


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  error-prone polymerase, DNA polymerase eta (pol eta).
2 unted for by the activity of polymerase eta (POL eta).
3 leotide incorporation by DNA polymerase eta (pol eta).
4 undamaged bases by yeast DNA polymerase eta (pol eta).
5 erase 4 (Dpo4) and human DNA polymerase eta (Pol eta).
6 subfamily of the Y-family polymerases, as is pol eta.
7 already robust TT dimer bypass efficiency of pol eta.
8 mplate bulges are extended so efficiently by pol eta.
9 sory proteins enhance the fidelity of TLS by pol eta.
10 ucts at both sites, being most favorable for pol eta.
11 epsilon but not with Pol delta, RB69 gp43 or Pol eta.
12  the same cells complemented with functional pol eta.
13  stacking in the selection of nucleotides by pol eta.
14 ite G and 8-oxoG by Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pol eta.
15 k on blocking and misincorporation in TLS by pol eta.
16 ly tractable system, we created mice lacking pol eta.
17 ts resembles that observed with the Y family pol eta.
18 g dCMP opposite the dG-N(2)-3MeE lesion than pol eta.
19 two other Y-family polymerases, Pol iota and Pol eta.
20 s an effective inhibitor of DNA synthesis by pol eta.
21 ntly bypassed by the Y-family DNA polymerase pol eta.
22 - and oxaliplatin-GG adducts by pol beta and pol eta.
23 es opposite the modified bases resulted with pol eta.
24 and the extension of the DL by Pol delta and Pol eta.
25 h the literature: Pol delta4 >> Pol kappa or Pol eta.
26 rosatellites was: Pol kappa >/= Pol delta4 > Pol eta.
27 nt results are obtained with human and mouse Pol eta.
28 oint and with much lower fidelity than yeast Pol eta.
29 isincorporation frequency (0.71) followed by pol eta (0.63).
30                              Polymerase eta (Pol eta), a specialized DNA repair polymerase, functions
31                         We demonstrated that Pol eta accumulated at CFSs upon partial replication str
32 ate how the state of an unhooked ICL affects pol eta activity.
33 tment of the TLS polymerase, polymerase eta (Pol eta), after damage to DNA by UV irradiation.
34                                         With pol eta, all diastereoisomers of dG-N2-TAM promoted smal
35                Under nucleotide deprivation, Pol eta allows cells to accumulate at the G1/S boundary
36                         To determine whether Pol eta also makes such functionally important contacts
37               Furthermore, Pol zeta, but not Pol eta, also contributes to 4-NQO resistance.
38 lls strongly suggest that, in the absence of Pol eta, an abnormally error-prone polymerase substitute
39 opposite a phenanthriplatin lesion, but only Pol eta, an enzyme efficient in translesion synthesis, w
40 omyces cerevisiae Pol delta, Pol epsilon and Pol eta and a series of matched and mismatched primer te
41 ogen-derived DNA adducts were explored using pol eta and a truncated form of human pol kappa (pol kap
42 nd therefore we generated mice deficient for pol eta and heterozygous for pol zeta.
43 r increased by loss of the bypass polymerase Pol eta and inhibition of ataxia-telangiectasia and Rad3
44  slightly increase the processivity of yeast pol eta and its ability to recycle to new template prime
45       When taken together, the properties of pol eta and kappa are consistent with the mutagenic even
46 r dNTPs were retarded at the dX lesion while pol eta and kappa readily bypassed the lesion.
