


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO).
2 lose 1,5 bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (Rubisco).
3 lose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco).
4 nd an incompletely folded substrate protein (RuBisCO).
5 lose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco).
6 and analyzed its functional interaction with Rubisco.
7 eptide ala-val-phe-ala (AVFA), a fragment of RuBisCO.
8 ry dependencies of the photosynthetic enzyme RuBisCO.
9 needed for assembly of active cyanobacterial Rubisco.
10 ently co-occur with both Form IA and Form II RuBisCO.
11 proved growth properties expressing red-type Rubisco.
12 rves to elevate the CO2 concentration around Rubisco.
13 co or by modifying the kinetic properties of Rubisco.
14 ntent and the high fraction of N invested in Rubisco.
15 termine abundance of the CO2 -fixing enzyme, Rubisco.
16 tify the abundance of the CO2 -fixing enzyme Rubisco.
17 mpetitive reaction with O2 also catalyzed by RuBisCO.
18 nthesis by concentrating CO2 near the enzyme Rubisco.
19                       The addition of excess Rubisco (24:1, L8S8/Rca6) and crowding agents did not mo
20 the total protein could be extracted as pure rubisco (90% purity) from the supernatant.
21 etabolic repair of the photosynthetic enzyme Rubisco, a complex of eight large (RbcL) and eight small
22 ry sugar phosphates from the active sites of Rubisco, a process necessary for Rubisco activation and
23 d carbon fixation rates, protein content and Rubisco abundance and catalytic rates during an intense
24 not account for Tgrowth -mediated changes in Rubisco abundance that underpin the thermal acclimation
25 ation rates, psychrophilic diatoms increased Rubisco abundance to c. 8% of biomass (vs c. 0.6% at 20
26 roducing tob(AtL) plants) and with a cognate Rubisco accumulation factor 1 (AtRAF1) chaperone (produc
27 dling-lethal, Rubisco-deficient mutant named Rubisco accumulation factor 2 (raf2-1).
28 d that both carboxylation and oxygenation of Rubisco acted as the major sinks for the end products of
29                                          The Rubisco activase (RCA) gene from each species was sequen
30 vestigated the mechanism of the AAA+ protein Rubisco activase (Rca) in metabolic repair of the photos
31 tions, ATP-synthase gamma-subunit (AtpC) and Rubisco activase (RCA) were identified by matrix-assiste
32 ged and remodeled by the molecular chaperone Rubisco activase (Rca).
33 inhibitors are released by the motor protein Rubisco activase (Rca).
34  we use a variety of techniques to show that Rubisco activase forms a wide range of structures in sol
35            The data support a model in which Rubisco activase forms an open spiraling structure rathe
36                                              Rubisco activase is an essential enzyme for photosynthes
37                                 KEY MESSAGE: Rubisco activase of plants evolved in a stepwise manner
38                  We propose a model in which Rubisco activase requires at least 1 neighboring subunit
39                                    In Salix, Rubisco activase transcripts were down-regulated in cont
40 sis suggested that there are two isoforms of Rubisco activase which may provide an explanation for th
41 Ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activase uses the energy from ATP hydrolysis to
42 xes by diverse molecular chaperones known as rubisco activases (Rcas).
43 ve sites of Rubisco, a process necessary for Rubisco activation and carbon fixation.
44                             The mechanism of rubisco activation appears conserved between the bacteri
45 of TMFs, with variations in N allocation and Rubisco activation state further influencing photosynthe
46 revious reports that RCA is heat-labile, the Rubisco activation state was measured.
47               When assayed in leaf extracts, Rubisco activation was significantly inhibited by physio
48 ca structurally destabilizes elements of the Rubisco active site with remarkable selectivity.
