


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tein (SAP) kinases p46/54 SAP kinase and p38 SAP kinase.
2 s in response to UV, a potent inducer of JNK/SAP kinase activity, requires serines 63/73.
3                        Inhibition of the p38 SAP kinase also dramatically reduced basal [3H]thymidine
4 tress-activated protein (SAP) kinases p46/54 SAP kinase and p38 SAP kinase.
5  MAP kinase cascade, but a similar degree of SAP kinase cascade activation.
6 pecific inhibitors of p42 MAP kinase and p38 SAP kinase function, respectively.
7 it nuclear signalling events mediated by the SAP kinases in response to UV radiation.
8 arkedly activated the MAP kinases, ERK-1 and SAP kinase (JNK), which are substrates for MEK-1 and SEK
9 kinases; Erks) and stress-activated protein (SAP) kinases mediate cellular responses to a wide variet
10  the stress-mediated activation of the JNK-1 SAP kinase or RK/p38 in vivo, or to inhibit nuclear sign
11 er components of the pathway mediated by the SAP kinase p38 change their cellular location on activat
12 also activated the stress-activated protein (SAP) kinases p46/54 SAP kinase and p38 SAP kinase.
13 nhibitor (PD98059) the basal activity of the SAP kinase pathway was enhanced twofold, and the ability
14 of a 1 Gy radiation exposure to activate the SAP kinase pathway was increased approximately sixfold 6
15                                   In the p38 SAP kinase pathway, MAPKAP kinase-2 serves both as an ef
16 tivities of protein kinase A and the MAP and SAP kinase pathways may represent one physiological mech
17 n (MAP) kinase and stress activated protein (SAP) kinase pathways, and induced p21(Cip-1/WAF1) via a
18 rmacologic assessment of Erk/MAP kinase, Jnk/SAP kinase, PI 3-kinase, protein kinase C, and the Src-r
19                  These data suggest that p38 SAP kinase plays a permissive role in liver regeneration
20                                      The p38 SAP kinase substrate MAP-kinase-activated protein kinase
21 ccurs upon PHX and results in an increase in SAP kinase versus MAP kinase signaling by catecholamines
22 ely 60% identical to that of the other three SAP kinases which contain a TGY motif in their activatio
23 ctivity of MAP and stress-activated protein (SAP) kinases, which results in decreased insulin signali

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