


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 NA replication via aberrant RNA-DNA hybrids (R-loops).
2 nct structures and promotes RNA*DNA hybrids (R-loops).
3 quence is necessary and sufficient to induce R-loop.
4 displacing the non-target strand, forming an R-loop.
5 ing of the entire protospacer to form a full R-loop.
6 plication protein A (RPA)-coated centromeric R loops.
7 the nuclear pore helps restrain pathological R loops.
8 deaminase (AID) to identify genes preventing R loops.
9 1/2 mutants, indicating that Mlp1/2 prevents R loops.
10 on of current genomic strategies for mapping R loops.
11 ds and stimulates the activity of RNaseH1 on R loops.
12  by RNA-DNA hybrids, commonly referred to as R-loops.
13 rotein transcription complex and by removing R-loops.
14 s are significantly enriched at regions with R-loops.
15  trans by formation of lncRNA-DNA hybrids or R-loops.
16 e in the hostile condition by removing these R-loops.
17 is affected by mutations in genes regulating R-loops.
18 motes transcription termination by resolving R-loops.
19  all biochemically established properties of R-loops.
20 ed to form following removal of the RNA from R-loops.
21 strates for the formation of transcriptional R-loops.
22 oops induced greater instability than single-R-loops.
23 hat dsRNAs can interfere with its binding to R-loops.
24 vement in the mammalian nucleus by resolving R-loops.
25 zymes that help resolve replication-impeding R-loops.
26 s to suppress RNAP I transcription-associate R-loops.
27 O collisions leading to genome-destabilizing R-loops.
28 breakage and contractions in the presence of R-loops.
29                                              R loop, a transcription intermediate containing RNA:DNA
30                                              R-loop, a three-stranded RNA/DNA structure, has been lin
31                               GC skew favors R-loops, a type of three stranded nucleic acid structure
32                                              R-loops accumulate in nucleoli during RNA polymerase I (
33                            Here we show that R-loops accumulate preferentially in breast luminal epit
34 and Top1 along rDNA coincided at sites where R-loops accumulated in mammalian cells.
35          In the absence of Top1 or RNase Hs, R-loops accumulated to substantially higher extent when
36 chia coli or Saccharomyces cerevisiae caused R-loop accumulation along rDNA.
37 an important contributor to BRCA1-associated R-loop accumulation and breast cancer development.
38 using and BRCA1-binding protein, ameliorates R-loop accumulation and reduces tumorigenesis in Brca1-k
39             We show that SGS1 loss increases R-loop accumulation and sensitizes cells to transcriptio
40 ether, our findings support a model in which R-loop accumulation and subsequent DNA damage sequesters
41 nd this gene deleted strain showed increased R-loop accumulation as compared to the wild type.
42                         Here, we report that R-loop accumulation at a guanine-rich sequence, which is
43 lar mechanism by which the FA pathway limits R-loop accumulation requires FANCM translocase activity.
44 increased RNA synthesis, which together with R-loop accumulation results in replication fork slowing
45       Loss of either RNase H1 or Top1 caused R-loop accumulation, and the accumulation of R-loops was
46  increased DNA damage-induced cell death and R-loop accumulation.
47 isulfite-based approach, bisDRIP-seq, to map R-loops across the genome at near-nucleotide resolution
48 -density in permitting the elongation of the R-loop, after it had initiated.
49                Here, we show that persistent R-loops also compromise DNA repair.
50 reased replication fork speed, and increased R-loops), an apoptotic response, and a dependence upon c
51 e and replication stress, RPA is a sensor of R loops and a regulator of RNaseH1, extending the versat
52  in cells, and loses the ability to suppress R loops and associated genomic instability.
53 romosome segregation, revealing functions of R loops and ATR in suppressing chromosome instability.
54 G islands, together with the accumulation of R-loops and cytosolic ssDNA.
55    Significantly, increased cellular load of R-loops and DSBs, which are normalized on RNaseH1-mediat
56                Yeast lacking SGS1 accumulate R-loops and gamma-H2A at sites of Sgs1 binding, replicat
57 e that strong folding of nascent RNA weakens R-loops and hence decreases mutagenesis.
