


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                             Recently, we showed that 4E-T bound to mRNA however represses
2                                                             Recently, we showed that (64)Cu-DOTA-labeled PET probes based
3                                                             Recently, we showed that a FadD-deficient mutant of Sinorhizo
4                                                             Recently, we showed that a majority of accumulating Tregs in
5                                                             Recently, we showed that a single ChIA-PET experiment provide
6                                                             Recently, we showed that abnormal levels of Abeta42 in cerebr
7                                                             Recently, we showed that activation of the exchange protein d
8                                                        More recently, we showed that alterations of the Notch pathway als
9                                                             Recently, we showed that both APP and its insect ortholog [AP
10                                                             Recently, we showed that catabolic enzyme activity could be a
11                                                             Recently, we showed that cilium-generated signaling in Chlamy
12                                                             Recently, we showed that compound heterozygous mutations with
13                                                             Recently, we showed that cyclin D1 facilitates RAD51 recruitm
14                                                             Recently, we showed that DDX3X binds to the HCV 3'UTR, activa
15                                                             Recently, we showed that DDX3X specifically recognizes the HC
16                                                             Recently, we showed that EBV miRNAs inhibit CD4(+) T-cell res
17                                                             Recently, we showed that endothelial heparan sulfate facilita
18                                                             Recently, we showed that FMN-free diferrous FDP from Thermoto
19                                                             Recently, we showed that generation of tumours in syngeneic m
20                                                             Recently, we showed that glucocorticoids specifically stimula
21                                                             Recently, we showed that hypoxic induction of the extracellul
22                                                             Recently, we showed that IFN-gamma-producing NKG2D(+)CD8(+) T
23                                                             Recently, we showed that impairment of alveolar fluid clearan
24                                                             Recently, we showed that in prion disease, protein misfolding
25                                                             Recently, we showed that in samples with low ionic strength,
26                                                             Recently, we showed that increased miR-181a expression was as
27                                                             Recently, we showed that lysine demethylase KDM1A is overexpr
28                                                             Recently, we showed that minor injury produces long-term sens
29                                                             Recently, we showed that mitochondrion-targeted CYP2E1 augmen
30                                                             Recently, we showed that NEEP2/Nsg1 and P19/Nsg2 are not expr
31                                                             Recently, we showed that neurons in the primary fields of the
32                                                             Recently, we showed that packaging of virus transcription enz
33                                                             Recently, we showed that palmitoylation is necessary to targe
34                                                             Recently, we showed that PilF forms hexameric complexes conta
35                                                             Recently, we showed that properdin binds to tubular heparan s
36                                                             Recently, we showed that reactive astrocytes drive blood-brai
37                                                             Recently, we showed that removal of mouse Crb2 from retinal p
38                                                             Recently, we showed that substitution of the Mn(2+) metal cen
39                                                             Recently, we showed that T. gondii harbors a novel AMA design
40                                                             Recently, we showed that Th17 cells from patients with rheuma
41                                                             Recently, we showed that the administration of bezafibrate, a
42                                                             Recently, we showed that the glutathionylation state of uncou
43                                                             Recently, we showed that the Makes Caterpillar Floppy-like MA
44                                                             Recently, we showed that the muscle-specific protein myoglobi
45                                                             Recently, we showed that the N-terminal amphipathic helix of
46                                                        Very recently, we showed that the reactivity of some of these addi
47                                                             Recently, we showed that the seeded growth of crystallizable
48                                                             Recently, we showed that there is a global down-regulation of
49                                                             Recently, we showed that this reaction proceeds in the absenc
50                                                             Recently, we showed that Wolbachia uses host microRNAs to man

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