


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              RhoGAP also appears to function by stabilizing several r
2         Defects resulting from loss of CYK-4 RhoGAP activity can be rescued by activating mutations i
3                        Consistent with CYK-4 RhoGAP activity contributing to GEF activation, the cata
4              Thus, counterintuitively, CYK-4 RhoGAP activity promotes RhoA activation.
5        We suggest that ZEN-4/MKLP1 and CYK-4/RhoGAP regulate an early step in epithelial polarization
6                    Centralspindlin kinesin-6/RhoGAP complex, a midbody component critical for both th
7 -phosphatase domain followed by an ASH and a RhoGAP-like domain.
8 results demonstrate that YopE functions as a RhoGAP to downregulate multiple Rho GTPases, leading to
9 ild type p190 appeared able to function as a RhoGAP.
10  family member c-ten requires R474 to bind a RhoGAP called DLC-1 (deleted in liver cancer).
11            The N-terminal domain comprises a RhoGAP activity, while the C-terminal domain comprises a
12 -activating proteins (GAPs), which contain a RhoGAP domain equipped with a characteristic arginine fi
13 otein 1 (MKLP1), and CYK-4, which contains a RhoGAP (GTPase-activating protein) domain.
14 er cancer 1) tumor suppressor gene encodes a RhoGAP protein that inactivates Rho GTPases, which are i
15   Now the generation of mice deficient for a RhoGAP suggests that this small G protein might also reg
16  of the genes identified in this screen is a RhoGAP protein, SH3-domain binding protein 1 (SH3BP1).
17                   Depletion of myosin-IXA, a RhoGAP and actin motor protein, in collectively migratin
18 her DBL family Rho GEFs, Rho effectors, or a RhoGAP.
19  contributes to DLC1 tumor suppression via a RhoGAP-independent mechanism, and suggest that DLC1 inac
20 idomain protein with a RhoGTPase-activating (RhoGAP) domain and a StAR-related lipid transfer (START)
21 trameric complex consisting of kinesin-6 and RhoGAP (Rho-family GTPase-activating protein) subunits,
22 n cooperation between its tensin binding and RhoGAP activities, although neither activity depends on
23 EF (guanine nucleotide exchange factors) and RhoGAP (GTPase activating proteins), proteins that contr
24 otein RhoA complexed with MgF3(-) , GDP, and RhoGAP, which has the mutation Arg85'Ala.
25 e protein did inhibit both the intrinsic and RhoGAP-stimulated GTP hydrolysis rates of Cdc42 and Rac1
26 reveal that the binding sites for IQGAP1 and RhoGAP on the small G proteins overlap only partially.
27 gh multiple cellular targets for the PRR and RhoGAP have been identified, and their functions delinea
28 a-5 genes, encoding homologues of RhoGEF and RhoGAP, respectively, as regulators of axon regeneration
29 f the ongoing combined actions of RhoGEF and RhoGAP.
30 view, we focus on the ability of RhoGEFs and RhoGAPs to form complexes with diverse binding partners,
31 , Ses1 and Ses2, which interact with the ASH-RhoGAP-like (ASPM-SPD-2-Hydin homology and Rho-GTPase Ac
32 ed by the same missense mutations in the ASH-RhoGAP-like domain that also disrupt APPL1 binding.
33 allographic studies reveal a role of the ASH-RhoGAP-like domains in positioning the phosphatase domai
34 ion with APPL1, which is mediated by the ASH-RhoGAP-like domains of OCRL and is abolished by disease
35 recruitment of actomyosin and the associated RhoGAP Myo9b.
36                                       P190-B RhoGAP (p190-B, also known as ARHGAP5) has been shown to
37 he tyrosine-phosphorylation status of p190-B RhoGAP and its resulting subcellular relocalization.
38 trate-trapping mutants, we identified p190-B RhoGAP as a SHP-2 substrate.