49 ative electron transport), and regulation of Rubisco activity leads to emergent behaviors that may af
50 with an alternative model wherein disrupting RubisCO activity prevents photoheterotrophic growth due
51 icant kinetic effect of coencapsulated CA on RuBisCO activity was not observed under ambient or oxyge
52            Based on a calculation of maximum Rubisco activity, these results suggest that phytoplankt
53 the possible constraints this has imposed on Rubisco adaptive evolution, and the likely need for such
54                         The encapsulation of Rubisco allows for high-CO2 concentrations at the site o
55                                       Se7942 Rubisco and CcmM35 formed macromolecular complexes withi
56 ind that EPYC1 is of comparable abundance to Rubisco and colocalizes with Rubisco throughout the pyre
57 e, we report that the selective depletion of Rubisco and cytochrome b6f complex that occurs when Chla
58  The pyrenoid contains the CO2-fixing enzyme Rubisco and enhances carbon fixation by supplying Rubisc
59 tein from Halothiobacillus neapolitanus with RuBisCO and GroELS in Escherichia coli increased the amo
60 is densely packed with the CO2-fixing enzyme Rubisco and is thought to be a crystalline or amorphous
61 n in the temperature kinetics of Paniceae C3 Rubisco and PCK Rubisco differentially stimulated C3 pho
62                            In the absence of Rubisco and PGR5, a sustained electron flow is maintaine
63 isco in a model C3 plant with cyanobacterial Rubisco and progress toward synthesizing a carboxysome i
64                                         Leaf Rubisco and protein contents were consistent with the me
65 her to increase the CO2 concentration around Rubisco and reduce photorespiration.
66 f Rca is responsible for the deactivation of Rubisco and reduction of photosynthesis at moderately el
67                 This oxygenation reaction of RubisCO and subsequent photorespiration significantly li
68 een 2 and 1 h before dawn, the proportion of Rubisco and the thylakoid lumen carbonic anhydrase in th
69 lose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) and carbonic anhydrase (CA), in an engineered p
70 th respect to fractionation between soluble (rubisco) and insoluble (other) proteins.
71 lose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) and its substrate CO2 within a proteinaceous sh
72 escription of the carboxysome shell protein, RuBisCO, and CcmM isoform localization.
73 at encapsulates several hundred molecules of RuBisCO, and contain carbonic anhydrase and other access
74 n the KM of the primary carboxylating enzyme Rubisco, and in order to photosynthesize efficiently, ma
75                      Specific amino-acids in Rubisco are associated with C(4) photosynthesis in monoc
76 t for the catalytic variation among Paniceae Rubisco are identified; however, incompatibilities with
77 in total leaf protein per unit leaf area and Rubisco as a percentage of leaf N.
78                                          The Rubisco assembly domain is thus an inbuilt SSu mimic tha
79 like protein, renamed here alpha-carboxysome RuBisCO assembly factor (or acRAF), is a novel RuBisCO c
80 ly from the low half-saturation constant for Rubisco at cold temperatures.
81 ntiquity and global abundance of the enzyme, RuBisCO, attests to the crucial and longstanding role it
82                 The most important target is Rubisco because it catalyses both carboxylation and oxyg
83  fixation despite cellular concentrations of Rubisco being approximately four-fold greater in A13.
84 e that at equal concentrations of the gases, Rubisco binds CO2 stronger than it does O2.
85 to be considered when optimizing recombinant Rubisco bioengineering in plants.
86 quired chaperone complementarity that hinder Rubisco biogenesis in alternative hosts.
87  of ancillary protein complementarity during Rubisco biogenesis in plastids, the possible constraints
88 ed; however, incompatibilities with Paniceae Rubisco biogenesis in tobacco hindered their mutagenic t
89 de previously with maize mutants lacking the Rubisco biogenesis proteins RAF1 and BSD2.
90  ancillary molecular components required for Rubisco biogenesis.
91          In C(4) plants CO(2) is supplied to Rubisco by an auxiliary CO(2)-concentrating pathway that
92                    Replacement of land plant Rubisco by faster bacterial variants with lower CO2 spec
93     They enhance the carboxylase activity of RuBisCO by increasing the local concentration of CO2 in
94 e tobacco gene encoding the large subunit of Rubisco by inserting the large and small subunit genes o
95 prisingly simple molecular mechanism for how Rubisco can be packaged to form the pyrenoid matrix, pot
96  barrier to CO2 efflux and shows that excess Rubisco capacity is critical to attaining a high-affinit
97 etabolic pathways with varying flux ratio of RubisCO carboxylase to oxygenase may contribute to the a
98 mperature acclimation of the maximum rate of Rubisco carboxylation (Vcmax ), the maximum rate of elec
99 y no published temperature responses of both Rubisco carboxylation and oxygenation kinetics from a C4
100 etry to measure the temperature responses of Rubisco carboxylation and oxygenation kinetics, PEPc car
101  study provides new insights on the range of Rubisco catalysis and temperature response present in na
102 olute values showed significant variation in Rubisco catalysis, even between closely related species.
103 ffered from wild-type plants with respect to Rubisco catalysis, photosynthesis and growth.
