


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  protein containing both a zinc finger and a RING finger motif.
2 vel human IAP that contains a single BIR and RING finger motif.
3 ibitor of apoptosis (IAP)-type repeat and no RING finger motif.
4 within the kinase domain and an intact MEKK1 RING finger motif.
5 re mediated by regions outside the canonical RING finger motif.
6  and ICP0 is much more complex than a simple RING finger motif.
7  full-length homologues, but contained an H2 ring finger motif.
8 the catalytic domain contains a zinc-binding RING finger motif.
9 n repeat domain at the N-terminal half and a RING finger motif.
10 me, UbcH3/CDC34, and requires an intact RAG1 RING finger motif.
11  zinc fingers that show high homology to the RING-finger motif.
12 minal baculovirus IAP repeats and C-terminal RING finger motifs.
13 HV-1 promoters, since deletion of the entire RING finger motif (aa 8 to 46) or a portion of it (aa 19
14 of a single conserved cysteine (C251) of the RING finger motif abolished the ability of IE2 to block
15 are maintained, including the amino terminal RING finger motif (amino acids 24-64) and the granin con
16 me, and RAD18 encodes a protein containing a RING finger motif and a nucleotide binding motif.
17 r signaling molecules, c-Cbl also contains a RING finger motif and a putative leucine zipper.
18 (TRAF-interacting protein), which contains a RING finger motif and an extended coiled-coil domain.
19 strongly than K3 and that the amino-terminal ring finger motif and the carboxyl-terminal region of K5
20  cell cycle depended on the integrity of the RING finger motif and was distinct from and independent
21 morphogenic 1) protein is characterized by a RING-finger motif and a WD40 repeat domain [1].
22 essing hRad18 protein with a mutation in the RING finger motif are defective in postreplication repai
23 tor of apoptosis, cIAP2, contains a putative Ring finger motif at the C terminus.
24              Mutation of the HEI10 divergent RING finger motif (characteristic of E3 ubiquitin ligase
25 nd its interactive partner CIP8 both possess RING finger motifs, characteristic of some E3 ubiquitin
26 ansfected NIH3T3 cells demonstrated that the RING finger motif, dimerization domain, and nuclear loca
27                       We have found that the RING finger motifs do not themselves constitute stable s
28 of these mutants showed that deletion of the RING finger motif eliminated the ability of IE2 to arres
29 rotein contains a cysteine-rich zinc-binding RING finger motif found in diverse groups of regulatory
30               Our findings indicate that the RING finger motif, in this case, serves as autonomous pr
31                                          The RING finger motif is characterized by eight conserved Cy
32                    Our results show that the RING finger motif is part of a larger proteolysis-resist
33 ssor gene, BRCA1, encodes for a Zn2+-binding RING finger motif located near the protein NH2 terminus.
34             Our study also suggests that the RING finger motif may interact with other nuclear protei
35          HOS1 encodes a novel protein with a RING finger motif near the amino terminus.
36 nteraction could be mapped to the C-terminal RING finger motif of RNF217.
37                                          The RING finger motifs of DIP-1 have E3 ligase activity that
38 xamined the functional importance of BIR and RING finger motifs of Orgyia pseudotsugata nuclear polyh
39 tudied subunit in Smc5/6, contains a SP-like-RING finger motif on the C-terminus and was identified a
40 t the N-terminal (PMLpro-), the proline-rich RING finger motif (PMLpr-), the proline-rich RING finger
41 s that interact in vivo via their N-terminal RING finger motif regions.
42 erved amino acid residues within the BIR and RING finger motifs revealed that the conserved residues
43 ivity, includes seven helicase motifs, and a RING finger motif that is shared exclusively by the RAD5
44  XB3 contains an ankyrin repeat domain and a RING finger motif that is sufficient for its interaction
45  Unlike the two Zn(2+) ions of the canonical RING-finger motif, the third Zn(2+) ion of APC11 is not
46 rved cysteine residues (C109 or C138) of the RING finger motif were able to increase IE1-induced apop
47 e, abolishes metal binding to Site II of the RING finger motif, while Site I remains intact and funct

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