47 e O(6)-alkylG adducts for dCTP and dTTP with pol eta and kappa; pol iota showed a strong preference f
48                                              Pol eta and kappaDeltaC showed more broad miscoding spec
49         The miscoding frequencies induced by pol eta and kappaDeltaC were at least 8 times higher tha
50 involving localized translesion synthesis by Pol eta and mismatch excision and polymerization by a ma
51                                         With pol eta and O(6)-BzG, products were also obtained with -
52  duplexes and the Y-family polymerases human Pol eta and P2 Pol IV (Dpo4) from Sulfolobus solfataricu
53                          T2AA decreased PCNA/pol eta and PCNA/REV1 chromatin colocalization but did n
54 s from three families: Pol delta (family B), Pol eta and Pol iota (family Y), and Pol lambda and Pol
55                        We find that, whereas Pol eta and Pol iota provide alternate pathways for muta
56                            The properties of pol eta and pol kappa are consistent with the mutagenic
57                                 In addition, pol eta and pol kappa bypassed the lesion by incorporati
58                                         Both pol eta and pol kappa incorporated dCMP, the correct bas
59            Steady-state kinetic studies with pol eta and pol kappa indicated that dTMP, the correct b
60 in centers of viral DNA replication and that Pol eta and Pol kappa play an important role in HBoV1 DN
61                  In primer extension assays, pol eta and pol kappa replicated through N(2),3-epsilonG
62                                         Both Pol eta and Pol zeta extended the DL more efficiently th
63 ersion spectra indicates a hierarchy between Pol eta and Pol zeta with respect to the bypass of UV-in
64 suggesting that T2AA hinders interactions of pol eta and REV1 with monoubiquitinated PCNA.
65     Here we report that BPLF1 interacts with Pol eta and that Pol eta protein levels are increased in
66                           We show a role for pol eta and the complexity of different chemical adducts
67 l structures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae apo-pol eta and the Dpo4-CPD complex suggests unique feature
68 etry in the selection of nucleotides by both pol eta and the Klenow fragment, and the lesser role of
69 vity, suggest a role for AICDA in regulating POL eta and uracil DNA-glycosylase activity.
70 across S-cdA and S-cdG in human cells, where Pol eta and/or Pol iota carries out nucleotide insertion
71                 Although DNA polymerase eta (Pol eta) and other Y family polymerases differ in sequen
72 including RAD5, REV3/REV7 (Pol zeta), RAD30 (Pol eta), and POL30 (PCNA).
73 on, phenanthriplatin is highly toxic to both Pol eta+ and Pol eta- cells.
74                               Although Dpo4, Pol eta, and Klenow polymerase have different fidelity w
75 ons catalyzed by DNA polymerase (pol) alpha, pol eta, and pol kappa.
76  recombinase and DNA polymerase (Pol) delta, Pol eta, and Pol zeta.
77 olumn fraction II (CFII) included pol delta, pol eta, and RFC.
78 ed in wild-type cells that was diminished in pol eta- and pol iota-deficient mouse cells and abolishe
79  DNA repair DNA polymerases (polymerase eta [Pol eta] and polymerase kappa [Pol kappa]) are recruited
80 bypass polymerases, of which polymerase eta (pol eta) appears to be specifically adapted to synthesiz
81 iciencies in the order of pol kappa > REV1 > pol eta approximately pol iota, and dTTP misincorporatio
82                   Mutations in POLH encoding pol eta are implicated in nearly 20% of xeroderma pigmen
83       Mice homozygous for a null mutation in pol eta are viable, fertile, and do not show any obvious
84  namely polymerase (pol) theta, pol zeta and pol eta, are induced in B cells by the stimuli that are
85  in conjunction with pol kappa, but not with pol eta, at a replication fork stalled by the adduct, re
86                                We found that Pol eta binds the incoming correct dCTP opposite both G
87                           Down-regulation of Pol eta blocked cisplatin-induced CSC enrichment both in
88                    Yeast Pol delta and yeast Pol eta both bypass 8-oxoG and misincorporate adenine du
89 in-terminating inhibitor of DNA synthesis by pol eta but not by Klenow fragment or T7 DNA polymerase.