104                        Here, we present full Rubisco catalytic properties measured at three temperatu
105 s confirms a role for the SSU in influencing Rubisco catalytic properties.
106                                              Rubisco catalytic traits and their thermal dependence ar
107 5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) catalyzes primary carbon dioxide assimilation.
108 lose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) catalyzes two competing reactions involving CO2
109 BisCO assembly factor (or acRAF), is a novel RuBisCO chaperone integral to alpha-carboxysome function
110 nas reinhardtii and purification of the full Rubisco complex showed that this isoform conferred highe
111 lpha-proteobacterial and red algal-inhibited rubisco complexes as a substrate.
112  and nearest neighbor analysis revealed that RuBisCO complexes were hexagonally packed within the pyr
113 om Chlamydomonas reinhardtii can form hybrid Rubisco complexes with catalytic properties similar to t
114 unt and biogenesis rate of hybrid L8(A)S8(t) Rubisco [comprising AtL and tobacco small (S) subunits]
115 lose 1,5 bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (Rubisco) concentrations were quantified as a proportion
116 ium Rhodospirillum rubrum, we show here that Rubisco concurrently catalyzes key and essential reactio
117                               The decline in Rubisco constrained Vcmax and An for leaves developed at
118                   Cyanobacteria with Form-IA Rubisco contain alpha-carboxysomes, and cyanobacteria wi
119 carboxysomes, and cyanobacteria with Form-IB Rubisco contain beta-carboxysomes.
120 cteria is characterized by the occurrence of Rubisco-containing microcompartments called carboxysomes
121                       A key component is the Rubisco-containing pyrenoid that is needed to minimise C
122 ate in elevated [CO2] inside a chloroplastic Rubisco-containing structure called a pyrenoid.
123 gh CO2 was only half of that measured in CS, Rubisco content was one-third lower, and cells of Deltar
124 or normal pyrenoid size, number, morphology, Rubisco content, and efficient carbon fixation at low CO
125 he Calvin cycle is not fully functional, but RubisCO continues to fix CO2 and synthesize 3-phosphogly
126                                   In planta, Rubisco deactivated at low irradiance except in the Arab
127 ratio increased, and the cellular content of Rubisco decreased not only absolutely, but also relative
128 d Rhodopseudomonas palustris (Rp. palustris) RubisCO-deficient (DeltaRubisCO) mutants under condition
129 the causative mutation in a seedling-lethal, Rubisco-deficient mutant named Rubisco accumulation fact
130 om mutagenesis and suppressor selection in a Rubisco deletion strain of Rhodobacter capsulatus identi
131 ture kinetics of Paniceae C3 Rubisco and PCK Rubisco differentially stimulated C3 photosynthesis rela
132  to produce a high-fidelity, high-throughput Rubisco-directed evolution (RDE2) screen that negates fa
133                         Seventeen functional RubisCO-encoded sequences were selected using DNA extrac
134  carbon-concentrating mechanism and a faster Rubisco enzyme from cyanobacteria into higher plant chlo
135 e dependence of the reaction kinetics of the Rubisco enzyme implies that, at the level of a chloropla
136                               Cyanobacterial Rubisco enzymes are faster than those of C3 plants, thou
137                                              Rubisco enzymes play central roles in carbon fixation, w
138                                 We show that RubisCO evolution has been constrained by stability-acti
139  regarding the selective pressures governing RuBisCO evolution have been limited to speculation.
140                              We investigated Rubisco evolution in Amaranthaceae sensu lato (including
141 es on the Rubisco transgenes, cyanobacterial Rubisco expression was enhanced and the transgenic plant
142  domain inserted into an otherwise canonical Rubisco fold, providing a tremendous expansion of our un
143                                The collapsed RuBisCO folding intermediate binds to the lower segment
144                     Both electron uptake and ruBisCo form I expression are stimulated by light.
145                                Clustering of RuBisCO Form II with a highly prevalent Zetaproteobacter
146 presentatives of all known extant functional Rubisco forms found in nature are capable of simultaneou
147                   In addition, the different Rubisco forms present in each carboxysome had almost ide
148 ico ancestral sequences and 3D structures of RubisCO from a large group of related C3 and C4 species.
149 etic response between 10 and 37 degrees C by Rubisco from C3 and C4 species within the grass tribe Pa
150              As an example, at 25 degrees C, Rubisco from Hordeum vulgare and Glycine max presented,
151 thways was twofold greater than the kcatc of Rubisco from NAD-ME species across all temperatures.