39 ." Cells derived from embryos lacking p190-B RhoGAP exhibit excessive Rho activity, are defective for
40                When dephosphorylated, p190-B RhoGAP has been shown to stimulate the activation of Rho
41 ly inactive mutant of SHP-2 inhibited p190-B RhoGAP tyrosyl dephosphorylation, RhoA activity, and myo
42                    During myogenesis, p190-B RhoGAP was tyrosyl dephosphorylated concomitant with the
43 e lacking the Rho-inhibitory protein, p190-B RhoGAP, are 30% reduced in size and exhibit developmenta
44 hat the Rho GTPase and its regulator, p190-B RhoGAP, are components of a critical switch in the adipo
45 y suggest that SHP-2 dephosphorylates p190-B RhoGAP, leading to the activation of RhoA.
46                                    In p190-B RhoGAP-deficient mice, CREB phosphorylation is substanti
47  we show that a signalling network of p190-B RhoGAP-ROS-TGF-beta-p38(MAPK) balances HSPC self-renewal
48 es, further suggesting a link between p190-B-RhoGAP and non-canonical TGF-beta signalling in HSPC dif
49 ant negative mutants of Cdc42 and Rac and by RhoGAP p190.
50 inger resembles the one within the canonical RhoGAP domains and inserts into the nucleotide-binding p
51 0RhoGAP (herein referred to as CRAD; catenin-RhoGAP association domain).
52 rmodynamic data pertaining to the Rac1/Cdc42-RhoGAP complexes.
53 n we identify "cold spots" in the Rac1/Cdc42-RhoGAP/IQGAP1 interfaces.
54                   In addition to a conserved RhoGAP domain at the N terminus, multiple proline-rich m
55 f RGA-3/4, which functions as a conventional RhoGAP for RhoA.
56 which are predicted to encode three distinct RhoGAPs that share only the GAP domain.
57                               Thus, distinct RhoGAPs, encoded by the same gene, regulate different ma
58 on occurred at mRNA level and relied on DLC1 RhoGAP function, leading to suppression of high level of
59         Hence, p120 associates with the DLC1 RhoGAP domain by targeting the catalytic arginine finger
60 on mode of the p120 SH3 domain with the DLC1 RhoGAP domain that is atypical and does not follow the c
61  the serines, located N-terminal to the DLC1 RhoGAP domain, induces strong binding of that N-terminal
62 RhoA were increased upon depletion of either RhoGAP.
63  p190B mutant exhibits dramatically enhanced RhoGAP activity, consistent with a model whereby binding
64                      SNX26, a brain-enriched RhoGAP, plays a key role in dendritic arborization durin
65 functions as a molecular mimic of eukaryotic RhoGAPs to inactivate Rho GTPases through RhoGDI.
66    Green fluorescent protein-RhoGDI and ExoS RhoGAP cooperatively stimulated actin reorganization and
67 ane inhibited the actions of RhoGDI and ExoS RhoGAP on the translocation of Cdc42 from membrane to cy
68  RhoA in vivo, the relationship between ExoS RhoGAP and the eukaryotic regulators of Rho GTPases is n
69 ation of actin cytoskeleton mediated by ExoS RhoGAP.
70 skeleton elicited by type III-delivered ExoS RhoGAP.
71                     This indicates that ExoS RhoGAP and RhoGDI function in series to inactivate Rho G
72 n actin reorganization, suggesting that ExoS RhoGAP functions as a molecular mimic of eukaryotic RhoG
73                            Although the ExoS RhoGAP inactivates Cdc42, Rac, and RhoA in vivo, the rel
74                                Although ExoT RhoGAP stimulates actin reorganization through the inact
75 onal interaction between RhoA and individual RhoGAP which involves distinct structural determinants o
76 nd structurally and show that they influence RhoGAP activity.
77 y competitively and very potently inhibiting RhoGAP activity.
78 ons as an autoinhibitory domain of intrinsic RhoGAP activity.
79 ulation of neurite outgrowth by exerting its RhoGAP activity and that its cellular activity may be re
80 vealed an allosteric regulation site for its RhoGAP activity.
81  regulation of neurite outgrowth through its RhoGAP activity.