90 opposite N2,N2-diMeG compared with N2-EtG by pol eta but not by pol iota is consistent with Hoogsteen
91 observed in AAF-induced mutagenesis and that pol eta, but not pol kappa, may play a role in this proc
92 ore efficiently past the adduct than that of pol eta by incorporating dCMP, a correct base, opposite
93 to help suppress UV mutagenesis by improving pol eta bypass fidelity per se.
94  cycle of processive DNA synthesis, Dpo4 and Pol eta bypass synthetic AP sites with 13-30 and 10-13%,
95                                              Pol eta bypasses a dimer with low fidelity and with high
96                                              Pol eta can also bypass other DNA damage adducts in vitr
97       Here we show that both yeast and human pol eta can incorporate a C opposite gamma-HOPdG at appr
98                                 In contrast, pol eta cannot insert pyrene nucleotide opposite the 5'-
99 minor groove, here we examine the effects on Pol eta-catalyzed nucleotide incorporation when 3-deazag
100 demonstrate that pol eta deficiency in mice (pol eta(-/-)) causes obesity with visceral fat accumulat
101 f the POLH gene encoding DNA polymerase eta (pol eta) causes the UV-sensitivity syndrome xeroderma pi
102 iplatin is highly toxic to both Pol eta+ and Pol eta- cells.
103 we show that although in yeast a stable Rev1-Pol eta complex can be formed, this complex formation in
104         X-ray structural characterization of Pol eta complexed with site-specifically platinated DNA
105 se nucleotide triphosphate, dATP or dGTP, to Pol eta complexed with undamaged or damaged DNA.
106 oderma pigmentosum variant cells, which lack pol eta, confirmed this hypothesis.
107 nerated in vivo, support the hypothesis that pol eta contributes to SHM of Ig genes at A-T pairs via
108 A synthesis by mammalian DNA polymerase eta (pol eta) contributes to somatic hypermutation (SHM) of I
109                                        Human pol eta copied past all three adducts.
110 ed mutagenesis in vivo despite the fact that pol eta copies DNA with low fidelity, here we test wheth
111                                 We show that Pol eta copies thymine dimers and the flanking bases wit
112                                     Although pol eta could accommodate large bulges and continue synt
113  across S-cdA and S-cdG; human Pol kappa and Pol eta could also extend past these lesions, albeit muc
114                                        Yeast pol eta could bypass all three modified nucleosides; alt
115                  This finding suggested that pol eta could play a role in translesion synthesis past
116                                We found that pol eta could stabilize a frayed primer terminus, which
117                               A model of the pol eta-CPD complex built from the crystal structures of
118                  Herein, we demonstrate that pol eta deficiency in mice (pol eta(-/-)) causes obesity
119                                              Pol eta deficiency led to persistence of checkpoint-blin
120 dent with hydroxyurea-induced S-phase delay, Pol eta-deficient cells undergo more replication fork br
121 uently enter apoptosis at a faster rate than Pol eta-deficient cells.
122  to killing by exposure to UV light, and all Pol eta-deficient mice develop skin tumors after UV irra
123 one had no effect, UV-induced skin tumors in pol eta-deficient mice developed 4 weeks earlier in mice
124 se and other Pol eta functions, we generated Pol eta-deficient mice.
125 ion synthesis by mouse Pol eta indicate that Pol eta-dependent bypass of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer
126  data are consistent with the requirement of Pol eta-dependent DNA synthesis during S phase at replic
127 ion bypass pathway is not epistatic with the Pol eta-dependent pathway and, as a consequence, protect
128  of the incoming nucleotide; in this regard, Pol eta differs from high-fidelity DNA polymerases that
129 duced normal amounts of IgG, indicating that pol eta does not affect class switch recombination.