152 bacco plants grow photoautotrophically using Rubisco from Synechococcus elongatus, although the plant
153            The CO2 fixation rate (kcatc) for Rubisco from the C4 grasses with nicotinamide adenine di
154 transplastomic tobacco lines with functional Rubisco from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus
155 ive evolution rounds using the plant-like Te-Rubisco from the cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elon
156 rgely affected the assimilation potential of Rubisco from the different crops, especially under those
157                                              Rubisco, fructose-1,6-biosphosphatase, and seduheptulose
158 on for the ability of R. stricta to maintain Rubisco function at high temperatures.
159                                              Rubisco generally decreased with increasing CO(2) and wi
160 rophic growth, and their respective forms of Rubisco had higher rates of CO2 fixation per unit of enz
161 ysis of the photosynthetic CO2-fixing enzyme Rubisco has been a longstanding challenge.
162 tabolism, suggesting that the active site of Rubisco has evolved to ensure that this enzyme maintains
163 ledge of the assembly pathway of chloroplast Rubisco has hampered efforts to fully delineate the enzy
164  The counterproductive oxygenase activity of RuBisCO has persisted over billions of years of evolutio
165  However, photosynthesis and, in particular, Rubisco have not been characterized in trichomes.
166 ized folding and assembly requirements of Te-Rubisco hinder its heterologous expression in leaf chlor
167 nt transformation strategies, replacement of Rubisco in a model C3 plant with cyanobacterial Rubisco
168  is not known whether selection has acted on Rubisco in a similar way in eudicots.
169                                              Rubisco in Arabidopsis was re-engineered to incorporate
170 ill aid in advancing engineering of improved Rubisco in crop systems.
171  produce the observed lattice arrangement of Rubisco in the Chlamydomonas pyrenoid.
172 nts, carbonic anhydrases, and aggregation of Rubisco in the chloroplast pyrenoid.
173 on of atmospheric CO2 and its processing via Rubisco in the subsequent light period - are now reasona
174 lose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) in a paracrystalline lattice, making it possibl
175 ncapsulating the key carbon fixation enzyme, Rubisco, in the interior.
176 pin renders the assembly of a cyanobacterial Rubisco independent of RbcX.
177 many photosynthetic organisms, tight-binding Rubisco inhibitors are released by the motor protein Rub
178 and colocalization of carbonic anhydrase and RuBisCO inside proteinaceous microcompartments called ca
179  identity of 89 pyrenoid proteins, including Rubisco-interacting proteins, photosystem I assembly fac
180 -type ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RubisCO) involved in AMP recycling.
181                                       Form I Rubisco is a cylindrical complex composed of eight large
182   Increasing the concentration of CO2 around Rubisco is a strategy used by photosynthetic prokaryotes
183 atalytic properties of the CO2-fixing enzyme Rubisco is a target for improving agricultural crop prod
184                                              Rubisco is primarily found in the chloroplasts of mesoph
185                                              Rubisco is prone to inhibition by tight-binding sugar ph
186 lose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) is a critical yet severely inefficient enzyme t
187 lose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco) is inhibited by nonproductive binding of its su
188 lose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) is the key enzyme involved in photosynthetic ca
189 lose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) is the major enzyme assimilating atmospheric CO
190 ulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) is the most abundant enzyme in plants and is re
191 his high protein concentration, like that of Rubisco, is necessitated by slow enzyme rates, and that
192 ll allow for further improvements by using a Rubisco isoform adapted to high [CO(2)].
193 rchaeon Methanococcoides burtonii contains a Rubisco isoform that functions to scavenge the ribulose-
194 A(sat)) and to determine whether a different Rubisco isoform would perform better in a leaf with a cy
195 lutionary constraints, prompting interest in Rubisco isoforms from non-photosynthetic organisms.
196                                      Several Rubisco isoforms were compared in the model, and increas
197 he existence of significant variation in the Rubisco kinetics among species.
198                                      Because Rubisco kinetics and their temperature dependency were s
199     In this study, we present the profile of Rubisco kinetics for 20 crop species at three different
200 f no interaction vs. an interaction based on Rubisco kinetics from the available experimental databas
201 nse of the different kinetic parameters, the Rubisco Km for CO2 presented higher energy of activation
202 temperature, and compared synthesis rates of Rubisco large and small subunits of in the light and dar
203            In raf2 mutants newly synthesized Rubisco large subunit accumulates in a high-molecular we
204  algal systems and involves threading of the rubisco large subunit C terminus.
