


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                        PATIENTS AND METHODS RNA was extracted from 1,372 tumor blocks from postmenopausal
2                                                       Total RNA was extracted from 335 serum samples of HIV patients and
3 cells were isolated from small intestine with EDTA, and the RNA was extracted from both wild-type and interferon (IFN)-ga
4                                                             RNA was extracted from broth-cultured, swarming, and consolid
5                                                             RNA was extracted from captured cells, amplified, and assesse
6                                                             RNA was extracted from cell cultures to measure steady state
7                                                             RNA was extracted from colon tissue and comprehensive analysi
8                                                             RNA was extracted from corneal epithelial cells scraped from
9                                                   Messenger RNA was extracted from cultured and uncultured IPE cells and
10                                                       Total RNA was extracted from cultures treated for 6 hours and subje
11                                                             RNA was extracted from dissected human TM and used to constru
12                                                             RNA was extracted from dissected tissues of the rat iridocorn
13                                                       Total RNA was extracted from eight tissues (three GIP-dependent) an
14                                                       Total RNA was extracted from exosomes purified from 152 ethylenedia
15          For real-time quantitative RT-PCR analysis of p15, RNA was extracted from FFPE sections from 14 nevus and melano
16  next-generation sequencing of saliva or blood samples, and RNA was extracted from fibroblasts cultured from a patient wi
17                                                   Messenger RNA was extracted from fixed tissue and real-time quantitativ
18                                                       Total RNA was extracted from formalin fixed paraffin embedded biops
19                                                       Total RNA was extracted from gingival biopsies from 26 participants
20                                                       Total RNA was extracted from gingival biopsy samples collected from
21                                                       Total RNA was extracted from gingival tissue biopsies collected fro
22                                                             RNA was extracted from green fluorescent protein-tagged cells
23                                                       Total RNA was extracted from ileal biopsy specimens and genomic DNA
24                                                             RNA was extracted from injured explants, rested explants that
25                                                             RNA was extracted from intestinal graft and native liver biop
26                                                             RNA was extracted from isolated mononuclear cells, fluorescen
27                                                             RNA was extracted from leukocytes and reverse transcribed to
28                                                             RNA was extracted from low-passage cultures of CAF and NF and
29                                                     Biofilm RNA was extracted from N. gonorrhoeae 1291 grown for 48 h in
30                                                       Viral RNA was extracted from paired, stored sera at day 0 and week
31                                                             RNA was extracted from periodontal tissue, examined by mRNA p
32                                                             RNA was extracted from primary airway epithelial cells either
33                                                             RNA was extracted from proliferating cells versus differentia
34                                                         HCV RNA was extracted from serum samples, and the 5' UTR and NS5B
35                                                       Total RNA was extracted from Sezary cells and amplified by T7 in vi
36                                                  Planktonic RNA was extracted from the biofilm runoff.
37                                                             RNA was extracted from the cells and hybridized to gene expre
38                                                       Total RNA was extracted from the cells at baseline (control) and at
39                                                             RNA was extracted from the cortical regions of the ischaemic
40                                                             RNA was extracted from the HCASMCs for reverse transcriptase-
41                                                             RNA was extracted from the joints of Fgf2(-/-) and Fgf2(+/+)
42 g laser capture microdissection applied to frozen sections, RNA was extracted from the neoplastic epithelium of MCNs, fro
43                                                             RNA was extracted from the PNI model and controls and evaluat
44                                                             RNA was extracted from the progenitor cells on different days
45 mbedded, and stained for adipocyte size quantification, and RNA was extracted from the remaining tissue for quantitative
46                                                 Next, total RNA was extracted from the tissue and analyzed with RNA seque
47                                                             RNA was extracted from the whole blood of 48 individuals with
48                                                             RNA was extracted from tissues of experimentally infected cyn
49                                                             RNA was extracted from tumor and normal lung tissue, and expr
50 rface (ALI) for 3 weeks, conditioned media were sampled and RNA was extracted from unstimulated and IL-4/IL-13-stimulated

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