130 sser role of shape selection in insertion by pol eta due to its more open and less constrained active
131 ntosum who accumulate dimers, errors made by Pol eta during dimer bypass could contribute to mutagene
132 , we measured the error specificity of mouse pol eta during synthesis of each strand of a mouse Ig ka
133 correlation was strongest for errors made by pol eta during synthesis of the non-transcribed strand,
134                   Given the critical role of pol eta during translesion DNA synthesis (TLS), these fi
135          Mouse Pol kappa, Rev7, Pol iota and Pol eta each bind to the same approximately 100 amino ac
136                                              Pol eta effectively bypassed N2-methyl(Me)G, N2-ethyl(Et
137                          DNA polymerase eta (pol eta), encoded by the xeroderma pigmentosum (XP-V) ge
138               When human DNA polymerase eta (pol eta) encounters N6-deoxyadenosine adducts formed by
139    A deficiency in mouse DNA polymerase eta (pol eta) enhanced UV-induced Hprt mutant frequencies.
140 expression of miR-93 in ovarian CSCs reduced Pol eta expression and increased their sensitivity to ci
141 in, thus revealing a general requirement for pol eta expression in providing tolerance to these plati
142 owever, unlike in XP-A cells, the absence of pol eta expression resulted in a reduced ability to over
143 n, the efficacies of which are influenced by Pol eta expression, phenanthriplatin is highly toxic to
144                         Mass spectrometry of pol eta extension products revealed a single major produ
145 human polymerases kappa (Pol kappa) and eta (Pol eta) fidelities to that of replicative human polymer
146 en perform a comprehensive analysis of yeast pol eta fidelity.
147 with attenuated FANCD2, RAD6, gammaH2AX, and POL eta foci formation and cisplatin-adduct removal.
148 o highlighted an accumulation of nuclei with pol eta foci that correlated with the formation of monou
149 sults help explain the proficient ability of Pol eta for bypassing distorting DNA lesions.
150 ing of monoubiquitinated PCNA and a purified pol eta fragment containing the UBZ and PIP-box was inhi
151  position of the TTD in the previous step of Pol eta function.
152 gh accessory proteins clearly participate in pol eta functions in vivo, they do not appear to help su
153         To better understand these and other Pol eta functions, we generated Pol eta-deficient mice.
154                          DNA polymerase eta (Pol eta) functions in the proficient bypass of a variety
155 ts with mutations in the DNA polymerase eta (pol eta) gene are hypersensitive to sunlight and have gr
156                     Although the presence of Pol eta generally suppresses UV-induced mutagenesis, our
157 that C is preferentially mutated in vivo and pol eta generates hypermutation in the mu and gamma swit
158     Relative to the replicative polymerases, Pol eta has a greater tolerance for distorted DNA geomet
159 obutane pyrimidine dimers, XPV cells lacking Pol eta have diminished capacity to replicate UV-damaged
160            The fact that yeast and mammalian Pol eta have intrinsically different catalytic propertie
161       Primer extension studies with purified pol eta have shown that this polymerase is highly error-
162                           Moreover, 37.5% of pol eta heterozygous mice also developed skin cancer dur
163  two crystal structures of Dpo4, an archaeal pol eta homologue, complexed with CPD-containing DNA, wh
164 human bypass DNA polymerases kappa (hDinB1), pol eta (hRad30A), pol iota (hRad30B), and yeast pol zet
165                         To study the role of pol eta in a genetically tractable system, we created mi
166 hriplatin on DNA interacts with and inhibits Pol eta in a manner distinct from that of cisplatin-DNA
167 rradiation and further indicating a role for pol eta in dealing with cisplatin-induced damage.
168  which firmly establishes a central role for pol eta in hypermutation.
169                        Second, MSH2 binds to pol eta in solution, and endogenous MSH2 associates with
170  are consistent with the established role of Pol eta in suppressing ogg1-dependent mutagenesis in yea
171 on on undamaged DNA, which is second only to pol eta in terms of bypass efficiency.
172 s significantly different from that by yeast pol eta in that the latter was more error-prone opposite
173       The results suggest the involvement of pol eta in the cellular error-prone translesion synthesi
174 esion synthesis DNA polymerases Pol zeta and Pol eta in UV survival and mutagenesis were examined usi
175 H2-MSH6 stimulates the catalytic activity of pol eta in vitro.
176 ere also found in spectra generated by mouse pol eta in vitro.