205                          The analysis of the Rubisco large subunit sequence revealed the existence of
206 roteins (e.g. heat shock proteins 70 and 90, Rubisco large subunit, and ferredoxin-glutamate synthase
207 a lesser extent, co-immunoprecipitation with Rubisco large subunit.
208 mic tobacco genotypes expressing Arabidopsis Rubisco large subunits (AtL), both on their own (produci
209 carboxylation and high temperature) inducing Rubisco-limited photosynthesis.
210 current atmospheric CO2 partial pressure was Rubisco-limited.
211         The crystal structure of M. burtonii Rubisco (MbR) presented here at 2.6 A resolution is comp
212 sotopic data consistent with the presence of Rubisco-mediated CO2-fixation, extends to ~3500 million
213 lection that recovers physiologically active RubisCO molecules directly from uncultivated and largely
214 (AtL), despite >threefold lower steady-state Rubisco mRNA levels in tob(AtL-R1).
215                    In psychrophilic diatoms, Rubisco must be almost fully active and near CO2 saturat
216 gher plants, dead-end inhibited complexes of Rubisco must constantly be engaged and remodeled by the
217 cribed from the cbbLS genes (encoding form I RubisCO) of the cbbI operon.
218 lose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) often limit plant productivity.
219 reduced either by concentrating CO(2) around Rubisco or by modifying the kinetic properties of Rubisc
220 ts for the potential compartmentalization of Rubisco or other proteins.
221 tron microscopy revealed that Rca docks onto Rubisco over one active site at a time, positioning the
222  shown to increase yields by suppressing the Rubisco oxygenase reaction and, in turn, photorespiratio
223 s 2-phosphoglycolate, a toxic product of the Rubisco oxygenation reaction.
224  pyrenoid matrix, potentially explaining how Rubisco packaging into a pyrenoid could have evolved acr
225              The temperature dependencies of Rubisco, PEPc, and CA kinetic parameters are provided.
226 otentially limited by the enzymatic rates of Rubisco, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPc), and car
227 lose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) plays a critical role in sustaining life by cat
228 zyme, ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RubisCO), prevents photoheterotrophic growth unless an e
229 be adequate for assembly of a cyanobacterial Rubisco, prior transgenic plants included the cyanobacte
230  on the extraction of soluble proteins, like rubisco protein, leaving more than half of all protein u
231  three protein-coding genes (the chloroplast rubisco protein, mammal mitochondrial proteins, and an i
232           Efficiency requires saturating the RuBisCO reaction, staying below saturation for carbonic
233 -2-phosphate, the most abundant byproduct of RubisCO reactions.
234 (cTP), and N-terminal domains to the ATPase, Rubisco recognition and C-terminal domains.
235 i increased the amount of soluble, assembled RuBisCO recovered from cell lysates compared with co-exp
236                          In all experiments, Rubisco represented < 6% of total protein.
237                                              Rubisco (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase
238               However, the complex nature of Rubisco's assembly has made manipulation of the enzyme e
239 dvances in understanding the complexities of Rubisco's biogenesis in plastids and the development of
240         Active inorganic carbon (Ci) uptake, Rubisco sequestration and interconversion between differ
241  functional CCM in eukaryotic algae requires Rubisco sequestration, rapid interconversion between CO2
242 lose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), simultaneously enhancing carbon fixation and s
243 d two well-studied TPs from the precursor of RuBisCO small subunit (SStp) and ferredoxin (Fdtp).
244 of Rubisco to the pyrenoid, namely the algal Rubisco small subunit (SSU, encoded by rbcS) or only the
245 ansit peptide derived from chl-PGK or with a Rubisco small subunit can partially restore BaMV accumul
246 sing both genes under the control of 35S and Rubisco small subunit promoters produced methylketones i
247  of the almost exclusive localization of the Rubisco small subunit protein to the pyrenoid of the C.
248 gapcp2) under the control of photosynthetic (Rubisco small subunit RBCS2B [RBCS]) or heterotrophic (p
249 nstrated co-immunoprecipitation of each with Rubisco small subunit, and to a lesser extent, co-immuno
250 tivated tomato under the control of the 35S, Rubisco small subunit, and tomato trichome-specific prom
251 otiana tabacum) trichomes contain a specific Rubisco small subunit, NtRbcS-T, which belongs to an unc
252 1 and BSD2 form transient complexes with the Rubisco small subunit, which in turn assembles with the
253 d form II multimer ever solved and the first RubisCO structure obtained from an uncultivated bacteriu
254 igomer arrangement is unique among all known Rubisco structures, including the form II homolog from R
255 inales order are proposed to belong to a new Rubisco subgroup, named form IIIB.
