


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              Rosenthal fibers (RF), intra-astrocytic hyaline inclusio
2                                              Rosenthal fibers and eosinophilic granular bodies were o
3                                              Rosenthal's canal (RC) extended to between 560 and 650 d
4 recognized based on the presence of abundant Rosenthal fibers.
5 udy further the effects of elevated GFAP and Rosenthal fibers per se, independent of mutations, we pe
6 controls, including ferruginated neurons and Rosenthal fibers.
7                                  Sosdian and Rosenthal used magnesium/calcium ratios in benthic foram
8 presence of eosinophilic inclusions known as Rosenthal fibers (RFs) within astrocytes, and is caused
9 d by cytoplasmic protein aggregates known as Rosenthal fibers along with variable degrees of leukodys
10 utations result in protein deposits known as Rosenthal fibers in Alexander disease.
11  by excessive accumulation of GFAP, known as Rosenthal fibers, within astrocytes.
12 rotein aggregates within astrocytes known as Rosenthal fibers.
13 nclusions bearing the hallmarks of authentic Rosenthal fibers.
14 e in astrocytes of protein aggregates called Rosenthal fibers.
15 rized by cytoplasmic inclusion bodies called Rosenthal fibers (RFs), which contain GFAP, small heat s
16 s characterized by protein inclusions called Rosenthal fibers within astrocyte cell bodies and proces
17 , cerebellum, and spinal cord) and decreased Rosenthal fibers in olfactory bulb, hippocampus, corpus
18  with GFAP-R76H and -R236H mutations develop Rosenthal fibers, the hallmark protein aggregates observ
19 nclusion bodies indistinguishable from human Rosenthal fibers.
20 sistent feature of AxD; however, its role in Rosenthal fibers and AxD pathology is not known.
21                             Counts of SGN in Rosenthal's canal indicate that BDNF was more effective
22 njections of Neurobiotin (NB) were made into Rosenthal's canal, labeling a small cluster of cells in
23 hy adult controls and 25 outpatients meeting Rosenthal-National Institute of Mental Health criteria f
24 e increases in GFAP, and the accumulation of Rosenthal fibers, cytoplasmic protein inclusions contain
25 elopmental expansion in the circumference of Rosenthal's canal.
26 lead to protein aggregation and formation of Rosenthal fibers, complex astrocytic inclusions that con
27 orms of Alexander disease is the presence of Rosenthal fibers, cytoplasmic inclusions in astrocytes t
28  as determined from serial reconstruction of Rosenthal's canal.
29 that contain GFAP protein aggregates, termed Rosenthal fibers (RFs), and the loss of myelin.
30 teins, and ubiquitinated proteins are termed Rosenthal fibers and characterize Alexander disease, a l
31 eriphery with abnormal exit of SGNs from the Rosenthal's canal towards central nuclei.
32 the predictive and construct validity of the Rosenthal et al. diagnosis of winter seasonal affective
33 ical histologically and antigenically to the Rosenthal fibers of Alexander's disease.
34 of spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) within the Rosenthal's canal and of SGN projections toward both the
35                               When mice with Rosenthal fibers induced by over-expression of GFAP are
36 ide formal proof linking GFAP mutations with Rosenthal fibers and oxidative stress, and correlate gli
37 n of spiral ganglion (SG) cell somata within Rosenthal's canal demonstrated a mean of approximately 5

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