


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              Pol gamma also exhibited approximately 2-fold lower rate
2                                              Pol gamma B shows high similarity to glycyl-tRNA synthet
3                                              Pol gamma comprises a catalytic core in a heterodimeric
4                                              Pol gamma is particularly susceptible to inhibition by d
5                                              Pol gamma is vulnerable to nonselective antiretroviral d
6                                              Pol gamma was detected as one of the major oxidized mito
7 ructural and mechanistic differences between Pol gamma and RT in response to NRTIs will provide inval
8 ably due to unfavorable interactions between Pol gamma and certain 5' labels.
9  (-)-3TC] are both potent RT inhibitors, but Pol gamma discriminates against (-)-FTC-TP by two orders
10 d the kinetics of incorporation catalyzed by Pol gamma for each Food and Drug Administration-approved
11 trate dCTP, providing a structural basis for Pol gamma-mediated drug toxicity.
12 ol gamma B dimer contains distinct sites for Pol gamma A binding, dimerization, and DNA binding.
13               When compared to the apo form, Pol gamma undergoes intra- and inter-subunit conformatio
14 binant human mitochondrial polymerase gamma (Pol gamma) holoenzyme.
15              The human DNA polymerase gamma (Pol gamma) is responsible for DNA replication in mitocho
16 tochondrial replicase, DNA polymerase gamma (Pol gamma) is stimulated by another key component of the
17  mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymerase gamma (Pol gamma) is the only polymerase known to replicate the
18  mitochondrial polymerase (polymerase-gamma (Pol-gamma)) are associated with various mitochondrial di
19 ystal structures of the human heterotrimeric Pol gamma holoenzyme and, separately, a variant of its p
20  (mtDNA) is replicated by the heterotrimeric Pol gamma comprised of a single catalytic subunit, encod
21                                      A human Pol gamma B mutant lacking the four-helix bundle failed
22 mer (+)-FTC-TP, it is discriminated by human Pol gamma four orders of magnitude more efficiently than
23  exonuclease activities of recombinant human Pol gamma.
24 lease-deficient (E200A), reconstituted human Pol gamma holoenzyme in single turnover kinetic studies
25         Additionally, we observed that human Pol gamma preferentially utilizes compacted templates, w
26 the yeast mtDNA polymerase (MIP1) with human Pol-gamma.
27  and P587L substitutions functionally impair Pol gamma, with greater pathogenicity predicted for the
28 le defects resulting from point mutations in Pol-gamma with their physiological consequences, we crea
29 e of template DNA organization in modulating Pol gamma activity and the variation among systems.
30 We determined the crystal structure of mouse Pol gamma B, a core component of the mitochondrial repli
31  primer by the 3'-5'-exonuclease activity of Pol gamma were similar (0.01 s(-)1) for both 3TC analogs
32 y subunit (POLG2), which enhances binding of Pol gamma to DNA and promotes processivity of the holoen
33 for understanding the deleterious effects of Pol gamma mutations in human disease.
34 or factor contributing to the stimulation of Pol gamma activity.
35           The stimulatory effect of mtSSB on Pol gamma on these ssDNA templates is not species-specif
36          Human mitochondrial DNA polymerase (Pol gamma) is the sole replicase in mitochondria.
37  inhibit human mitochondrial DNA polymerase (Pol gamma), causing unwanted mitochondrial toxicity.
38 ities of human mitochondrial DNA polymerase (Pol gamma), including reverse transcription, RNA-directe
39 s on the human mitochondrial DNA polymerase (Pol gamma), the polymerase responsible for mitochondrial
40 ne the role of the mitochondrial polymerase (Pol gamma) in clinically observed toxicity of nucleoside
41 own of the nuclear-encoded mtDNA polymerase (Pol gamma-alpha), Tamas, produces a more complete block
42 uctures of the mitochondrial DNA polymerase, Pol gamma, in complex with substrate or antiviral inhibi
43  + P587L double variant forms of recombinant Pol gamma.
44                                  Remarkably, Pol gamma catalyzes reverse transcription with a slightl
45 report crystal structures of the replicating Pol gamma-DNA complex bound to either substrate or zalci
46 lution or to stimulate the catalytic subunit Pol gamma A, but retained the ability to bind with Pol g
47                             Our finding that Pol gamma also incorporates ribonucleotide triphosphates
48 of mtDNA replication, and we have found that Pol gamma holoenzyme is capable of performing this react
49                   This analysis reveals that Pol gamma incorporates (-)3TC-triphosphate 16-fold less
50                                          The Pol gamma holoenzyme consists of the p140 catalytic subu
51                                          The Pol gamma structure also provides a context for interpre
52  and repairs mitochondrial DNA, requires the Pol gamma B subunit for processivity.
53               These results suggest that the Pol gamma B dimer contains distinct sites for Pol gamma
54 uctures reveal that zalcitabine binds to the Pol gamma active site almost identically to the substrat
55                          The severity of the Pol-gamma mutant phenotype in heterozygous diploid human
56  that the functional holoenzyme contains two Pol gamma B molecules.
57     In heterozygous diploid cells, wild-type Pol-gamma suppresses mutation-associated growth defects,
58 alcitabine provide a basis for understanding Pol gamma-mediated drug toxicity.
59 mma A, but retained the ability to bind with Pol gamma A to a primer-template construct, indicating t

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