58 ese studies provide a high-resolution map of R-loops and identify gene structure as a critical determ
59 ient in two RNase H enzymes that remove both R-loops and incorporated ribonucleotides (rNs) from DNA,
60 IPc-seq method to sequence the RNA strand of R-loops and obtain strand-specific R-loop maps at near n
61 grity by concomitantly minimizing persistent R-loops and promoting repair of DNA double strand breaks
62           WASp deficiency provokes increased R-loops and R-loop-mediated DSBs in TH1 cells relative t
63 eomes and provide a mechanistic link between R-loops and RDDs.
64 Here we reveal an unanticipated link between R-loops and RNA-interference-dependent H3K9me2 formation
65             To determine the contribution of R-loops and rNMP in DNA to the defects observed in AGS,
66 However, the location of promoter-associated R-loops and the genomic domains they perturb to modify g
67 ed by cytosine deamination of DNA engaged in R-loops and the other by MutLgamma cleavage.
68 e report elevated levels of DNA-RNA hybrids (R-loops) and double strand breaks in rat neurons, human
69                                              R loops are three-stranded nucleic acid structures that
70                  In intron-containing genes, R-loops are bounded between the transcription start site
71      Interestingly, we note that most mapped R-loops are each linked to a nearby free RNA end; by usi
72                                              R-loops are enriched at promoters where they have recent
73                                 Furthermore, R-loops are enriched at the 5' end of those genes with p
74                                              R-loops are features of chromatin consisting of a strand
75                                              R-loops are known to interfere with replication forks, a
76                                     Although R-loops are normal transcriptional intermediates, they a
77 ammalian class switch recombination regions, R-loops are obligatory intermediates.
78 se H1 associated with mitochondrial disease, R-loops are of low abundance, and there is mitochondrial
79   Furthermore, we have previously shown that R-loops are particularly enriched over G-rich terminator
80                                              R-loops are prevalent, collectively occupying up to 5% o
81                                              R-loops are three-stranded nucleic acid structures forme
82                            The boundaries of R-loops are well-documented at immunoglobulin heavy chai
83  increasingly strong case has been built for R loops as potential regulators of gene expression.
84 A helicase Dbp2 regulates formation of these R-loops as genomic deletion or nuclear depletion results
85  mutants to translation inhibition points to R-loops as precursors for R-lesions.
86                                At promoters, R-loops associate with a hyper-accessible state characte
87                        By contrast, terminal R-loops associate with an enhancer- and insulator-like s
88  Detailed epigenomic profiling revealed that R-loops associate with specific chromatin signatures.
89 3 participate in the prevention or repair of R loop-associated DNA damage, a manifestation of aberran
90  confirms a role for Sgs1/BLM in suppressing R-loop-associated genome instability across species.
91 , we will discuss the implications for other R-loop-associated neurodegenerative diseases and point t
92 r adjacent motif (PAM) affects primarily the R-loop association rates, whereas protospacer elements d
93 es suggests that RecG is needed to dissipate R-loops at blocked replication forks.
94   We present a model that the persistence of R-loops at sites of DNA damage induces repair by break-i
95 upport a DNA repair mechanism that addresses R-loop-based DNA damage at transcriptional pause sites.
96 axin (SETX) is one of the best characterised R-loop-binding factors in vivo.
97                Further, as a result of these R-loops, both replication and transcription in the affec
98  cerevisiae RNase H2 mutant that can resolve R-loops but cannot cleave single ribonucleotides in DNA.
99                                              R-loops, but not normal transcription complexes, induce
100 p-mediated instability through processing of R-loops by HeLa and human neuron-like cell extracts.
101                        However, reducing IgV R-loops by RNase HI overexpression in wild-type cells do
102 hosphorylate Thr-348 in the regulatory loop (R-loop) by > 10(4)-fold (k(auto) = 2.6 +/- 0.3 s(-1)).
