 3' --> 5' exonuclease activity is le
154 e and repair, the interaction suggested that Pol epsilon, like Pol sigma, might form a link between t
155 emical evidence to support the proposal that pol epsilon may be dimeric in vivo.
156 point mutants suggest that the polymerase of pol epsilon may normally participate in DNA replication
157 n has suggested that DNA polymerase epsilon (Pol epsilon) may also play a role in MMR.
158 n, suggesting that the small subunit of HeLa pol epsilon might be important for stability.
159  MCM, and the leading-strand DNA polymerase, Pol epsilon, move beyond the site of DNA synthesis, like
160 e conversion, though a temperature-sensitive Pol epsilon mutant is more severe than one in Pol delta.
161 on), we report here on the fidelity of yeast Pol epsilon mutants with leucine, tryptophan or phenylal
162  epsilon, as well as a temperature-sensitive pol epsilon mutation, pol2-18, have no effect on tract s
163        Thus, dNTP pool levels correlate with Pol epsilon mutator severity, suggesting that treatments
164                Human DNA polymerase epsilon (pol epsilon) normally contains a 261-kDa catalytic subun
165 ciated with lamins, but in late S phase only Pol epsilon, not Pol alpha/delta, remained associated wi
166 r C (RFC) clamp loader specifically inhibits Pol epsilon on the lagging strand, and CMG protects Pol
167 primers on both strands that are extended by Pol epsilon on the leading strand and by Pol delta on th
168 tion between Dpb2 and CMG helps to stabilize Pol epsilon on the leading strand as part of a 15-subuni
169 elity or the rates of DNA synthesis by human pol epsilon or the bacterial enzyme pol I.
170 e cloning of two additional subunits of HeLa pol epsilon, p17, and p12.
171                             We show that the Pol epsilon p261 N-terminal catalytic domain is solely r
172  catalytic subunit with 39% identity to HeLa pol epsilon p261, a 80-kDa subunit (DPB2) with 26% ident
173 luorescence in situ hybridization, the human pol epsilon p59 locus (DPE2) was assigned to chromosome
174 kDa subunit (DPB2) with 26% identity to HeLa pol epsilon p59, a 23-kDa subunit (DPB3), and a 22-kDa s
175      Our results support the hypothesis that Pol epsilon participates in short-patch base excision re
176 sociated functions early in S phase and that pol epsilon participates with PCNA in DNA replication la
177                               In contrast to pol epsilon, pol delta exhibited negligible activity on
178                              Intercrosses of Pol epsilon-, Pol delta-, and mismatch repair-mutant mic
179  the amino-terminal portion of budding yeast Pol epsilon (Pol2) containing all known DNA polymerase a
180                                          The Pol epsilon (pol2-Y831A) mutant is slightly sensitive to
181 plications of these findings for the role of Pol epsilon polymerase activity in DNA replication.
182                 HeLa DNA polymerase epsilon (pol epsilon), possibly involved in both DNA replication
183                 HeLa DNA polymerase epsilon (pol epsilon), possibly involved in both DNA replication
184 ethal relationship exists between defects in Pol epsilon proofreading (pol2-4) and MMR.
185 rring in vivo in a yeast strain defective in Pol epsilon proofreading and DNA mismatch repair.
186 es the mutator phenotype of pol2-4 (encoding Pol epsilon proofreading deficiency) and is syntheticall
187                We found that inactivation of Pol epsilon proofreading elevates base-substitution muta
188 curate to a degree suggesting that wild type Pol epsilon proofreads at least 92% of base substitution
189  epsilon is functionally identical to native pol epsilon purified from yeast and is therefore useful
190                              A major form of pol epsilon purified from yeast consists of at least fou
191 140 kDa), as was observed initially with the pol epsilon purified from yeast.
192 logical concentrations of nucleotides, human Pol epsilon readily inserts and extends from incorporate
193 n MCM complex but lose Pol epsilon, and that Pol epsilon reloading requires ATM and ATR.
194 l epsilon has been well characterized, human Pol epsilon remains poorly understood.
195 cna-90 failed to interact with Pol delta and Pol epsilon, respectively.
196  since it does not bind to PCNA or the other pol epsilon subunits.
197                              M644W and M644L Pol epsilon synthesize DNA with high fidelity, but M644F
198                                    Wild type Pol epsilon synthesizes DNA accurately, generating singl
199 e we demonstrate that the N-terminal half of Pol epsilon that includes the highly conserved polymeras
200 nce that MDM2 interacts with a region of DNA pol epsilon that plays a critical role in the function o
201 a eex mutants encoded second-site changes in Pol epsilon that reduced the pol2-4 mutator phenotype be
202 chromatin-associated proteins, including DNA pol epsilon, the Isw2-Itc1 and Top2 chromatin remodeling
203 ectrum of errors is similar to that of yeast Pol epsilon, there are several notable exceptions.
204 o assay to show that Dpb2NT is essential for Pol epsilon to interact with the replisome after initiat
205            Here, we explored the capacity of Pol epsilon to perform strand displacement synthesis, a
206  Examination of the ability of pol delta and pol epsilon to repair the incorporated PMEG revealed tha
207 des an explanation for specific targeting of Pol epsilon to the leading strand and provides clear mec
208 lytic subunit of DNA polymerase epsilon (DNA pol epsilon), to a region that is known to be essential
209 ion, or by recruitment of Pol delta, but not Pol epsilon, to post-replicative processes such as trans
210 mutations affecting the polymerase domain of Pol epsilon trigger ATR-dependent signaling leading to S
211   When the subcellular localization of human pol epsilon was examined by indirect immunofluorescence,
212 sh2-Msh3), Exo1, RPA, RFC-Delta1N, PCNA, and Pol epsilon was found to catalyze an MMR reaction that r
213 sh2-Msh3), Exo1, RPA, RFC-Delta1N, PCNA, and Pol epsilon was found to catalyze both short-patch and l
214 NA polymerases delta (Poldelta) and epsilon (Pol epsilon) was investigated by site-directed mutagenes
215                      DNA polymerase epsilon (pol epsilon) was purified to apparent homogeneity from h
216      The replicative DNA polymerase epsilon (Pol epsilon) was shown to activate the S-phase checkpoin
217 ions and fidelity of DNA polymerase epsilon (Pol epsilon), we report here on the fidelity of yeast Po
218                           Using pure CMG and Pol epsilon, we reconstituted a stable 15-subunit CMG-Po
219 ical characterization of the interactions of pol epsilon with other replication, recombination, and r
220  the high-fidelity replicative pol delta and pol epsilon with the TLS pol theta, pol eta, Rev1, pol z

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