


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nal shifts and intensity fluctuations in the Raman spectrum.
2 tidine vibrational mode in the time-resolved Raman spectrum.
3 iously unexplained bands in the experimental Raman spectrum.
4 ived from the O-H stretching in deconvoluted Raman spectrum.
5 ed from the amide I profile in the isotropic Raman spectrum.
6 .0 is consistent with shifts observed in the Raman spectrum.
7 nges in the ultrafast dynamics and terahertz Raman spectrum accompanying a helix-to-coil transition o
8 y measured leak rate, separation factors and Raman spectrum agree well with models based on effusion
9 w-frequency phonon structure observed in the Raman spectrum, although the Raman spectrum does experie
10 cterizing the temperature dependency of both Raman spectrum and Fourier transform infrared spectrosco
11                        Lack of change in the Raman spectrum and relative amount of borate suggested t
12 ers, the Fe-His(F8) stretch in the resonance Raman spectrum and the position of band III in the absor
13  and the graphite index was characterized by Raman spectrum and X-ray diffraction.
14 ar-infrared (NIR) laser source to excite the Raman spectrum at 752 nm, vibrational signatures of both
15  three-dimensional data cube consisting of a Raman spectrum at every pixel in a microscope field of v
16 ochrome c is released from mitochondria, its Raman spectrum becomes identical to that of ferrous cyto
17 pite the polarization sensitivity of the ChC Raman spectrum, cholesterol monohydrate crystals can be
18                     The resulting difference Raman spectrum contained only vibrational modes due to b
19    The dominant feature in the low-frequency Raman spectrum correlates quite closely with the materia
20 zed by Raman spectroscopy, no changes in the Raman spectrum could be detected with changes in pH.
21 observed in the Raman spectrum, although the Raman spectrum does experience approximately 50% reducti
22 e enhancement of the melamine signals in the Raman spectrum due to the formation of SERS "hot spots".
23 ns by monitoring its time-resolved resonance-Raman spectrum following ultrafast photoexcitation.
24   The latter features allow us to obtain the Raman spectrum for small molecules soaking into crystals
25                               The individual Raman spectrum from each focus is then retrieved from th
26 tably, the temperature dependence of water's Raman spectrum has long been considered to be among the
27 e most intense normal modes occurring in the Raman spectrum in the 1520-1560 cm-1 region.
28 n here to concomitantly affect the resonance Raman spectrum in the region with Fe-His contribution.
29 ermediate 3 is photolabile, so, in lieu of a Raman spectrum, IR was used to obtain vibrational data f
30     When the vesicle-associated cytochrome c Raman spectrum is compared with a spectrum in buffer, he
31 the E14A variant indicate that the resonance Raman spectrum is remarkably insensitive to changes in t
32                                          The Raman spectrum is unique in the capability to characteri
33 mod)D form, identified by its characteristic Raman spectrum, is also present in the 'as prepared' enz
34  to the specific chemical fingerprint of the Raman spectrum, it was possible to discriminate differen
35                                              Raman spectrum microscopy confirmed that mouse PPy/u con
36                 In particular, the resonance Raman spectrum of 2 reveals a diatomic Co-O vibration ba
37                                          The Raman spectrum of 3 has a peak at 1017 cm(-1) that can b
38                                          The Raman spectrum of 4-dimethylaminobenzoyl-CoA undergoes m
39 without interference from protein modes; the Raman spectrum of a 12S crystal containing 2 MM-CoA liga
40  ligands per hexamer was subtracted from the Raman spectrum of a 12S crystal containing six MM-CoA li
41                                  Because the Raman spectrum of a filamentous phage is strongly depend
42                          The analysis of the Raman spectrum of a real dry white wine reveals qualitat
43 al assignment of amide I marker bands in the Raman spectrum of alpha-synuclein and by extrapolation t
44                                          The Raman spectrum of an equimolar alpha/beta mixture exhibi
45 l conversion induces distinct changes in the Raman spectrum of bilayer graphene including the broaden
46         This effect allowed us to record the Raman spectrum of bound MM-CoA without interference from
47 d vibrational mode in the 10 ns photoproduct Raman spectrum of CO-bound H93G(dibromopyridine) support
48                                   The unique Raman spectrum of different combinations of intracellula
49 le in this issue, and applied to measure the Raman spectrum of ds-DNA during force-extension.