177 n elevated expression of DNA polymerase eta (Pol eta) in ovarian CSCs isolated from both ovarian canc
178 termine the possible role of polymerase eta (pol eta) in somatic hypermutation of B cells, a mutation
179                                        While Pol eta incorporates an incorrect A opposite 8-oxoG with
180 ession of a catalytically inactive mutant of Pol eta increased replication fork stalling and activate
181 al studies of translesion synthesis by mouse Pol eta indicate that Pol eta-dependent bypass of cyclob
182                 Moreover, both KF- and yeast pol eta induced a considerable amount of -2 frameshift p
183             In 1-base incorporation studies, pol eta inserted C and A, pol iota inserted T, and pol k
184                                              Pol eta inserted dAMP opposite 4-OHEN-dC, accompanied by
185 netic studies showed that both pol kappa and pol eta inserted dCMP and dAMP opposite the 4-OHEN-dC an
186            The Y family DNA polymerase yeast pol eta inserts pyrene deoxyribose monophosphate (dPMP)
187                                              Pol eta inserts pyrene nucleotide with greater efficienc
188      Based on methylphosphonate-DNA mapping, pol eta interacts with the single strand template but no
189                                              pol eta, iota, and kappa showed pre-steady-state kinetic
190                               However, yeast Pol eta is 10-fold more efficient than Pol delta, and fo
191           Given that increased expression of Pol eta is a known mechanism by which cells resist cispl
192               We have recently observed that Pol eta is also required for the stability of common fra
193                              Moreover, yeast Pol eta is at least 10-fold more accurate than yeast Pol
194 atin-induced S phase arrest, suggesting that pol eta is involved in translesion synthesis past these
195  of the error-prone TLS of dG-C8-IQ, whereas pol eta is involved primarily in its error-free bypass.
196                     Translesion synthesis by pol eta is likely to be predominantly error-free, since
197 how that the low fidelity class Y polymerase Pol eta is recruited to proliferating cell nuclear antig
198 nsistent with the localization observed when Pol eta is recruited to sites of DNA damage.
199                                  However, as Pol eta is reported to require higher nucleotide concent
200  under conditions of nucleotide deprivation, Pol eta is required for S-phase progression but is proap
201                                To examine if pol eta is the primary mutagenic translesion polymerase
202                          DNA polymerase eta (Pol eta) is a member of a new class of DNA polymerases t
203                    Human DNA polymerase eta (Pol eta) is best known for its role in responding to UV
204 s in primer extension reactions catalyzed by pol eta, kappa and iota.
205 kappa, whereas it was increased by 10-24% in pol eta knockdown cells.
206         From these studies, we conclude that Pol eta makes only a single functional contact with the
207 humans who are heterozygous for mutations in pol eta may also have an increased risk of skin cancer.
208                             The results with pol eta may be relevant to some mutations previously rep
209             We reasoned that the presence of pol eta may mask the contribution of pol zeta, and there
210 acterize the relationship between AICDA- and POL eta-mediated mutations, 1470 H chain and 1313 kappa-
211 n-induced apoptosis in CSCs, indicating that Pol eta-mediated TLS contributes to the survival of CSCs
212 hat ovarian CSCs have intrinsically enhanced Pol eta-mediated TLS, allowing CSCs to survive cisplatin
213          These data support a model in which pol eta-mediated translesion synthesis past this adduct
214 n comparison to WT mice, adipose tissue from pol eta(-/-) mice exhibits increased DNA damage and a gr
215 llular senescence in the adipose tissue from pol eta(-/-) mice was observed and measured by up-regula
216                                 Treatment of pol eta(-/-) mice with a p53 inhibitor, pifithrin-alpha,
217 te senescence and metabolic abnormalities in pol eta(-/-) mice.