82  screening Rho GTPase regulators, myosin-IXA RhoGAP was identified as a key requirement for cell-cell
83  p68RacGAP, a novel Vezf1-interacting 68-kDa RhoGAP domain-containing protein.
84 luding original data from a double-knockdown RhoGAP genetic screen, which likely reflects the redunda
85 is regulated by the asymmetrically localized RhoGAP Deleted in liver cancer (DLC1) in the cytoplasm a
86  of Myo9b (Myo9b-RhoGAP), a unique motorized RhoGAP that specifically targets RhoA for controlling ce
87 ntracellular domain interacts with the Myo9b RhoGAP domain and inhibits its activity; therefore, SLIT
88 missing in the RhoGAP domain of Myo9b (Myo9b-RhoGAP), a unique motorized RhoGAP that specifically tar
89 ers impaired the catalytic activity of Myo9b-RhoGAP and affected the Myo9b-mediated cell migration.
90   Here, we determined the structure of Myo9b-RhoGAP in complex with GDP-bound RhoA and magnesium fluo
91                 Our data indicate that Myo9b-RhoGAP accelerates RhoA GTP hydrolysis by a previously u
92                          Unexpectedly, Myo9b-RhoGAP contains two arginine fingers at its catalytic si
93 m, which may be shared by other noncanonical RhoGAP domains lacking the auxiliary asparagine.
94                                      A novel RhoGAP family member, p200RhoGAP, is cloned in human and
95 he conservation of the catalytic activity of RhoGAP (Rho-specific GAP) on the 6-TGTP-Rac1 adduct to p
96 ion to activation of RhoGEF(s), reduction of RhoGAP (p190) is a critical mechanism by which increased
97 ented by knowledge of the basic structure of RhoGAP/GTPase signaling, namely, that GAPs act directly
98  reflects the redundant network structure of RhoGAP/GTPase signaling.
99 xplain why, unique among the large family of RhoGAPs, p190A exhibits a significantly increased mutati
100 method makes mediocre predictions using only RhoGAP single-knockdown morphological data, yet achieves
101 h a large set of other representative SH3 or RhoGAP proteins.
102                        Centralspindlin's own RhoGAP domain also contributes to furrow ingression.
103                                         p115 RhoGAP directly binds PRL-1 in vitro and in cells via it
104 l interaction between the SH3 domain of p115 RhoGAP and MEKK1 and results in activation of ERK1/2.
105 by inhibiting the catalytic activity of p115 RhoGAP.
106 hin the PxxP ligand-binding site of the p115 RhoGAP SH3 domain occupies a folded groove within PRL-1.
107 sults demonstrate that PRL-1 binding to p115 RhoGAP provides a coordinated mechanism underlying ERK1/
108  amino acids, has 86% homology with rat p122 RhoGAP gene, and was localized by fluorescence in situ h
109                                         P190 RhoGAP (GTPase activating protein) is a potent Rho regul
110                                         p190 RhoGAP is a 190-kDa protein that stably associates with
111                                         p190 RhoGAP, a GTPase regulatory protein, provides this coord
112 hesion molecules, the action of PKC and p190 RhoGAP leads to a modulation of Rho GTPase activity to d
113          The minimal regions of Syx and p190 RhoGAP that bind Rnd3 are not sequence-related but have
114  or in response to integrin engagement, p190 RhoGAP is rapidly translocated to regions of membrane ru
115 ates excessively, suggesting a role for p190 RhoGAP in the regulation of +Rho-mediated actin assembly
116                 Mice lacking functional p190 RhoGAP exhibit several defects in neural development tha
117 phila using RNA interference identified p190 RhoGAP as essential for axon stability in mushroom body
118                        Here we identify p190 RhoGAP (p190), the most abundant GAP for RhoA in cells,
119 ng Rac1 activation and RhoA inhibition, p190 RhoGAP is critical to the protective effects of Ang-1 ag
120 cells of the neural tube floor plate of p190 RhoGAP mutant mice, polymerized actin accumulates excess
121 ltinucleation phenotype is dependent on p190 RhoGAP activity, determine that the N-terminal GBDS1 reg
122 ion with their effectors such as Syx or p190 RhoGAP.
