コーパス検索結果 (left1)
1 S. bovis and S. bovis variant (sometimes referred to as
2 S. bovis is divided into two biotypes: I and II.
6 reported for the Streptococcus pyogenes and S. bovis groups of species, even though many streptococc
7 S. bovis biotype II/2, those of cluster 1 as S. bovis biotype II/1, and that of cluster 2a as S. bovi
9 system identified isolates of cluster 2b as S. bovis biotype II/2, those of cluster 1 as S. bovis bi
11 ly related to and historically identified as S. bovis (e.g., S. macedonicus) are associated with mali
12 om 1975 to 1985 and previously identified as S. bovis or streptococcus group D nonenterococci were sh
13 d S. bovis variant (sometimes referred to as S. bovis biotypes I and II, respectively) are phenotypic
15 ate with bacteremia and meningitis caused by S. bovis variant (S. bovis biotype II/2) and review the
16 cellent correlation of biotype and genotype: S. bovis biotype II/2 isolates form a separate genospeci
18 development of a PCR test which can identify S. bovis biotype I strains among S. bovis clinical isola
20 ledge, the third documented case of neonatal S. bovis meningitis in the English language literature.
24 oup D nonenterococci were shown to represent S. bovis biotypes I (11 isolates) and II/2 (1 isolate),
25 orm a separate genospecies distinct from the S. bovis, S. gallolyticus, and S. infantarius type strai
26 o explore the incidence of competence in the S. bovis group, 25 isolates of S. infantarius and S. mac
28 clude that at least these two species of the S. bovis group retain a robust system of natural transfo
29 ovide a brief overview of the history of the S. bovis group, an outline of the currently accepted cla
30 distance of about 2.5% dissimilarity to the S. bovis type strain (cluster 2) and were associated wit
31 fection (UTI), and sepsis clustered with the S. bovis type strain ATCC 33317 (cluster 1); other close
32 luster 2b) that was biochemically similar to S. bovis biotype II/2 (mannitol negative and beta galact
35 atio for gender and age (+/-3 years) without S. bovis bacteremia and personal history of CRN and with
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