103              Since transcriptionally-induced R-loops can occur in the absence of DNA replication, R-l
104                                              R-loops can trigger repeat instability at (CTG).(CAG) re
105 formation of RNA-DNA hybrids, referred to as R-loops, can promote genome instability and cancer devel
106 a rapid, global increase in the formation of R-loops, co-transcriptional RNA-DNA products, which in s
107 efficiency and the stability of the DNA-RNA (R-loop) complex structures, with a Pearson correlation c
108                                              R-loops comprise an RNA/DNA hybrid and a displaced singl
109                  Yet the mechanisms by which R-loops compromise genome instability are poorly underst
110 transcribed, allowing for single- and double-R-loop configurations, where either or both DNA strands
111  control (modulating stability of the active R-loop conformation).
112                                              R-loops, consisting of an RNA-DNA hybrid and displaced s
113                           Co-transcriptional R-loops could aggravate such conflicts by creating an ad
114 ocessing both substrates, but has sufficient R-loop degradation activity to complement the defects of
115 y DSBs that accumulate in response to E2 are R-loop dependent.
116 he MutLgamma (Mlh1/Mlh3) endonuclease caused R-loop-dependent CAG fragility, defining an alternative
117 NA-RNA hybrid, indicating that the effect is R-loop-dependent.
118                      Antisense knockdown and R-loop destabilization both result in chromatin compacti
119 sed instability, supporting a model in which R-loops directly generate instability by aberrant proces
120 atic degradation of transcription-associated R-loops (DNA:RNA hybrids) suppresses replication fork ar
121 ro studies implicate BRCA1 in elimination of R-loops, DNA-RNA hybrid structures involved in transcrip
122                      These findings identify R-loops, double strand breaks and defective ATM-mediated
123                 Thus, a mitosis-specific and R loop-driven ATR pathway acts at centromeres to promote
124            Disruption of this complex led to R-loop-driven DNA damage at those loci as reflected by a
125                     Intriguingly, changes in R-loop dynamics have also been associated with DNA damag
126                Here, we review the causes of R-loop dysregulation in neurodegenerative diseases and h
127 egions do not appear to affect either CSR or R-loop elongation, whereas a longer (150 bp) insertion i
128 an R-loop preventing factor, is decreased at R-loop-enriched regions of IFNG and TBX21 (TH1 genes) in
129 Whether the G-density determines how far the R-loops extend is an important question.
130 t of the length over which mammalian genomic R-loops extend.
131                                              R loops form naturally during transcription even though
132                                              R loops form when transcripts hybridize to homologous DN
133           TDRD3 knockdown in cells increases R loop formation at the c-MYC locus, and Tdrd3 null mice
134  locus, and Tdrd3 null mice exhibit elevated R loop formation at this locus in B cells.
135 as a genome guardian in suppressing aberrant R-loop formation and analyse how SETX mutations can lead
136                    We show that E2-dependent R-loop formation and breast cancer rearrangements are hi
137  connections and possible mechanisms linking R-loop formation and chromatin patterning.
138 nd quantify the dynamics of torque-dependent R-loop formation and dissociation for both Cascade- and
139                                       Double-R-loop formation and processing to instability was exten
140 eakage at expanded CAG repeats occurs due to R-loop formation and reveal two mechanisms for CAG repea
141 AM) flanking the target site, and subsequent R-loop formation and strand scission are driven by compl
142 in R-loop resolution or mutations leading to R-loop formation at specific genes affect the normal phy
143  that strengthening RNA folding and reducing R-loop formation by synonymous changes in a reporter gen
144 ur results demonstrate that interfering with R-loop formation can trigger gene activation and reveal
145 at both class switch recombination (CSR) and R-loop formation decrease significantly when the overall
146 c expression of cyclin E, G-quadruplexes, or R-loop formation facilitate the ALT pathway and lead to
147 e been reconstituted, the exact mechanism of R-loop formation has not been fully resolved.
148 stream neighbors, consistent with a role for R-loop formation in transcription termination.
149       Understanding the parameters dictating R-loop formation in vivo has been hampered by the limite
150 the first global genomic features causal for R-loop formation in yeast.
151  to investigate how conflict orientation and R-loop formation influence genome stability in human cel
152  the yeast genome, this result suggests that R-loop formation is dictated by characteristics of the D
153 ground, splicing efficiency is decreased and R-loop formation is increased in the presence of formami
154 e-H-based approach; this reveals predominant R-loop formation near gene promoters with strong G/C ske
155                                              R-loop formation occurs over conserved genic hotspots su
156                                              R-loop formation over specific, conserved, hotspots occu
157  understanding the PAM-dependent directional R-loop formation process.