123 ng, the tyrosine phosphorylated protein p190 RhoGAP becomes associated with GRB2 in LA significantly
124 tor p190 Rho-GTPase-activating protein (p190 RhoGAP) also play an important regulatory role in fear m
125 ility effects of endotoxin but requires p190 RhoGAP to do so.
126  a FRET biosensor, we further show that p190 RhoGAP and RhoA act downstream of the PAR-6/aPKC complex
127                  Herein, we report that p190 RhoGAP forms a high-affinity complex with Rho GTPases in
128  kinase C (PKC), and we have found that p190 RhoGAP is also a PKC substrate in vivo.
129                 We have determined that p190 RhoGAP is specifically expressed at high levels througho
130 FII-I as a specific interactor with the p190 RhoGAP FF domains.
131                       Inhibition of the p190 RhoGAP-downstream kinase ROCK in LA during fear conditio
132                               Thus, the p190 RhoGAP/ROCK pathway, which regulates the morphology of d
133  revealed that RAFTK is associated with p190 RhoGAP (p190), RasGAP and ErbB-2, and plays an essential
134 s an abundant SH2-mediated complex with p190 RhoGAP in cells expressing activated tyrosine kinases.
135                          Treatment with p190 RhoGAP small interfering RNA completely abolishes the ab
136                    Our results identify p190 RhoGAPs as effectors of Rnd proteins and demonstrate a n
137 n the context of cell migration are the p190 RhoGAPs (p190A and p190B), which function to modulate Rh
138                                     The p190 RhoGAPs undergo complex regulation, including phosphoryl
139 ivating protein for Rho family members (p190(RhoGAP); p190) and membrane-protrusive activities at inv
140 ative regulator of Rho family GTPases, p190A RhoGAP, is one of six mammalian proteins harboring so-ca
141                            We identify p190A RhoGAP as a major target for ERK signaling in adhesion a
142 phosphorylation leads to inhibition of p190A RhoGAP activity in vitro and in vivo.
143 equired for the negative regulation of p190A RhoGAP activity.
144 itional regulatory mechanism unique to p190A RhoGAP that involves priming-dependent phosphorylation b
145 ted that IQGAP1 binds to both RhoA and p190A-RhoGAP, a GTPase-activating protein that normally inhibi
146 P1 acts as a scaffold that colocalizes p190A-RhoGAP and RhoA, inactivating RhoA and suppressing airwa
147 al sections revealed colocalization of p190A-RhoGAP and RhoA; however, these proteins did not colocal
148 ing of Rac1 relieves autoinhibition of p190B RhoGAP function.
149                                         p200 RhoGAP co-localizes with p120 RasGAP in cells and forms
150                                         p200 RhoGAP, a member of the Rho GTPase-activating protein (R
151   The morphology of the foci induced by p200 RhoGAP is distinct from that formed by Rac or Rho activa
152 uppresses the foci formation induced by p200 RhoGAP, suggesting that the Ras-ERK pathway is required
153 hat the Ras-ERK pathway is required for p200 RhoGAP-mediated cell transformation.
154 vity of the N-terminal RhoGAP domain in p200 RhoGAP is also required for its full transforming activi
155 region and the Src homology 3 domain of p200 RhoGAP and p120 RasGAP, respectively.
156                           Expression of p200 RhoGAP results in a significant increase of Ras-GTP and
157 Here we show that ectopic expression of p200 RhoGAP stimulates fibroblast cell proliferation and cell
158                            Mutations of p200 RhoGAP that disrupt interaction with p120 RasGAP abolish
159 he GDP- and GTP-bound states suppresses p200 RhoGAP transformation.
160 proliferation and provide evidence that p200 RhoGAP can mediate cross-talks between Ras- and Rho-regu
161 genic Ras, raising the possibility that p200 RhoGAP may engage Ras signaling.