218          Collectively, the data suggest that pol eta might potentially contribute to both error-free
219                    Human DNA polymerase eta (Pol eta) modulates susceptibility to skin cancer by prom
220   BPLF1 promotes a nuclear relocalization of Pol eta molecules which are focus-like in appearance, co
221                              Analysis of the pol eta O(6)-PobG products indicated that the insertion
222 ished that synthesis past T or U in a CPD by pol eta occurs in a highly error-free manner, the only i
223 examine the role in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pol eta of three conserved residues, tyrosine 64, argini
224 e wild-type PCNA stimulates incorporation by pol eta opposite an abasic site, the mutant PCNA protein
225 ast, primer extension reactions catalyzed by pol eta or a truncated form of pol kappa (pol kappaDelta
226 t, during translesion synthesis catalyzed by pol eta or pol kappa nucleotides were incorporated oppos
227                Primer extension catalyzed by pol eta or pol kappa occurred rapidly on the unmodified
228 as observed with pol alpha, while with human pol eta or pol kappa, a fraction of the primers was exte
229        Our results showed that deficiency in Pol eta or Pol zeta, but not Pol kappa or Pol iota, led
230   The efficiency of translesion synthesis by pol eta past Pt-GG adducts was very similar to that obse
231                    Human DNA polymerase eta (Pol eta) plays an essential protective role against skin
232 support the hypothesis that in cells lacking Pol eta, Pol iota is responsible for the high frequency
233 cally interact with the Y-family polymerases Pol eta, Pol iota, and Pol kappa, and the Rev1 C terminu
234                                Additionally, Pol eta, Pol iota, and Pol zeta, but not Pol kappa, had
235 of wild-type mice to mice lacking functional pol eta, pol iota, or both.
236 om wild-type mice to mice lacking functional pol eta, pol iota, or both.
237                  The translesion polymerases Pol eta, Pol zeta, and Rev1 are part of a suite of facto
238 ) has been found to physically interact with Pol eta, Pol zeta, and Rev1, suggesting a possible role
239                        The data suggest that pol eta preferentially synthesizes a repair patch on the
240     Mass spectrometry analysis of all of the pol eta primer extension products indicated multiple com
241                                    Targeting Pol eta, probably through enhancement of miR-93 expressi
242                                    Thus, the pol eta products yielded frame-shifts with the N 2 but n
243                                              Pol eta promoted incorporation of dAMP and dCMP at the d
244 lecular basis of XP-V worldwide, we measured pol eta protein in skin fibroblasts from putative XP-V p
245 t that BPLF1 interacts with Pol eta and that Pol eta protein levels are increased in the presence of
246 ree cell strains with undetectable levels of pol eta protein, indicating that nonsense-mediated messa
247 merases (Pols): Rev1, Pol zeta (Rev3/7), and Pol eta (Rad30), all with human homologs.
248 ises UV-induced PCNA mono-ubiquitylation and Pol eta recruitment to stalled replication forks.
249  using modified nucleotide analogs show that pol eta relies heavily on hydrogen-bonding interactions
250             Overall, these results show that Pol eta replicates through 8-oxoG without any barriers i
251               Together, these data show that pol eta represents an important determinant of cellular
252                                 Knockdown of Pol eta resulted in decreased production of infectious v
253 ealed that CRISPR-Cas9-mediated depletion of Pol eta resulted in significant drops in bypass efficien
254 elta and pol epsilon with the TLS pol theta, pol eta, Rev1, pol zeta and, perhaps, pol iota, which ar
255 tic analyses for nucleotide incorporation by pol eta showed that the 3'-cytosine moiety of the cross-
256 alyses for nucleotide incorporation by yeast pol eta showed that the 5'-guanine portion of the lesion
257                                 In contrast, pol eta shows a combination of high efficiency and low f
258                    In reactions catalyzed by pol eta, small amounts of dAMP misincorporation and one-
259 ults are consistent with the conclusion that pol eta specifically targets WA motifs.