158                                     The full R-loop formation triggers conformational changes in Casc
159 ex reveal conformational changes that enable R-loop formation with distinct positioning of each DNA s
160 ation, diffusion, site selection, reversible R-loop formation, and cleavage, using large amounts of s
161 studied the role of G-clusters in initiating R-loop formation, but we did not examine the role of G-d
162 nover at several euchromatic loci to prevent R-loop formation, ensuring proper replication progressio
163 data provide direct evidence for directional R-loop formation, starting from PAM recognition and expa
164 re often associated with promoter-associated R-loop formation.
165             Loss of H3.3 also diminishes IgV R-loop formation.
166 oviding the structural distortion needed for R-loop formation.
167 ion regions, which correspond to hotspots of R-loop formation.
168  gene structure as a critical determinant of R-loop formation.
169 displayed classical features associated with R-loop formation.
170 nscription is mutagenic, in part because the R-loop formed by the binding of the nascent RNA with its
171  this study, we found that cotranscriptional R-loops formed at a CAG-70 repeat inserted into a yeast
172 ns, and resolve deleterious DNA/RNA hybrids (R-loops) formed during transcription and RNA processing.
173 nges flanked by repetitive regions with high R-loop-forming potential.
174                 Co-migration of RNase H1 and R-loops from nucleoli to perinucleolar ring structures w
175 e design of experimental strategies to probe R-loop functions.
176 e show that transcriptional RNA/DNA hybrids (R-loops) generate DNA ends that underlie stress-induced
177  how convergent transcription contributes to R-loop generation and RNA polymerase stalling.
178 e examples of diseases for which a link with R loops has been described, as well as how disease-causi
179                              To determine if R-loops have a direct effect on any of the steps involve
180 usA) was rescued by ectopic expression of an R-loop-helicase UvsW, especially so on defined growth me
181      Our findings connect DNA replication to R-loop homeostasis and suggest a mechanistic basis for g
182  RNase type HI has been mainly implicated in R-loop hydrolysis, but in this study, the RNase HII doma
183                              Transcriptional R-loop imbalance is a novel molecular defect causative i
184                                              R loops impact the genome of many organisms, regulating
185 ture that binds and unwinds dsDNA to form an R loop in which the target strand of the DNA base pairs
186 ated by RPA in vitro, fails to accumulate at R loops in cells, and loses the ability to suppress R lo
187 NaseH1 and colocalizes with both RNaseH1 and R loops in cells.
188  periphery of a transcribed locus suppressed R loops in mlp1 cells.
189 iled DNA and reduces transcription-generated R loops in vitro.
190 1 enriches in nucleoli and co-localizes with R-loops in cultured human cells.
191 ort, we demonstrate its ability to hydrolyze R-loops in Escherichia coli exposed to UV stress.
192                              To characterize R-loops in fission yeast, we used the S9.6 antibody-base
193 pendent regulator of R-loop levels, reducing R-loops in the co-directional (CD) orientation but promo
194                                              R-loops in the switch mu region were depleted by 70% in
195 s in human cells, and can efficiently unwind R-loops in vitro.
196              To enable precision analysis of R-loops in vivo, we develop an RNase-H-based approach; t
197 ed CRISPR-Cas systems generate displacement (R-loops) in the cognate DNA sites, targeting the transpo
198 n replication-transcription conflict induces R-loops, indicating hypernegative supercoiling [(-)sc] i
199                                 We show that R-loops induce antisense transcription over these pause
200                                         This R-loop induced BIR is particularly susceptible to the fo
201      Here we demonstrate in human cells that R-loops induced by the absence of diverse RNA processing
202                                       Double-R-loops induced greater instability than single-R-loops.
203 leterious role for TC-NER factors in driving R-loop-induced DNA damage and genome instability.
204 tability; however, the mechanisms underlying R-loop-induced DNA damage remain unknown.