256 alytic properties similar to those of native Rubisco, suggesting that the alpha-helices are catalytic
257  members of the PdxA, class II aldolase, and RuBisCO superfamilies are phosphorylated, we postulated
258 sphate carboxylase/oxygenase, large subunit (RuBisCO) superfamily.
259 sed by CA, and show similarities between the Rubisco temperature responses of previously measured C3
260 lose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO), the carboxylating enzyme of the Calvin-Benson
261 at of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RubisCO), the enzyme responsible for fixation of CO2 dur
262 eful oxygenase activity and slow turnover of Rubisco, the enzyme is among the most important targets
263  As previously seen for Synechocccus PCC6301 Rubisco, the specialized folding and assembly requiremen
264 es a potential means of elevating [CO(2)] at Rubisco, thereby decreasing photorespiration and increas
265 le abundance to Rubisco and colocalizes with Rubisco throughout the pyrenoid.
266 ysis to remove tight binding inhibitors from Rubisco, thus playing a key role in regulating photosynt
267 analysis reveals the propensity of ancestral RuBisCO to be encapsulated into modern-day carboxysomes,
268 logical breakthroughs now allow higher plant Rubisco to be engineered and assembled successfully in p
269 d biogenesis by the finding that EPYC1 binds Rubisco to form the pyrenoid matrix.
270 ssential Pyrenoid Component 1 (EPYC1), links Rubisco to form the pyrenoid.
271 pecies to thermal stability of RCA, enabling Rubisco to remain active.
272 critical to tailoring the properties of crop Rubisco to suit future climates.
273 ation reaction did not affect the ability of Rubisco to support anaerobic 5-methylthioadenosine metab
274 e thought to be essential for recruitment of Rubisco to the pyrenoid, namely the algal Rubisco small
275 lose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (RuBisCO) to CO2 under conditions of high oxygen concentr
276                                Both forms of RuBisCO, together with ATP citrate lyase genes in the rT
277 ltering the gene regulatory sequences on the Rubisco transgenes, cyanobacterial Rubisco expression wa
278                         At -1 degrees C, the Rubisco turnover rate, kcat (c) , was 0.4 C s(-1) per si
279 e that secretory trichomes have a particular Rubisco uniquely adapted to secretory cells where CO2 is
280 sulted from a high capacity for both maximum Rubisco (Vc,max 117 mumol CO2 m(-2) s(-1)) and ribulose-
281 c capacity (maximal rate of carboxylation of Rubisco (Vcmax ), and the maximum rate of electron trans
282 lpha4-beta4 surface loop that interacts with Rubisco via Lys-216.
283 esented by the maximum carboxylation rate of Rubisco (Vmax), the maximum electron transport rate (Jma
284 MF trees examined, a substantial fraction of Rubisco was inactive.
285 The migration of the two gases in and around Rubisco was investigated using molecular dynamics simula
286                                              Rubisco was measured using quantitative Western blots, a
287  To study its effect on plant growth, the Te-Rubisco was transformed into tobacco by chloroplast tran
288 e of the most abundant protein in the world, Rubisco, we determine its synthesis cost in terms of ATP
289 roducing near wild-type levels of the hybrid Rubisco were similar to those of wild-type controls.
290 ited by features of the carbon-fixing enzyme Rubisco, which exhibits a low turnover rate and can reac
291                 Central to photosynthesis is Rubisco, which is a critical but often rate-limiting com
292 ture was less pronounced for PCK and NADP-ME Rubisco, which would be advantageous in warmer climates
293 co and enhances carbon fixation by supplying Rubisco with a high concentration of CO2 Since the disco
294  cell lysates compared with co-expression of RuBisCO with GroELS alone.
295 efits of introduction of non-native forms of Rubisco with higher carboxylation rate constants in vasc
296 though some of the species tended to present Rubisco with higher thermal sensitivity (e.g. Oryza sati
297  the transit peptide of the small subunit of Rubisco with mature HMR rescues both its plastidial and
298 lose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) with carbonic anhydrase.
299 lose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) with O2 instead of CO2 , leading to the costly
300  supplying the central carbon-fixing enzyme, Rubisco, with a higher concentration of its substrate, C

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