162 ransferase, or the GTPase-activating protein RhoGAP p190 causes a marked reduction in the number of p
163 orms allowing Rho-GTPase-activating protein (RhoGAP) activity to be focused at a definite locus.
164 th N-terminal Rho GTPase-activating protein (RhoGAP) and C-terminal ADP-ribosyltransferase domains.
165 C-1 encodes a Rho GTPase-activating protein (RhoGAP) and negative regulator of specific Rho family pr
166 suppressor, a Rho GTPase-activating protein (RhoGAP) associated with focal adhesions.
167 1 (DLC-1) is a RhoGTPase-activating protein (RhoGAP) domain containing tumor suppressor that is often
168 9 include the Rho GTPase-activating protein (RhoGAP) domain, and residues 234-453 include the 14-3-3-
169 member of the Rho GTPase-activating protein (RhoGAP) family, was previously implicated in the regulat
170 , which encodes a GTPase activating protein (RhoGAP) for the RhoA and RhoC small GTPases.
171 e analyses of Rho GTPase activating protein (RhoGAP) function in Drosophila using RNA interference id
172 of the Rho family GTPase-activating protein (RhoGAP) MgcRacGAP/CYK-4 and the kinesin MKLP1/ZEN-4, is
173 codes a novel Rho GTPase-activating protein (RhoGAP) required for restricting the ROP1 activity to th
174 ene encodes a Rho GTPase-activating protein (RhoGAP) that functions as a tumor suppressor in several
175   BPGAP1 is a Rho GTPase-activating protein (RhoGAP) that regulates cell morphogenesis, cell migratio
176 ctly to p190B Rho GTPase-activating protein (RhoGAP), a major modulator of Rho signaling.
177 guanosine triphosphatase activating protein (RhoGAP), PAC-1, which mediates C. elegans radial polarit
178 pression of a Rho GTPase-activating protein (RhoGAP), RhoGAP7/DLC-1, via activation of the transcript
179 values of the Rho GTPase-activating protein (RhoGAP)-catalyzed reactions were significantly increased
180 by Rho-selective GTPase-activating proteins (RhoGAP), which have generally been presumed to act as tu
181          The Rho GTPase-activating proteins (RhoGAPs) are a family of multifunctional molecules that
182 eins known as RhoGTPase Activating Proteins (RhoGAPs) that catalyse the conversion of RhoGTPases to t
183 C1-3) encode Rho-GTPase-activating proteins (RhoGAPs) whose expression is frequently down-regulated o
184 y inhibiting Rho GTPase activating proteins (RhoGAPs).
185 ode Rho-specific GTPase-activating proteins (RhoGAPs).
186 ted action of its proline-rich region (PRR), RhoGAP domain, and the BNIP-2 and Cdc42GAP homology (BCH
187                  The number of potential Rac/RhoGAPs largely exceeds the number of Rac/Rho GTPases an
188  in other species, namely, mouse HSPE71, Rat RhoGAP protein, S cerevisiae leucyl tRNA synthetase and
189            Deletion of these domains reduces RhoGAP activity.
190           Our findings suggest that the REN1 RhoGAP controls a negative-feedback-based global inhibit
191 roliferation and that this function requires RhoGAP activity.
192 LC1 binding to S100A10 did not affect DLC1's RhoGAP activity, but it decreased the steady-state level
193 criptome revealed high expression of several RhoGAP genes in BLBC tumors, raising the possibility tha
194                 We describe a brain-specific RhoGAP splice variant, BARGIN (BGIN), which comprises a
195  (DLC1), which encodes a protein with strong RhoGAP (GTPase activating protein) activity and weak Cdc
196 nteraction with p190B, modulates subcellular RhoGAP localization and activity, thereby providing a no
197 s a regulatory element for its COOH-terminal RhoGAP domain.
198 ti-internalization factor with an N-terminal RhoGAP domain and a C-terminal ADP-ribosyltransferase do
199 ingly, the RhoGAP activity of the N-terminal RhoGAP domain in p200 RhoGAP is also required for its fu
200 cal drivers of BLBC growth, and propose that RhoGAPs can act as oncogenes in cancer.