205 o implicate a (p)ppGpp synthetase protein in R-loop-induced stress response.
206 rturbation experiments further indicate that R-loop induction correlates to transcriptional pausing.
207                     Yet, replication from an R-loop-initiating plasmid origin kills the double rnhAB
208 ion into duplex DNA and suggest an order for R-loop initiation and elongation in an opposite directio
209 ting that oriC-initiated replication removes R-loops instead of compounding them to R-lesions.
210  that RNase H-deficient mutants convert some R-loops into R-tracts, which progress into R-gaps and th
211 d on RNaseH1-mediated suppression of ectopic R-loops, inversely correlates with disease severity scor
212                                           An R-loop is a DNA:RNA hybrid formed during transcription w
213 n; it degrades RNA hybridized to DNA, so the R-loop is a potential substrate.
214                             The formation of R-loops is a natural consequence of the transcription pr
215 We found the location of promoter-associated R-loops is dependent on the presence of introns.
216                            Processing of the R-loops is needed to remove RNA allowing activation-indu
217 DinG, an ATP-dependent helicase that repairs R-loops, is redox-active at cellular potentials and ATP
218                                   Persistent R-loops lead to replicative stress due to RNA polymerase
219  H1 activity in hepatocytes showed increased R-loop levels and reduced mitochondrial encoded DNA and
220 s, suggesting that prolonged manipulation of R-loop levels could indirectly alter the transcriptome.
221         K-H loss resulted in increased basal R-loop levels, DSBs, activated DNA-damage responses and
222 cts as an orientation-dependent regulator of R-loop levels, reducing R-loops in the co-directional (C
223  strand from mu-gamma joins, indicating that R-loops limit activation-induced (cytosine) deaminase ac
224             The study proposes that cellular R-loop load could be used as a potential biomarker for m
225 strand of R-loops and obtain strand-specific R-loop maps at near nucleotide resolution.
226                             The RNA of these R-loops maps to the control region of the mitochondrial
227                                     However, R-loops may also possess beneficial effects, as their wi
228 nsertion/deletion mutations located close to R-loop-mediated BRCA1 binding sites within TRs.
229   Thus, we identify tDNAs as a new source of R-loop-mediated DNA damage.
230 Sp deficiency provokes increased R-loops and R-loop-mediated DSBs in TH1 cells relative to TH2 cells.
231 s are the first examples to our knowledge of R-loop-mediated enhancement of gene expression involving
232 ranscribed regions, our results suggest that R-loop-mediated fragility is a mechanism that could caus
233 n fork stabilizing proteins as modulators of R-loop-mediated genome instability.
234 ese findings provide a mechanistic basis for R-loop-mediated instability at disease-associated repeat
235                               We demonstrate R-loop-mediated instability through processing of R-loop
236 otic genomes have developed tools to prevent R-loop-mediated replication events that potentially cont
237 anding of how RNase HI deficiency results in R-loop-mediated transcription-replication conflict, as w
238                               In most cases, R-loops occur co-transcriptionally and undergo dynamic t
239 the formation of extended RNA:DNA hybrids or R-loops or non-canonical DNA structures including G-quad
240                                     However, R loops persisted consistent with dual roles of K-H in t
241                                     Although R-loops play important roles in gene expression and reco
242 s increased, and that of topoisomerase 1, an R-loop preventing factor, is decreased at R-loop-enriche
243 mutant, revealing generation of R-lesions by R-loop-primed DNA synthesis.
244 can occur in the absence of DNA replication, R-loop processing may be a source of repeat instability
245 NA levels, suggesting impaired mitochondrial R-loop processing, transcription and mitochondrial DNA r
246                              We predict that R-loops promote a chromatin architecture that defines th
247 hecin which transiently stabilized nucleolar R-loops recruited RNase H1 to the nucleoli.