260 at the interaction between MSH2-MSH6 and DNA pol eta stimulates synthesis of mutations at bases locat
261 s with an increased rate of incorporation by pol eta, suggesting a systematic relationship between th
262 esion synthesis (TLS) by DNA polymerase eta (pol eta) suppresses ultraviolet light-induced mutagenesi
263 ficient than Pol delta, and following bypass Pol eta switches to less processive synthesis, similar t
264 e also demonstrate that both yeast and human pol eta synthesize past the 3'-(m)C CPD in a >99% error-
265 anced pro-mutagenic replication catalyzed by pol eta that couples efficient incorporation of damaged
266 ate the existence of a hydrophobic pocket in pol eta that participates in the increased utilization o
267          Our results also indicated that for pol eta the frequency of misincorporation is the same ac
268                                         With pol eta, the bypass frequency past the dA x dG-N2-TAM pa
269 nd sequence specificity of dPMP insertion by pol eta, the kinetics of dPMP insertion opposite various
270                     For both yeast and human pol eta, the ring open reduced gamma-HOPdG adduct was le
271  structural element for Pol zeta and not for Pol eta, these observations have raised the possibility
272  base inhibit incorporation and extension by pol eta to a lesser extent than their R counterparts.
273 ant (XP-V) which is linked to the ability of pol eta to accurately bypass UV-induced cyclobutane pyri
274  complex suggests unique features that allow pol eta to efficiently bypass CPDs.
275               Consistent with the ability of Pol eta to efficiently bypass UV light-induced cyclobuta
276 at K164 of PCNA is not required in vitro for pol eta to gain access to replication complexes at forks
277 omplete bypass of cisplatin lesions requires Pol eta to insert dCTP opposite the 3' guanine and Pol z
278 ve quantitative evidence that the binding of pol eta to PCNA and the ensuing TLS are both independent
279                              This ability of Pol eta to sense the dimer location as synthesis proceed
280 inated PCNA recruits TLS polymerases such as pol eta to sites of DNA damage where they may also displ
281 oubiquitylation of PCNA, and localization of Pol eta to UV damage.
282 tment of the specialized DNA polymerase eta (pol eta) to replication-associated foci after UV.
283 BV recruits cellular repair factors, such as Pol eta, to sites of viral DNA damage via BPLF1, thereby
284   There was no involvement, however, for the Pol eta translesion synthesis DNA polymerase, the Mms2-U
285                             Both the POLH-1 (pol eta) translesion synthesis (TLS) DNA polymerase and
286 bility of correct insertion and extension by pol eta was 1000-2000-fold greater than the probability
287 ass frequency past the 4-OHEN-dA lesion with pol eta was at least 2 orders of magnitude higher than t
288 ass frequency past the 4-OHEN-dC lesion with pol eta was at least 3 orders of magnitude higher than t
289 roderma pigmentosum variant with a defect in pol eta was conducted.
290 production of infectious virus, and further, Pol eta was found to bind to EBV DNA, suggesting that it
291 it competition assays, the catalytic core of pol eta was found to insert dGMP opposite the mC of the
292 ough DNA synthesis past gamma-HOPdG by yeast pol eta was relatively accurate, the human enzyme misinc
293                                              Pol eta was undetectable in cells from patients in eight
294 Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA polymerase eta (pol eta) was able to replicate past the cross-link lesio
295 Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA polymerase eta (pol eta) was able to replicate past the cross-link lesio
296  geometry in the selection of nucleotides by pol eta, we determined the insertion efficiencies of the
297  increase error-prone synthesis catalyzed by pol eta when replicating 8-oxo-G.
298 are consistent with a pro-mutagenic role for pol eta when replicating this DNA lesion.
299                           In sharp contrast, pol eta, which exhibits considerable sequence homology w
300 ibe the interaction of the catalytic core of pol eta with primer-templates containing bulge structure

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