50                                The resonance Raman spectrum of MnII cytochrome b5 indicated a high-sp
51                                The resonance Raman spectrum of MnIII cytochrome b5 was consistent wit
52                                          The Raman spectrum of monomeric alpha-synuclein in aqueous s
53 in, for the first time, the surface-enhanced Raman spectrum of neptunyl ions in dilute aqueous soluti
54                                The resonance Raman spectrum of oxidized MauG exhibits a set of marker
55                                The resonance Raman spectrum of oxidized wild-type P. furiosus SOR at
56 nding, and electrostatic interactions to the Raman spectrum of phosphoryl oxygens have not been analy
57                            The low-frequency Raman spectrum of reduced oPGHS-1 reveals two v[Fe-His]
58   Similarity between the PC1 loading and the Raman spectrum of RNA indicated a high concentration of
59                                      (1) The Raman spectrum of single D2O-loaded dormant spores sugge
60                   In addition, the resonance Raman spectrum of the [4Fe-4S](2+) cluster in IscU is be
61           Amide I and III frequencies in the Raman spectrum of the adsorbed protein suggest that ther
62 yr and the heme-bound NO, we examined the UV Raman spectrum of the B10 Tyr by subtracting the B10 mut
63                           By subtracting the Raman spectrum of the complex with labeled substrate fro
64 on addition of glycerol, striking changes in Raman spectrum of the deoxy form are observed that indic
65 beling using the intrinsic surfaced-enhanced Raman spectrum of the DNA-RNA complex.
66 haps more revealing is the unusual resonance Raman spectrum of the endogenous E287Q-bound porphyrin,
67 e-enhanced tyrosinate modes in the resonance Raman spectrum of the H25Y.heme complex provide direct e
68 etect a line at 1135 cm(-1) in the resonance Raman spectrum of the intermediate formed from 0.6 to 3.
69 viscosity-dependent changes in the resonance Raman spectrum of the liganded photoproduct, together im
70 bound to d(CGCGCG), changes in the resonance Raman spectrum of the metal drug complex suggest conform
71 32)S-(34)S stretching modes in the resonance Raman spectrum of the O(2)-exposed [2Fe-2S](2+) cluster-
72 (PCA) were used independently to resolve the Raman spectrum of the peptide from the background cellul
73                                The resonance Raman spectrum of the simple alkyne bridge in 4,4'-dinit
74  morphologic alteration and a characteristic Raman spectrum on spore and hyphae exposed to BITC.
75  This technology allows the acquisition of a Raman spectrum over a rastered macro spot.
76 observed changes in the carotenoid Resonance Raman spectrum proved that zeaxanthin was involved and i
77                                          The Raman spectrum provides further evidence to support the
78  guanine and adenine in the surface-enhanced Raman spectrum (SERS) of a dsDNA self-assembled monolaye
79                                            A Raman spectrum serves as a molecular 'fingerprint' of a
80                                              Raman spectrum showed the intense peaks in raw rice and
81  be nicely proven by the very characteristic Raman spectrum showing, because of the (approximately) i
82 olayers, ReS2 remains direct bandgap and its Raman spectrum shows no dependence on the number of laye
83 ar 252 cm(-1) (assigned to nu(9) in the MbCN Raman spectrum) suggests that the 75% lower limit is muc
84 e show here that many of the features of the Raman spectrum that are considered to be hallmarks of a
85 nmental dependence of the tyrosine resonance Raman spectrum, the spectrum of 3-Y(f) is found to be ex
86                                          The Raman spectrum thus provides a definitive basis for eval
87  insensitivity of the optical absorption and Raman spectrum to interlayer distance modulated by hydro
88 separated into two categories based on their Raman spectrum: type I, calcium oxalate dihydrate, and t
89                                       The FT-Raman spectrum upon visible light excitation of the Cr (
90                                A single cell Raman spectrum usually contains more than 1000 Raman ban
91       An observation of Mb(III) bands in the Raman spectrum was made for all of the cardiomyocytes th
92                          A key change in the Raman spectrum was observed after perfusion of the NO-do
93                  Without Ti, the NAB surface Raman spectrum was sufficiently strong to observe previo
94 brations in the high frequency region of the Raman spectrum, we conclude that the ferrous heme is fiv
95 ands in the 2200-2400 cm(-1) interval of the Raman spectrum were measured and interpreted using tenso
96  In clear contrast with the bovine rhodopsin Raman spectrum, which is very similar to that for the 11
97 ve terms in the potential, and the resonance Raman spectrum, which provides a direct measure of the l

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