248  region permanently stall, so the failure of R-loop removal in RNase H-deficient bacteria becomes let
249 epleting endogenous RNase H activity impairs R-loop removal in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, causing DNA
250               Mutations in genes involved in R-loop resolution or mutations leading to R-loop formati
251                                        Thus, R-loops resulting from the E2 transcriptional response a
252 ealed widespread BRCA1 binding enrichment at R-loop-rich termination regions (TRs) of actively transc
253  in vivo studies by others showing increased R-loop (RNA/DNA hybrid) formation when Sen1 activity is
254 wing cell culture systems, cotranscriptional R-loops (RNA/DNA duplex and displaced single-stranded DN
255  elements distal to the PAM affect primarily R-loop stability.
256                                              R-loop stabilization mediated by AtNDX inhibits COOLAIR
257  and Rrm3 binding to tDNAs is increased upon R-loop stabilization.
258                             The role of this R-loop structure in positioning each DNA strand for clea
259 ed along a parallel path 25 A apart, and the R-loop structure is further stabilized by locking this s
260 sense transcription promotes formation of an R-loop structure that can be disfavored in vitro and in
261                            Subsequently, the R-loop structure triggers DNA degradation.
262 no-Pozo et al. describe a connection between R loop structures and histone 3 S10 phosphorylation (H3S
263 c-Myc/Igh translocation, a process driven by R loop structures.
264                                     Aberrant R-loop structures are increasingly being realized as an
265 rently, it is unclear which mechanisms cause R-loop structures to become pathogenic.
266 pectedly, eRNA-expressing regions accumulate R-loop structures upon RNA exosome ablation, thus demons
267 late via the formation of co-transcriptional R-loop structures.
268  within the untranscribed strand of relevant R-loop structures.
269 on of RNase H levels did not form detectable R-loops, suggesting that prolonged manipulation of R-loo
270  RNA:DNA hybrids, plays an important role in R loop suppression.
271 rl1 protein in pre-mRNA splicing regulation, R-loop suppression and in maintaining genome stability.
272 ta describe a conserved role for Sgs1/BLM in R-loop suppression and support an increasingly broad vie
273                                         Most R-loops terminate within the switch repetitive zone, but
274 t transcriptional repression is caused by an R-loop that forms between the expanded repeat RNA and co
275 lytically active Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 R-loop that show the displaced DNA strand located near t
276     Here, we show that BRCA1 is recruited to R-loops that form normally over a subset of transcriptio
277 chromatin, thereby reducing the formation of R-loops that lead to genome instability.
278 nd strand-specific identification of genuine R-loops that responded in vivo to RNase H levels and dis
279 straints lead to persistent RNA:DNA hybrids (R-loops) that prime replication in the ribosomal DNA loc
280                                              R-loops, three-strand structures consisting of mRNA hybr
281                                              R-loops, three-stranded structures that form when transc
282 ability has been explained by the ability of R-loops to induce DNA damage.
283        The possible contribution of aberrant R-loops to pathological conditions is also discussed.
284 reducing negative supercoiling and resolving R loops, TOP3B promotes transcription, protects against
285                                              R-loops, transcriptionally-induced RNA:DNA hybrids, occu
286  or B cell lines, the upstream boundaries of R-loops typically begin early in the repetitive portion
287                                  We profiled R-loops using a high-resolution, strand-specific methodo
288 R-loop accumulation, and the accumulation of R-loops was exacerbated when both proteins were depleted
289 sm by which eukaryotic cells prevent harmful R loops, we used human activation-induced cytidine deami
290 ing or repairing damage caused by stabilized R loops were identified.
291                                              R-loops were further elevated upon deletion of yeast RNa
292 iation from oriK depends on RNA-DNA hybrids (R-loops), which are normally removed by enzymes such as
293  to the formation of stable RNA-DNA hybrids (R-loops), which inhibit successive rounds of transcripti
294  the mRNA may hybridize with DNA, forming an R loop, which can be physiological or pathological, cons
295                                              R loops, which are mainly co-transcriptional, abundant R
296 ly drives a conformational transition of the R-loop, which is essential for efficient substrate phosp
297 at nrl1Delta cells accumulate high levels of R-loops, which co-localize with HR repair factors and re
298                                              R-loops, which result from the formation of stable DNA:R
299 ese helicases is suppressed by destabilizing R-loops while Pif1 and Rrm3 binding to tDNAs is increase
300 cognition by forming a site-specific hybrid (R-loop) with its complement (protospacer) on an invading

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