201                                          The RhoGAP activity is required for full DLC-dependent tumor
202                                          The RhoGAP activity, which is required for full DLC-dependen
203                                          The RhoGAP domain of p200RhoGAP stimulated the GTPase activi
204                                          The RhoGAP domains of Bcr and 3BP-1, which were thought to b
205 interaction between recombinant RhoA and the RhoGAP domains of p190, p50RhoGAP, Bcr, and 3BP-1.
206 utations in the 5-phosphatase domain and the RhoGAP-like domain.
207 aracterisation reveals that cv-c encodes the RhoGAP protein RhoGAP88C.
208 rface and a clathrin box protruding from the RhoGAP-like domain.
209 ed a set of chimeric molecules by fusing the RhoGAP domain of p190, a GTPase-activating protein that
210 ential for inhibiting tumor cell growth, the RhoGAP activities were significantly reduced in these mu
211 ses in both worm and fly have identified the RhoGAP-like protein Syd-1 as a key positive regulator of
212 , the auxiliary asparagine is missing in the RhoGAP domain of Myo9b (Myo9b-RhoGAP), a unique motorize
213  SH3 domain of p120 selectively inhibits the RhoGAP activity of all three DLC isoforms as compared wi
214                           Interestingly, the RhoGAP activity of the N-terminal RhoGAP domain in p200
215 e motility defect of macrophages lacking the RhoGAP (Rho GTPase-activating protein) myosin IXb (Myo9b
216                  Transient expression of the RhoGAP domain and the full-length molecule, but not the
217                            Expression of the RhoGAP domain of p200RhoGAP in Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts inh
218 o actin filaments, whereas expression of the RhoGAP domain partially rescued the cell scattering phen
219 he characterization of a novel member of the RhoGAP family, Rga8, identified from a two-hybrid screen
220 tein 1, Rasip1, and its binding partner, the RhoGAP Arhgap29.
221  stretch of polybasic residues preceding the RhoGAP domain regulates CdGAP activity in vivo and is re
222 a small polybasic region (PBR) preceding the RhoGAP domain that mediates specific binding to negative
223            Consistent with the fact that the RhoGAP activity of DLC-1 is essential for inhibiting tum
224        Structural analyses revealed that the RhoGAP domain of Myo9b contains a unique patch that spec
225                             We show that the RhoGAP PAC-1/ARHGAP21 inhibits CDC-42 activity at AJs, a
226                 A new study reports that the RhoGAP SPV-1 senses membrane curvature and cell stretch
227 ong binding of that N-terminal region to the RhoGAP domain, converting DLC1 from an open, active dime
228 omeric state, Rac1 became insensitive to the RhoGAP stimulation, albeit maintaining the responsivenes
229    DLC-1 is a multi-domain protein, with the RhoGAP catalytic domain flanked by an amino-terminal ste
230 es with the interaction of RhoA-GTP with the RhoGAP domain, reduces the hydrolysis of RhoA-GTP, the b
231  this, we examined the roles of two of these RhoGAPs, ArhGAP11A (also known as MP-GAP) and RacGAP1 (a
232 gical data from genetic screens, apply it to RhoGAP/GTPase regulation in Drosophila, and evaluate its
233 e a built-in arginine finger, in addition to RhoGAPs, for negative regulation.
234 monstrate that Moe interacts with an unusual RhoGAP, Conundrum (Conu), and recruits it to the cell co
235 we have developed a novel strategy utilizing RhoGAP-Rho chimeras to specifically down-regulate indivi
236 iological activity, as did a mutant that was RhoGAP-deficient.
237 ng both bound nucleotide and Mg(2+), whereas RhoGAP utilizes the Mg(2+) cofactor to achieve high cata
238 h RhoGAPArg85'Ala relative to wild-type (WT) RhoGAP.
239 troduction of the Y. pseudotuberculosis YopE RhoGAP protein could be bypassed by the overproduction o

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